Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 547 Fishermen

The hot and warm light makes the seaside more lively.

Someone was walking down the cargo ship step by step carrying heavy objects, sweating like melted water droplets on a popsicle.

Someone deliberately lay down on the beach in the distance and let the sun shine.

There are also people like Lawrence who swim in the sea near the Evernight Lighthouse to keep fit and adapt their strength to the sea water.

By the way, help salvage shrimps, crabs, kelp, sea vegetables and other marine plants are very large in size. In this world, there are some troublesome sea beasts hidden in the dense marine plant communities, so it will be difficult to rely on women to do this kind of thing.

Because all walks of life are developing, and external expansion requires a large number of men, few men are willing to be fishermen, especially fishermen families related to water people.

A large number of water people are engaged in fishermen's work. They are the group that least want young people and men from their own families to engage in this kind of industry.

In the past, we had no choice but to rely on this for food. We must let children master this survival skill.

But now you can be a soldier, you can be an apprentice worker, you can also farm the land and vegetables for the prophet's family, or even go to the tavern to help earn some leftovers.

Strong men can make more money by working as stevedores at the docks than fishing for fish and shrimp every day, and they are safer.

Because of the hardships he has endured, he is extremely reluctant and even thinks it is a shame for a man in his family to do this.

Given the choice, fewer and fewer people are willing to engage in fishing.

At present, fishermen are not paid wages. Only those in the early stage and more important technical research and rights positions are paid.

Fishermen were not within the scope of Lawrence's consideration. There were too many positions and groups that were more important than them.

It wasn't until I went into the water today to help salvage underwater things that I suddenly realized the suffering of this group.

Emerging from the turbid water, Lawrence looked around and found the location of the collection ship. He quickly swam over and threw the crabs in his hands onto the ship.

There are obvious differences in the temperature of the sea water. Only a few places on the surface are warmer, while the soles of the feet can feel cold.

The seawater in this area does not heat up and is not suitable for traditional underwater work.

Lawrence dived into the water and continued to catch crabs and lobsters. There were too many crabs to catch. There are very few people here who like to eat lobsters and crabs. Most immigrants do not like to eat these things.

Eating seafood requires seasonings, which is a heavy burden for most people nowadays. Only the prophets can use various seasonings so luxuriously.

Lawrence, who was swimming in the water, gradually adapted to the complex underwater environment. In various barbarian legends, barbarian warriors would fight various sea monsters in harsh stormy weather.

After two or three hours of adapting to the seawater full of blisters and various dirty floating objects, Lawrence found that he still did not reach the legendary average level of the barbarians.

"Master! There's no room for it! There are crabs, shrimps, and fish all over the boat!"

Lawrence, who was underwater, felt the slapping sound from above. He quickly emerged from the water more than ten meters deep and saw Sophia slapping the water with a paddle.

After seeing Lawrence coming up, Sophia quickly greeted: "Master, these are enough for us!"

"Then go back." Lawrence looked around and saw that the fishermen in the distance were still working.

The fishermen use sickles tied to long wooden sticks to cut sea vegetables in the water. They cut off a corner of the heavy sea vegetables floating in the sea like the shadow of giant beasts and put them on the boat to take back.

The seaweed group is very large, dense and crowded, and it takes a long time to cut off a large piece with a knife. If it is cut too small, it will delay the work.

It is difficult to exert force on a boat. Under water, it is easy to get trapped by the tentacles of floating seaweeds, or the heavy seaweed groups are pushed by wind and waves and press people in.

Most of the time, these heavy items are pushed to the shore by the waves, rather than needing to be salvaged in deep water.

Lawrence shouted into the distance: "Go back! Today's work is done!"

The fishermen in the distance quickly felt relieved after hearing this and began to call the fishermen under the sea to come up and go home.

There is no need for so much seafood and vegetables in the tavern. These fishermen mostly provide cold dishes and side dishes to the prophet's family.

Because he was working for the prophet’s family, the prophet’s words were the most convincing.

It's not considered a job, just working for the prophet's family.

There are hundreds of thousands of slaves like this in the Kingdom of Stars. On the contrary, the people in the conquered lands of Gran Province and Io Province are not treated as slaves.

A slave indeed, but also a personal servant of the Prophet.

Although the fishermen are poor, do not like the work of salvage, and do not like to eat seafood, they all attach great importance to the identity of this prophet's personal servant. It is with this identity that they can carry out several important tasks in the land of ice, especially in Dumu Port. Place to live and live.

Lawrence first returned to the shore. After experiencing the hardship of working in the sea, Lawrence decided to include the work of these fishermen in the wage system.

There was too much food to eat anyway, and logically speaking, private servants should have been paid.

Lawrence hasn't been paying attention to the war outside at all recently. He is mainly busy with paying wages and counting assets.

After taking inventory, I found that even after distributing a large amount of food, there was still too much to pile up.

The past few years have been smooth sailing, with no harassment by pirates or exploitation by the nobility and church. This is because Lawrence has contained everyone's firepower for a long time and dragged the violent classes into the battlefield in the coastal areas, resulting in peace and tranquility in most agricultural areas. After that, I rested for seven or eight years.

Especially in the past two or three years, the church's tentacles have been interrupted and the church's claim to the northern countries has been cut off. The aristocrats of several major kingdoms have also focused on war and new technologies, ignoring the population at the bottom.

Although there is still a lot of exploitation and oppression, the growth of food is greater than the growth of population. In order to purchase goods from the Kingdom of Stars, the only bulk commodity that countries can offer is food.

Oak City and a few warehouses alone cannot hold the food shipped from all over the continent. Even if a batch is sent out now, it will not solve this bloated problem.

Lawrence decided to send some more to those in need, especially his own people.

However, the rations for fishermen still cannot be too high. This area is not suitable for traditional fishing, and there are no large fishing boats for these people. In recent years, just doing a little work in the coastal area can meet the needs of the castle.

Ration wages mainly provided for the legions and craftsmen, especially those families in the early days.

Someone was already waiting on the shore, and the dark elf maid used a wet towel to wipe the seawater off Lawrence's body.

Lawrence allowed the dark elf to wipe himself clean.

"Satis, from now on, each of these fishermen will be given two hundred kilograms of grains every month."

After hearing this, Satis quickly said: "These fishermen are under Dora's care. Every month when they deliver sea vegetables and seafood to us, we get some millet, and we also get briquettes and wine in the cold winter."

Lawrence didn't know about this, it was the first time he heard about it.

But there is no need for doubt, Lawrence knows very well that fishermen also need to live, especially in a place like Dumu Port.

These people were the early builders of Dumu Port, and they were a large group. In addition, after Seravan was promoted, the waterman Rao became one of the local governors. Lawrence's maids also included ordinary people like Dora the Sea Lady. Fisher Girl.

Although it is very unimportant compared to the witches and some maids, the water man's status and living standard are not bad because of these two "officials".

Dumu Port has not experienced strong winds and waves. It is peaceful and worry-free, without tyranny and chaos. The water people who settle and work as slaves of the prophet cannot live worse than the outsiders.

The work of ocean fishing is indeed hard, but these people can usually eat meat, drink wine, and have a sheltered house to live in. Especially during the period when outsiders are trying hard to come in, these people can marry very, very easily. Wife, support the whole family.

After discovering that his worries were unnecessary, Lawrence quickly accepted the fact.

"Then I'll give you fifty more pounds of miscellaneous grains every month."

Water people are also human beings, and they will also think of ways to make their lives better, whether it is to let their children engage in more prestigious jobs, or when it comes to spouse selection and various choices, the way of thinking is actually the same as that of people in civilized societies.

It's just that most of the time there aren't so many options for them to show their wisdom. Most people's lives are limited to their own small circles and they can't see the outside world.

Sofia was very unhappy with Lawrence's generous behavior, "Why do you still have to give me more? I've already given you a lot!"

Lawrence smiled and said: "We can't finish the food. You see, many cargo ships outside bring very, very large amounts of food every day, and distribute some food to the people below. Maybe they can research more cooking methods for millet and beans. Drive the development of our cuisine.”

Sophia no longer cared about the food issues and looked at Lawrence in shock, "Is this really going to happen?"

Lawrence smiled confidently, "Of course, no one hates delicious meals, and we have this advantage now."

Sophia didn't know what advantage she had here, but she believed in the result out of her trust in Lawrence, and quickly stopped paying attention to the distribution of grain.

"Then it's okay to give them some grain. Let them continue to work for us!" Sophia held her head high, extremely proud.

Lawrence felt that this was enough and there was no need to explain too much at this stage.

The war drove population migration and stimulated the development of agricultural technology. In conjunction with industry, craftsmen, soldiers, adventurers, and aristocrats, professions that were picky about food, the Ice Land had excellent development advantages in cooking technology.

When uneatable grains are distributed, the people will naturally process and preserve the grains in different ways.

Various strange foods may be born from wisdom or accident.

Lawrence is also looking forward to what the future holds.

Not only scientific knowledge, but also cooking techniques have been almost completely taught.

It's like raising a group of fish in a fish pond, or planting a large number of seeds in the ground. Now I am looking forward to the day when this knowledge will sprout and bear fruit.

At the same time, the payment of rations and wages can further enhance the cohesion of the core position.

Lawrence spent more than ten years to determine one thing, that is, in this era, people in this world are not only not lagging behind in IQ, but are superior in learning ability and thinking.

What limits them is mainly the environment and atmosphere, as well as the meager resources at hand.

In addition to wizards and witches, there are also all kinds of capable and courageous people who are powerful. If these people do not rely on themselves but rely on others, they will have a very bad influence.

A high quality of life and a firm sense of purpose are more likely to attract these people.

The main reason for being able to win over Dana is the training of the next generation here, especially the sharing of knowledge with the people around him and the encouragement of scientific researchers.

At present, we are still a little far from ideal. Most people are still chasing food and clothing. Once they have enough to eat and drink and get used to a life where they don’t need to worry about safety, they will feel that such a life is too boring and start chasing things that are not so easy. Get the target.

At the same time, most people are actually willing to live a mediocre life.

In the harbor monastery, the young witches began to learn to make large clock equipment under the leadership of Sophia.

This kind of knowledge is new to all the nuns. Whether they are nobles or trainees who came as female slaves, they gathered in the church to observe.

While these people are learning new knowledge, there are also people who stay quietly in remote places.

Ever since little nun Lana raised the children of the Sea Tribe, her relationship with the other nuns has not been so good.

In the past, she often worked and talked with some nuns who did odd jobs. Now those nuns go to help the trainees, and no one comes to the backyard to play with her.

A while ago, I went to show off to other nuns because I got food, but I found that the nuns doing chores didn't care at all.

"I'm going to run an errand for the aristocratic lady. If they're happy, they'll give me a piece of candy, so I won't eat the wheat and rotten beans like you."

Others' words made Lana feel envious and sad.

They were also doing odd jobs, but Lana didn't know the ladies who came to live in the monastery, and they didn't know why they didn't ask her to help them run errands and buy things.

The longer Lana took care of the little fishman, the more out of touch Lana became with the nuns outside.

Fortunately, in addition to taking care of the little fishman, Lana also has to clean the yard and the nearby cowshed, clean up the weeds regularly, and go to pray on time every week.

Lana cleans the wet grass stained with cow dung and urine in the cowshed where three cows, two cows and a calf are raised.

The cows were taken out to work, and the calf was left in the yard by Lana.

The temperature in summer was a bit sultry, and the honest calf with fine downy hair quickly walked to the water tank. While looking outside with its big eyes open, it also put its mouth in the water tank and drank the clear water here.

The water here is clearer than the water in the sink, and has a lot of salt. Usually the big cow and the little cow will secretly drink the water here when Lana is not paying attention.

After the calf secretly sucked the water and drank a few centimeters of water without moving, the little fishman who was sleeping in the water tank quickly jumped out of the water.


The little fish man's body fell from the sky to the water, and when he fell, he slapped the calf hard on the face with his joined hands.

The calf turned around in pain and ran a few steps to avoid the monster in the water tank.

The little fish man opened his mouth and exposed his sharp teeth to threaten the calf, which was more than ten times his size.

The calf looked quietly at this strange thing that drank the same milk as itself.

Both sides glared at each other.

Lana poked her head out of the bullpen at this time, and when she saw the little fish and the calf, she knew they were fighting again.

"Don't quarrel or fight. I'll clean it up soon." Lana quickly stopped the fight, but soon seemed relieved and continued busy with her own things.

Because of the sunlight, the little fish man quickly sank into the water tank to take a nap to avoid the strong light at this time.

After finishing cleaning the cowshed, Lana wiped her sweat and decided to go to the kitchen to order some water and see if dinner was ready.

As soon as she approached the kitchen, Lana saw the old nun, and she immediately wanted to turn around and go back to the yard, and come back later.

The old nun who was scolding the other nuns also spotted the little nun who was about to run away.

"Lana! Come here!"

The little nun had no choice but to lower her head and move over carefully.

The old nun did not reprimand the little nun. Before the little nun could get close, she said, "The prophet just sent a batch of fish and sea vegetables. Let us give you a pot of small fish and sea vegetables. Let's see if the sea tribe can eat these." You have to remember what to eat with that thing, the prophet might ask that.”

The little nun wanted to know why the prophet asked this. Didn’t the prophet know everything?

Fortunately, the old nun's majesty intimidated the young nun and did not let the young nun ask such a provocative question.

In the evening, the little nun quickly returned with the fish, shrimp and sea vegetables for the little fish man. After placing the small washbasin with the fish, shrimp and sea vegetables in the water tank, she quickly ran to the canteen to eat.

"Today's meal is white bread, vegetable soup, and fried chicken!" The little nun excitedly ran to eat the rice.

Although Lawrence allowed her to bring food back to eat, the little nun knew very well that there would be extra meals in the cafeteria today! !

Today, the food was richer because the nuns were learning knowledge with Sophia and discussing how to install a clock in the monastery.

The food in the monastery is fixed, and there are different main dishes every Monday to Sunday. In addition, if there are important people coming to eat together, the food will be more abundant.

Saint Sophia is a big shot of this level, and the little nun has also benefited from it, so she can have a good meal.

After dark, the little nun who was full, holding a lantern in one hand and stroking her belly with the other, went home to sleep with satisfaction.

As soon as he entered the yard, he found a pair of green eyes looking at him.

The little nun then remembered the little fish-man and walked over to pick up the little fish-man lying next to the water tank.

"Go to bed~ I'm so tired today~" the little nun said proudly: "You can only have the strength to sleep after you eat!"

The little fish man quickly curled up and leaned into the warm arms of the little nun, and went into the hut to sleep with the little nun.

All the fish and shrimp in the water basin had been eaten, and most of the sea vegetables had been eaten, but the little nun who quickly fell asleep had obviously forgotten what the little fishman liked to eat. (End of chapter)

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