Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 548 Expansion

Good news from the west soon came. The Covenant Alliance forces occupied the church's home base, the warmest and most fertile land, and the most comfortable and prosperous bay!

The entire Kingdom of Stars entered a festive atmosphere. They drove away powerful enemies and expelled the terrifying fire dragon!

Lawrence was as calm as ever. After spending several hours thinking about the behavior he didn't understand in shock and confusion, he finally found a decent explanation.

"It's not a plan. It's not a plan to give up the entire country and most of the believers. It's more like an act of escape."

Because of traditional thinking, Lawrence could not understand why the mysterious and powerful transcendent pope would leave directly without even a bit of decent resistance.

The other party is mysterious and powerful, and in Lawrence's mind is a very dangerous existence.

But such a strong man did something that did not meet Lawrence's definition of a strong man.

In the end, Lawrence could only use his own thinking to explain this outrageous behavior.

"Those in power don't care about the situation below at all. For them, the collective is just a tool to gain benefits, and they firmly believe that they can still do this even if they go elsewhere."

Lawrence suddenly opened his mind, "So that means my abilities can still be used normally even if I leave the Land of Stars?"

"That's good news, for me."

Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had no intention of leaving the Ice Land, the actions of the Church of the Dawn gave Lawrence some confidence. "Then it's time to divide the church's land and assets. Although the report says that many treasures have been taken away and there is not much of the population left, the land cannot be taken away."

"Although as I said before, whoever captures it will get it, but I still want a tropical island as a vacation island and regular beach parties."

"Then let's buy a small island from them. It's just a small island. It's not worth much. It's said to be to deal with the pirates in the south and the remnants of the church."

"It's okay to stay at the beach for a few days. There's no need to live there forever. If you really want a comfortable garden area, the mountains would be a good choice."

Lawrence quickly distinguished between things outside and things at home.

Things outside are the business of the Star Alliance, and things at home are the business of yourself and your family.

Women at home don't actually like liveliness. They like a quiet atmosphere, something that is quiet and comfortable without being too lonely.

Due to the recent addition of too many people to Oak City, and the settlement of people on some nearby land, you can see houses and large fields of farmland and vegetable fields looking out from the ring building.

This lively and peaceful atmosphere is not liked by these extraordinary women. In fact, they don't like to live too close to ordinary people.

I want to enjoy a good life and the convenience brought by the population, but also not have so many low-quality people around me. Even to the point where except for the people I want to see and the people I want to tell them to do, no other people should appear in my sight. And the servants must be available at all times.

These are not difficult to achieve. Lawrence has realized the concealment and service awareness of the dark elves, and after investigation and experience, he found that this need is not difficult to achieve.

At least for the powerful top witches, this request is reasonable.

Just as he thought, Lawrence looked around and found that Kehalan, Catherine and Delen Jade were playing cards downstairs.

Sofia has recently been busy designing large bell towers in various churches and monasteries. This kind of face-saving project is business for believers.

Salil took her two children to school to learn, so that the two little guys who didn't like studying could feel the learning atmosphere.

Lawrence walked to the card table and sat down with Jade, who was relatively thin.

"In the next month or two, we will be busy with the port and alliance matters, participating in the distribution matters after the victory. In short, it will be some insignificant conversations."

Lawrence's words received no response from the others.

Kehalan continued to look at his cards. The thinking and memory abilities of witches allowed them to remember clearly the cards played by others without the need for a card recorder. In addition, their personalities did not urge others to play cards, so A poker game will take the normal time of two or three hands.

Lawrence continued: "The next main thing is to distribute and coordinate this harvest. Then, taking advantage of this slightly peaceful period, I will develop the middle section of the mountain and build a snow mountain castle there."

Jade asked curiously: "You want to build a castle on the snow mountain?"

Lawrence hugged Jade's waist and said with a smile: "No, the castle is built on the mountainside flatland on the other side of us. The winter there is not as cold as here, and the spring is much earlier than here."

Delen quickly understood what Lawrence meant. Since Lawrence was talking about this here, there must be something to arrange.

"Do you need me to go there?" Delen raised his eyebrows, guessing what Lawrence was thinking.

Lawrence really means this, "Your ability is very suitable for quickly establishing a solid base, and you also have excellent perception of the environment and anomalies in the mountains, especially since you have been there once before."

Delen thought for a moment and quickly calculated various needs and problems.

"How to provide food and housing?" Delen simply asked a question, which also included a series of treatment issues. One sentence expressed many attitudes.

"The food will be brought there together, and the accommodation will be easily settled according to your ability." Lawrence reassured: "I won't let you go directly. I sent a team of people to establish an outpost there a month or two ago. and a lumber camp, built a number of houses, and raised some chickens and sheep.”

"It has been laid out as a scientific research site and craftsman area for some time. You used to be responsible for the place where we live. I plan to let you set off in two months. It will be autumn by then, and the roads and climate will be much better."

“If all goes well, I’ll spend the winter there this year.”

Delen nodded and said happily: "Okay."

Seeing that Delen agreed, Kharan also felt that this matter would have something to do with him.

"Do you need me to come over?"

"Need." Lawrence nodded and admitted, "The second-level area has large lakes and pools, and there are very few soil areas suitable for crops. I hope you can cultivate aquatic crops from local crops in the past. I have asked businessmen to look for it. Time will bring back the right seeds.”

Relying on its huge territory and population, as well as taking care of merchants from all over the world, Lawrence can get some strange seeds from all over the continent every year.

After initially relying on agricultural commerce to develop, the huge advantages brought by strength also benefited commerce and agriculture.

Especially now that the Western Church has been solved, a huge amount of power can be freed up to concentrate on dealing with the Holy Light Church. When the time comes, more businessmen and nobles will also take the initiative to pay their respects.

Catherine and Jade did not take the initiative to ask. They both had their own affairs to be responsible for, and neither of them had anything to do with the business of expanding the new city.

Catherine's role is unique and cannot be replaced by anyone. Even though Lawrence basically doesn't let her change these days, but takes her around in human form, if an emergency really happens, Catherine can definitely provide huge help.

Jade's main job is to discipline the students of Saint Lady Academy, and is responsible for making these researchers follow the rules and develop research. At the same time, he also relies on business knowledge and past management capabilities to remotely supervise the construction of the Swamp Trading Port.

Lawrence touched Jade's strange seaweed-like hair and said, "Jade, in half a month you will take Heidi and the others to the foot of the snow-capped mountains for a two-month research internship."

Jade asked strangely: "Why me? What do I need to do?"

Lawrence naturally has his own considerations, "The waterfall industrial area designed by Heidi is ready to be launched. This kind of thing cannot just stay on paper. She and her partners need to go and see the waterfall terrain there in person. At the same time, you can observe and listen." The ability can better measure the terrain map, plus the group of girls also need to be looked after by someone after they go out."

"Just let Heidi and the others think about industrial matters. I will decide whether to adopt it later. You are mainly responsible for finding suitable addresses for the college and the castle estate."

"One college alone is still too few. Without the threat of the church, we will gather more high-quality talents, and one college cannot accommodate them."

Lawrence had already considered these things and had been making arrangements.

The time for the population explosion of the Kingdom of Stars has long since arrived, and it is almost time for some smart children born in the past few years to enter school.

After the threat from the church is resolved, some of the descendants of noble knights will also take the initiative to join the Kingdom of Stars. This is one of the many benefits of determining the overlord status.

"Okay." Jade had no objection.

Catherine was a little unsure and asked, "Do you need me to do anything?"

Lawrence smiled and said: "Just help me give birth to a child. We have more than a dozen extraordinary people here, but there are only two offspring. This cannot continue."

Everyone smiled, and they all understood the seriousness of this problem, and understood that the bloodline of extraordinary people would become less and less, and they would become closer and closer to ordinary mortals.

I understand, I understand, but neither Lawrence nor Drenkharan and others actually care...

Kehalan suggested: "Are all the female pastors of the Church of Dawn dead? Are there not one or two captured?"

The conversation turned celebratory, and Lawrence smiled.

"There should be some. I don't believe that the female pastors of Dawn Church are all that pious."

Kehalan's smile gradually became interesting, "Then you will be disappointed. According to my understanding of the two churches, their female pastors are all heavy-tasting witches."

Lawrence quickly gave up on some ideas, "Forget it."

Because of my trust in Kehalan and my lack of affection for women in the church, I gave up very decisively.

Delen shook his head, "You have to screen out those female aristocrats who are not firm in their faith for four or five years before they are willing to work with you. You must have screened the pastors of the church for more than ten years before you are willing to trust them. Appearance is not important. "

Lawrence nodded seriously, "Dren is right, you really understand me!"

Jade and Lawrence don't have that close relationship yet. Even if Lawrence holds her waist and touches her chest now, they are actually only physically close.

After having no intimate topics to talk about and not daring to make jokes about Lawrence like Kharan did, Jade spent most of her time talking business with Lawrence.

"Master, is that sea tribe still alive?"

Lawrence asked, "You're still alive and energetic. What's the problem?"

Jade's attitude was as respectful as ever, and she was always able to say more serious things when Lawrence held her.

"Most of the mountains to the west are filled with lakes and streams. This environment is more suitable for the sea tribe. We can raise it in the waters of the mountains, or we can have it help us raise fish and sea vegetables at the beach."

"When this sea tribe grows up in the future, it can lead us to explore more waters, and even help us better master the Witch Swamp."

Lawrence thought for a while and said, "Let's wait for a year until it grows up a little."

"It will depend on its own thoughts at that time. Anyway, we have a large territory here, whether it is in the sea, mountains, lakes and streams. It can go wherever it wants." (End of Chapter)

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