Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 549 Night

In the fourteenth year of the new calendar, the elf village Landuo.

In the early morning, Stella picked some fresh red berries from the vegetable garden behind the cabin.

These berries are forest red berries developed by the elves. Because they grow on grass, they can also be called strawberries.

Stella carried the vegetable basket into the house and placed the strawberries on the dining table. Then she sat down and spent more than ten minutes wiping the strawberries clean and arranging them neatly on the plate.

After doing this, Stella leaned on the table with one hand with satisfaction, and gently selected a beautiful strawberry with the other hand and put it into her mouth to taste.

This plate of strawberries is Stella’s breakfast and lunch today. Compared to dinner, breakfast should be more pleasing to the eye.

For most elves, time is a vague concept that does not require a clear concept.

Because there are not enough supplies and there are no prosperous cities, there is a lack of festivals worth celebrating.

Most of the time, I was busy with my own things in the forest cabin, and the time passed without me realizing it.

Stella always thinks back to the time when she left the forest and went to the town outside. These memories seem to have passed a long time ago, and they also seem to have happened not long ago.

"The queen's worries are unnecessary. I will not be reluctant to leave the outside world just because I have been there, or even betray the village like those elves who don't know shame."

Stella believes that this is a test for herself by the Queen, and firmly believes that she will not be attracted by outside temptations.

No matter what, the elves and the queen are the future of this forest.

The food problem has been solved. Stella has seen changes in her surroundings in the past few years. It only took a little time for the powerful elves to come up with solutions and cultivate high-yielding crops that can solve the food problem.

Especially in the past few months, the nearby elves are also full of laughter, and occasionally the aroma of mutton and wolf meat can be smelled from a distance.

Everything is moving in a good direction.


Stella heard the call outside, quickly stood up and walked out.

"I'm here, what's going on?"

Outside the door were two male elves, Stella knew them, both were members of the patrol.

"Stella, I heard from Adena that you have been eating strawberries and acorn noodles. We are going to go hunting today to get some meat. Will you come with us? I can give you some meat."

"Okay!" Stella agreed happily, and soon became confused, "Where to go? There are mud roads that are difficult to walk in the mountains to the east at this time. Can we find prey at this time?"

Seeing Stella agreeing to the banquet invitation so happily, the two male elves smiled and lowered their guard.

"It's not the east mountain, it's the forest to the west. There are a lot of prey in the west and north. You'll know when you go there."

Stella frowned, quickly showed her professional qualities, and asked directly: "Besides bows, arrows and daggers, what else do I need to bring?"

The two male elves were even more happy, "No, we are ready! Let's leave now, we will arrive in the evening!"

"Okay!" Stella quickly entered the house and picked up her bow and arrow. She was also equipped with a dagger, boots suitable for running and fighting, and a jungle cloak that protected herself most of the time and concealed her aura.

The three elves quickly went to the border patrol to gather. When they arrived, Stella found that more than a dozen elves had gathered here.

These elves are both male and female. In addition to the elves, there are also a few half-elves and humans. However, they are all residents near the elf village, and there are no outsiders.

Although she was a little confused at first, after seeing that every elf and human was carrying a weapon, Stella felt that everyone was not joking or playing a game without reward.

The leader of the team is a male elf. Normally, such captain and management positions should be held by women, but it is not strange for men to hold them.

The elves do not favor women over men. No elf would think that the other person is not suitable to be the captain just because he is a man. This is a ridiculous reason.

The captain also noticed Stella's joining, and just nodded calmly and friendly to say hello. Neither party exchanged too many polite greetings.

This kind of polite greeting is considered polite in the interactions between the elves.

Under the leadership of the captain, the elves began to walk quietly outside the forest.

Stella moved quietly in the team and noticed that none of the elves around them carried cages or bags that could hold prey.

Stella didn't say anything about this. Based on her intuition, she knew that the captain was not an inexperienced hunter. He had a dangerous and ferocious temperament and lacked both strength and experience.

Since he thinks there is no problem, there must be a solution.

From afternoon to evening, when the moonlight emerged and the sky began to darken, Stella quickly noticed the fact that made her body feel cold.

When you leave the forest and stand on the nearby hills and look into the distance, you can see large fields of flowers and farmland.

Farther away, a farmer's household with white smoke was busy preparing dinner. Nearby, there were goats that had not yet returned home, slowly eating grass on the grass.

Stella quickly noticed that the elves around her were preparing weapons, and one after another took off their cloaks that were used to avoid branches, leaves and thorns, revealing strong muscles or a slender and sexy body.

A female elf tied up her hair easily with a rope and gave a kind reminder to the female elf next to her.

"Stella, this is your first time here. Don't worry. The people here are not the barbarians from the Barbarian Kingdom. They are all untouchables who occupied our land after being driven out and rejected by the Barbarian Kingdom."

Stella didn’t ask, but already got the answer.

After a second of silence, Stella said with complicated eyes: "Does the Queen know?"

The female elf shrugged, showing a helpless look, and said casually: "You are not the first person to ask this. This was done by the captain and others first. The garbage in the north has been cleaned up. Now you are willing to come and clean up the garbage. More and more, don’t you want to eat meat?”

A male elf next to him sneered: "Green knows this, how come the queen doesn't know? But besides not letting us go to the barbarian territory, Green didn't stop us from finding some food ourselves!"

Stella already understood why the leader was a male elf.

The problems in the elf villages have not been solved. On the contrary, the war and unrest have liberated the violent side of some male elves and male wizards.

Although the Queen is in charge of everything here in the Elf Forest, wizards are actually inherently stronger than witches, and male elves are generally several to dozens of times stronger than female elves!

These wizards are extremely destructive!

Stella soon had a more intuitive understanding of the destructive power of wizards.

Under the leadership of the captain, a dozen elves quickly cleaned up the village of two to three hundred people. No one was spared. Regardless of men, women, old or young, all humans here were killed.

After the blood flowed into the river, a female elf who was excited about killing quickly released flames on a room.

The two-meter-high flame stayed in the air for a second and then pushed directly towards the thatched house.

At this time, the captain appeared in front of the flames and easily scattered the wall of fire.

"Burn the bodies, don't destroy the houses, and keep a few sheep and dogs but don't kill them." The wizard captain ignored the witch who acted without permission and directly faced the male and female elves who were red-eyed. "You can relax."

The captain's body quickly jumped onto the thatched hut, holding a jug of wine and a piece of bacon in his hand and began to taste it.

The nearby elves quickly cheered and then relaxed in the moonlight and the village full of corpses and blood.

Stella did not participate, but jumped onto the thatched hut where the captain was.

The captain looked at the approaching elf with a cold expression, "I'm not interested in you, don't come near me."

Stella did not make a move during the whole process, and was always nearby watching these elves killing people unscrupulously like savages or devils in the dark night.

Especially this captain, he didn't even need to use his hands to kill people. The fleeing villagers fell one by one under his gaze and could no longer move.

"Why are they forbidden to burn down the house and leave a few livestock?" Stella asked an irrelevant question.

The captain continued to eat bacon and looked at the peaceful fields in the distance. "There will be people living in these houses in the future, and they will continue to take care of the wheat and medicinal materials that are about to be harvested, and then go to the barbarian cities to exchange for money, wine and livestock. Then keep stocking up on food.”

"The people here have nothing to do with barbarians. You don't have to worry about the revenge of those lunatics."

Stella stood here blowing the cold wind and asked, "Why are you doing this?"

The wizard raised the half-eaten piece of meat and the wine flask in his hand, "For this."

The wizard's intelligence is not low, and his actions and thinking are in line with his own logic. Although it is not in line with Stella's intentions, he doesn't care.

"You think I'm wrong?" The wizard looked at Stella.

The moonlight was cold, and the wizard's eyes were as deep as gems.

The atmosphere was a bit dangerous, a bit deceptive, but there was a group of male and female elves relaxing on the grass nearby.

Life and death are numb impressions here.

Stella was not afraid of the wizard, nor did she mean to hide it. She clenched her fists and said sadly and painfully: "No, this is the queen's problem. The queen did something wrong."

"No matter what the Queen thinks or says, it's the Queen's fault for not letting everyone have enough to eat and live a good life!!"

The wizard looked very surprised. After thinking for a short moment, he stopped caring about the matter and continued to eat meat and drink wine on this dirty land.

Stella left here quickly. The wizard did not stop her, nor did he take the female elf into his heart.

Even if it is the queen's thoughts, the wizard doesn't care. He just wants to eat meat and drink wine, and will not regard the queen's thoughts as his responsibility. (End of chapter)

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