Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 577 Simple Method

Snow Mountain Castle

Dana, Dashiell, Stella and other witches gathered together.

Lawrence was sitting next to everyone. This time it was not a serious meeting, just an ordinary conversation.

"If I send troops to attack the Green Forest Kingdom, how long will it take to reach the Elf King's Court?"

The content of the conversation was unusual.

Dana had already anticipated this possibility, and was not surprised by this development.

"That forest is wider and denser than you think. You can send people in, which is possible, but if you send an army in, it will soon become the nourishment of the forest."

Lawrence nodded, "That forest is indeed a big trouble."

Stella sat aside and looked at the teacup, holding the teacup in both hands and waiting quietly for the time to drink like Salil and others.

Stella was more involved in the elf thing than Dana. After knowing that there was a real fight, and that most of the hunting team was killed and injured, and many of Lawrence's men died, Stella didn't know how to face it. This kind of thing.

Lawrence did not let anyone else take responsibility for this. He made the decision this time, and the responsibility was of course his own.

"I have a long period of experience in forest exploration, and I also know something about the climate of the mountain forest. The Green Forest Kingdom belongs to the plains and basin areas. It is naturally more suitable for plant growth than the mountain forest area, and the terrain is also more complex."

Sophia realized something and quickly became anxious.

"Master, do you want to personally lead the troops to conquer the Green Forest Kingdom?"

Salil and others quickly looked here, not wanting to drink tea.

Lawrence is indeed the most suitable candidate. If he personally leads the army, the armies of various countries will be able to handle it better, and at the same time, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Stars will work harder.

The most important thing is that Lawrence himself is very powerful and has unparalleled wisdom. Everyone believes that the prophet can cause miracles and solve all problems!

Lawrence calmly rejected this idea, "No, that would be too dangerous. My duty is to protect this land, not to go to dangerous places to face various assassinations."

"If I go there, the elven assassins will definitely not be idle."

Sofia breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved, "Master is right, we don't have to worry about the elves now, it's going to snow soon, and we don't have much time this year. We should prepare for the New Year first."

Lawrence does have a lot to deal with. Not only is he vacationing here and building a logistics base, but he is also busy building various military equipment and factories.

Especially for some weaving factories, the demand for fabrics will be increasing in the next few years, and handwork alone can no longer meet everyone's needs.

All countries are developing animal husbandry. The wool purchased this year has been much more than last year, which has solved some children's clothing problems.

For people in icy lands, thick and warm woolen clothing is an essential item to survive the winter.

Although the matter at the waterfall factory is very important, the matter with the elves must also be resolved, which is related to morale issues.

"Then let's set a fire first, let Fleiss and the others set a fire outside the forest, then go back to celebrate the New Year, and wait until next spring to settle the accounts!"

Neither Dana nor Stella said anything, and Sofia stood up happily, "That's it! Let's discuss where the library of this castle is more suitable. I think it's better to put it high, but it might be too difficult to place it low. It’s more convenient.”

Everyone quickly followed Sophia's question and began to discuss the library.

Dana and Stella didn't talk because they had already talked about the forest with Lawrence. Lawrence should know very well that the forest cannot be burned.

Since Lawrence didn't say anything, Dana and Stella didn't want to dwell on this issue.

Dashiell didn't say much, Lawrence also asked her if she could dig a hole to go to the forest, and the answer was no.

At that time, we ran from the inside out. If we sneaked in from the outside in, it would be easy to be crushed to death by the magic of the elves above.

The closer you get to the royal court, the denser the treehouses are and the more experts there are.

After dinner, Lawrence sat alone at the window watching the sunset in the distance.

Sophia and Saryl walked over together.

"Master, are you still thinking about the elves?" Sophia looked at Lawrence worriedly.

Sariel comforted: "Lawrence, we can't enter the forest, but if those elves dare to attack, we will definitely kill them all!"

Lawrence forced a smile, "Thank you for your concern. I asked Fleiss and the others to set fire not because it would burn down the forest, but because I knew they would believe me."

"If I ask like this, they can bring the rest of them back to celebrate the New Year and reunite with their families. I also believe that my doing this is intentional and will have an effect on next year."

Sofia understood Lawrence's thoughts and praised: "Yes, if the master asks them to come back directly, those soldiers who have lost their friends and family will definitely feel uncomfortable."

Lawrence stretched out his legs, leaned his back against the wall of the window, and continued to look at the sunset outside.

"Sofia is right. I helped them reduce the pressure, and the pressure was transferred to me. I must find a way to enter the forest, otherwise I will not be able to survive this year."

Lawrence was still troubled by his conscience sometimes. Even though he knew that the battle between humans and elves was inevitable, he still felt guilty after they really fought this time and killed several old people who had followed him for many years.

Sophia looked at Lawrence and proactively suggested: "Master, you look very unhappy. Do you want to have a party today to cheer yourself up?"

"No need." Seeing Sophia comforting him, Lawrence decided to cheer up and not worry those around him.

Sariel looked at Lawrence seriously, "Lawrence, people will definitely die in a war. If you overthink these timid things, you will have to pay greater sacrifices. I have discovered from a very early age that you have some things that you shouldn't have." You are merciful, but you were very brave when you took revenge against the Kurs and fought against the Vakiri."

"To be honest, I don't quite understand how you think, how you can be timid and brave at the same time."

Lawrence looked at Salil, it had been a long time since he had listened to Salil's education so seriously.

"You're right, Salil, I did think too much." Lawrence had already decided to cheer up, jumped down from the window, and said with a smile: "Being timid will only make people laugh at you for being weak. We can The others who are fighting don’t dare to fight us, aren’t they just relying on us to fight and kill them?”

Wizards are afraid of the warriors from the Kingdom of Stars because the warriors here are not afraid of death and dare to fight and kill.

Once the people here start to care about gains and losses and think about the meaning of war, the powerful barbarian army will soon be corroded by this cowardly thinking and create a big hole, a big fatal hole!

"You don't need to think too much. What I have to do now is to fight! Like everyone else, conquer this land that doesn't obey me!"

Sofia quickly approached Lawrence, put her arms around Lawrence's arms and placed them on her chest, trying to make Lawrence happy.

Lawrence was indeed happy and took the initiative to hug Sophia and also hugged Sariel.

"Let's have some fun tonight and have a party!"

Sofia finally felt relieved after seeing that Lawrence was really fine.

"Don't worry, Master, you will be happy tonight! In fact, you don't have to worry about the elves at all. We have beaten away one of the two churches that are stronger than the elves, and we are afraid of the other. Those elves who can only hide in the forest are not worth it at all. carry!"

Lawrence put his hands on the shoulders of the two beauties, and a thoughtful look suddenly appeared on his face.

"I suddenly remembered what happened to the Church of Dawn. Did the fire dragon from Church of Dawn also run away with the church?"

"Fire dragon?" Sariel also quickly remembered the fire dragon.

Sofia also remembered the fire dragon, which was a legendary dragon!

In this era, the dragon is a symbol of evil power and a synonym for terrifying beasts.

"I don't know." Salil was very curious about this legendary creature. "Lawrence, you don't even know about this? Didn't they tell you?"

Lawrence really didn't pay much attention to the fire dragon, and even forgot what he was busy with during that time.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't seem to take the church to heart. He had been wary of the fire dragon for a while, and also seriously thought about the rear defense line to defend against the fire dragon.

"It seems that there is no trace of the fire dragon." Lawrence became concerned about this matter. "We will talk about the party during the New Year. I will go find Catherine and go back in the next few days to deal with the matter."

"Yes, Master." Sophia quickly agreed, "Master, don't worry, leave the family affairs to me and Sister Salil, as well as Lathander, Delenn, and Cassandra!"

"Well, give me a kiss~ Salil, come too!" Lawrence quickly became unserious.


After regaining his strength, Lawrence realized that the church was more powerful than the elves.

The church has been withdrawing for almost a year, and the work of receiving the power of the church has not been carried out.

The land occupied by the church was divided among the three kingdoms, and the various talents on the land were not recruited, not even the female slaves.

Lawrence quickly recalled his thoughts at the time.

"At that time, I felt that those believers were very dangerous. I could just develop slowly here. There was no need to accept those people with bad intentions."

Thinking about it now, my idea at the time was not wrong. Some things just take time to digest.

We encountered a snowstorm soon after we returned. Most of the creatures in the ice land were hiding from the biting cold wind in snow caves and tree holes, but there were also some people who were working hard in the hot workshops.

Lawrence and the Black Unicorn quickly rushed out of the snow and returned to Shanfeng Manor.


As soon as Lawrence rode the unicorn close to the manor, the sound of strong wind came from the distance.

Not long after, I saw a giant wolf with black body and shiny fur jumping out from behind the hillside.

"Woo!" Gale greeted Lawrence happily, a pair of tails wagging happily in the snow behind him.

Lawrence waved, and the horse-like giant wolf quickly jumped down on the snow, leaving snow pits on the snow with its bulky and fat body, and quickly jumped to squat next to Lawrence.

Lawrence was riding on the Black Unicorn, and when Hayate crouched beside him, his head could be parallel to the horse's back.

Hayate is not small, nor is he an ordinary domestic dog.

Its parents are both full-blooded snow dogs. Doug is actually a giant snow wolf, and the back-to-the-ancestral version of Blast is larger.

Lawrence only took care of Doug when he was a child, and most of his memories of Doug were from his childhood.

Most of the time Hayate was taken care of when he was a child. Later, when Hayate grew up, his subordinates took care of him.

"Hayate, you have grown up and become more powerful."

Hayate didn't quite understand what Lawrence said, but he only felt that it should be a good word, and he happily wagged his tail to please Lawrence.

Lawrence didn't waste time in the snow and quickly returned to the manor house with Black Unicorn and Hayate.

The servants of the manor saw Gale and Lawrence riding the black unicorn from a distance, and quickly gathered to clear a path, even though it was still snowing.

In the evening, Lawrence and Catherine sat by the stove and talked about what was to come.

"I plan to visit Kelda's family first, hold a funeral for Kelda, and then go to Feiyu Port to explain to Fleiss and the others about their return."

Catherine nodded and said: "Okay, you can arrange this kind of thing. I can always turn into a unicorn. That is more convenient for me."

Lawrence hugged Catherine and stroked Catherine's belly, "I won't be polite when necessary, but I care more about this than that. Isn't it the time this year?"

Catherine was also unclear about this matter, "It should be in the past few years, I can't be sure of the specifics. If you don't like children, I don't think there is any need to do that. Having offspring is not a good thing for us."

"Forget it, I care about you more." Lawrence is not obsessed with children. Now he has two children.

Catherine did not want to conceive offspring, which would cause a long period of weakness, and Lawrence's attitude was also very clear, and he did not care whether the child was a wizard or an ordinary person.

In this case, it is even more unnecessary.

Catherine quickly added: "No matter what we say now, when the body is mature, giving birth to life is always something we have to do. This may be our mission."

Lawrence also admitted that this kind of thing will affect the body's emotions and thinking when the time comes.

However, the more powerful wizards and witches are, the easier it is to restrain this instinct.

Even ordinary humans have many ways to delay and suppress this desire.

"Don't think too much. It doesn't matter if you don't give birth. Giving birth is a natural thing. Compared with those elves, those of us who are willing to have children are actually closer to nature. Those elves who are unwilling to give birth and have low reproductive ability are the least likely to have children. A deformed product of nature.”

Catherine was amused by this statement, "You're right, after you capture the Elf Queen, you must ask her to give you more children!"

Lawrence smiled and did not refute the suggestion.

The night of the blizzard passed quickly, and Lawrence went down the mountain after dawn to solve the problem and held a solemn funeral for Kelda.

At the funeral, Lawrence worked hard!

"Next year, half of the lumberjacks in the Ice Land will be transferred to Feiyu Port!"

The accumulated experience of land reclamation and construction over the past ten years has allowed the Ice Land to train thousands of lumberjacks.

The traces of the flying dragon were difficult to find and unreliable, so the down-to-earth Lawrence chose the simplest way of revenge.

No matter what, Lawrence is indeed experienced in some aspects and is busy with similar land reclamation projects almost every year.

Next year's events will be like countless times of reclaiming forest wasteland, digging bit by bit until death! ! (End of chapter)

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