Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 578 Simple Arms

Lawrence is taking a break in Oak City to deal with the various issues that arise these days.

Emma, ​​Bull, Olaua and the rest of the deacons put various reports on the table.

Olua came over and asked about this arrangement.

"Can we deal with those elves by letting the lumberjacks cut down the trees?"

Lawrence also knew that this decision was outrageous.

“The idea of ​​gathering a large number of loggers to clear the forest sounds magical, but it’s actually a very good idea.”

Lawrence explained to everyone the validity of this ridiculous idea.

"First, cutting down trees outside the Green Forest Kingdom can bring a lot of fuel. Various processing industries such as leather processing, wine making, and salt boiling in Feiyu Port require a lot of fuel, and coal is much more expensive than wood."

"Second, it has been almost ten years since we took over Feiyu Port. The children of the first generation of immigrants have also grown up. The population has increased over the years, requiring more housing construction and land."

“Wood was needed for construction, and wood was needed for all kinds of furniture and stables.”

"The felled branches and leaves can also be used to feed cattle and sheep. Feiyu Port has also developed a breeding industry in the past two years. Cutting down the forest can solve the feed problem."

"Third, after the war and confrontation with the Church of the Dawn ended, the production orders in several of our countries have decreased a bit. Many soldiers who went out have returned with nothing to do, and there are also many artisan farmers who need to support their families."

"There are also many idle children and women. These people can go to Feiyu Port to find some work, such as transporting wood and boiling water for cooking, herding sheep, cutting grass, carrying things, and delivering meals to the adults."

"Men can arrange to go to Feiyu Port to cut down trees. Feiyu Port is not far from us, just a day or two away. Many people are willing to go there to make some money, which can solve the security problems caused by the huge population."

There is no child protection law in this era, and children still have to work for the family. If a child of eight, nine, or ten years old still refuses to go to the fields to help and share some of the labor, he will definitely be beaten.

The influx of a group of children and families who can speak the language of the Ice Land into Feiyu Port will help many immigrants to accept the language here more quickly.

"Fourth, our soldiers have to do something after all, otherwise they will cause trouble if they are idle. An extra meter of progress into the forest every day is an improvement for the Kingdom of Stars."

"There are many benefits. For example, the shipyard in Feiyu Port requires a lot of wood, and construction in coastal areas also requires a lot of wood. The cut wood can not only be used to build the plantations I set up on the seaside."

"The heroes who have made several meritorious services have been rewarded, including the warriors who survived this time and their heirs. These people will continue to stay outside the forest to protect the logging team, and part of the cut wood will be sent to their territory to build the grapevine. Garden or winery farm.”

Lawrence would never directly assign subordinates to various fiefdom knights or nobles, but let them recruit a group of people themselves.

Beoff's men were his trusted associates who had led troops all year round, and Seravan had a team of people who had been working for so many years.

Gris himself is the leader of the tribe, and he also has a group of fellow village warriors under his command.

Power itself is also strength. Being able to shout and find people to help is considered as one's own strength.

If you can't find some people to go out in the land of ice, then you don't have the qualifications to become an independent lord outside.

There will be a large number of skilled workers in the logging team. These people basically have families and are in good physical condition. They are the backbone of the high-quality team.

New arrivals in the territory not only require production technology and construction technology, but also need the protection of a group of people, otherwise they will not be able to command the locals.

This is not the first time this kind of thing has been done. The nobles of Gris and Fleiss have similar experiences, so later people will not rush to the territory, but will spend time and money to make friends with a group of people at the grassroots level and win over them. Some people go out.

During this period, a large number of lumberjacks were arranged to build lumber camps and villages, which represented new territories and titles, as well as the gathering of a large number of high-quality people.

This is a good thing for men in the entire Kingdom of Stars.

It's also a good thing for women, because having a job means that men have income. Things like logging are tiring, but it is a mass industry in the land of ice.

If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. If everyone does this kind of thing, they won’t feel particularly tired.

Bull suggested: "Should the monastery and church go there? I heard that people often die when some countries develop forests. Many people will get sick and die painfully as long as they are close to the forest."

Lawrence's face became serious.

I haven't thought about this issue at all...

But Lawrence is a practitioner after all, and has long-term experience of walking and living in forest areas.

"The main problems are water and food, and then there are the problems such as bugs. Water and food are fine, but bugs are more troublesome."

Lawrence added: "There may also be a problem with wizards. The forests where some wizards live are indeed more dangerous and deadly."

"I will summon a group of wizards to protect near the lumber camp, and I will also send troops to patrol. The logistics team will handle the food and water issues."

"There is a Hanbing River passing by near Feiyu Port. Water and food are not a problem. Everywhere we go, we should set up a high-lying outpost to prevent sneak attacks from elves."

"I'll go to Ironforge later and let Ironforge produce lunch boxes and kettles."

To solve the forest problem, the solution for most people in this era is to burn it or ignore it.

Whether it is the disease problem caused by the dense forest or the feeling of powerlessness in the face of a huge forest, it is not a problem that a few wizards can solve alone.

Not even the witchcraft of Kehalan can do it. A hundred Kehalan can't pry a corner of the forest away, and the forest also has an automatic recovery mechanism.

After the ripened trees grow up and die, new seeds will also grow up. Besides, Kharan's ripening ability only works on plants and cannot decompose wood.

Lawrence burned or cut down the wood that was used to make the Colossus and ripen it.

None of the women in Oak City could help or offer advice in the fight against the forest.

However, they can bring companionship to Lawrence and relieve his fatigue.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a group of people that Lawrence is willing to do things.

If he were alone, Lawrence would only become more aloof.

After resting, Lawrence set out after the sun came up the next day and quickly reached Ironforge on the opened road.

The land of ice is still covered with ice and snow, and most people are separated into villages by the thick snow, enjoying the long vacation of the year in comfort.

Lawrence can have the strength to fight against the vast forest wall of the Green Forest Kingdom, mainly because of its large population!

Once the food problem required by a huge population can be solved and the public security problems caused by this population can be solved, then this population will be a huge strength!

In the past, solving problems mainly relied on brave soldiers, and the main force in fighting has always been a very small number of people.

Now Lawrence is able to mobilize half of the country of stars to cooperate. Whether it is the workers and soldiers on the front line or the craftsmen and farmers on the second and third lines, they are all continuously contributing their fiery efforts!

In addition to verbal mobilization, telling all the people of the Ice Land why they cut down the trees, Lawrence also had to arm these people.

If farmers with a basic value of 1 are equipped with tools and weapons, it will be improved several times!


The guard at the gate of the manor saw Lawrence arriving and quickly went out from the post to salute.

Lawrence looked at these guards wearing heavy fur coats and said, "You don't need to kneel down when you are working, just say hello. Are all the craftsmen from Ironforge here?"

"They are all here!" The guard quickly stood up straight and answered the question, "Several Boar Riders from Mount Talim came over today and are eating in the house."

Lawrence was reminded by the guards that he still had a team of Hog Riders.

These wild boar knights rarely go out to fight, mainly because the distance when fighting the Holy See is too far. Those big wild boars are huge and not suitable for traveling to far away places by boat.

After that, he rarely had any use, and spent most of his time training.

When we first fought against the Kingdom of Io, we hired pig knights from Pig Trotter City. Most of the pig knights we trained here were never put to use.

"Okay, let those people wait for me at Ironforge."

Lawrence gave the order and quickly rode the black unicorn to the monastery to change clothes.

After a few minutes, the Hog Riders from Orange Town quickly ran to the entrance of the cave to gather.

It took a few minutes for Lawrence to come out. When he came over, he found that these people smelling of alcohol had been standing there for several minutes.

"Go in and talk. It's okay to drink during the day, but remember not to get angry and make trouble and hit others. I will not forgive people who make trouble in my house after drinking."

"Yes! Prophet!" Several soldiers shouted loudly, and a strong smell of alcohol quickly emitted in the air.

Lawrence frowned, "Go back to bed first, and I'll tell Hall what happened. Hall will tell you what to do tomorrow."

"Yes, Prophet!"

"Yes! Prophet!"

The drunkards quickly agreed, not sure if they would remember it.

Lawrence quickly told the men to go back to sleep, and went into the cave with Hall, who had not drunk much.

Hall is the mayor of Orange Town at the foot of Talim Mountain. Because he was in a state of bitter cold for a long time when he was young and before he joined, he has some problems with his legs and feet as he gets older, so Lawrence has long allowed him to take care of himself in the town for the rest of his life. He is usually responsible for raising children. dog and discipline some kids.

"Hall, can the big wild boars now obey orders and destroy trees in the forest?"

When Hall heard that this was the case, he thought seriously about this possibility.

"Maybe it's impossible. It's difficult for those wild boars to obey such complicated commands. Even snow dogs can't do it."

Lawrence also felt that he was a little whimsical. It was true that the big wild boar would hit the trees, but it would not be stupid enough to keep breaking the trees, especially the healthy giant ancient trees.

Even a three-meter-tall wild boar would have a hard time breaking down a two-meter-thick giant tree, and there are many such trees in the ancient forest of the Elf Forest.

The current problem is that there are too many giant trees in the forest. Even if there is only one of these giant trees, if left there to be slaughtered, dozens of curiums will be broken, and even hundreds of saw blades will not be easy to handle.

The elves indeed have enough capital to look down on the outside world. These giant trees are very common in the Green Forest Kingdom. It is as difficult for humans to conquer this kind of forest as it is to conquer the stars and the sea.

Lawrence believes that conquering the forest is much simpler than conquering the sea, even if it requires the efforts of several generations, even if the combination of elves and forests will make the conquest process full of risks.

In fact, this is already a very high-end street battle. The elves can rely on their strong physical fitness to appear on the tall trees at any time, while the human army will definitely be scattered in the forest. If they go too deep, they will definitely get lost several times. Multiple fighters.

Even if Lawrence had never been to the Green Forest Kingdom, he could imagine how strong the geographical advantages of those elves were.

The forest here is not the forest park of the civilized era, but a huge forest area covering the entire province. It is not an exaggeration to say it is a steel barrier.

Even so, the war between humans and elves will inevitably continue.

If we look at the normal process, this should have been done by the Western Kingdom, but now it has been replaced by barbarians from the Ice Land.

Seeing Lawrence's silence, Hall thought he was dissatisfied with his answer.

"If you want to destroy the forest, you can set fire, dilute the soil, or use poison to destroy the tree root system, but that will be very slow, and it will take many people to dig out the dead trees."

Hearing this answer, Lawrence became even more helpless.

"Yes, even if it dies, it will stay and block our progress, but it can't be burned completely. I'm trying to figure out how to destroy a forest as quickly as possible."

Hall asked carefully: "Why did you destroy the forest? Is it for the wood?"

Lawrence didn't hide it, "It was to catch the elves in the forest."

Hall was relieved to hear that this was the reason.

"Then please let me go in with the hound, and I will find the elf you want to catch."

Laurence thought this was a good idea. Hounds were indeed the number one enemy of the forest dwellers.

"Don't worry about this, it's still very dangerous now. I will first let people build a lumber camp on the outside of the forest, and keep pushing in, giving the elves inside a little human shock!"

"Yes, Prophet!" Hall said respectfully: "Your faithful hound can set off at any time to catch prey for you."

Everything about Hall was given by Lawrence. His partner who shared the joys and sorrows could die here, his family and children could live comfortably here, and he, who was getting older and useless, was also given the honorable status of mayor. .

Lawrence’s enemies are Hall’s enemies!

Not only Hall, but most of the people in Ironforge were brought here little by little by Lawrence.

Lawrence soon met with Querrey, the chief steward of Ironforge, and together they made eating utensils that could arm workers.

"This is an iron kettle, a cylindrical iron kettle. The vertical ones in the middle are empty and can be heated with long wood fuel. There is a ventilated iron frame at the bottom to let in the air. The water is stored in the iron pillars around it. It heats up quickly.”

Lawrence explained the design concept of the tin kettle to Querrey.

Querrey quickly understood, "This is easy to make, I will make one for you right away."

"Not one, we need many. There will be a lot of demand in lumberyards in the future, so we have to find a way to make a lathe that can quickly crush iron sheets."

Lawrence corrected the problem.

"In addition to the iron kettle, we also need to make a rice steamer box for steaming rice. This is not only for the lumberyard. I also need to prepare a few at home, and you should also make a few here. This will make it easier to eat."

Querrey became interested, "How to make this? Is it similar to Heidi's steam engine?"

Lawrence was not secretive. He had never thought of this before, but now he found that he needed to solve the problem of eating and cooking in large quantities, so he thought of a design that would make cooking more industrial.

Cooking is no longer about cooking pot by pot, but about improving the performance of machinery, saving a lot of manpower and material resources, and freeing more people from tedious and repetitive work to do more meaningful things.

Tools for boiling water for cooking may seem useless and of little significance, but in Feiyu Port, where tens of thousands of people will soon gather, this improvement can free up hundreds of manpower.

In the gathering areas of Ironforge and Ice Land, this improvement can also save a lot of space and manpower.

Moreover, making utensils that are easier to consume wood can make it easier to drink hot water, so that people will not have to go to the trouble of drinking dirty water from the ditch, and will not have to go to the trouble of eating cold food, which will reduce the probability of getting sick. (End of chapter)

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