Movies and TV: a New Class Per World

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

“You gossip so much, no wonder you become a reporter.”

Li Xu glanced at Le Huizhen speechlessly.

“Just say it.”

Le Huizhen shook Li Xu’s hand back and forth.

“Then give me a kiss first.”

Li Xu nodded his lips.


Le Huizhen’s rosy mouth opened slightly.

Seeing this cute expression, Li Xu smiled and kissed her.

The atmosphere in the car gradually became more and more beautiful.

“don’t want!”

After a while, Le Huizhen opened her blurred eyes and grabbed Li Xu’s hand that had been inserted into his clothes.

“All right.”

Li Xu withdrew his hand unsatisfied.

After measuring it with his own hands, he realized that Le Huizhen was indeed genuine.

“Now we can talk.”

Le Huizhen glared at Li Xu angrily, and straightened the messed up clothes.

“Feel it for yourself.”

Li Xu grabbed Le Huizhen’s hand, and injected the power of thought into her body to circulate for a circle.

“What a strange feeling.”

Le Huizhen moved her body, feeling her body swell.

“Now you understand, there are many people with special abilities in the world, and the proprietress and I are one of them.”

“But the proprietress is obviously not a good person.”

Li Xu shook his head when he said this.

He didn’t expect that the water on Hong Kong Island was so deep, and he could meet evil masters just by going out for a meal.

“So that’s how it is.”

Le Huizhen became even more curious, and leaned over to kiss Li Xu.

“I have another question, do ghosts really exist?”

“Can I see it?”

Li Xu rolled his eyes at Le Huizhen.

You think I’m a crane machine, give me a kiss and answer a question.

“Say it quickly, satisfy my curiosity.” Le Huizhen wanted to come over to kiss Li Xu again.

“People like you are usually the first to die in ghost movies.”

Li Xu pushed Le Huizhen’s face away in disgust.

He didn’t feel it at all being kissed like this.

“Ghosts are real, I have a chance to take you to see them.”

“Don’t ask any questions now, let’s eat somewhere else.”

Seeing that Le Huizhen still wanted to ask some weird questions, Li Xu glared at her and started the car.

ps: Do you like the plot of Hong Kong TV Series? If you don’t like it, leave a message in the comment area. I will cut some unnecessary movies and keep only the main ones. .

Chapter 29

After eating, Li Xu slipped away.

Le Huizhen was too curious and always pestered him to ask some weird questions.

And every time you ask a question, you have to kiss him.

Li Xu seriously suspected that she was deliberately taking advantage of her.

Originally, according to his usual style, when encountering such a situation, he would severely punish the other party and let the other party reflect behind closed doors for three days.

But after meeting Michiko, a master of evil ways, in a Japanese grocery store, Li Xu felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

The water in the world of Hong Kong is very deep, and he is afraid that with his current strength, he will be drowned by the flood before he can make waves.

“I can’t wave anymore, let’s develop a wave first.”

Li Xu shook his head while sitting in the car.

[Firearm Modifier] Most of the abilities of the profession come from the sharpshooters in the heavens of the Arad continent.

In the continent of Arad, the Celestials were not affected by magic, but gradually understood elements, metal processing, chemical dynamics and other phenomena.

The development of metal and gunpowder technology enabled them to create guns. Since then, most wars have become long-distance warfare with guns as the main weapon.

And Li Xu received the professional title of [Firearm Modifier], and the extraordinary knowledge he gave mainly belonged to the branch of sharpshooters-ammunition experts.

They are proficient in making all kinds of special bullets, and regard guns as their lives.

Therefore, if there are enchanted bullets, Li Xu’s combat power will be much stronger.

“First find a metal processing factory and make the silver bullet.”

Li Xu kicked the accelerator to the end, and the Ferrari galloped away like a flash of red lightning.

“It’s finally done.”

a week later.

In a metal processing factory, Li Xu sighed wearily as he looked at the 500 silver bullets neatly arranged in front of him.

These days, apart from occasionally going out to have a meal with He Min, Le Huizhen, and Xiaoying, Li Xu is almost nestled in this metal processing factory.

However, the equipment on Hong Kong Island is much worse than that of Tianjie. Most of the productions end in failure, and only a few pieces pass each time.

“Five hundred pieces are enough for a while.”

Li Xu rubbed his eyebrows.

In order to improve efficiency, it is still necessary to improve production equipment, and the processing accuracy of existing equipment is too poor.

“Boom boom boom.”

At this moment, the door of the metal processing factory was knocked loudly.

“Who is it?”

Li Xu walked over and opened the iron gate.

“It’s your uncle and me.”

Huang Bingyao came in, looked around, shook his head and said, “I don’t know why you bought a metal processing factory?”

“Make some special bullets yourself.”

Li Xu put a silver bullet into the clip, and casually fired a shot at the wall.


After a gunshot, the bullet imbedded in the wall, bursting into a burst of bright and holy light.

“I didn’t expect you kid to have such a hand.”

Huang Bingyao glanced at Li Xu in surprise.

As chief superintendent, he has seen many special people, but he did not expect his nephew to do the same.

“This kind of bullet can deal with ghosts and dark creatures. Cousin, take some self-defense.”

Li Xu packed fifty silver bullets and handed them to Huang Bingyao.

He considers himself not a good person, but he always repays kindness.

From the moment we met, this uncle was very concerned about his affairs, and even Li Xu’s purchase of metal processing plants and some imported equipment was also the person that this uncle used his relationship to contact.

Li Xu kept these things in mind.

“I have a heart.”

Huang Bingyao nodded in relief, and put the silver bullet away carefully without refusing.

“By the way, cousin, why did you come to see me?”

Li Xu put away the other silver bullets and asked casually.

“The case of Da Fei last time involved a group of international terrorists. A commissioner from the Political Department wants to see you.”

Huang Bingyao sighed.

He’s retiring in a few days, and he’s still involved in such a thing.

“I do not have time.”

Li Xu stretched himself.

These days he was almost suffocated and exhausted, and urgently needed to go out to release his mood, and then have a good sleep.

“That commissioner is a beautiful woman, are you sure you don’t have time?”

Huang Bingyao looked at Li Xu jokingly.

“Time is like a sponge, there will always be squeezes.”

Li Xu coughed lightly.

Wan Chai Police Station.

Li Xu looked at the pretty girl in front of him.

She has the same short hair as He Min, but looks more heroic and sharp, with exquisite facial features and a tall figure. Except for her expressionless face, she can score 95 points in all other aspects.

“Have you seen enough?”

Long Jiu looked at Li Xu with a frosty face.

Apart from being prettier, she is no different from other men staring at her.

Such a cold personality!

Li Xu raised his eyebrows and looked away.

Huang Bingyao smoothed things over with a smile: “Inspector Long, he is Li Xu, who assisted the police in cracking the arms case of Da Fei.”

it’s him?

Long Jiu paid attention to it.

She went to look at the corpses of those people before, and they were all bullets in the eyebrows, fatal in one blow. She had only seen this kind of neat skill on her elder brother.

“Is Inspector Long looking for me?”

Li Xu found a chair and sat down.

He was too tired these days, and he wasn’t in the mood to flirt with this cold-faced beauty.

Long Jiu said in a cold voice:

“The buyer contacted by Dafei last time is a group of international terrorists. They have created two terrorist attacks on schools in the UK. The purpose is to force the authorities to release their arrested leader.”

“Now these terrorists have sneaked into Hong Kong Island and are preparing to continue terrorist attacks on a certain school on Hong Kong Island.”

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