Movies and TV: a New Class Per World

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

“And the news about Dafei’s arms case has been suppressed by us and has not been reported.”

“So I hope you can cooperate with Dafei and continue to make deals with that group of terrorists, and then the police will catch them all.”

[Entrustment: Help Long Jiu capture terrorists, do you accept it? 】

Triggered a commission?

Li Xu’s eyes flickered slightly.

After listening to Long Jiu’s words, he already guessed that this is the plot of Play Back To School Veyron 2.

But why did Long Jiu appoint him to cooperate with Da Fei?

“why me?”

Li Xu asked this question directly.

Long Jiu frowned: “This is Da Fei’s request, he asked that you must ensure his safety.”

“According to the analysis of psychological experts, it may be because you killed all his subordinates in person, and he was extremely afraid of you, which instead gave rise to a strong sense of dependence, similar to Stockholm syndrome.”


Li Xu covered his forehead speechlessly. .

Chapter 30

In a secret warehouse.


After a gunshot, a man with blood all over his face fell to the ground.

“Shit, Hans dared to betray us.”

The tall, stout brown-haired ghost stuck the gun back into his waist, and cursed angrily.

“Okay, Mike.”

The leader, a gentleman-looking ghost wearing glasses, gave him a slight glance, frowned and said, “Now we should discuss the plan again instead of complaining.”

The ghost named Mike asked doubtfully: “Hasn’t the plan been agreed before? Go to Dafei to get the gun first, and then kidnap the students of Smith Middle School to force the British authorities to release the leader.”

The leader James looked around at his subordinates, and said in a calm tone, “Since Hans is an undercover agent, do you think our plan is still safe?”

“Maybe Da Fei has already ambushed a lot of policemen, just waiting for us to go over.”

The ghosts around were thoughtful.

“Then what should we do?” Mike scratched his head.

James showed a confident smile: “We have money, and we can contact other fishermen on Hong Kong Island.”

“However, give the police a little surprise first.”

Wan Chai Old Shipyard.

Li Xu put his feet on the desk and sighed boredly: “Why haven’t those ghosts come yet?”

“According to the agreed time, they will arrive soon.”

“Brother Xu, you smoke a cigarette first.”

With one hand wrapped in a bandage, Da Fei nodded and bowed to light Li Xu’s fire.

“No, answer the phone.”

Li Xu pointed to the big brother that sounded on the table.


Da Fei picked up the phone, and his tone returned to his usual arrogance.

“Da Fei, we are worried that you will be cheated on.”

“The trading location is changed to the fish canning factory east of the old shipyard.”

A slightly inarticulate voice came from the phone.


Da Fei let out an angry cry.

But before he could speak, the phone was hung up.

“Brother Xu, what do you see?”

Da Fei looked at Li Xu with sweat on his forehead.

“Don’t ask me, ask Inspector Long.”

Li Xu glanced at Long Jiu who was standing beside him, who was breathing cold all over.

This air-conditioned girl must save electricity bills in summer.

“We may have been exposed.”

Long Jiu frowned and spoke, his voice as cold as ever.

“Then whether to go or not.”

“If I don’t go, I’ll go home.”

Li Xu stood up and stretched.

I thought I would be able to complete the commission of [Helping Long Jiu capture terrorists] smoothly, but I didn’t expect it to be in vain.


Long Jiu’s tone was decisive.

“It may also be because the group of terrorists are very vigilant, and we cannot let this opportunity pass.”

It’s just a matter of luck.

Li Xu shook his head slightly.

He was not optimistic about Long Jiu’s plan, and his intuition told him that the group of terrorists might have noticed something.

But he also understood Long Jiu’s thoughts.

Smith Middle School is a famous aristocratic school, and the students in it are the children of consuls, diplomats and other high-ranking officials.

Long Jiu belonged to the Political Department, for the sake of his own future, he really couldn’t let go of any opportunity.

“Everyone, proceed with caution.”

Long Jiu glanced at the surrounding colleagues who were pretending to be Da Fei’s younger brother, then stuffed Da Fei into the co-pilot of the car, and sat in the back by himself.

“It’s really tough!”

Li Xu smiled and sat down next to Long Jiu.

Several cars came out of the old shipyard one by one, heading towards the fish cannery to the east.

“Brother Xu, the canned fish factory is here.”

Da Fei got out of the car first, and whispered to Li Xu.

“You guys keep quiet.”

Looking at the dilapidated factory in front of him, Li Xu closed his eyes and focused his thoughts on his ears.

“There’s no one inside!”

After a while, Li Xu shook his head.

He didn’t hear any heart beating inside the factory.

“Can you hear this?”

Long Jiu stared at Li Xu suspiciously.

“Believe it or not, you guys have obviously been exposed.”

“Maybe there are a lot of bombs buried inside, just waiting for you to go in.”

Li Xu curled his lips and glanced around, especially a hill behind the cannery.

According to his rich experience in the world of killers, such a job of planting bombs would usually be followed.

Sure enough, after observing carefully for a while, Li Xu found a spot of light formed by glass reflecting sunlight on the back mountain.

“Then now we…”

Long Jiu was about to ask Li Xu for his opinion, but Li Xu suddenly pulled out his gun.


The hills behind startled a flock of birds.

“Send a few people over to take a look.”

Li Xu blew on the smoking muzzle, and sighed regretfully.

After adding thought force to the bullet, the muzzle velocity of the bullet is much faster, but the ordinary barrel can’t stand it.

half an hour later.

Two police officers from the Political Department returned with a corpse and handed Long Jiu a detonator.

“I’m holding it, there really is a bomb in it!”

Da Fei patted his chest, and let out a breath: “I know you poor guys are unreliable.”

“Fortunately Brother Xu is here, otherwise my bones would be gone today.”

Long Jiu grabbed the detonator with a complex expression, looked at Li Xu after a long silence and whispered, “Thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me, I have to take a step ahead.”

Li Xu waved his hand, turned around and got into a car. .

Chapter 31

An unfinished building.

Mike ran in in a panic, and said in a horrified tone: “William is dead, killed by a monster.”

“From a few kilometers away, he killed William with a single shot.”

“How is it possible.” James stared at Mike sharply.

Mike blushed and held his neck high: “What I said is true, I swear to God.”


Seeing some panicked discussions among his subordinates, James snorted coldly and looked around: “It doesn’t matter if there is a powerful sharpshooter, we have so many people.”

“And I decided to change my plans and stop attacking Smith Middle School and go to a different school.”

“Change another school?”

Everyone looked at the leader James in surprise.

However, due to the long-standing prestige of the other party, no one directly opposed it.

James nodded with a gloomy face: “Our original target was Smith Middle School, but I’m not sure whether that traitor Hans leaked the plan.”

“We only have one chance, and we must not take any risks. So the best option is to abandon Smith Middle School and choose another middle school as the target.”

“But do the British authorities in other secondary schools care?” Mike frowned.

They chose Smith Middle School because the students in it all have prominent backgrounds, and almost all of them are the children of high-ranking officials and dignitaries such as consuls and diplomats.

Controlling these prominent students was used as a bargaining chip, and they could force the British authorities to release them.

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