Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 280 - Accidental Meeting 2

Chapter 280 - Accidental Meeting 2



"What wasn’t, Aiden? What wasn’t as it was? Do you call playing with my feelings not as it was or do you call hiding your betrothal just so you could get into my pants not as it was? Leave and do not get me anymore angry."

"I am sorry, Ava,."

"Save it for who cares. Leave."

"I’m sorry, he cannot do that." Both Li Jing and Yin Lifen looked at Kim Fan the same time.

Who asked him to butt into this situation or discussion? It was already going pretty well, so why jump in?

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, I said what I said, Ava."

"It is Yin Lifen to you," Yin Lifen quickly corrected.

"Fine, Yin Lifen. You cannot ask him to leave when you do not own the hotel. He is here just as you are. Jia Huang is my guest, my plus one as you are Li Jing’s plus one, am I right/"

"Still... Okay, if he wouldn’t leave, then I would."

"No way." Li Jing spoke up and moved in between Kim Fan and Li Jing. "She is as well and she is going nowhere."

"He is my guest she has no right to ask my friend to leave."

"Yes, she doesn’t. I know."

"I do not think she knows," Kim Fan challenged again. "Make her understand, Li Jing."

""I do not think she knows," Kim Fan challenged again. "Make her understand, Li Jing."

"I am not daft, Kim whatever is your name. I understand and that is why I am leaving."

"I forbid you from doing that, Yin Lifen. You are here with me and for me and yourself not for someone else. Understood?" Li Jing said sternly at her friend.

She could see the fire burn in the eyes of her friend and knew she meant everything she said, no removal, no addition.

"Fine. Understood."

"Good." Without saying anything anymore, she averted her gaze back to Kim Fan. "OI presume everything is settled now. Welcome. We must not forget the main reason why we are here and keep our differences aside."

"Yeah. I was about saying so too," Kim Fan chipped in.

"Save it, Kim Fan." Li Jing eyed him then averted her gaze to the side where Jia Huang stood.

He looked dejected somehow as he gaze at Yin Lifen with so much emotion in his eyes and adoration. Even at that, his face showed no form of joy but mirrored the sadness in his heart.

"Welcome, Aiden. Nice to meet you. My name is Li Jing." She introduced herself calmly while extending her hand for a hand shake.

"Nice meeting you, Li Jing. My name is Aiden. Aiden Huang Jia." He shook her hand as well.

"Jia is your surname, I presume?"

"Yeah." He managed to form a simple pleasant smile so as not to throw her comments off.

"Looking forward to working with you." Li Jing’s face lit up, showcasing her lovely smile to the handsome young man.

"Same here." He let go of Li Jing’s hand and looked over at yin Lifen. "Avo a."

"She is looking forward to working with you and not me. Kindly do yourself and I a favour, avoid me. Do not come close to me during your time here and I would do the same. A simple smile does not change what has been done."


"Oh and you are forbidden to ever call me that name or any of my name."

"Then what should I call you?"

"Nothing. Do not speak to me."

"You are the one speaking to me, now."

"Just.. urghh...! Li Jing let us go or you meet me later. Bye." She took one last look at him then at Kim Fan and walked past them into the elevator, watching as it close without Li Jing.

"Urghh! Why me!" Jia Huang lamented out loud.

"You should have thought of this before leading her on and hurting my friend."

"I did not do it intentionally," Jia Huang defended.

"You do not understand, do you?"

"Understand what?" Kim Fan asked butting in.

"The more you keep giving that excuse, the more she is going to hate you and dislike any thing relating her to you."

"But I..."

"You did not what? Was she the one who had an engagement with someone else?"

"It hasn’t been..."

"Save it, Aiden. Save it. You are in the wrong. You cheated on your fiancé with her and that hurts more than you would ever know. She is not a side chick or someone’s mistress. If you really like her, then you should not have hurt her that way."

"I know. I know."

"I am glad you do. Because this time, you lost her." Not wasting time with them, Li Jing took the next step towards the elevator but was blocked by Kim Fan.

"No, wait."

"What Kim Fan? You are in the way, move." Her order came out sharp and straight to the point. She was not in the mood for games. She hated those who cheated. She hated those two faced scums that thinks their looks could get them everything when it couldn’t.

"Please, listen to him. Hear him out first."

"Umm you are asking for the right thing at the wrong time, Kim Fan. I neewd to go. I need to find my friend. She needs me."

"Okay, I would let you go but please, apologize on his behalf. He never meant any harm but had good intentions towards her."

"Okay. I would not judge yet and give him the benefit of the doubt for now."

"Thank you, Li Jing. I really appreciate it."

"Do not thank me yet. All I want is what is best for my friend and nothing more. Goodbye guys."

No one stopped her this time around and allowed her go into the elevator as they watched the doors come to a close.

By the time she left, Jia Huang was looking more dejected than before.

"Why me?"

"You were the one who fell in love so it has to be you."

"I meant, why me in the sense that why did they arrange a marriage for me? Can’t I love whom I chose to?"

"It is okay. Give it time. I guess she is pretty hurt," Kim Fan consoled his friend.

"Of course she would be, who wouldn’t. I could still see the pain in her eyes, man. I miss her so much that it hurts. I want to hold her and comfort her. I want to tell her it is going to be okay."

"You will after you figure out what to do. For now, let us go and freshen up."

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