Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 281 - Talk Over Dinner

Chapter 281 - Talk Over Dinner



By the time Li Jing arrived at the lobby area, she quickly searched for Yin Lifen and found her seated at the waiting area just typing away on her phone.

She shook her head before proceeding to where she was.

"Hey dear."

"Li Jing." That was all Yin Lifen uttered and returned her gaze back to her phone ignoring her friend.

"Come on, talk to me."

"There is nothing to say, Li Jing."

"How about starting with telling me why your name is Ava and I knew nothing about it?"

Yin Lifen sighed and she sat up, then tapped on the cushion, gesturing for her friend to take a seat right next to her.

Li Jing sat down and waited for her friend to start speaking. And just like that, the tale began.

"I never told anyone my English name. In fact no one called me that, even at home. It was rare before you hear my mum mentioning it."

"Why? It is such a nice name."

"Yes, but I do not know. I was always used to being called Yin Lifen and nothing more."

"Then why tell him? Is it that he means so much to you than I do?"

A tear escaped her eyelid and slid down her cheek.

"That is not the reason Li Jing. As I told you, we never had sex on the first day. So when he introduced himself, he used his English name. I felt perhaps he just did not want me to know him that much and all or something so I mirrored his intro and did the same."


"Yes. And before I knew it, we talked all night and slept. We did nothing more than a kiss. And I found that I didn’t want to leave him, neither did he. We kept on talking, even while eating and all. By and by the attraction grew strong and one thing led to another and that was it."

"It is okay, no need reliving those memories that would hurt you the most."

"I miss him, Li Jing, so much."

"It is okay. Just keep calm and do not let your heart cry much. Do not forget why we came here."

’I won’t. We need to work and get this project rolling."

"No that is not it, Lifen. We are here to have a nice vacation. We are here so that your heart can have a break and relax. While still doing work though. But the work aspect is mostly for me and not you."

"Li Jing..."

"No. I need you to get yourself back and not be like this. This isn’t you. You are better than this, you know it." Li Jing did her best to prep talk Yin Lifen and by the end of it all she was better.

"Thank you so very much, Li Jing."

"What are friend’s for? Now, let us order our lunch. It is already late."

"You mean dinner right? Take a look at the time. We ended up talking for long." Yin Lifen indicated by pointing at her watch.

"Of course, I knew that," Li Jing said, trying to evade her mistake.

<Author: Of course you did not.>

<Li Jing: Author, whose side are you on?>

<Author: No one’s except you bribe me with a full cake and two litres of ice-cream.>

<Li Jing: Since when did you become a glutton author? Tsk. Back to the story.>

"Hmm, of course you knew that," Yin Lifen smiled at her. "Come on, let us go. I am starving."


Just as they were having their dinner, Kim Fan and Jia Huang walked in and sat down at the table not too far from them.

Neither of the guys had seen the two ladies eating and just kept on talking.

From the looks of things, it was obvious that Jia Huang was busy looking for something and not at all invested in what Kim Fan was talking to him about.

"Jia Huang!" He looked over at his friend was a face of confusion. Kim Fan sighed. This was the first time his friend was crazy over something or someone. "What is it/"

"Umm, nothing." Hed adjusted himself on his seat and waited for Kim Fan to speak like he was really interested in it.

"Sigh! Your mind isn’t here at all."

"Says who?"

"Says, I. Jia Huang look at me bro. Before you go about doing what is on your mind, you should first of all, think about the consequences."

"What is on my mind? I am thinking about nothing. It is not like I am devising any plan on how to get her back or something."

Kim Fan sighed before face-0palming himself. He could not believe his friend. Was that how much Yin Lifen had crowded his mind and judgement that he was not in control of his thoughts and speech anymore.

Boy was he head over heels in love.

"Jia Huang!"

"Kim Fan!"

"You are a lost cause."

"What did I do?"

"You just behaved like a guilty person. Tsk. Go and search for her and talk to her. I know you won’t be at ease until you do the needful."

"I cannot just go to her. Even if I see her, she doesn’t want to meet with me." Just then he turned to his right side and his eyes caught sight of the beautiful damsel not too far from where he was seated and became speechless.

Noticing this, Kim Fan followed the line of his sight and the moment he saw Li Jing with Yin Lifen he shook his head.

Jia Huang did not peel his gaze off of Yin Lifen, he looked like a mesmerized love struck fool. If only his family could see that their top notch son was dying for a girl he met within a few weeks, they would feel like crying.

Kim Fan did not know what to call it. Was it love or it was lust, just an attraction or something more blooming?

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