Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 043

Chapter 43. Intermission. The Limits of Humanity.

“Grandpa. I can’t take it anymore.”

Sitting cross-legged on the scorching ground, I had been meditating for several hours.

The magical staff near my dantian was infused with massive Otherworld’s Power, but that only made my whole body ache even more. The mental attacks and sheer boredom from the Otherworld had reached unbearable levels.

If I pushed any further, I felt like I’d throw in the towel on training and everything else. So, I opened my eyes, uncrossed my legs, and collapsed onto the ground.

Thanks to that, not only my lower half but also my upper half began to roast, but compared to the mental agony that had been gnawing at my brain just moments before, it was bearable.

I wondered if Cheonha Ilgyeom, who was training alongside me, was still holding up, so I turned my head to check.

“Ugh, my body is getting roasted…”

I caught sight of a ridiculous scene.

Had he passed out a while ago? He was sprawled out on the ground, his fireproof clothes riddled with holes and his face dug into the dirt, his whole skin bright red, looking more pathetic than expected.

“Why is your face in the dirt?”

“It’s cooler this way.”

Seems like he’s lost it. No matter how hot the air around us is, it couldn’t possibly compare to the ground heating up beneath us. With a brain that wasn’t thinking straight, I guess it didn’t matter if he lost his mind a bit more.

Since he was already in that state, I figured it was better to hope that the scorching cells would somehow cook him into a more decent state, so I left him be.

Where’s Grandpa?

Turning my head side to side while pressing my face against the ground, I couldn’t find him, so I lifted my head forward, and there he was.

The Thunder God was radiating heat from his entire body, accepting the massive power of the Otherworld.

“How can he take that so well?”

“Of course, he’s my master.”

Well then, can you stop tarnishing your master’s image as a student?

It was embarrassing for a fellow student to see their master be such a fool. Luckily, he didn’t act all high and mighty as a master; if he had insisted on being respected, I might have run away just like the others.

It’s better for the body to be in pain rather than having issues between people, I’ve changed quite a bit.

As I was thinking about various things and gazing at Cheonma Gyeomshin for a moment, another feeling began to boil inside me.

Why can’t I do that? Isn’t there a reason I can’t? Just staring at the ground is enough?

“Hey, Jianpyung.”

“What? Don’t talk to me, my ears are ringing. My head still hurts.”

“With the old master in that state, does it even make sense for a student to be like this?”

“That’s true, but I can’t stand up.”

It’s not that I can’t stand; I guess I just have no intention of doing so.

“That’s why you’re falling behind me. Stop it. I’m only speaking to you out of courtesy as a fellow student, but I’m still going to continue.”

If I say this, even that prideful Cheonha Ilgyeom will want to follow my lead. I mean, we shouldn’t waste time like this. We should move forward, for greater power.

“What? Hey, say that again. Who caught up to whom?”

Ignoring the sounds in my ears, I crossed my legs again.

My exhausted body protested with pain, but I suppressed it with my will and continued acting.

[People torment you.]

(Do you think anyone will acknowledge this hardship? It’s all in vain.)

(People betray and betray again. Accept it. Justice is an illusion.)

As I crossed my legs and started to once again accept the power of the Otherworld, whispers echoed to me. Unlike the faint outskirts of the Otherworld, this voice formed clear sentences, tempting me with its clarity. The denser the Otherworld’s essence, the more natural it seemed.

I had heard such words before, both in reality and in illusion, but if they echoed hollowly in my empty soul and replaced all my senses, it would change everything.

All that I could hear was a temptation that sounded close to a curse, and all I could feel was pain.

Behind my dark eyelids shone not light, but painful memories.

I tasted the dull metallic flavor in my mouth, while my already numb nose remembered the scent of sulfur.

Was this a memory of a battlefield where my squad was wiped out?

What meaning was there in their actions and sacrifices?

[Right. It was because of you that they were wiped out.]

I could take this level of pain.

And it wasn’t my fault.

“Today, you both managed to stick around, huh? Normally you both would be out cold.”


With a truly old man-like laugh, Cheonma Gyeomshin clapped his palms together, facing our backs.


“Ouch, that burns!”

“Tsk… I’ve already shed my skin. You shouldn’t do that, Grandpa.”

With a thud sound, a tingling pain shot up my back, but unlike the idiot Jianpyung beside me, I thankfully didn’t scream.

“It’s just a lack of training. You’re whining over this little heat. Tsk.”

We took a break in between, but why was this old man so energetic?

After our short chat, we silently but quickly moved our feet.

I led my weary body in a full sprint, trying to return to the dwelling as quickly as possible.

It was the same old return path, but today, for some reason, this silence was unbearable, so I opened my mouth.

“Head still hurting?”

“What is with the sudden question, Haram?”

“You’ve always been like this since before we even met, haven’t you? Seeking out places with strong Otherworld powers, trying to accept them, practicing breathing… crossing your legs.”

Even mentioning the term “Breathing Techniques” still feels wrong.

I’m a magical girl, and I don’t want to get caught up in a warrior’s ways. I acknowledge the methodology of gathering power, but the pursuit of form is just not my taste.

“Is that such a problem?”

It’s more than a problem. Two of the three Awakeners at the pinnacle are collapsing from mental attacks, and many beginners have fled.

“Isn’t the scene they show utterly horrifying like hell?”

“Hell would be better than that.”

“Shut up, Jianpyung.”

As I snapped at Jianpyung, who suddenly chimed in, Cheonma Gyeomshin fell silent, lost in thought.

That didn’t mean our legs stopped, though.

Just like any other day, we dashed forward, discussing our opinions as we went. Symbolic of how busy we had to be.


“What was your rank when we first met?”

That’s a rather uncomfortable question.

…Which first meeting are you talking about?

Honestly, it doesn’t matter.

Whether it was when I first became an Awakener…

Or when I first met him.

Back then, I was just stagnant.

“When we met, of course.”

If you exclude the special S rank, Awakeners are divided into six ranks from A to F.

I was the lowest of those.

My combat abilities, my special abilities—everything.

An existence that fell to the lowest tier of Awakeners.

But there weren’t many F ranks either.

The distribution of Awakeners is diamond-shaped. C and D ranks are the most common, while A and F ranks are extremely rare. Moreover, as a magical girl, I awakened with all abilities, so even the worst would typically get a C rank, yet I hadn’t even managed that.

“Didn’t you see a lot of ugly sights while living in this world?”

“I did. A lot.”

Especially with a low rank.

Though the treatment of Awakeners is generally terrible, those with higher ranks seemed to hold some sort of visual power.

Even if that power wasn’t aimed at civilians, it still exuded a sense of intimidation.

Because of that, all the hatred was concentrated on the lower ranks. To me, the world was…

“For you, the world must be like hell, right?”

I was startled and looked at his face. He was smiling with his eyes closed.

“I was the same. No, it would be rude to say this to you. If it’s about suffering, you’ve experienced more.”

“Not really…”

I don’t think my misfortunes are greater than those of other Awakeners. The misfortunes I’ve endured are burdens that all Awakeners carry…

“The young one wears a gloomy face. Listen to the old man who’s nearing the end of his road.”

You seem lively enough for several decades more…

“To me, the world was hell. And I still think of it as such. If that’s the case, how could I succumb to the hell that Shinma shows? They know nothing of hell. What they show is something I can easily endure.”

I don’t understand the meaning. What they showcase as hell is my past or my wrong choices. The voice inside my heart. If that’s true, wouldn’t Cheonma Gyeomshin, who sees the world as hell, suffer even more?

“To me, it reflects the past…”

Ultimately, I couldn’t hold back the question.

“I’m the same.”

“Then how…”

“How is it wrong to show something I have already endured? A sword forged in that hell once is still my sword now.”

I see. Unlike me, he seems to believe he has overcome his past.

Regretting, despairing, sinking into sorrow, and replaying the past, while he, the Thunder God, is different.

With that response from Cheonma Gyeomshin, I fell into contemplation once more as silence enveloped us.

How long had it been?

“Master, I have a question.”

Suddenly, Cheonha Ilgyeom spoke up.

“What is it?”

“You mentioned the world was akin to hell. Then why do you swing your sword to protect others in that hell?”

Isn’t that the same for you?

And for me.

No, I suppose all Awakeners must have an answer to that question.

They just don’t let it out.

“Is the answer within you? Why then ask me?”

As if seeing through that, Cheonma Gyeomshin chuckled and turned his head away.

“I want to hear your answer.”

“You already have your own answer; do you need mine?”

Cheonha Ilgyeom seemed to start processing his thoughts more clearly. Has he suddenly become wise?

“I wield my sword because I don’t want others to suffer like me in hell. That’s all.”

Others, huh… I believe the Thunder God and Oxymoron said something similar, a long time ago, but I can’t remember precisely what.

Cheonha Ilgyeom fell silent, pondering over the Thunder God’s answer.

Thus, silence returned.

“Speaking of which…”

Suddenly, Cheonma Gyeomshin opened his mouth, as if it were his turn since his disciples had all spoken once.

“Isn’t the reason you all follow me the hints of S-rank techniques? Are you starting to get a clue?”

S-rank, that was clearly one of the reasons.

“Not at all. Not even a bit.”

“Same here. Master.”

S-rank. A category newly established for Awakeners who have reached immeasurable levels.

“You are at the same level as me. Don’t rush, and refine your mind and skills. If you do, you shall naturally rise.”

“Same level? Your powers are still far beyond mine.”

“You say so, but isn’t our actual combat ability quite similar?”

The moment I blurted that out, two opposing reactions returned.

Jianpyung, glaring at me.

Cheonma Gyeomshin nodding with a smile, as if he agreed.

“Show some respect to the Master, Haram. Usually, he lets you slide, but that last remark was disrespectful.”

“It’s just a fact, what’s wrong with it?”

In reality, there’s almost no fundamental difference in combat ability between S and A ranks.

Perhaps that is seen as the limit for Awakeners, forces taken to the extreme. Then what divides A-rank and S-rank?

What divides A-rank and S-rank is what’s called S-rank techniques, or finishing moves, which are things that can change the battlefield in an instant and go beyond common sense.

And only four beings bear the stamp of S-rank: Cheonma Gyeomshin, Oxymoron, Macbeth, and Calavera.

It was originally three, but recently, Cheonma Gyeomshin has also awakened to S-rank abilities, leading to us two sticking together under the pretext of being master and disciple.

“Take out your hammer, Haram.”

This fool seems particularly serious today. Should I play along?

“Alright, I’ll get it out, let’s see who’s the hero today…”

We both drew our weapons and aimed them at each other, and just as we were about to charge at one another…


Cheonma Gyeomshin’s firm voice blocked between us.

“The dwelling is right ahead. Are you planning to fight in front of people?”

Upon hearing that, my focus snapped to the mana, and I suddenly realized we were closer to the military garrison than I thought.

Had the Otherworld’s power distorted my senses? I thought we had ages to go, but we’ve already arrived!

Given I wasn’t particularly worked up, I obediently put my weapon away and looked at Cheonha Ilgyeom.

“Let’s settle this later, Haram.”

However, unlike me, Cheonha Ilgyeom didn’t seem to wane in his enthusiasm and kept his weapon drawn, saying that.

Fighting later is fine with me, but where’s my gain in that?

“Then you better cough up that stash of cigarettes you’ve been hiding. You’ve got a pretty good amount saved up, right?”

If I’m going to fight anyway, I might as well get a little side income.

“Oh! Right! Pass it! You better have some cigarettes ready too!”

With that loud shout, it seemed Cheonha Ilgyeom’s irritation finally subsided, and he sheathed his sword, and we moved toward the garrison.

And thus, today’s absurd routine of crossing my legs by the hole wrapped up once more.

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