Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 044

Chapter 44. 00:00:01

0-Rank Combat Record – “King of Corruption”

– Early this morning, an incident occurred where the leaders of various nations were attacked.

– Numerous casualties occurred, and…

Along with a zziiiiing sound, loud noise poured out.

The restricted area always looks like this. The laws of physics are twisted, so signals can’t even reach properly.

“Damned artifact, it stops at such a crucial moment.”

With her long ponytail flying, Cheonha Ilgyeom smashed the television with her sheathed sword.

It’s not like it can be fixed by saying such things, anyway.

Kiiiiiing. Kiiigiiik.

The sound from the television seemed like it could be fixed, but it couldn’t.

She must have broken so many televisions that she couldn’t count them on her fingers, yet the Awakeners gathered in the room just looked on without stopping her.

What was coming from the television was information we already knew.

Whatever was being said on the television, our task was already decided.

Chiiiik. Kiiig. The Allied forces concluded that this situation was orchestrated by the 0-Rank monster, King of Corruption, and thus, as a matter of duty, they will hunt down this monster…

Normally, some would have to be on the battlefield, but today, all Awakeners were gathered in the auditorium.

It was such an important situation.

The command post of the Allied Forces had also returned to each country because of the incident, leaving only low-ranking officers and enlisted soldiers behind.

“Just as I expected.”

A man in a British military uniform, wearing a black beret and sporting long black hair. While it’s amusing to see him carry a Soviet RPG as if it were a magic wand, he’s a trusted magician despite appearances.

S-Rank magician. Macbeth. A middle-aged man who awakened from a British commissioned officer.

Commander of the Allied Forces’ Awakeners Unit. Though he was just a colonel.

Not giving a single star to the head of humankind’s greatest military force symbolizes the discrimination we face.

Thinking about such trivial things, I stared blankly at the television that still streamed news.

Who died and who survived. At the same time, the King of Corruption was going around the world killing leaders of various nations.

The heads of the world were being annihilated by a single monster.

The rulers who enjoyed peace by shifting all burdens to Awakeners and front-line soldiers faced their end.

Of course, that was also because the King of Corruption was a peculiar monster. It was unprecedented for an enemy not to chase the foe before their eyes but instead attack the heads of humankind.

The existence of a monster beyond the story. They had not received any harm for a long time.

They maintained the front line while consuming numerous Awakeners and soldiers, yet they didn’t know how the front line was running.

They must have thought optimistically that the enemy was weak, so their strength would hold indefinitely.

Because of this, they were careless and underestimated the powers of the Otherworld.

That thought was refuted today as the blade of corruption approached their necks.

All the systems they had built were wiped away in an instant.

By the sword of a single monster.

The powers and leaders upholding the front line scattered, seeking to protect their lives, causing the barely maintained front line to collapse.

It was impossible to keep the line without the commander, so all the Awakeners were gathered, watching the television.

“…We have to eliminate it.”

I slowly opened my mouth.

It was a deep and murky voice that I couldn’t believe came from me.

“Yeah, that’s the plan.”

Commander Macbeth echoed my dark tone.

We slowly turned to look at each other.

All faces were darkened, and a grim atmosphere prevailed.

However, it wasn’t because they were afraid of the King of Corruption; it was fear of what was about to happen.

That was the plan.

I put a cigarette to my lips.

This was the only thing that came to mind to soothe my bitter feelings.

“You fools, let’s go.”

Just after lighting the cigarette, came the voice of Infinite Architect.

“It’s better to hurry before we screw this up, right?”

At those words, the Awakeners nodded and rose.

Was there no time for a smoke after all? As I raised my head to stand, dried tobacco leaves spilled into my mouth.

In a hurry, I forgot to crumple the filter and it became a mess.

Wasn’t this brand something like Belomor? The Soviet cigarettes had strong flavors and odd tastes, but this was just unpleasant.

I spat out the tobacco leaves.

It tasted disgusting.

“Let’s go.”

Our destination was the Soviet, Chișinău, Moldova. To end everything.

A quiet city where civilians were evacuated.

34 elite forces selected to defeat the 0-Rank monster, King of Corruption, gathered in the city, waiting for the enemy.

Before us stood a middle-aged man instead of an elder.

Commander Macbeth walked toward the King of Corruption.


“It’s fine.”

Someone beside me tried to jump out to stop Macbeth, but I raised my hammer to stop that action.

It’s okay. If the plan goes well, the King of Corruption should retain some reason.

I shouted that internally and lifted the hammer vertically.

The sword of the King of Corruption swung slowly.

However, paradoxically, it was an unbelievably swift attack.

It seemed so slow as to be captured by the eyes swinging the sword, yet the act of slicing was anything but slow.

As the swing came to an end, everything in its trajectory was cleaved by the Ultimate Slash.

Buildings tumbled according to the arc of the sword’s swing; the city was devastated by a single slash.

The delayed-responding heroes did not get cut down but lost consciousness under the pressure from the King of Corruption’s blade.

With a single swing.

Half of the loss.

The capital of a nation collapsed.

It was absurd.

Was it this strong when a once-powerful hero falls into corruption?

The King of Corruption, who caused a catastrophe, held the sword in both hands, pointing it at us.

“What are you doing? You must kill me to end the plan.”

The plan.

I looked at the fallen comrades around. The Awakeners who had fainted but were not cut. It seemed they were still retaining their reason.

Leaving the panicking comrades behind, I charged at the King of Corruption.

The first attack.

The clean metallic sound created from the collision of the sword and hammer spread through the quiet corners of the city.

Since both forces completely canceled each other out, only a clear ringing sound echoed.

We looked at each other through the halted weapons.

“First, it’s got to be Haram.”

“Others are just too slow. Old man!”


The shining edge of the sword scraped along the hammer, delivering a second strike.

That was fully blocked by the swiftly swung sword.

It didn’t matter. I was supposed to hold the King of Corruption here.

“Oxymoron, move the injured to the back!”

“Cheonha Ilgyeom, support Haram! The rest focus on ranged attacks!”

Under the command of Macbeth, the remaining heroes leaped into action.

“Master! Forgive my rudeness in aiming my sword!”

“What need is there for words against a corrupted master? Come forth.”

Countless sounds of metal striking resonated.

That sound was proof that the King of Corruption was blocking every attack.

The King of Corruption alone effortlessly parried the hammer and sword of the S-Rank Awakeners.

“Looks like the power of the Otherworld is quite effective, huh? You’re even faster now!”

“I overjoyed so much I rejuvenated! Care to take a shot?”

“No thanks; I’ll pass on tangling with those tentacle freaks!”

Among the many sparks flying from our clashes, silver trajectories appeared.

A beautiful arc.

The title of Sword God wasn’t given for nothing; his movements were graceful, without any waste.

Lacking strength and having poor combat sustainability was made up for by the infinitely pouring powers of the Otherworld. He was truly demonstrating the prowess befitting the title of Sword God.

Even while two close combat experts were tangled with him, he still created another sword pressure whenever he found a moment.

One fainted, and then another.

A few ranged attacks managed to hit the King of Corruption, but in close combat, not a single effective hit landed.

“Crimson Hammer! Let loose a good shot!”

Amidst the stalemate, Cheonha Ilgyeom’s offensive rang out.

Clang. Crash.

“Don’t call me like that!”

I caught on to his intent.

As Cheonha Ilgyeom drew a secondary weapon, he wedged the King of Corruption’s blade between the two swords.

Finally, a golden opportunity.

There was no time to change my hammer, so I turned my body as it was.

I swung my arms wide, twisting my waist to the limit.

This kind of attack method isn’t really my style. A barrage of light attacks to protect my allies, huh?

If I’m a Magical Girl, I should be unleashing a massive attack that wipes out my opponent.

My muscles, feeling that they had hit their limit, got distorted.

At the same time, I released all my muscles.

The twisted muscles headed back to their original positions and, with a big arch of my arm and waist, set the power into rotation.


Could it be that I held back too long? The blade of the King of Corruption slid from Cheonha Ilgyeom’s twin swords and blocked my hammer.

“Focus on technique over strength…”

“That only applies when you’re short on strength!”

My rotation wasn’t over.

Stepping forward, I released all remaining tensions.

The blade of the King of Corruption ricocheted, and the hammer, void of obstacles, drew a complete circle.

The hammer infused with the rotational force I created pierced into the King of Corruption’s chest, and I clearly felt its impact in my hand.

The sensation of breaking the enemy’s bones.


The King of Corruption, struck by the hammer, seemed unable to withstand the momentum and was sent crashing against a building wall.

“You old coot. Say it again, technique is…”

Scrape. Scrape.

My self-assured words were cut short by a sudden breeze that sliced through.

A chilling cold crept up my neck, and I instinctively swung my hammer.

A fierce impact surged from the hand that gripped the hammer.

The two overwhelming pressures of the blade, if I hadn’t stopped them, they probably would have been my end.

The King of Corruption wasn’t finished.

Rather, seeing my attack as an opportunity, he retreated, launching a tremendous spell.

Amidst the smoke created by the crumbling building, the King of Corruption, with a caved-in chest, revealed himself.

“Is this all that remains?”

The King of Corruption, or rather, Cheonma Gyeomshin slowly turned his head to look at us.

S-Rank Magical Girl me.

S-Rank Superhuman Oxymoron.

S-Rank Transformation Hero Librarian.

S-Rank Magician Macbeth.

S-Rank Superhuman Infinite Architect.

S-Rank Necromancer Calavera.

“Macbeth, don’t cross the line. This time, I shall aid you.”

“Oxymoron, I apologize for showing you such an end. Someone’s death is not the end. Look beyond.”

“Infinite Architect, I’ll go first. Sorry for passing the burden.”

“If you’re old, you should die gracefully; what’s this nonsense?”

“Librarian, the truth is not in the laboratory. Make friends with people.”

“I will engrave that deep in my heart.”

“Prohibition, drink in moderation. I tried it, but you can’t wash off disgrace with liquor.”

“So this is why you chose this? Instead of alcohol?”


“Miss, I didn’t expect you to support this after opposing it so adamantly.”

…My homeland abandoned me. Thus, I seek my own path to survival.

“Is that so?”

“Calavera, isn’t ‘death is not the end’ your catchphrase? Why do you weep?”

“Because this is the end.”

“Last riddles until the end; so like you.”

“Cheonma Ilgyeom, you possess a talent that surpasses me. Continue striving until the last.”

Cheonha Ilgyeom said nothing and lowered his head. Finally, the gaze of Cheonma Gyeomshin shifted to me.

“Haram, you need to temper that fiery temperament. Always reconsider if your actions are right.”

“That’s not advice that suits me.”

“Nor does it suit the others.”

Cheonma Gyeomshin raised his head and released the power from his body.

“Well then, finish it.”

Cheonma Gyeomshin must have planned this from the beginning. To ensure that the remaining Awakeners are not suspected, he intended to make it look as though a grand battle had taken place.

As everyone quietly raises their weapons, I spoke.

“Why did you go out alone?”

Initially, this incident was something we should tackle together.

The fallen and standing people were supposed to overturn the world and demonstrate the power of Awakeners, creating a land where they could settle. Through that act, we planned for our corrupted selves to be defeated by other Awakeners.

However, before that plan could be executed, Cheonma Gyeomshin committed sins and fell into corruption, becoming a monster, bearing all the sin himself.

We survived, while all the sins rested upon Cheonma Gyeomshin alone.

“Don’t hate others too much. Haven’t they acted out of a desire to live?”


Cheonma Gyeomshin chuckled softly. As if having forgiven everything, he smiled while facing his end.

“What will you do from here? If you all die, the world will fall into prolonged chaos.

“If it continues like this, any side would only be an incomplete success. Awakeners will still be treated as less than human, and humanity will continue to push them away.”

The authorities had not been fully addressed, and the world would question the powers of Awakeners.

“Then, isn’t it you who will create such a world? Isn’t it my grace that saved your lives?”

For a moment, a cool calmness passed through everyone’s heads, as if cold water had been poured over them.

“Forget what you saw underground and consider carefully. Can you truly abandon humanity?”

While we kept our mouths shut, Cheonma Gyeomshin continued.

“The reason we have stood here for 15 years is for humanity. So what reason is there that we cannot wait another 15?”

“Did you really think the world would change by your death? To change the world, you must take your time. Live to change the world.”

One by one, they nodded slowly at those words.

To change the world.

For the rights of Awakeners.

To protect humanity.

We must now live on for a long time.

At the moment everyone made up their minds…

“A large-scale nuclear attack has been detected. Impact in 45 seconds.”

The Librarian spoke.

A dark aura boiling from my lower dantian shattered the dantian and twisted my body, trying to invade, while the verses from the Otherworld incessantly whispered in my ears urging my descent.

A celestial horse.

I am unworthy of being called by that name. Where would a celestial being be devoured?

I looked at my comrades, who were confused about what to do.

They seemed lost; surely they still lacked time.

KUNG! Jianpyung!”

I bellowed loudly, calling my disciple’s name.

“Yes! Master!”

“Take this!”

The burden I had carried for so long would fly into my disciple’s hands.

The numerous corrupting energies contained within the sword.

Even though it might be heavy for Cheonha Ilgyeom to wield now, someday it would be used.

It would be the last object I leave in this world.

“Everyone, run! I will stop that!”

Since there are still innocent humans within the range of the nuclear strike, that’s likely the reason they could not flee.

Despite seeing that facility underground, they harbored hatred for humanity, yet they had sacrificed for so long for these people.

They were merely caught in a great shock. Given time, they would return to their sense of justice.

“Old man. If it’s stopping it, I can do it better…”

A grandson-like fellow leaped out, ready to swing his hammer.

But the attacks of other heroes struck his entire body.

Numerous techniques reached his body in an instant, and he lost consciousness.

“I will go.”

Macbeth seemed to understand my intent, saluting with his hand to his forehead before he and the others retreated from the battlefield.

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