Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas

Low Level Scrub and Reactions


(1st Person POV)

I was concentrating on my book when a couple of people entered the class. 

I knew about them, they were the bullies of this class and the group that all the students in this class were terrified of.

Though till now, they hadn't done anything to me, Gray or Stephen. But the moment they do anything to any one of us or step out of their line. I will destroy them, then and there. 

They sat behind me and their group's leader, Colton kept his legs on the desk.

I grimaced myself due to the bad smell.

'Ugh, for god's sake, how can someone's dirty stench of socks and shoes reach to the next bench.'

"I am telling you that fucking idiot became my bitch after a few blows to the dome," Colton said while snickering.

One of his goons laughed weirdly," Ke Ke Ke Ke, Epic..."

"Got any cigs?"

"Yeah, Bro. Let's go for a smoke."

'Phew, at least they are going...Wait a minute, why did they enter the class then? So they just entered, Colton kept his feet on the desk for a minute and now they are going?'

Just then, something wet hits my hair. I touch it as a reflex and realize that the fucker behind me had spat on my head.

I looked behind with a glare, contemplating the consequences of murder. 

"Aye, Zealot. You are supposed to melt away when the hydralisk spits on you. What's with the glare, bitch? " Colton taunted me.

(A/N: The Hydralisk is a ranged Zerg unit that can attack both air and ground units in StarCraft.)

I calmly took out my handkerchief, wiped my hands and head clean and made a mental note of how I should rub my fingers raw with soap in an attempt to get rid of all the germs later.

I smiled at Stephen and Gray who were looking at me with concern. 

Stephen lisped to me," No. Don't do it, Felix. What if he is stronger than you?"

I said clearly with a calm voice to Stephen," Stephen, I know how to judge my opponent and I am not getting scared of a low-level scrub. "

One of Colton's goons rushed at me while shouting, " How dare you say that to Colton, you fucking bastard!!?!? "

I dodged his punch which was low even without me activating my ability. I didn't even have to activate my first ability. then I did a straight pinch and clocked him in the chin 

This is a technique I picked up from my fight against Oswald and his three goons. I noticed that whenever I hit them on their chin and cheekbones, they got a bit disoriented. Their eyes got unfocused and they were just throwing their hands in front of them without any rhyme or reason. After some research on Google, I found that punching someone in the chin would cause the opponent's brain to shake inside their skull which leads to them being blacked out.

I used it on this guy and the results were satisfying as fuck.

His head tilted for a bit as my jab hit him in the chin and he dropped onto the ground.

Both Colton, his other goon and the rest of the class looked at me with utter disbelief in their eyes.

Colton then says in a trembling voice, " D-Do you even know who you are m-messing with? I am Colton Choi of Class 5! "

" Yeah, I know that. I heard it during attendance in the morning."

He ordered his goon, " Oy Jeremy, let's take him on together..."

I laughed at their pitiful attempt at even trying to think of taking me on but there was just a smirk on my face.

That 'Jeremy' guy rushed at me from my left and Colton came from my right.

I dodged Colton's punch and struck the 'Jeremy' guy straight in the chin. He also collapsed on the floor just like his colleague down there.

Then, I rushed at Colton with a feint by fooling him that I was going to punch him in the face. He tried to block his face from my punch but he was caught off guard by my liver punch. He starts gasping, his legs give out and he falls on his knees.

Then, I grabbed his collar and stared menacingly at him," Were you going to challenge me with this level of your pathetic skill, huh?"


A clear ringing sound of a slap rang throughout the class. 

"Listen, you little shit. If I ever see you annoying me and my friends. I will make you miss the time when you didn't have any broken bones. Do you understand?"

He nods his head hurriedly with tears welling up in his eyes.

"Now, get the hell out of here! "

He darted across the room with both relief and rage in his eyes.

I noticed his rage and got to know that he must be surely planning on taking his revenge later on. 

'I knew that this little shit won't reform himself so soon. Looks like he needs to be taught a lesson along with some of his other friends he will bring along with him.'

I turned towards Gray and Stephen who were pretty much shocked by my fighting ability. They already think of me as the brawn of their group. I settled myself on my seat and Stephen said," You know, you should have not hit him with a liver punch. It could be really dangerous."

(A/N - A hard enough liver punch can be fatal due to the rupturing of the blood vessels near the liver. It can lead to death if not treated immediately.)

I replied with a reassuring voice, " Don't worry, I controlled my power enough to not hurt him too much. Did you think I wouldn't do my research regarding it?"

I didn't know that. 

I hope he doesn't die. 


(3rd Person POV)

(Class 1-8)

During the lunch break,

"Hey Alex, I thought you were gonna crush Colton Choi? Hehe. You sure you won't be getting crushed instead?", a red-haired guy taunts a black-haired person with a scar on his face.

The person being taunted replies," What do you want, dumbass?"

The red-haired guy says," I am sorry to tell you. He already got beat up today."

"What? By who? From class three? From class nine?"

" I don't fuckin' know. This kid Felix-something in his class took out of all his goons and him in just a single punch."

"What? Did each one of them in a single punch? I swear you have got the wackiest imagination. Cool story, Bro. Try to put some realism in your next one. What, is he a One-Punch man or something? I will definitely get my chance to crush Choi some other day."

"Let's go out and check out class five. You can call me a liar later."

The black-haired dude was still confused about how a person could just take out a person in just a single punch.

....After reaching class 5,

The black-haired guy says," What? That guy over there? He doesn't look any different other than a bit on the handsome side. How was he able to beat Colton in a single punch?"

Some other kids also keep chattering, " It was horrifying. It just looked like those people just dropped on the floor. We couldn't even see his punch and the sound of his liver punch was also really clear and loud."


Just then, The duo spotted a tall guy

People whisper to each other," Hey, isn't that Gerard Jin from Do-Eui Middle School? And he has got even taller... fucking giraffe."

The red-haired guy says," Gerard, so curiosity got the best of you too, huh ?"

Gerard replies with a taunting voice, " And you two are as inseparable as ever. It seems, Ben and Alex."

Though, many may not know but the six of these together will become the core of the legends of Eunjang High.

But that story is still far from being told...


(End of the Chapter)

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