Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas



(1st Person POV)

After school, I walked along with Stephen and Gray back to our homes. Stephen was talking animatedly with me and in between Gray had a happy smile on him.

All of us separated at a crossing and went our ways to our respective houses.

'After reaching home, I should practice my abilities. Today I'll try that Muay Thai kick I saw yesterday.'

While I was just going near the bridge underpass, I saw the biggest dumbass in our class, Colton Choi with two of his friends with him, both smoking.

As they saw me, Colton nudged the other two and said something to them. The situation could easily be inferred by anyone. 

I shook my head in lamentation,' I mean really? Didn't you see me just take care of you along with your goons? Seems like he was dropped on the head accidentally when he was a baby. Poor guy...Tch Tch.'

As I walked towards them and came in their earshot, I could hear them talking. 

One of his friends said in a disbelieving tone, " This is the one? Do you want us to fight with our full strength against this kid? Are you joking?"

Colton replies in a trembling voice," Y-You don't know h-how strong he is. D-Don't look down on him. Please deal with him, you told me that you had contacts even infamous gangs. Both of you have to attack him together."

The other one brushed his warning aside while laughing and said," Don't worry, Colton. It's totally fine. Just wait, I will defeat this retard soon. We don't need to go against him together."

He turned towards me and said, "Hey you if you don't want your life to be hell from now on. Then come here and bow in front of Colton here and accept-"

I interrupted his speech by rushing towards him and punched him straight in the face.

'I am not gonna wait for you to finish your villainous monologues, you stupid fucker.'

'This is a really good opportunity to test my fighting ability. I don't have any real fighting experience and if I come against a person who has an abundance of experience in street fights, then I might lose if they are resistant to hits or maybe they outnumber me.'

'From now on, I won't use anything related to the first ability in normal fights. I will just focus on using the fighting techniques that I have learnt and honing the sense of fighting. I should be strong enough to at least give a fight against the top dogs.'

I put up my guard after they shook off my initial attacks and watched them closely to see any kind of hint of how they would be attacking me.

I saw their hands showing the movement of coming at me from below, so I readied myself for it.

I lowered my torso and supported my body on my hands, extended my legs in front of their legs and kicked them on their knees.

They stiffened up and screamed due to the extreme pain they felt. 

(A/N - The Front and the back of the knee are some of the most painful places when hit.)

Still, one of the guys managed to shake off the pain and still tried to hit me. I dodged his attack and did the only kick I had practised regularly and have mastered to some extent - a roundhouse kick at the back of his neck which hit the carotid artery and made him faint.

After the fight had ended, I walked slowly towards Colton.

Colton seeing his friends who were stronger than him, now being on the ground shook him up. He shuddered in fear and started trembling with fear from head to toe.

"Colton. Oh, you sweet summer child..." I teased him sarcastically and squeezed his cheeks."Looks like you didn't learn your lesson properly right?"

Then, I ordered him threateningly," Give me your hand."

He forwarded his hand slowly out of fear 

I took a handkerchief out of my pocket, wrapped it around my hand and then grasped his finger tightly. 

He started to say something but-

I just twisted his finger before he could even utter a word.


He screamed, nearly deafening my ears. I had to even move my head away from him.

After he stopped screaming, I whispered threateningly in his ear, " I told you, didn't I? If you go against me again, then I will make you regret the time when you had all your bones in good condition."

He trembled with fear apparent on his face and said," I am sorry...I won't bully anyone again. I will turn over a new leaf from today. Please spare me today. Pleish-"

Crying and sobbing like a child, he requested to be left alone.

I pretended to think on his plea for a bit and then said with a forgiving voice, " Hmm... Alright, You are free to go. Just don't bully anyone again. Do you understand? "

He nodded his head and agreed immediately.

As soon as he started to leave, he tripped and fell on his face. His nose got smashed against the ground. When he saw what tripped him, he felt shocked at seeing my leg.

'Pfft...Such a fool. Did he believe that I was some kind of saint who would forgive him for his mistakes easily? If I couldn't fight today, I might have faced a bad situation and they would have done a lot worse with me.'

I said to him in a mocking tone," Haha, did you think that I would let you go? Huh? I just wanted to see the expression on your face when you realize that you won't be spared at all. How was the sweet moment of hope?Hmm?"

He realized his future situation and how he is very, very fucked.

'Ahhh...That expression of the reality sinking in is truly blissful. I love how he feels scared after realising his situation and knows that he has no escape.'

I walked towards him and said in a cheerful voice with a clap," Hope you enjoy my companionship for the next 30 minutes."

Thirty minutes later.....


If someone had watched this alley for the past thirty minutes, then they would have seen a pretty gruesome scene.

Me threatening another Colton. Me breaking the fingers of the right hand of Colton. Me making Colton break all the fingers of his other hand on his own. I made him do a handstand on his broken fingers for five minutes...

It took thirty minutes because I talked about different things with him.

I joked with him too.

"Listen, Listen... I made a joke on the spot. You wanna listen?"

He nodded his head.

"Why do you think fingers are always a reliable body part? Ask why?"

He replied in a weary tone, "Why?".

"Because you can always count on them... Hahahahhahahha.", I wheezed loudly at my lame joke.

"Also looks like you won't have any fingers to count on for some time, huh?"

After my whole physical but mostly psychological torture, I let him leave with all of his fingers broken.

After that, I went back home and rested for the day.


However, by the next day, the news of Colton Choi in hospital and my fight with two of his friends had spread all over the school.


(End of the Chapter)

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