My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 129

Chapter 129: Never Told Anyone

“Really”? Amused, Sebastian asked. “Although, I shouldn’t be surprised”. He snorted.

“What’s that supposed to mean”? Christian asked, offended.

“What I mean is, I don’t exactly know you. It’s not a surprise that I don’t know about this either.” Sebastian clarified. “So, wait.. You are gay, right”?

“Yes”. Christian declared.

“Wow” Sebastian smirked. “If only you had told me before, I would have told you where we were going”

“Wait, did you think I am judgemental or something”? Christian frowned.

“Like I said, I don’t know you”. Sebastian shrugged.


“I have a brother, who has a male mate” Christian pointed out.

“And, I don’t know how you feel about that, now do I”? Sebastian raised his eyebrows in derision.

“Never mind”. Christian sighed.

“Hey, I am sorry” Seeing the upset expression on Christian’s face, Sebastian mumbled. ” I guess I should have known better”.

“I said, never mind”. Christian repeated.

“Well, it’s not that much of a big deal if you ask me. Although I have never lived in a pack, I am given to understand that due to the presence of fated mates the primary gender is rarely an issue when it comes to mating in the wolf community”. Sebastian pointed out

“True. We are generally not homophobic. It’s just...” Christian cleared his throat. “You are the first person I have ever told this”.

“Really”? Sebastian’s eyes widened. “Well... that’s...” he stammered, unsure of what would be the right thing to say, “Why though?”.

“Well, I guess... I just never told anyone”. Christian shrugged. “I always... feared meeting my fated mate. In our history, there have been variances between the wolf’s sexual preference and fated mate. Usually in those cases, it was harder than it has to I guessed I would keep it mum till I meet mine”.

“That’s absurd,” Sebastian scoffed. “I am sure you know how rare fated mates are. And you are almost... well, How old are you”?

“Twenty two”.

“Right, you are twenty two. Most wolves find their fated mate, iff they find by the time they are eighteen”. Sebastian declared. “Are you really holding out to meet your fated mate now. That’s ridiculous”?

“I think it’s romantic”. Christian declared.

“Yeah, and ridiculous”. Sebastian scoffed. Christian glared at him before Sebastian continued. “What if you never meet your fated mate? Do you plan to stay alone all your life”? Sebastian raised his eyebrows.

“Why not? Doesn’t seem like a bad option. You don’t have a mate, and you are older than me”. Christian retorted.

“I did have one though” Sebastian mumbled. Christian’s eyes widened while he noticed the subtle change of expression on his face. Just because there were no official articles about him, doesn’t mean he couldn’t have been in a relationship. He wanted to know what happened, but didn’t seem right to provoke further.

If he had to guess, he would guess she died. And if he is right, that it’s even more important he doesn’t poke further. A loss of mate is not something to be taken lightly, and despite never experiencing himself he has seen the agony of the wolves whose mate died before them, especially if they were this young. “I am sorry”. Christian mumbled.

“Never mind”, Sebastian retorted with his Christian’s own dialogue. Sebastian’s gaze flickered for a moment to somewhere else before he lowered his voice. “I recognised the seller. He is talking to a guy wearing some kind of hoodie, so I can’t see his face”.

“Let’s go then”. Christian suggested.

“What if he is not who we are looking for”? Sebastian pondered out loud.

“We won’t know that from here, let’s move to the back”. Christian suggested earning an affirmative nod from Sebastian. The back was relatively empty. Apart from the suspicious exchange there was nothing much going on there.

They stood next to the corner of the wall and tried to focus on whatever was happening. The scent coming from there confirmed that it was the wolf Christian was looking for earlier. While the alpha duo weren’t exactly visible to the suspicious guys, the wolf still might be able get their scent.

Focusing hard on the conversation, they heard something like this.

“Is that all”?

“Yes, there won’t be anymore”.

“Good, here take it”



“It’s alright. See you later”.

While the interaction was quite vague, what the alpha duo worried about more right now is not getting caught. As the scent of the wolf got stronger both Christian and Sebastian looked at each other, mirroring the same panicked expression.

“I am sorry”. Sebastian mouthed to Christain. Before Christian could comprehend what he meant by that he felt a pair of lips on his while at the same time his back slammed onto the wall. Christian was shocked for a moment before he realised what Sebastian was trying to sell here.

When he heard the footsteps stop not too far from them, Christian returned the kiss with equal enthusiasm, out of fear that they would be caught. For someone who was not gay, he had to admit Sebastian was a great kisser even when it came to guys, and it was a little hard not to get swept away.

When the footsteps faded away Sebastian pulled away before he looked back to the guy, “Should we follow him”, He asked casually as if what happened just now didn’t affect him at all.

Trying not to let it affect himself Christian cleared his throat and replied, “And our scents”?

“That’s what I am worried about too”. Sebastian clarified.

“Let’s go. We can figure that out later” Seeing how he was about to disappear from out of sight, Christian proposed and dragged Sebastian along with him.

As if the wolf could tell he was being followed, he increased his pace. It was fast enough to make the duo suspicious that the wolf was onto them. “If this keeps up, we will lose him”. Sebastian uttered in anticipation.

“Let’s get him. If he ends up with the bunch of other wolves, we might get ourselves in trouble”. Christian suggested. Nodding, Sebastian hurried and increased his pace. At this point the duo was basically running, but unfortunately so was that other wolf which made it harder to catch him.

Christian motioned something with his hand and got separated in the next alley when Christian took a right hand. At this point Sebastian ran after that unknown man trying his best to catch up to him.

The wolf too ran at such a faster speed that he almost dropped his briefcase. Suddenly, as if something hit the wolf’s face, he rammed into something and collapsed on the ground itself, losing consciousness right at that moment.

A moment later a person emerged from the dark alley, only to be revealed to be none other than Christian, who was holding some sort of metal rod in his hand.

“Do you think he... is dead?”, asked Sebastian who was huffing while he sucked in deeper breaths, tired from all the running. He was used to running on treadmills a lot, but he was not fond of running around like this, especially at a speed which is considered even higher for a typical werewolf.

Christian lowered himself and put his index finger in front of the nostrils of that unconscious man before mumbling, “he is breathing”.

“So...” Sebastian hesitated. “We have got him, but now what”?

“What do you mean”? Christian frowned. “We interrogate him”! He declared matter-of-factly.

“Yeah, but...”Sebastian lowered his voice. “What if he is a part of a pack nearby?” He whispered. “We have to be careful with him”.

“There aren’t any packs around here. You live here, Don’t you know that”( Christian narrowed his gaze suspiciously.

“It’s not like I roam around this city a lot.” Sebastian shrugged. “How do you know if there is a pack nearby or not?”

“I am the to-be-alpha, remember”? Christian reminded him. “We keep a list of all the established packs. And thanks to globalisation, he has global records”.

“And you...” Sebastian gazed at him suspiciously. “... Remember about each and every place”?

“Nope”! Christian declared. “But I did check out this place before I flew out here. I am not an idiot”.

“Fair enough”, Sebastian mumbled. “Let’s take him to my apartment”. He suggested.

Christian carried the unconscious wolf, while Sebastian carried the briefcase that was along with him. Finding a secluded place, Sebastian drove his car to that point so that no one could see them abducting the man, which was a bit tricky thanks to all the CCTV cameras the city was equipped with.

Once they reached Sebastian’s apartment, Sebastian put the man in a room behind his wardrobe earning him a satisfied smirk from Christian. “Look who had a secret room” He remarked.

“I keep it for any wolf business. This is also the place where I transform into my wolf form the most”. Sebastian informed casually. He checked what was in the box. It had multiple packets of white substance that resembled the description on worenzine. Meanwhile, Christian clicked a picture of that man and sent it to his father for further information to get more information about the wolf, until he waited patiently for the man to wake up.

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