My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 130

Chapter 130: Interrogations

“You know, now that I think clearly, we might have gotten into some kind of big mess.” Sebastian mumbled, immersed in his own thoughts.

“Really? Now you are thinking? I offered you to drop out when we still had time, but you didn’t listen”. Christian snarled at him.

“Hey, I am just wondering”! Sebastian defended himself. Christian rolled his eyes before Sebastian reluctantly asked.”So...this doesn’t make you panic at all?”

“I have dealt with crazy stuff in my pack before.” Christian smirked. “Crazy situations like this are definitely my thing”.

Sebastian’s corner of the mouth lifted while they waited patiently for the guy to wake up. When he finally did, he received piercing sharp glares from the alpha duos. “What do you want from me”? He asked anxiously.

“Just, some information...” Christian held up the box before he continued further, “... about this”.

“What..”? Confused, he looked at the duo. “What is all this! Let me go”! The guys screamed as he struggled to get out of the hold of the ropes. While the ropes weren’t so powerful to hold back an alpha, their binding was in such a manner that it restricted his movements drastically, making it harder to escape.


“Just so you know, if you scream here no one will be able to hear you”. Sebastian added from the back before Christian took charge of the situation.

“What do you do with this drug”? Christian asked sternly in response to which he simply received a glare. “If you want to make out of here in one piece, then you better start talking” Christian snarled.

“I’m just...a seller. I sell them to different wolves, mostly rogues but sometimes pack members too in case the order “. That trembling guy answered him.

“And to whom did you sell it at Cresentile Pack? Or any wolf from Crescent Point”? Christian further asked.

The forehead crease of that man puckered where sweat droplets had begun to appear, despite the perfect function of the air conditioning. “I...I don’t remember”.

A devilish smirk appeared on Christian’s face. “Well, you better think harder, cause you won’t want to be the one messing with future Alpha of that pack”. Christain threatened, with a subtle declaration of his identity.

The guy stammered as he wondered what should be his next move. “I...”

“I don’t think he is ready to talk yet. Let me put him out”. Sebastian interrupted from the back.

Christian raised one his eyebrows, more towards the man than Sebastian, “I suppose that’s a fair option”.

“I will do it” Sebastian stepped up and walked towards the man.

Before he could reach, that man screamed, “I will talk, I will talk”.

Christian frowned. All of this seemed way too easy. How come a timid guy like him is a part of some drug dealing cartel. “So talk” nevertheless he ordered.

“I never met the guy, neither do I know the name of the guy who ordered it”. He mumbled fearfully.

“Then how did you manage to send this to ‘that person’.” Sebastian asked curtly.

“It was delivered to the pack office, in the name of stone Arthur Wrisberg. As far as I have heard he is the pack alpha. But, I don’t know anything else”.

“Dad”? Christian frowned. “If it was delivered in his come it missed him?”

“Who takes care of the deliveries?” Sebastian prompted.

Christian replied after thinking for a while, “Usually it’s done via FedEx, so a few humans do. They deliver us stuff, so... no wolves are there”.

“Yeah, but such stuff are screened right”? Sebastian posed.

“I think so... I dunno what to tell you”. Christian mumbled. “Should we even trust you?” Christian narrowed his gaze at the man who trembled in fear. “When did you send it”?

“Around... mid jan”. He uttered.

“Tell me the exact date”! Christian snarled at him. In the background Sebastian was quite amazed by how well Christian could handle himself.

“Jan...14” he mumbled. Christian narrowed his gaze furthe. “I am being honest... I swear. Just please... let me go” that man fumbled. Christian gave him a sarcastic smile before he punched him right on the face, causing him to black out.

“Why did you do that”!? Sebastian asked out loud by the sudden turn of events.

“What do you mean”? Chrstian frowned. “I have to verify what he said”.


“I am sure all the packages made it to the office, but before it reached my dad, someone managed to swipe it off.” Christian explained. “I will ask Dad to check all the footages of the office from Jan 14 to Jan 18. I need to know who did that”.

“Don’t you think your father would have been notified if someone broke in”? Sebastian frowned.

“I know, which is why I am afraid it’s someone who has access to the office”. Chrsistian sighed. “There aren’t many people. I would be devastated if it’s really one of them”. He mumbled while he gazed into nothing in particular.

Before Sebastian could say something, Chrsistian left and mailed his father. It took them a little while, but he did hear back from his father. “I checked the footage. I know who did that. Come back, this is huge”. That was all it said.

“Why do you think he didn’t say much”? Sebastian, who read the mail along with him asked.

“I dunno” Christian, just as confused, replied. “I am guessing we should do as he said. This mystery is about to be solved”.

Sebastian sighed. “Our flight is tomorrow. Meanwhile, what do we do with this guy”? Pointing at the closet, he asked.

“He is still unconscious. Let’s dump him someplace far”. Christian shrugged.

“Dude! You don’t realize what you have done, do you”? Sebastian raised his voice earning a startled gaze from Christian. Christian’s brow puckered in confusion, so Sebastian continued further. “He has seen my face. I am a public figure. What happens when one fine day he finds out about me one day”?

“He...knows your name”? Christian suggested unsure of the answer.

“Yes, and then he finds a way to attack me! Then, what? Unlike you, I don’t have a pack who has my back when I need it”! Sebastian breathed.

“You can always join our pack. I’m sure my Dad won’t mind” Christain snorted.

“But, I won’t”! Sebastian snapped. “I love the life I have here. I don’t want to miss out on that”.

“Then don’t. Unlike me, you being a part of our pack won’t demand your constant presence. In fact, that will allow you to come and go from Crescent Point as you please.” Christian explained. “Give it a thought”. He suggested.

Sebastian remained quiet once Christian left him all by himself. He considered for a really long time if it was the perfect choice or not. On one hand, the idea sounded tempting. This past few days he did have quite a bit of fun navigating this case with Chrsitian. On the other hand, in cases of emergencies he would have to abandon whatever he was up-to at that very minute. It was quite similar to a family emergency, but he also enjoyed staying all by himself.

Not to mention the linking facilities that would accompany joining a pack. He didn’t like sharing his house for a night, that too in separate rooms, he wasn’t sure how he felt about having someone in mind. Conflicting thoughts like this were the reason he needed more time to come to a definite reason. But time was what he didn’t have. They had to leave the next day so he had to make a decision about the man tied up in the other room as soon as possible.

Eventually he agreed to follow with Christian’s plan. Whatever came next would be tomorrow’s problem. Right now he needed to deal with the matter and hand. Once it was dark enough, they abandoned the man in the same empty alley form where they picked him up.

They made sure that he wouldn’t wake up for at least a few more hours so that when he does, he fails to trace their scents. The next day they had an early morning flight, so neither of them slept that day. To prevent themselves from falling asleep they decided it was better to have some conversations. While Sebstian despised useless chats, he knew they were as effective as caffeine when it came to keeping him awake. Christian on the other hand was used to pulling an all nighter, so it hardly bothered him.

“So? You decided to join our pack”. After a failed attempt at a conversation, Christian asked Sebastian on a serious note.

“I am not sure yet. There is still a lot to consider”. Sebastian replied bluntly.

“Still? If you are this torned about this decision then maybe you should do a trial run”, Christian shrugged.

“A what now”? Sebastian stared at Christian, unamused.

“Join the pack. In case you find out it’s not working out, you are free to leave. I think you should get a taste of pack life before you make this decision.” Christian shrugged. Sebastian didn’t reply to that as he found himself getting persuaded even further.

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