My barracks is 100 million points strong

Chapter 127 Come out, Dongmei!

When facing beautiful women, you can't use your sword as roughly as before, and the emperor has more than just one wife. Although three thousand in the harem is an exaggeration, there are at least 200+ concubines in the Flame Empire, not counting those who have no status. maid.

The three of them discussed it, and seeing that neither of them had any good ideas, Xia Qingkong said, "Why don't we let Xiao Lu come and try?"

"It?" Bai Qianlang and Xue Wuwen both looked at Corgi in his arms.

"Isn't this thing a pet?"

"Don't underestimate me! Damn it!" Xiao Lu bared his teeth vigorously, but he was still very cute.

Xia Qingkong patted her head and said, "Okay, let's get down to business."

"Oh," Xiao Lu obediently raised a front paw, "Come out, Dongmei!"

Following her summons, a girl with animal ears appeared in front of them.

The girl is wearing a red dress with a furry tail behind her. She is Xiao Lu’s hero "Fox Demon Dongmei".

Two years later, she has upgraded from level 21 to level 60, and learned how to transform.

"What do you want from me?" Dongmei stretched out, showing off her proud figure. She was many times more beautiful than the imperial concubine who fainted beside her.

Even Xue Wuwen couldn't help but take a second look.

Bai Qianlang touched his chin and muttered in a low voice: "Damn it, why do I think this guy is stronger than me? There's no reason."

Xiao Lu pointed his finger at the fainted woman next to him: "Go and touch her."

Seeing that she was covered in blood, Dongmei looked disgusted: "Oh, so dirty."

"Go quickly," Xiao Lu urged, "I'll give you something delicious later."

"Okay." Dongmei sighed, walked over, squatted down, and touched the woman's non-bloody parts.

Xia Qingkong saw this and said, "It doesn't look like she is."

"How did you tell?" Xue Wuwen asked him.

Xia Qingkong explained: "Dongmei's hands are the nemesis of all skills. Whether it is magic or supernatural powers, as long as the tricks using energy are touched by her insulating claws, they will be destroyed. Since this woman was touched by Dongmei, She hasn't revealed her level 6 cultivation level after that, which means she didn't hide it."

"So awesome!?" Xue Wuwen and Bai Qianlang both looked at Dongmei's hands in shock.

"Can you let me try it?" Xue Wuwu condensed a lightsaber and was eager to try it.

Dongmei reached out and pinched the tip of the sword and then exerted force. The entire lightsaber instantly exploded into the most primitive elemental particles.

"Oh my god!" Xue Wuwen was so frightened that he broke his voice.

Bai Qianlang was thoughtful and did not speak, not knowing what he was planning.

With Dongmei's Insulating Claw, it will be easier to find someone later. Relying on their strong cultivation, they ran rampant in the palace, and those mortals with low cultivation could not even realize their existence.

Dongmei touched them one by one, until she touched more than two hundred beauties, but in the end, none of them were the ones they were looking for.

"Is there something wrong?" Xue Wuwen began to doubt their reasoning.

Xia Qingkong also felt that something was wrong. There was no reason for his luck to fail so many times, unless there was no one among these imperial concubines who they were looking for in the first place.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

"I see!"

"What do you know?" Xue and Bai were startled by his surprise.

"It's a eunuch! The person we are looking for pretends to be a fake eunuch!" Xia Qingkong suddenly realized, "I should have thought of it earlier. I have read countless novels about eunuchs stealing the country, so why didn't I think of it?"

Bai Qianlang recalled Bamboo Stick's comment: "Three thousand in the harem is nothing, but a charming and charming thief. So that's it. That's it. What we are looking for should be a handsome eunuch!"

It was easy to change the idea. They found a few imperial concubines to hypnotize them and asked them about the eunuchs they had an affair with. The results all pointed to the same person.

The intelligence officer around the emperor was given the nickname "Night Owl" by "Dolege".

At this time, Doraig was working in the room. When four people and a dog opened the door and came in, he looked up immediately.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Xue Wuwen smiled. Their concealment methods cannot be seen through by those below level 6, and only those with level 6 will notice them immediately.

Even though Doraig was extremely cautious, he was completely unable to guard against this move.

"Who are you?" Doraig is a handsome young man with burgundy hair. It's no wonder that so many imperial concubines like him.

Xia Qingkong said: "Don't think about activating the magic circle under your seat. We have no ill intentions, we just want to talk to you."

Doraig's expression changed because he found that all the means he had prepared to save his life failed. Not only the transfer magic circle under the seat, but also the space transfer props hidden in the middle of his clothes, the attack spells engraved on the pen, the stand-in puppet placed in the space ring, etc., and more than a dozen methods all failed to work. , which made him realize that the strength of the visitor must be far superior to him.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Bai Qianlang took out a feather: "Do you recognize this? This is the commemorative gift you gave to your master when you parted ways. Now he has asked us to pick you up, so let us take it as a token."

Doraig was relieved on the surface: "It turned out to be the person sent by the master. It's great. I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Xia Qingkong gave Dongmei a look, and the latter understood the situation and walked to Doraig and put a hand on his shoulder.

The next moment, Doraig found that the special skill he had just been quietly operating was interrupted. His expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

Bai Qianlang immediately realized what had happened and complained to Doraig: "You are so suspicious. You don't even believe me when I show you the token. I can't even save you!"

Doraig smiled awkwardly and said: "I am forced by the environment and there is nothing I can do. If I were not so cautious, I would have died countless times."

"Use your brain. If we really want to kill you, are you able to fight back?" Xue Wuyuan found a chair and sat in front of him. "Let's finish talking first, and then we can make a decision after listening to you."

Then he explained the relationship between Green Forest 8 and the Great World of Machine Gods as well as the affairs of the Earth Star camp to Dolegg in detail. He didn't hide anything except that he might want to kill him.

Doraig fell into silence after hearing this, and then showed a wry smile: "Although the master has told me some things, and I have made some guesses, the real situation still makes people feel ridiculous and sad. It turns out that we are all just watching in a cage. Pets, it’s really funny that the disaster that so many seniors are desperately trying to fight against actually comes from the same world’s ‘gods’.”

"Now you have three ways," Xue Wuwen said, "First, surrender to those machine gods. They may take you for their own use because of your talent. Of course, they may also erase you, just like them. Just like it was done before.”

"Second, choose to give up your identity as a lord and let us take you out of Green Forest No. 8. With your talent, you must still have a chance to break through to level 7. By then, you can definitely regain your identity as a lord."

"Third, you break through directly on this planet and become the master of this planet, and then we help you take this planet to escape from the control of those machine gods. However, this road is also the most dangerous, because you are breaking through. At some point, you will definitely attract attention, and they will definitely come to stop you at that time.”

Doraig didn't hesitate for even a second and said decisively: "I choose the third option. I can't let go of this world. My children and women are here. How could I abandon them and leave? But you are really capable. Against those high gods?"

When Xue Wuwu and Bai Qianlang saw this, they all looked at Xia Qingkong.

Xia Qingkong, who was feeding cakes to the dog, stopped when he saw this: "What are you looking at me for? As long as the legendary old monsters don't show up shamelessly, I will kill some of the epic monsters."

"You are really..." Xue Wuwen laughed and said, "You are crazier than me."

Bai Qianlang also sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect you to be such a Xiaoxia. I originally thought you were an elegant and easy-going person."

"That's what I am." Xia Qingkong said seriously. Who in the territory doesn’t know that he is peace-loving and kind-hearted?

Dongmei on the side couldn't help rolling her eyes. Who destroyed her hometown with a hammer?

Since Doraig chose to survive the tribulation at Green Forest No. 8, Xue Wuwen and the others began to discuss various details with him.

"Are you really sure that you can successfully overcome the tribulation? Don't let the fate of life and death disappear by then, and our trip will be in vain."

Doraig said helplessly: "This kind of thing is a narrow escape. How can anyone be absolutely sure? I can only say that I will try my best."

"Okay, so where do you choose the location? Also, if you want to upgrade, you must first upgrade your territory to level 7, right? What are you going to do?"

"As for the location, I have already prepared it. Don't worry. As for the territory, in fact, the princes of all countries are my biological sons. I can unify the countries and incorporate them into my territory at any time."

After hearing this, Xue Wuyuan couldn't help but give him a thumbs up: "You are awesome, I give you a thumbs up."

Bai Qianlang complained: "This is the first time I have seen Bin Zhou rule the world."

Doraig was not ashamed, but rather proud: "Oh, it's so popular, there's nothing I can do about it."

After agreeing on all the details, the group followed him to a forest.

The reason why Green Forest 8 has this name is because the planet's surface has extremely high vegetation coverage and there are towering trees everywhere.

"This is the land of elves and the habitat of the elves. I have some friendship with the Elf Queen. She promised me that she can use the ancient elven trees to help me cover up the fluctuations of the tribulation." Doraig explained.

"Good guy, even the elves have an affair with you." Xue Wuwen was speechless and a little envious.

Xia Qingkong was surprised and said: "Are there any elves on this planet? I thought they were just humans."

Bai Qianlang said: "Guess why this planet is called Green Forest No. 8? There are 7 planets ahead, each with a unique biological group. Strictly speaking, the elves on this planet are half-elves, a mixture of humans and elves. A mixed race."

"That's it." As he spoke, Doraig had already led them across the boundary of the Elf Land.

The first thing they saw was a towering tree.

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