My barracks is 100 million points strong

Chapter 128 Instant Kill Epic

"This is the ancient elf tree, the mother goddess of the elf clan," Doraig introduced to everyone. "The reason why I was able to avoid the detection of the gods many times was all because of her help."

“It’s so big.”

"Are you throwing money away? You actually want to burn such a precious tree as firewood?" Bai Qianlang complained, "Of course it will be made into furniture. It must be very valuable."

"Please be careful," Doraig's mouth twitched, "The Mother Goddess is the belief of the entire elves."

"Oh, okay, okay," Xue Wuwen agreed, and suddenly looked at Xia Qingkong, "Why have you been silent since just now? What are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing," Xia Qingkong shook his head, "Stop standing and keep walking in."

Dongmei, who was holding Xiao Lu on the side, looked at Xia Qingkong doubtfully. Based on her understanding of Xia Qingkong, this master's master could have a million bad intentions with just a turn of his eyes. When he remained silent, Often nothing good happens.

A few steps forward, they met a group of pointed-eared elves dressed in leaf clothes. The leader was a mature woman with green wavy hair. Her figure did not look like the legendary elves with a flat plain. Xia Qingkong speculated that the genes of the human race might have improved the elves.

At least the kids won't be hungry. He thought so.

Doraig embraced the Elf Queen affectionately and explained to her the purpose of his visit.

"Are you finally ready?" The Elf Queen looked at Doraig affectionately. "The Mother Goddess has already sent down the oracle. We will fully support you, even if we pay for it with our lives."

"Thank you, Villier!"

Under the leadership of the Elf Queen, Doraig, Xia Qingkong and the others went to the top of the ancient Elf tree to meet the spirit of the ancient tree, which is what the Elf people call the Mother Goddess.

It was an illusory figure that looked very similar to Valerie.

"Thank you, outsiders. Our world is lucky to have your help. Next, I will block the perception of the outside world for you. Doraig, please take this opportunity to try to break through."

Her voice is very thick, like that of an elder, which naturally makes people feel at ease.

Xue Wuwen and Bai Qianlang were a little embarrassed. It turned out that this tree had a tree spirit, so didn't she know all their previous conversations? Damn it, no wonder Xia Qingkong has been silent, he must have noticed it a long time ago!

The two looked at Xia Qingkong resentfully, only to find that the latter was looking at the mother goddess with a very obscene look.

Well, the obscenity was made up by their minds, Xia Qingkong was just watching.

"I have a question." He suddenly said.

Everyone looked at him in confusion.

I saw Xia Qingkong saying to the Mother Goddess: "How did you shield Doraig's cultivation so that he would not be discovered?"

"This is the secret technique of my elves."

"Oh? That's weird," Xia Qingkong said, "Is there any secret technique that can make a level 5 helper of level 6 shield his cultivation from level 7 people? Don't you think it's outrageous?"

Doraig, who was suspicious by nature, changed his expression and quietly retreated to Xia Qingkong: "What do you mean by this?"

Xia Qingkong didn't explain, but just shouted: "Dongmei."

"Yes." Dongmei immediately slapped the tree trunk under her feet with her insulating claws.

At the same time, Xia Qing was running the laws of civilization in vain, and the word "promoted" fell on her. With Xia Qingkong's blessing, the power of the Insulating Claw instantly surged from level 6 to level 7. Although it was only for a moment, it was enough to achieve its goal.

The shadow of the Ancient Tree Mother Goddess suddenly turned into a mosaic, and the ancient trees under their feet also quickly lost color and turned into metal.

"Fuck you!" Xue Wuyuan couldn't even remember how many times he had said "fuck you" recently.

However, he and Bai Qianlang were senior lords after all, and their reactions were extremely fast, summoning their own exclusive troops in an instant to prepare for war.

Doraig's face was extremely ugly. He asked Xia Qingkong: "How did you find out?"

"I felt something was wrong from the beginning. Bai Qianlang was able to lock your approximate position with an epic-level treasure phantom. Couldn't those genuine epic-level players in the World of Machine Gods not be able to do that?" Xia Qingkong said, "I've seen it before. In one anime, the creator of the game pretended to be the player in order to better observe the player, and there are many similar novels."

Doraig's voice trembled: "What you mean is that it was never that I escaped their detection, but that I kept jumping around on the stage like a clown without knowing it, and they were always looking at me from the audience. ?”

"Is it so outrageous?" Xue Wuwen and Bai Qianlang were also surprised.

"That's more or less it. So after you said that the ancient tree helped you avoid detection many times, I was a little suspicious of it. Is it possible that it was self-directed and acted? Only in this way can we gain the trust of King Gou like you."

"But why? Aren't they not allowing people from our world to break through? What are you trying to do?"

"Picture your cultivation system." Xue Wuwen suddenly interrupted.

At this time, there was an angel standing next to him. In front of the angel was a translucent screen, with lines of code jumping rapidly on it.

"I just hacked into the database of this iron tree, and I was lucky enough to get some information," Xue Wuwu said, "It seems that they are very interested in the new system you created by merging the superpower system with the magic system, so they are They intentionally guide you to grow, and most of the adventures and noble people in your life are arranged by them. When you advance to the epic level, they will be able to harvest the fruits and gain a complete path to becoming a god."

Doraig's face was filled with despair and his mentality collapsed. He fell to the ground: "Fake? It's all fake? My life is all fake? So what is real? What is real? Haha, I am just a clown!" I’m a clown hahahaha——”

Xia Qingkong sat next to him: "I have watched a movie before, called "The Truman Show". The protagonist lives in a world arranged by others just like you..."

As he spoke, he projected the images in his memory into reality. This method can be done by Level 5, and it is even easier for him to do a pseudo-epic.

Xue Wuwen and Bai Qianlang also came over to watch the movie together.

After watching the movie, Doraig's eyes regained a little sparkle: "Please give me some time, let me... think about it."

"No problem," Xia Qingkong pushed Xue and Bai, who were still in a daze, "Hey, you've come to your senses."

"Oh!" The two of them were separated from the aftertaste of the movie.

"This movie is quite interesting. Why didn't I see it when I was a kid?" Xue Wuwen sighed.

Bai Qianlang also said: "After arriving at the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield, there is rarely a peaceful life like Earth Star. Now that I think about it, I have been healed by those memories over the years, otherwise I would have gone crazy sooner or later after fighting for so many years."

"Don't think about the movie, the enemy is already here," Xia Qingkong stretched, "I'll take care of the big head, and you guys will take care of the small head."

Just after Dongmei tore apart the ancient tree's camouflage technology, Xia Qingkong blocked the signal from the entire Elf Land. Neither the Ancient Tree Mother Goddess nor the half-elves could transmit signals to the outside world.

Although the abnormality will not be discovered in a short period of time, one movie is enough time for the machine god monitoring Green Forest 8 to notice that something is wrong.

At this time, outside the atmosphere of Green Forest 8, a huge spaceship was drilling out of the wormhole. It was followed by dozens of frigates, each of which was several kilometers long.

A humanoid mechanical creature walked out of the main ship. It was a hundred meters tall, had four mechanical arms, and had a dozen huge columns growing from its back.

"The signal of the Elf Forest is blocked, and the signals of the ancient elven trees and all the elves cannot be received. It seems that the boy discovered something? Haha, an NPC wants to jump out of the game?"

"Open all your weapons and aim them at the land of elves. The spatial barriers are also open. Don't accidentally hurt ordinary humans in the outside world. They are all first-level protected animals. You can't afford to pay for the death of one of them."


The command was suddenly interrupted, and the robot sensed something was wrong.

It looked up and was shocked: "What is that!?"

Because it was so close, it hadn't noticed it before. I saw a figure larger than the planet Green Forest 8 standing in the universe at this time. The planet with a diameter of 30,000 kilometers was held in his hands like a basketball.

In front of such huge people, their majestic fleet looked like toys.

The giant is naturally Xia Qingkong. He is holding the Green Forest 8 with one hand and pushing towards the fleet with the other hand.

Like the Tathagata Buddha's Five Fingers Mountain, it blocks the starry sky and leaves people with no way to escape.

"Damn it!" As an epic powerhouse, the four-armed robot is actually the most desperate. It can clearly feel the strength gap between them. The power of countless laws in all directions restricts it, leaving it with no way to escape.

"Then let's fight!" The cylinder behind it instantly erupted from the body, turning into a dozen floating cannons and firing wildly at Xia Qingkong's palm. Its body started to calculate crazily.

"Fully armed and deployed!"

"Enable the forbidden spell 'Light of Heaven' skill module!"

"Enable the forbidden spell 'Great Tear' skill module!"

"Enable the forbidden spell 'Meteor and Fire Rain' skill module!"

"Enable skill parallel calculation function!"

"Core overclocking starts!"

Three forbidden spells capable of destroying stars were launched at the same time. Even if Green Forest No. 8 was hit, it would be torn into pieces in an instant.

However, under the giant hand in front of him, all its struggles seemed so ridiculous.

Xia Qingkong grabbed it, and more than a dozen level 7 floating cannons instantly turned into scrap metal. The three forbidden spells were crushed like eggs, and even the extremely hard mechanical body of the machine god could not escape the end of destruction.

What makes him even more desperate is that the consciousness that was supposed to be transferred to the new body has been intercepted. He is really capable of killing himself.

"This is impossible!? Where did such a strong person come from!? Why is there no information at all in the database!?"

Its soul let out a final roar before being crushed by Xia Qingkong.

After sleeping for two years, he no longer needs to slowly grind like before to kill the Azure Dragon Supreme. Such an epic powerhouse at the level of an illusory god can be destroyed easily.

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