My beast Emperor System

Chapter 202: Returning a hero!

The cheers of the Fotia empire army shook the skies causing many to scream with joy until it felt like the space around them was crumbling. Lucien weakly gazed at those below cheering him on and he felt annoyed. He wished he could do more than this, he wished he was actually strong enough to face this enemy and win in a free and fair battle.

In the minds of all those below, Lucien has given them another surprise. It is said that no one steps into an anomaly and lives to tell the story but Lucien has done it! He has proven all those old monsters wrong and once again, brought glory to the Fotia empire.

Klaus and Vlad knew the significance of what just happened and they were extremely pleased. All this while they spoke about needing a symbol! Someone whose name will strike fear into the hearts of their enemies and make them reluctant to fight them.

Just right now Lucien took that role!

Who would want to mess with someone who defeated a champion realm master with just the warrior realm cultivation level.

Who would want to mess with the man that mananged to oppress the enemy even within his anomaly and win?

Who would want to go against the only man who has stepped into an enemies anomaly and has stepped out of it alive even though everyone said it was impossible.

These people didn't know how Lucien did it and honestly they didnt want to know. What made Lucien intimidating was not his power but his mysterious nature. He has an unknown spirit like being within him, who is said to be his mentor and his original strength far surpassed that of gods and thats why Luciens current strength and weaknesses cannot be told. Since know one undertands his martial technique or his cultivation methods.

They watched Lucien pull his hand out of the dead man's chest and watched his drop to the ground, landing head first. Meanwhile Lucien shivered and staggered in mid air, threatening to fall. The inner disciples of the champion realm expert quickly charged towards their dead leaders body Like mad dogs But Klaus and Vlad finally took advantage of the situation and struck them down.


[Beast anomaly consumed]


[Hosts level is too low to use the anomaly]


[Due to the forceful cultivation upgrade from the warrior realm to the mortal realm, host has sustained grave damages to his mana circuits and needs some time to recover... For that reason, the system will have to put the host is a sleeping state for a week, to allow the healing process take effect]

Seeing this Lucien smiled and took two steps back. He needed the rest so he didnt even mind sleeping for two weeks, what he was worried about was how much the empire can change after he is gone for a week.

"I'm leaving the rest to you guys" Lucien shot Klaus and Vlad a glance before saying those words. His body jerked back and people watched him fall uncontrollably, luckily he was caught by Hayato Xio of the phoenix god beast clan.

The man quickly checked Lucien's pulse and only heaved a sigh of relief when he confirmed that Lucien is still alive but even then he knew Lucien's situation was dire.

"I don't know how you did it kid but good work kid... The emperor would have loved to see this happen" Xio said but the weak Lucien could only shoot him a sweet smile before passing out.


The news of the Creed's attack on the forces of the three empires had spread across the continent and suprisingly they won agianst the Drakon empire forces, tailing the Libet forces and they also won against the Libet forces preparing to engage the fotia empire forces, killing many important figures of that empire but when they reached the Fotia empire, the creed forces lost.

Every single one of them were murdered in cold blood and the Fotia empire forces sustained the least casualties than the other ta empires leading many to ask how it happened.

The most shocking news was that of one or the four pillars of the Creed dying at the hand of a warrior realm underdog, Lucien Rakuzen in battle, even after using his anomally. The thought of someone losing within their anomaly has never been entertained before sing it never happened, so when people first heard of this they were stunned. What was more shocking was the fact that Lucien Rakuzen was hospitalized after the fight, and the entire Fotia empire brought together their best healers to help aid the recovery of this fourteen year old.

Many expected the second faction within the empire that instigated the coup to take advantage of the opportunity and eliminate Lucien permanently, instead the empire joined hands and put all effort into healing Lucien's grave injuries.

The images of Lucien gripping the heart of champion realm expert with a will grin on his face had spread across the continent and he was even more famous than ever. Many considered him a hero and for that reason, the two empire made no attempts to attack the empire since then. Whether it was because of their respect for Lucien or their fear for the Creed empire, no one had any means of knowing the truth.


Within his mind, Lucien sat in a cross-legged position, meditating. Even though his meant to be unconscious, Lucien was remain conscious within his mind and train. He could feel the changes in his consciousness after he gained the anomaly but of what use is something he cannot use. Lucien kept gazing at the gates of the anomaly with the endless army of spirit beasts within, wondering how to make use of this with his lower level. He knew after rejecting the creed leaders advances, things would be a lot difficult from hence forth. Before the enemy wasn't trying to kill him and he found it extremely difficult but now, things will be even worse

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