My beast Emperor System

Chapter 203: Me? Emperor?

Exactly after a week, Lucien's eyes yanked open as he felt his body has turned sour. Since he hasn't been moving for a while he felt stiff and his joints hurt bad.

"This is annoying" Lucien muttered as he looked around but couldn't recognize the room he was in.

Ever since he reached the human realm Lucien realized he could see even more clearly, he could hear farther and he was more focused than ever. Since he was too was physically strained, Lucien couldn't tell if he was getting stronger, all he knew was that the mortal realm had increased his physical capabilities to its utmost limit and beyond.

" This realm... the difference is far too great than the rest!" Lucien muttered as he circulated mana all over his body in a bid to hasten his recovery.

[The mortal realm pushes your abilities to the limits of mortals... You become the best version of yourself as a human or a beast-man who is yet to ascend into the realm of the immortals] Rakuzen replied lazily.

Hearing this Lucien frowned as he tried to move his limbs and was relieved when he realized they were responding.

"Doesn't that mean one's attainment in the mortal realm differs? Like a fighter gains more physics capabilities meanwhile a mage acquires greater link to his or her element...* Lucien said with a hint of astonishment in his eyes.

This means that his attainment will be based on both physical and magical attributes! Only a few people can boast of combining both sides effectively. Thinking about this Lucien was pleased with his achievement.

[Hybrids... That's what we called monsters like you back in my days] Rakuzen laughed weakly.

Even without being told, Lucien knew that Rakuzen was exhausted. It hasn't been able to recover its energy before getting forcefully awakened. Thinking about this Lucien could only sigh and sit up properly. His eyes lacked the usual excitement since he was in an unknown location. He could feel protective magic arrays at the entrance, meaning he would have to wait for those who locked him up here to let him out.

Lucien couldn't tell if the main reason for all of this was meant to protect him from outsiders or if it meant to stop him from leaving. Lucien knew he was taken in by allies but he couldn't be sure of what happened afterward since there is no one to explain the situation to him.

[What do you plan to do?] Rakuzen asked.

"I don't know what you think but I don't plan on waiting for whoever placed me here to come to get me out," Lucien said before taking two bold steps forward. He would have loved to use magic but he still felt quite weak so he decided to depend on his beast assimilations.


Lucien's eyes let out a bright blue light as his body leaned forward and bright blue phoenix flames surged around his body, preparing to erupt but just before he could charge forward he heard the door unlocking!


The massive iron door yanked open and Instructor Han walked in. Entering the room he saw the supposed unconscious patient, crouching and preparing to pounce on the iron door making him frown.

"Why do you always pick violence first, you could have knocked! the guards outside will let you out but no... I was just a second away from letting you kick the door down" Instructor Han had his hands wrapped around his chest, with an unimpressed look on his face as he spoke.

Hearing this, Lucien calmed down and finally felt amused by the whole matter.

"What am I supposed to do? I wake up in an unfamiliar place and you expect me to act friendly?" Lucien tried to defend his actions but Instructor Han just snorted loudly and walked out of the room, leaving the door open.

Lucien could only sigh and walk out of the room, following him from a distance. The duo walked in silence for a while as they made it through the long corridor, before taking the stairs to the right.

To Lucien's surprise, this place didn't have any teleportation formation, making him wonder what part of the empire this is. He followed instructor Han up the stairs and then took the turn to the left before he finally reached a massive door with numerous powerful aura signatures on the other side.

He didn't necessarily feel intimidated, he just felt it was weird to have all the major clan heads together at a time like this. It felt like they were waiting for him to wake up from his slumber and join them.

Yanking the door open, Lucien walked in with instructor Han just to realize that this royal courtroom was filled with countless important figures in the empire, presenting key figures of the empire. His entrance turned the entire hall silent and soon after everyone got on their feet and began clapping.

When did they rebuild the royal palace?

And why is everyone so friendly and excited?

Lucien frowned but then he saw that Wuxing clan head standing behind the throne where Emperor Fei use to sit, signaling him to come and take a seat. Everything was moving so fast, Lucien was too slow to keep up so Instructor Han decided to explain things to him.

"After you miraculously defeated one of the four pillars of the Creed everyone realized how much the empire needed its symbol back! A single figure that will make the enemies of this empire reluctant to make a move... After much deliberation, everyone agreed that no one is more suitable for that role more than you!" instructor Han whispered into Lucien's ears making him shiver.

All this while he thought another civil war will break out after he tries to take over the throne but right now these people are willingly handing over the throne to him! No matter how calm and indifferent a person may seem, once a massive piece of news like this hits them, they will be left speechless! Right now, Lucien could only gaze at the crowd with an astonished look on his face.

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