My beast Emperor System

Chapter 83: Tania Village

"Rakuzen? Isn't that the name of the systems creator?" Lucien muttered in thought.

He wondered if these people are actual believers of the celestial being and guessing from the way she spoke, Lucien understood that these people knew of the celestial beast's downfall and they most likely believed in its resurrection.

Standing on his feet, Lucien turned to Instructor Emma and the rest and said;

"They think I am the reincarnation of their god or something because of my beast assimilation sealed artifact… She will be taking me back to her community… I think I need to check it out" Lucien said casually.

Instructor Emma wanted to call him crazy and refuse but she saw the look on Lucien's face and realized something. He wasn't asking for her permission, he was telling her what he intends to do and not asking for permission. Even if she tried to force him to stop, she definitely won't be able to go against the soul cultivator by his side.

"This kid will be the death of us all" Instructor Emma mumbled before adding.

"We are coming with you" She said firmly.

"We are?" Titan and Lucy blurted out in shock.

In their opinion, they just survived the toughest battle of their lives(Even though they didn't do much), so if Lucien is so eager to throw his life away over some hunch or words said by this spirituality cultivator let him die.

"Chill… You don't have to come… Alucard and the rest need to be taken care of… You are hurt too… you all need to rest and take care of your injuries… as for me, you don't have to worry… I am confident I can escape if anything happens… Also, I promise I won't be gone for too long… wait for a day… give me two days at most… this is something related to my cursed artifact so I need to know" Lucien said while rubbing Instructor Emma's hair gently.

When he was done talking he summoned one of his numerous silver kimonos from his omini pocket zone and handed it over to the lady to wear, he had no plans running under the moonlight with a stack naked woman!


Dashing through the dark forest lit up by the bright moonlight Lucien couldn't help but admire the beauty of the so called 'Savage' lady he just traded blows with. In his opinion, this lady could be considered one of the most beautiful human females he has met throughout his short life, more alluring than Instructor Emma not because she looked better but because she had this unique aura around her which Instructor Emma lacked since she came from a more civilized society.

"Why did you attack us?" Lucien asked as he tried to get the image of her wiggling butt off his head since he was already feeling hard down there.

Hearing the question, the lady slowed down and turned only to realize the night's breeze kept blowing up her silver kimono as she moved, revealing a lot but she didn't seem flustered since she wasn't really the type that wore much on good days.

"My community was attacked by a group of people… different people… like your people…. My grandfather was hurt so I went in search of them and found you" She answered honestly.

By the words, your people Lucien knew she didn't mean Instructor Emma and the rest, he knew she was referring to other magic and body cultivators like himself. The question now is who would dare attack a village filled with soul cultivators like her and even stronger ones. What stunned him wasn't the guts of this mysterious group but their confidence! Should he be fair with his evaluation of their strength, he would say that each member of the invaders should at least be as strong as noble family heads in the Fotia empire.

Many may not think much of it but it's a very powerful force.

"Do you know what they are after?" Lucien asked after giving the matter some thought.

"You, My Lord" The lady answered dryly while gazing at Lucien, trying to read his feelings through his facial expression.

"Me? What does this have to do with me?" Lucien showed sincere confusion while he spoke, making the Lady nod calmly before replying.

"We, the people of the Tania village pray exclusively to the being that surpassed all gods to become a celestial being, capable of doing and undoing! We, spirit beast cultivators are as a result of his powers… we belong to him… But then the other gods feared ours and joined hands to bring him down… Our lord, Rakuzen was killed and now many rumors are flying around about his reincarnation… But we know that truth! According to the prophecy, Rakuzen will bestow his power of Bess assimilation to whom he deems worthy… That person will lead our village to greatness and help us reclaim our good name… we expected this person to be one of our own… we didn't expect Rakuzen to pick someone of your kind" She explained slowly.

"Those who attacked our village were looking for Rakuzen's successor… we don't know why but we don't think they will treat you well if they get you" She said, leaving Lucien stunned.

Not only did he just realize he is part of an ancient prophecy but he also found out his life is in danger for something he knows nothing about.

"What are your intentions when you get to my village? You are meant to protect our village… it is your destiny" She said but it sounded more like a plea in his ears.

Lucien only nodded in agreement and said nothing else. The duo kept traveling for another hour but soon fatigue from their previous battle caught up to them, forcing them to sleep while Lucien used the shadow cloak and the module Q1 to keep the ability active and keep them safe while they sleep.

The next morning, they continued traveling and only reached the village in the afternoon, making Lucien wonder how far did this lady go just to find someone that hurt her grandfather. He also put into account the fact that these people were far stronger than her, meaning she would most likely be killed if she found them and attack those invaders as she did to them. With all that Lucien concluded that the girl he was traveling with for a while now can be considered dumb and rash, so he took note of that and followed her silently into the village.

Tania village could be considered a small village surrounded by about two to three-meter tall brick walls with no form of enchantment added to them. Following the lady who he didn't even bother to ask her name, he easily gained access to the village while drawing the attention of everyone as he moved. His long shoulder-length silver hair and his snow-white eyes and expensive silver Kimono were not something they could ignore. As a formal noble, every step Lucien took and every movement he made looked so graceful not many could get themselves to ignore him.

Soon a relatively large crowd followed the duo until they reached the largest building in the town which should be the only castle here, looking old, tattered, and abandoned. With a glance Lucien could see green moss and grass growing on the walls, making him wrinkle his face in disgust.

"Chenoa! You dare leave the village without my consent and come back with a man who doesn't even know our ways?" An elderly man walked out of the castle with two guards following him tightly. He was bald, had very long gray beards, and looked so frail and fragile, he had to walk with the support of a cane.

"Spirituality cultivation focuses on training only the soul, so the body still gets old and perishes but our cultivation focuses on the body and magic and that's why we have people looking fifty while they are actually two hundred years old" Lucien muttered in understanding

But the old man heard his words and frowned.

"This little child has no manners! Maybe I should remind who your elder is" The old man growled as his eyes let out blue light and from his body erupted blue spirit energy which took the shape of a massive bear!

"I didn't come here to be intimidated by an old man who can barely walk!" Lucien growled as his eyes released colorful lights and three spectacular creatures appeared around him.

It was the Raizen God beast, the general level nightmare demon, and the general level hell hound!

"The Lord has returned!" The old man screamed in ecstasy as all the malicious aura released by him vanished instantly. He threw his cane aside and fell on his knees.

Just like him, everyone present did the same, including the young lady who brought him here


[Mission Accomplished]


[Host has taken over the Tanaka village and the people will die for you in battle! Congratulations!]


[New achievement unlocked…]

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