My beast Emperor System

Chapter 84: Rakuzen returns


[New achievement unlocked…]

[Step one to becoming an emperor; You have gained the loyalty of a bunch of strangers, making them ready to fight and die for you… You now have people you can call your own… Congratulations! You have taken the very first step to become the beast emperor! +500exp & +10 Charisma]

[Host: Lucien]

[Race: Beast-man]

[Realm: 3RD sky of the human realm]

[Charisma: 60]

[HP: 75/75]

[MP: 95/95]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Exp: 5500]


[New settlement found….]

[Empi shop system locked… Upgrade the system to gain access to this]

[Do you wish to upgrade the system?]

"Empire shop system? What's that?" Lucien muttered in his mind as he reluctantly agreed to upgrade the system.

[-3000 exp]

Right at that moment, all the messages look scrambled with all appearing in form of codes followed by numerous bell ringing sounds.


[Upgrade successful…]

[Charisma converted to coins…]



At this point Lucien felt strange energy leave his body while running through the entire village, connecting him to every piece of land here. He felt a strong bond with this place and the people, and for some reason, he could tell their emotions.

"Wow…" Lucien muttered before turning his attention to these people kneeling before him.

He could tell they only acknowledge him as their leader since he has the beast assimilation ability but then that does not mean they respect him since he's yet to prove himself.

"Quite understandable…" Lucien muttered as he walked past the old man and into the castle without looking back...

Walking into this ancient castle, Lucien felt like he has been here before, not needing some sort of direction. He could tell his memories were overlapping with that of the Rakuzen making it hard for him to focus.




Lucien could hear hurried footsteps struggling to keep up with his pace but he even bother slowing down. He directly went to the throne room and sat on the dusty throne while waiting for these people to catch up.

"Lord Rakuzen!" these people screamed and fell on their knees but Lucien wasn't impressed, neither was he moved.

"I am not the Rakuzen you speak of, but he lives in my mind… I am Lucien… His successor" Lucien said calmly, cashing them to shoot each other a gaze.

From their facial expressions, he could guess they already knew this much, it seemed like they were only hoping that Rakuzen would be the one.

Ignoring them, Lucien moved his attention to the system, hoping to get see what he can do with the emperor Shop system. Opening it up, he was met with so many types of defenses ranging from magic towers to barriers, all having their own prices. He realized that the charisma points had been removed and changed empire coins, for the building and construction of an empire.

"I heard Tania was invaded… Tell me what are we lacking here?" Lucien shot a glance at the old man down there, he loved the throne since it was placed on a higher platform allowing him to look down on everyone.

Hearing Lucien's question, they all shot each other a glance with a hint of emotions welling up deep inside, they could tell Lucien's strength was far inferior to theirs but as people who served Rakuzen, they knew the god had the authority of creation and that's what made him amazing, that's why it could create something as complex as the system.

"When our Lord Rakuzen was still alive, our town flourished with great magic barriers to protect it from intruders since we spirituality cultivators do not have the ability to create things like that" The old man said.

"I see…" Lucien said while seated and not bothering to shoot them a glance.

The first thing he purchased was a castle upgrade which cost about a thousand points. Suddenly everyone in the room saw some sort of power flow out of Lucien and into the castle making the entire place tremble violently.

"Stay calm… its nothing to be worried about" Lucien said while hiding his excitement pretty well as he watched the old castle change.

While those inside may not have noticed much except for the fact that the room expanded, all the cracks on the wall were fixed and the entire room was lit up by stranger magic formations inscribed on the walls. Those outside noticed that the old castle looked good as new and has even increased in size considerably! The moss and grass growing on the walls were gone and this castle constantly released mana waves across the entire settlement.

"The creation authority! The young master inherited it too! He must truly be their successor of the Rakuzen!" The old village head cried out in ecstasy while bowing.

Lucien saw that others doing the same while singing praises of the great Rakuzen and at that moment, Lucien felt something move within him. He clearly knew he wasn't the one so his next suspect was the system and at that time he got a notification he didn't expect to see any time soon.


[Conditions met]

[Sufficient power of faith acquired]

[Lord Rakuzen awakens…]

Seeing the notifications, Lucien's vision blurred and his head began spinning, forcing him to shut his eyes and act like his meditating while trying to battle the forces within him.

Lucien soon found himself in a dark room with no source of light but then within the darkness, a pair of fiery blue scaly eyes yanked open, gazing down at Lucien who was like an ant compared to it. His body stiffened as he tried to summon the power of the three magic beasts under his control but only the Raizen God beast appeared while the others he gained through the Beast assimilation system did not appear.

"I guess this is where I do battle with you for control over my body… I won't say I am ready but I definitely won't let you take it without throwing a punch" Lucien said while flexing his muscular shoulders and taking bold steps forward.

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