My Beautiful Group of Girls

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: [010] Oh My Mother

My beauty Qunfang my mother

Walking on the road, Tian Keke said with a look of joy, “Su Ming, how can you predict what a slot machine will open every time? That kind of thing is really amazing.”

“I’m a god!” Su Ming said pretending to be forceful, we have superpowers that are even more divine than gods.

“Go away, if you are a god, why don’t you go and win all the money in the engine room?” Tian Keke pouted and didn’t believe it at all.

“Khan, if we continue to gamble, we are afraid that we will be beaten by the crowd. Do you think I can win all the money in the machine room?” Su Ming said depressedly.

“That’s right, other people are not idiots. By the way, Su Ming, can you give me five thousand yuan, I don’t want more.” Tian Keke said pitifully.

“Isn’t that too much?” Su Ming felt ashamed, but he generously gave Tian Keke 5,000 yuan, leaving the remaining 15,000 yuan on him.

Tian Keke happily took the money and said, “Thank you! With this money, I can buy a lot of things, let’s go to Yunyang Street.”

Su Ming nodded and asked with a smile, “How do you want to repay me?”

“Repay?” Tian Keke was stunned for a while, with a fiery personality, she was casual, she never thought about taking money to repay, she was dull for a while after hearing Su Ming’s words, and said, “Okay, I’ll give it to you. Can we hold hands? Go to Yunyang Street together.”

“Just holding hands? No way, I risked my money to make money. You think it’s easy, so stingy!” Su Ming said pretending to be wronged.

“Then how do you want to repay?” Tian Keke was also a little embarrassed. After all, people helped him make money when he was most disappointed, and he made himself so happy. Wouldn’t it be stingy to hold hands?

“I, actually… want to touch your ass.” Su Ming said shamelessly, thick-skinned has always been his style.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Tian Keke blushed and stared into a pair of beautiful eyes, and said in a foul language, “Fuck you, mom, don’t touch you.”

“Forget it if you don’t give it! I’m not going to the streets anymore, just go by myself!” Su Ming was also dissatisfied.

Tian Keke was a little anxious and took a handsome man to go shopping, which is what most women like, because others will show her envy when walking on the street, so she’s showing off.

Tian Keke said, “Okay, if you want to touch it, you can touch it, but you can’t let people see it.”

Su Ming’s eyes lit up, the thief walked to Tian Keke’s side, reached out his hand and touched it bluntly, Tian Keke’s round buttocks, full of fullness, softness, and rich elastic flesh-feel, are enough to explain How wonderful.

If it was stolen before, then now it’s normal. Su Ming touched it for a while, and he was greatly satisfied. Tian Keke held his hand and didn’t care how long he liked to touch it.

“Su Ming, do you have a girlfriend?” Tian Keke suddenly asked with a smile.

“No.” Su Ming replied, Tian Keke’s **** was up and down, and it was more irritating to touch when walking.

“Then why don’t you find one?” Tian Ke could see that he tried to get his hands inside his clothes, and immediately stretched out his hand to block it, refusing Su Ming to mess around.

Su Ming smiled wryly. “I didn’t have money before, who could care about me?”

“Aren’t you rich now? You can find it now!” Tian Keke said with a smile.

“There is some money, but no object.” Su Ming is actually quite an idiot, isn’t there a stunner right now?

Confession, idiot, if you succeed, you will go to open a room, work for ten days and ten nights without getting up, and release all the power of the sixteen years of Gangyang!

“Hee hee! How about I introduce one to you?” Tian Keke laughed while playing with his hair.

“Who?” Su Ming patted her plump buttocks and asked excitedly.

“My mother.”

“Khan.” Su Ming looked at her in surprise, this girl wouldn’t tell the truth, would she?

Daughter introduces her boyfriend to her mother? Have you heard of such a ridiculous thing?

“I’m serious, you can catch my mother! That woman is so annoying, she’s nagging all day, and she’s not happy to see it.”

Walking, they came to the bustling urban area, the spacious streets are gorgeously lit, and the pedestrians are complicated.

Su Ming’s face darkened, he still wants to chase you, why did he introduce your mother to himself?

“Forget it, I’m joking with you, go in and buy things with me.” Tian Keke took Su Ming’s hand into a large shopping mall and came to the third floor of the mall.

The third floor specializes in clothes. Tian Keke ran to the hanger on the left and picked it up happily. Su Ming stood silently, just watching her choose.

A waitress smiled and said, “Excuse me, what kind of clothes do you want?”

“Bikeni underwear, do you have it here?” Tian Keke asked.

“Hehe, yes, you come with me and put it over there.” She smiled and led the two of them over.

“Hee hee, this looks good, I like it the most.” Tian Keke happily took a set of **** bikini, gave the schoolbag to Su Ming and said, “Help me watch it, I will go to the dressing room to try it on.”

Su Ming didn’t care. He took Tian Keke’s exquisite schoolbag and stood on the side a little depressed. Although they came together, they were a couple in the eyes of others, but Mao himself didn’t feel like a couple?

“Sir, your girlfriend is so beautiful, how long have you been in love?” the waitress asked curiously.

“Ball! There’s no love, I managed to touch her **** just now.” Su Ming said helplessly.

The waitress thumped and fell to the ground. If there is no love, other girls will touch your butt?

Sweat dripped from the waitress’ face, indicating a lot of stress.

Tian Keke quickly tried the **** bikini, walked back with a happy smile, and said, “I want this set, please help me pack it.”

“Okay, wait a moment.” The waitress nodded politely. When the package was finished, she smiled and said, “Please pay the bill, 1,200 yuan.”

“Wait…so expensive?” Su Ming was taken aback, it was only a set of underwear, and it actually cost 1,200 yuan? How much is the dress on Tian Keke’s body worth?

Su Ming’s heart is a little cold, if he really catches Tian Keke, he can’t afford to support him! Spending money like water and losing gambling time and time again, can you support such a woman?

“What’s the matter, sir, your face is so pale.”

“Ah, nothing.” Gentleman Su Ming smiled, but it was a wry smile.

Tian Keke paid the money and said, “Let’s go there and see. I used to like a short skirt, I don’t know if it’s still there now.”

Tian Keke walked over to the other hanger and saw the designer short skirt. This is what she wanted to buy a long time ago, but she doesn’t have that much money, and the price of a short skirt is very expensive at 2,500 yuan.

“Please help me pack, I want to buy this group.” Tian Keke didn’t care about money at all, and called a waiter.


That’s it, in less than half an hour, Tian Keke’s five thousand yuan has been swept away by her.

Seeing Su Ming’s face is white and black, a woman is indeed a terrifying animal.

In the end, the other 5,000 yuan on Su Ming’s body was gone, Tian Keke was satisfied and went home, both of them were carrying a few bags.

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