My Beautiful Group of Girls

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: [009] Xiang Yan Makes Money

My beauty group is fragrant and earning money

Su Ming took a deep breath and began to prepare to bet, but before placing the bet, Su Ming saw his right hand, the blue crystal film screen, and clicked on the time acceleration superpower. This time, it is not for human use, but for The use of things, that is, the slot machine in front of them, superpowers can have effects on people, things, and things.

“Ding! Acceleration succeeded.”

When the super power was used, a confident smile suddenly appeared on Su Ming’s face. The slot machine did not turn, but the time acceleration had passed all the results of the slot machine in the next ten minutes into Su Ming’s mind one by one. , he knew all the results in ten minutes, what to drive, how many times to drive, and he understood everything.

“His uncle’s, sure enough! This is a fortune!” Su Ming showed his excitement in advance.

“What are you laughing at? You didn’t win money, so you laughed so happily? If you lose, you will cry to death.” Tian Ke could see that Su Ming laughed so hard, he couldn’t help but shiver. .

“Look at me, I’ll help you get your money back right away.” Su Ming put twenty game coins in, then pressed the buy apple button, and pressed all twenty.

Tian Keke pouted, “Although I like to eat apples, I hate buying apples. Apples are a fool.”

“Don’t worry, you won’t hate Apple after a while!” Su Ming said confidently.

A few people next to him also bought bets one after another. The tiger started to turn, and after a few turns, he sang that the mouse loves rice. Tian Keke’s eyes suddenly glowed with golden light, and his beautiful face was filled with uncontrollable joy, because it was true. When he opened the apple, the multiple of the apple was five times. Su Ming pressed twenty game coins, and he got five times the harvest and turned it into a hundred game coins.

“La la la!”

No one else was hit, and Su Ming’s one hundred game coins fell one after another from the exit of the slot machine.

“Mom. Mom! It’s really hit, I’m so excited!” Tian Keke folded his hands and put it on his high chest, looking happily at the slot machine’s exit, the game coins kept falling down, a full one hundred ah.

She used to bet nine out of ten and one was unlucky. Wherever she tried, she could win by just buying one bet. The flowers of joy were blooming.

“Happy!” Su Ming was actually excited. To be honest, he had never won a few bets before, but now he has a unique superpower and mastered all the results of the slot machine in the next ten minutes. Only then can he single In order to buy.

“Yeah! One hundred game coins, Su Ming, can you give me fifty?” Tian Keke has always been very casual, ignoring the borrowed word and saying what he wanted.

Su Ming doesn’t matter anymore, anyway, he has mastered the slot machine, and he can earn more later. If you give her nothing and can please the beauties, maybe you can take advantage of it!

Seeing that there were men and women kissing around, Su Ming suddenly had the courage, and moved his footsteps slightly behind Tian Keke’s pretty waist, then approached boldly, pressed his front body against Tian Keke’s delicate body, and said with a smile, ” Yes, but you have to buy according to me, you can’t buy randomly, understand?”

“Hee hee, got it!” Because Tian Keke was too excited, how could he think that Su Ming was taking advantage of her now, and Su Ming pressed him tightly behind his back, but he didn’t react.

Approaching the woman at such a close distance, Su Ming directly felt a burst of pleasure. The sultry aroma emanating from Tian Keke’s body made him feel infinitely excited, and the second brother was even more vigorous.

“Oops! You’re holding my ass, can you stand back a little bit!” Tian Keke felt unwell and said with dissatisfaction, but her hands were already busy counting game coins, so she didn’t care too much.

Su Ming thought she would go crazy, but she didn’t expect that the joy of winning money had made her sink into joy. She didn’t know that she was taking advantage of it, so Su Ming was even more daring and directly held her second brother against her fat buttocks. It happened to be in the middle of the beautiful arc, and the canyon on both sides tightly wrapped his thing, which made him go crazy…

“Su Ming, what are you going to buy next? Hurry up and bet, what are you doing?” Tian Keke turned around and said anxiously.

When Tian Keke turned her head, her body suddenly moved, and she was already extremely warm. After she moved her soft and delicate body, her buttocks squeezed back, but Su Ming was so excited that she lost control. !

“Buy an alarm clock.” Su Ming said with a serious face at the same time as he was popular. Su Ming has always been a rogue. He suddenly hugged Tian Keke’s lower abdomen with both hands. Envy is dead, this guy is secretly popular.

Su Ming glanced at them proudly, and ignored the jealous guys. When he saw the slot machine, he said, “Buy fifty game coins to the alarm clock, you will definitely hit it.”

“Okay!” Tian Keke put all fifty game coins on the alarm clock. Now she believes that Su Ming’s luck should be very good, but she is still a little worried, because she has only won a hundred, if she loses five Ten, it’s not good.

It’s just that the answer is in Su Ming’s grasp, and the slot machine immediately set off the alarm. The multiplier of the alarm clock was fifteen times, and the bet amounted to fifty and got seven hundred and fifty.

“That’s great, we made a lot of money!” Tian Keke said with a smile, holding out his hand and holding the game coins, looking like he was obsessed.

Su Ming said, “Yeah, I’ve made a lot of money, are you happy?” He said, but his body did not slow down and continued to be popular. At this time, he tried to lean forward, grabbed Tian Keke’s lower abdomen with his hands, and added some strength. .

“Damn, it’s so tight, I can’t breathe.” Tian Keke rolled his eyes, but counted the coins happily, unaware that she was being held.

“Waiter, please help me with a tray.” Tian Keke said to a service employee in a machine room.

The other party handed over a tray with a smile, Tian Keke put all the game coins on it, and then happily asked, “Buy again, I want to make more money, hum, I want to win back all the thousands of dollars I lost before. , Su Ming, what are you going to buy next?”

“Double Seven.” Su Ming smiled.

Tian Keke’s beautiful eyes lit up, she likes the ones with high multiples the most, and if she hits 20 times all of a sudden, it’s a pleasure, and this time she throws in a hundred game coins.

“My God, I actually opened Double Seven, Su Ming, I love you.” Tian Keke saw the result of the slot machine, and the 2000 oceans rolled in. She couldn’t hold back her joy anymore. , and became extremely excited.

“Go ahead, buy what!”


“Oh my God, we got hit, we got hit again, Su Ming, you are amazing too!”

They won the lottery for five consecutive minutes. They won a full 20,000 game coins. The people in the machine room were shocked. Today, could it be that there is a gambling master?

“You two, our engine room is about to close, please leave!” The engine room boss looked extremely ugly, and came over and said, it’s still early, how can we close the door so early, he just made an excuse to send Su Ming and the others away , if they win again, he will definitely lose to death today.

The boss couldn’t understand, the computer room had his own subordinates watching, and the students in front of him had no chance of cheating at all, but why did they win every time? Does he really have that god?

But no matter what the reason is, he has not allowed Su Ming to buy it, so he must get rid of the two of them quickly, otherwise it would be strange if he did not lose 108,000! Called a bunch of men approaching.

Su Ming can naturally see what the boss means. You should feel contented after winning 20,000, otherwise, neither of you will ever want to leave this door.

“Let’s change money.” Su Ming said to Tian Keke, Tian Keke nodded, she often came here to gamble, how could she not know the situation.

The owner of the machine room didn’t renege on the bill, he could still afford to lose 20,000 yuan. If he reneged on the bill casually, he would not only lose his credibility, but he would also get into trouble with some bad people.

Holding 20,000 oceans, Su Ming and Tian Keke left the Qixing machine room and walked out to the outside road. The two were in a very good mood.

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