My Beautiful Group of Girls

Chapter 500

Chapter 498: Cultivation In The Ancient World

My Beauty Qunfang 498 Cultivation in the Ancient World

“This place is called the ancient world. It is the four foreign countries, and the other world. To enter the ancient world, you need to go through the portal of the four countries. Ordinary people will not know about the transfer gate and the ancient world, because all those who come here are capable people.” Tian Chen explained.

“Master! Then how did we get in? Did you just teleport?”

“No, I never use a portal to enter and exit the ancient world.”

“Master, how did we get in just now?” Su Ming was puzzled!

“Uh.. The interface of the ancient world came in. It seems a bit barbaric!” Tian Chen laughed.

“That’s a bit barbaric? Master, you are so domineering!” Su Ming wanted to put on a look of contempt, Master, you’re pretending to be forceful!

If Su Ming was not a capable person, he would definitely not believe that the world in front of him was a real world. After being shocked for a while, Su Ming slowly calmed himself down and looked at a huge black forest in front of him. The evil beasts screamed loudly and hissed fiercely. They were all those evil beasts. One of them was a two-meter-tall tiger with gray and white spots all over its body. It suddenly came out of the forest and moved on the edge of the forest!

Su Ming looked over, the gray-white spotted tiger was ferocious, and the white teeth were very terrifying. There was no doubt that ordinary people would definitely be eaten by him when they encountered it!

“Tell me about your abilities!” Tian Chen said.

“Oh!” Su Ming nodded and said, “Acceleration, divine power level 2, deceleration, super power level 3, acceleration is a lot behind! Because I focus on acceleration, and…”

“What? You must not hide anything from me in terms of ability, because you don’t trust your master!” Tianchen became slightly serious!

“Got it!” Su Ming said, “The black bead, a natural disaster, contains endless dark and evil power, and is sealed in a fantasy space of the ace chip. I can’t control its power at will. The next wrong way to bite me back!”

“Sure enough…” Tian Chen sighed!

“Master, what did you say?” Su Ming looked at him puzzled!

“It’s nothing, when I talk to myself!” Tianchen smiled and said, “Your deceleration ability has not reached the divine level, I can’t teach you how to use its true ability now, and I will wait for you to upgrade to divine energy later. Level, I was teaching you when you no longer needed super power points. Now I want to teach you two kinds. One is to improve the acceleration level, cultivate the mood, and learn to play the true ability of acceleration, rather than blindly speeding up against the enemy. It’s just a simple use of the acceleration time. Second, teach you how to control the black bead, let it surrender, and control its power!”

“Master, don’t I have the real ability to accelerate now? Why do I feel like I can control time as I want?” Su Ming looked puzzled!

“Do whatever you want? No, you call it simple to use. Do whatever you want is not as simple as you think. When you are in the exam, if you don’t cheat, can you do whatever you want, don’t be nervous, don’t be in a hurry, and finish the test easily?”

“No way! Who can be so calm without cheating!” Su Ming pouted.

“Hehe! If you cheated, can you do it, don’t be nervous, feel like you can control the test time, test questions, everything is under your control?”

“Yes! Master, I cheated in the exam!” Su Ming said embarrassedly.

Tianchen said, “It’s almost the same thing, if you want to control time as you want, you must have the ability to understand time, treat yourself as time, and not let time only be used by you. If you are time yourself, you still have to worry about not being able to. Do you have complete control over time?”

“I remember what Master said!” Su Ming absorbed a lot at this moment and seemed to have realized something!

“Looks like you understand something! Very good! Now you go to eat! After you’re full, I’ll teach you how to cultivate your mood.” Tianchen smiled with relief!

“Eating? Aren’t we going out to eat?” Su Ming looked around, Master didn’t mean to take him away!

“No, you’ve been eating here for a few days, hunting and killing evil beasts. The lowest level of these evil beasts has the divine power level, and the gray-white spotted tiger has three levels of divine power compared to humans, but you must think that you are Its special abilities can easily deal with it, its animal sense and agility, combat power, defense, etc., are not bad, you can kill it in the past and try!” Tianchen sat on a stone slab outside the forest said.

Su Ming looked at the evil tiger, Momo’s waist, and found that he didn’t bring his matching knife, so he had to deal with it with bare hands and bare fists.

Su Ming extracted the dark energy from his body and swirled it around his hand. His hand was like a knife, and he moved over with a lightning-like figure, crossed the dense grass, came to the tiger, and slashed with his hand. A burst of sword energy formed by dark forces slashed along the tiger’s head.


After being attacked, the gray-white spotted tiger roared, and the head was slashed by the dark blade, but there was no stab wound. Instead, it was slashed back a step. Sharp, clawed towards Su Ming.

“Damn, so strong? My strength can’t hurt it?” Su Ming was taken aback immediately, and instinctively retreated!


The gray-white spotted tiger’s claws slashed across Su Ming’s body, and two wounds instantly appeared on Su Ming’s shoulders and legs. Su Ming didn’t have time to dodge. The gray-and-white tiger’s hands pressed on the grass, and the gray-and-white tiger’s grin bit down on him!

In the face of the extreme crisis, Su Ming maintained his sanity, put his foot on the chin of a gray-white spotted tiger, and then extracted the dark energy to burst out again, struggling to get up from the opponent’s pressure, Su Ming chased after him, running the acceleration ability. , the figure kept flashing around the gray-white spotted tiger, and dozens of attacks slashed at its body!


The gray-white spotted tiger’s defense is very thick, but it was injured after holding on for a few seconds in Su Ming’s intensive attacks. However, it went wild, and suddenly a burst of yellow light erupted from its body. Its whole body was shrouded in yellow light. In the fierce battle with Su Ming on the grass, Su Ming fought very hard, and finally had to use a hundred times acceleration.

When the gray-white spotted tiger was killed, Su Ming was already covered in scars, with more than a dozen claw marks on his body, and blood was flowing from the wound!

Su Ming dragged the body of the gray-white spotted tiger and walked back, then sat down on the ground with a tired buttocks, gasping for breath!

“How do you feel?” Tian Chen said.

“It’s very difficult, it just exhausted my energy!” Su Ming gasped.

“Now you should understand that even though you have unique abilities, but you haven’t displayed the true power of your abilities, you still fought hard! This tiger is just a low-level evil beast, and there are more powerful creatures in it. Evil beasts, facing them now, you only have the chance to escape!” Tian Chen casually split the tiger’s body with a force, splitting the tiger’s thigh meat into pieces, then lit the fire, and taught Su Ming while roasting.

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