My Beautiful Group of Girls

Chapter 501

Chapter 499: Power Change!

My beauty Qunfang 499 has changed her strength!

“You heal yourself first. This is the ancient world, and the energy in all aspects is very strong. It is also night. You absorb much more dark energy! When you reach the realm of the **** energy level, those who are capable can already heal themselves!” Tian Chen said, BBQ on the side!

“Oh!” Su Ming sat cross-legged on the grass and began to absorb the dark energy around him. He unexpectedly discovered that the dark energy concentration in the ancient world was five times higher than that in Yunyang City. Su Ming couldn’t help but feel happy. According to this absorption speed, his level increase must be exaggerated!

The dense dark energy gathered on Su Ming’s body at a speed visible to the naked eye. Su Ming absorbed all of it into his body, and his body was covered by black light. If they didn’t know that there was a person here, others would probably not know that Su Ming was there. here!

It only took half an hour, Su Ming’s injury was completely healed, and he had to praise the ancient world for being a good place to practice!

Tianchen handed a bunch of barbecued meat to Su Ming, said. “When you’re full, start the formal training!”

“Okay, Master!” Su Ming said happily. He didn’t know the identity of the master, but the master was very kind to him, which made him have a very high affection for him in a short period of time.

After he was full, Tianchen looked into the big forest and said, “Now I will teach you the cultivation of artistic conception. Your artistic conception is the artistic conception of time. If you want to completely control time, you must learn the artistic conception.”

“Master, what is artistic conception? Mind, spiritual power, or concentration?” Su Ming asked.

Tianchen smiled and said, “I’ll explain it to you in detail! You do as I say, close your eyes and feel the nature, feel the things around you, there is time flowing between nature, the birth and decline of life, the five elements of the elements. Flow and so on, this is nature! Do you feel like you are in nature?”

Su Ming followed his teaching and said at this time, “I feel it, I am in nature! I am in all things!”

“Very good! Now I’ll teach you how to cultivate artistic conception. When you are in nature, you can integrate into nature. Have you found that magical artistic conception?” Tianchen said.

“Yes, I found it!” Su Ming really entered a mysterious mood at this moment, he found that he was nature, and nature was himself!

“Very good! Now you can turn yourself into time, the time element is flowing between heaven and earth, you have to become a part of the time element, and slowly try to control the time element! But don’t be too anxious, remember, to Take your time! Otherwise there will be serious consequences!”

Su Ming took the teaching seriously. At this moment, it slowly turned into time. His body actually disappeared with a little white light until it completely disappeared. Now it has completely turned into time!

Su Ming also found that the dense time elements are flowing around him, and he is actually a part of the time elements. In a big forest, Su Ming floats and flows in the forest, because at this moment he is already a time element.

Suddenly, Su Ming tried to fuse the surrounding time elements. He was happy for a while, and he kept merging, trying to control these time elements!


Su Ming was strongly repelled for a while, because he was too hasty, he was kicked out by the time element, and his whole mind suffered a strong shock, he fainted on the spot, and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood!

Tianchen saw this, and hurried past a mental force into Su Ming’s mind, helping Su Ming stabilize his mind, Su Ming is too hasty, there will be a great risk, and will be swallowed by the time element!

The time element of heaven and earth time is so strong, Su Ming’s greed almost killed his life, this is no joke!

When Su Ming woke up, he felt very uncomfortable and his face was pale.

“Didn’t I tell you to take it slow? You almost lost your life!” Tian Chen exhorted slightly, and then said, “Remember, don’t be too hasty, everything is difficult at the beginning, you try to try without a deep understanding of the time element. It is impossible to completely integrate the elements of time, and it will only harm oneself.”

“Master, I was wrong, I won’t dare next time!” Su Ming said sadly.

“Okay, I won’t scold you either! You are brave enough to take risks. After the time rejection just now, you should know why they rejected you, right?” Tian Chen laughed.

“Got it.” Su Ming took a risk and absorbed a lot!

Take a good rest, Su Ming cultivates the mood again. With the previous lessons, Su Ming does not dare to act too hastily. Instead, he takes his time and begins to transform into time, integrates the elements of time, and controls them little by little!

Unconsciously, time passes day by day, and the laws of time flow. This kind of thing cannot be controlled by Su Ming, otherwise Su Ming will be the **** of time!

Five days have passed! While cultivating the artistic conception, Su Ming cultivated his level. His strength has increased terribly. In five days, he has absorbed dark energy crazily, and his level has broken through from the second level of divine energy to the fourth level of divine energy. The ancient world is really a good place to practice!

in the forest.

Hundreds of beasts roared across the night forest, and there were battles of evil beasts everywhere.

Su Ming’s figure turned into bursts of white light and came to the depths of the forest, and then slowly condensed into a body again. Now that he has learned the artistic conception, he can turn himself into a time element, recovering his true body from the time element, and feel free. Do whatever you want.

Su Ming understood the true meaning of time. In just a few short days, in the teaching of Tianchen, he broke through a big change. Now he is not as bad as before, and his strength has changed drastically!

Hundred meters away, an earth dragon and a poisonous centipede were fighting, and the surrounding area was utterly destroyed.

The    Earth Dragon has three heads and looks extremely ferocious. The sharp dragon teeth are half a meter long and bite at the body of the poisonous centipede!

“Ouch…” The poisonous centipede was strongly attacked and realized the extreme danger. It emitted bursts of poisonous water from its whole body, poisoning the earth dragon’s mouth, and the earth dragon screamed wildly and was also seriously injured.

Su Ming smiled lightly. Although he didn’t want to disturb the battle between the two evil beasts, it was rare for Su Ming to find two evil beasts with nine levels of divine power. Of course, he would not give up the opportunity to see how strong his own strength was.

Su Ming turned into white light and appeared silently in the middle of the two evil beasts. One palm hit the flying dragon and the other flew the poisonous centipede. The two evil beasts didn’t understand what was going on. They were already flying far away. Su Ming didn’t need it. Stepping forward, it does not need to be galloping and electric shock, but turns into time element and disappears. The next moment without warning appears in front of the body of the ground dragon flying upside down. But he couldn’t resist Su Ming’s simple slashing force with his bare hands, and he was split into two pieces and died on the spot.

The poisonous centipede over there looked at Su Ming in fear, not daring to rush over, nor to flee the scene, but stood trembling all over, not daring to move, looking very scared of Su Ming.

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