My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 614

Ms. Anne regretted her earlier words

“Ah, by the way. Where is Ms. Anne?”

I asked as I watched the two fenrirs being petted.

Mr. Ekenhart hated getting up in the morning, but was still here. So it was odd that Ms. Anne was not…

“She is in her room. Hah…if she was going to regret it, she should not have said such a thing…”

“…What do you mean? Did something happen?”

“I am talking about what she said yesterday before leaving the dining hall.”


About bathing together.

Apparently, she had gotten carried away, and later regretted it.

She had turned red right after saying it. So perhaps her regret had only increased since then.

She should not have said it then… But I suppose it could not be helped.

…I often said things that I would regret later.

“…So there was no need to be frantic after all.”

“It looks like it.”

“She didn’t really mean it…”

“I did get a laugh from seeing Anne roll around on her bed. Would you like to take a look, Mr. Takumi?”

“No, even if you say it was amusing… Well, it does sound… No, I am fine.”

Mr. Ekenhart and Sebastian realized that there was no need to rush things after seeing Ms. Anne’s state.

As for Ms. Claire’s invitation, I turned it down.

It was one thing for two women, but she would likely not appreciate being seen by me… It might just make things even worse.

Regardless, Ms. Claire clearly saw her as a target for mockery right now.

In that way, she was a lot like her father.





After breakfast, we drank tea and relaxed.

Leo and the others were playing a short distance away from the table as I watched.

Leo would bark an order, and Fen and Riruru would obey and move.

For some reason, Sherry was moving with them, while Liza laughed while riding on Leo’s back.

After Fen and Riruru were petted and calmed down, Ms. Helena cooked their orc meat, and they were able to eat to their satisfaction.

As there was plenty of meat left, it would be used for lunch and dinner as well.

“It was like this in the forest too…but it’s so strange that things can be so peaceful in spite of there being so many powerful monsters around us.”

“Indeed. It is all because of Leo and Mr. Takumi, I’m sure.”

“I didn’t do anything… It’s all Leo.”

“And Leo is with you. In any case, I would not have believed it possible a short while ago…”

Mr. Ekenhart muttered as he watched Leo and the others.

Ms. Claire agreed, and said that it was thanks to me. But I had barely done anything.

In any case, humans and monsters…while we weren’t exactly enemies, they were powerful and dangerous next to humans. So it was nice to see everyone playing so peacefully now.

“Oh, Rahle looks so good!”


Aside from Leo and the others, Tilura was enjoying her time with Rahle.

Currently, Rahle was spreading its large wings, much to Tilura’s delight.

They weren’t the pretty wings of a peacock, but they certainly had a strong impact and looked cool.

It was no wonder Tilura was so happy.

The servants also smiled as they watched the scene in the garden.

Unlike the first time they had seen Leo, they were not scared. It must be because they were used to it now.

After all, Leo was larger and stronger than any other monster.

“Mr. Takumi. Sorry to trouble you while you are resting, but Ms. Helena wishes to discuss something with you…”

“Ms. Helena?”

“Yes. It is related to cooking…”

“Hah…very well.”

As I watched, Ms. Lyra came to tell me that Ms. Helena wanted to discuss something.

“Ms. Helena, what is it?”

“I’m terribly sorry for calling you… But I could talk about it in front of Lady Claire and the others.”

After being told by Ms. Lyra, I had gotten up and walked back into the mansion.

I had assumed that she would be in the kitchen, but Ms. Helena was waiting in the hallway, where a small table and chair had been prepared.

It was nice that we could sit down and talk, but were they allowed to do this in the hallway?

“I asked Sebastian, and he made sure that no one would pass through here for now. I want to talk without being disturbed. After all, we cannot use the drawing room. And I felt bad about calling you to the kitchen.”

“The kitchen would have been fine… In any case, what is this about?”

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