My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 615

Ms. Helena had something to discuss with me

“Um…after returning from the forest, I’m sure you hear about it from Ms. Gelda. About getting fat from eating too much, and how to deal with it.”

“Ah. She did say something about that. How your food was so delicious that it was easy to eat too much. At least Mr. Ekenhart, Tilura and I exercise a lot with our training…but for the others…”

“Yes. It’s not like Lady Claire said anything to me directly, but I’m a little worried. After all, it has happened to some of the servants already. And so I wanted to speak to you about it. Simply decreasing the portions is not enough… Of course, I do want people to be able to eat as much good food as they want…”

“I see…”

In other words, she wanted to talk to me about diet.

For those who did not exercise, eating too much food that was high in calories could cause them to gain weight.

“I talked to you before about creating new dishes, didn’t I? While this is a little different, I wanted your advice…”

“I do remember. As for thinking of dishes that will help you lose weight…that would be new. However…”

“Is it too difficult?”

That was often a subject of discussion in Japan.

Some things were effective, while others were not.

I didn’t know a lot about it myself… I never ate that much to begin with, and I couldn’t cut down, as I barely had enough energy to keep up with all of the work I had to do.

“And you don’t want to change the portions?”

“Yes… I know that is one way, but I would like to avoid it. If I make something good, I want people to eat plenty of it. It would be a different matter if I lacked skill and the food tasted bad…”

“I see…”

As a cook, she wanted people to enjoy her food and eat as much as they liked.

While I had never worked as a cook, I understood the feeling.

It was hard work and a lot of thought went into it. So having people enjoy it would be one of the greatest feelings for a cook.

“In that case… Perhaps you should think about the ingredients.”

“The ingredients?”

“Yes. That could change things… Perhaps there are ingredients that will help you lose weight.”

“…I don’t know about that… Well, I have mostly just thought about how things taste.”


This wasn’t a world where you could easily find out the nutritional value of food.

I’m sure they had some concept of what was good for you, but dieting was a different matter.

Considering many people came from the slums, or Sebastian’s past, it was likely that they didn’t care, as long as something was edible.

In any case, food that was effective for dieting…

Well, I had no idea if the food we had in Japan even existed here.

Besides, I didn’t have much knowledge of such things anyway. But as long as Ms. Helena was relying on me, I wanted to cooperate with her.

Hmm… They have potatoes in this world. So maybe something like konjac?

Though, that had little taste by itself. Other than that… Ah, I know…

“Are there any soybeans?”

Soybeans were nutritious and good for dieting.

It could be used for all kinds of dishes, and you could make tofu and bean sprouts.

“Soybeans? What are they like? I have never heard of them…”

“Hmm… Well, they are about this big and…”

Apparently, Ms. Helena had never seen them before.

I wondered if they didn’t exist, but then I remembered that things had different names here.

And so I tried to explain it to Ms. Helena.

“Oh, sooy.”


“Well, it is a similar plant to what you are describing. It is often used for emergency food. Though, some villages eat them as a snack after cooking them. I believe they can be poisonous if not cooked?”

“Ah, roasted soybeans. Yes, you can add different kinds of seasoning.”

I remembered that my grandmother used to make it.

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