My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 367 The Incinerator Inspires True Vision Insight

Chapter 367 Incinerator·Inspire True Vision·Insight

The second test ended quicker than the first.

After the Jelly Man became invisible in the test area, the Church Assassin and the Shadow Demon launched several rounds of blind guessing attacks, but found nothing, not even the Jelly Man's shadow.

The strange demons had no choice but to hover near the stone house to prevent the jelly man from approaching the house.

Unfortunately, their approach is useless.

Just like water cannot harm water, air cannot split air, and fire cannot burn fire, shadow energy cannot harm shadow energy itself.

No matter how fierce the Shadow Blade Storm was, the jelly man still passed through the storm unhindered and came to the stone house, as if he was turning invisible and invincible at the same time...

Four jelly men used their hands that turned into purple and black to lift up the fallen stone house and turn it into a place that can shelter from wind and rain.

The unwilling demon got into the house and occupied the indoor territory.

The 4 jelly men were indifferent.

They separated into three people and transformed into doors and windows made of shadow energy, blocking the entrance and exit of the stone house and trapping the strange demons in the room.

The remaining person seemed to be at war with the strange demon in the stone house.

After a short and fierce battle, the church assassin and the shadow demon escaped from the stone house window in embarrassment and blended into the purple-black shadow environment.

From the time the jelly man stepped into the test area to the end of the alien demon's retreat, the entire process took no more than 5 minutes, which was twice as fast as the previous test.

Yaxut once again accelerated the flow of time in the test area, confirming that the [Various Body] team could persist for one hour before ending the test.

"The [Various Body] team, the test is completed." Yaxut looked at the blazing fireball, "It's your turn, [Incinerator Body] team."

‘Master, what do you think their results are? ’ Xia Zuo asked, staring at the big fireball.

‘Excellent. ’ Rexall said.

‘Excellent again? ! ’ Xia Zuo was stunned.

Rexor shrugged slightly, "I don't need to read the test to know. Except for our results, which are uncertain, the other teams are definitely excellent." ’

'why is that? For the first two caster bodies, I can understand that they have special features for the forbidden magic field, and they are fully qualified to receive excellent ratings. But this [Incinerator Body] is a burning fireball... Can it also burn in a place full of shadow energy like the test area? ’Xia Zuo was confused.

Rexor glanced at him, 'What are the three elements of burning? ’

'Combustibles, temperature and combustion-supporting substances... Oh... I seem to understand a little bit...' Xia Zuo fell into thinking.

Rexor crossed his arms and said:

‘There is a mutually reinforcing relationship between the four energy elements.

‘Whether it is a mutual reaction or a mutual conflict reaction of elemental energy, it is the process of [the interaction of two different energies to form new energy or matter].

‘Isn’t the so-called [burning] the same? After the temperature conditions are met, combustibles and combustion-supporting substances interact to produce new substances.

‘There is so much shadow energy in the test area. If we ignite it, we can defeat the strange demon in one fell swoop. [Incinerator Body] is born for [burning]. Its fuel is not just our common combustibles, but shadow energy is also among them. ’

Xia Zuo nodded slowly, 'In that case, the thing used as a combustion aid is the most critical. What could help the Incinerator ignite the shadow energy? ’

‘Then it depends on what can cause a violent reaction of shadow energy. ’ Rexall said:

‘There are many characteristics of shadow energy, but they can be summed up in three points.

‘[Death] that annihilates vitality, [Silence] that is eternally still, and [Nothingness] that has no entity.

‘Any characteristic of something that is in opposition to one of the shadow energy’s [Death], [Silence], or [Nothingness] can trigger a violent reaction from the shadow energy.

‘The vitality of living things will lead to [death].

‘Objects capable of movement do not qualify as [Silence].

‘The stone, which is lifeless and immobile, possesses substance and is contrary to [nothingness].

‘That’s why the shadow energy corrodes the creatures and everything else in the forbidden magic field. ’

Rexor spread his hands, 'Things that can form opposites to the three characteristics of [Death], [Silence] and [Nothingness] at the same time will usher in the most crazy attack of shadow energy. As for what this thing is? In fact, it is right in front of us. That is the [Incinerator Body] itself. The flame on the caster's body is not the flame energy generated by the fire element, but is caused by igniting the fuel in the body. It will not be suppressed by the forbidden magic field, but will lead to the erosion of shadow energy. ’

Rexall pointed forward, 'Pay attention, the third test is going very fast. Don't miss this exciting scene. ’

Xia Zuo immediately sat up straight, staring intently at the big fireball that was about to float into the test area.

[Incinerator Body] The team sent out 5 fireballs. Four large fireballs formed a "" shaped formation perpendicular to the ground around the central big fireball.

After the big fireballs stopped for a while at the edge of the test, they maintained their formation and floated into the dome at the same time.

A moment! The shadow energy in the dome beat like boiling water, and countless purple-black light groups rushed toward the big fireball.

The fiery red light of the big fireball was obscured by the purple-black shadow energy that followed one after another.

The next second, purple-black flame pillars burst out from the circle of shadow energy. Within half a second, the purple-black fire pillar extended from one end of the dome to the other, igniting the shadow energy passing along the way and emitting more purple-black flames.

A wave of purple-black flames filled the entire dome in an instant.

After another three to five seconds, the purple-black flames disappeared, and no trace of shadow energy could be seen in the dome. Five groups of strange demons that were burnt to black charcoal fell to the ground. Their bodies were slumped and they had completely lost their ability to fight.

The five fireballs that formed the "hui" formation became much dimmer, but they were enough to protect the advancing stronghold for an hour.

Since the strange demons are in a state of near-death, Yaxut saves the process of accelerating the flow of time.

He directly announced that the [Incinerator Body] team had achieved excellent results, then let the big fireballs leave the dome, and then used time and space reversal to restore the environment in the dome and the injuries of the strange demons.

Seeing this, Xia Zuo had some guesses in his mind, 'Master, although [Incineration Body] has received high praise, it shouldn't be used in future combat plans, right? ’

'Yes. ’ Rexor crossed his arms and said, ‘The [Incinerator Body] can burn all the shadow energy in the dome, purely because there is not enough shadow energy in the dome to completely consume the fuel. If these five fireballs were placed in the Forbidden Magic Field, they would have only one fate, and that would be to be swallowed up by the boundless shadow energy after blooming into brilliant purple-black flames. ’

Xia Zuo asked, 'How many [Incinerator Bodies] can be put in to burn out the shadow energy in the forbidden magic field? ’

‘Well, it will probably take more than 10,000. ’ Rexor Mosuo shook his head, ‘But the temple won’t do that. [Incinerator Body] is bound to the [Incinerator] meditation method. Only mages who practice the master-level [Incinerator] meditation method can make their own [Incinerator Body]. There are currently only more than 100 [Incineration Bodies] in the temple. In terms of quantity, it is far from the minimum requirement to ignite the entire forbidden magic field. ’

Xia Zuo said, 'It seems that [Incinerator Bodies] cannot be used as combat resources in frontal combat. At most, they can be used to launch surprise attacks. ’

‘Yes, that’s true. ’

Rexor pointed vaguely at the [True Seeing Eyes] team and the [Elemental Star Network] team that were about to appear:

‘I can give you a spoiler in advance, the two teams have similar methods of dealing with strange demons and shadow energy.

‘[True Sighting Eyes] can directly see energy readings and energy ripples in the environment, just like observing the density and composition of air with the naked eye. With this advantage, [True Seeing Eyes] can lock onto the invisible Shadow Demon and Church Assassin within a second or two. ’

Rexor motioned Xia Zuo to look at the center of the metal sphere, 'Have you seen those circular pupils nested together? It was an alchemical weapon called [Eye Pupil Ray]. In the natural environment, it can use elemental energy to emit blazing rays and frost rays, accurately hitting all objects in high-speed motion. In the Forbidden Magic Field, its energy mode will switch from elemental energy to psychic energy, emitting [Madness Ray], [Sluggishness Ray], and [Despair Ray], these psychic rays that destroy the enemy's will. ’

‘So [True Seeing Eye] will kill the strange demon first and then build a stronghold, right? ’ Xia Zuo asked.

'um, yes. ’ Rexor nodded and moved his gaze to the [Elemental Star Network]:

‘I think you have discovered that it is actually possible to cast elemental spells in the forbidden magic field, but the conditions are extremely harsh.

‘Only one elemental spell with 1.8 power can be cast every 1.6 seconds. If it times out or exceeds the power limit, it will cause interference from the forbidden magic field and forcefully interrupt the spell casting.

'Using this method of casting spells to deal with strange demons is as stupid as using a water gun to attack a strong man. What do you think the [Element Star Network] team will do? ’

Before the test began, Yaxut described the energy readings in the test area.

"The observation plane is 1 meter", these words deserve special attention.

Without this small sentence, it means that the observation plane is infinite, that is, any spell with a power exceeding 1.8 cast anywhere in the test area will be interfered by the forbidden magic field.

But if you add this small sentence, it becomes: As long as the power of the spell cast by the caster does not exceed 1.8 per cubic meter, and the casting time does not exceed 1.6 seconds, there will be no interference from the forbidden magic field.

[Element Star Network] The way to deal with the test is obvious.

‘Master, I think the [Elemental Star Network] team will spread out its members and attack the strange demons at different locations. ’ Xia Zuo said.

'Yes, but not entirely. ’ Rexor gave up and said, ‘[Elemental Star Network] The key to the body lies in the [Net]. You will know the correct answer later. Now let’s watch the performance of the [True Seeing Eyes] team. ’

Xia Zuo looked forward.

[True Seeing Eyes] The team only sent 4 members.

Four large eyeballs formed a tetrahedron and floated into the testing area. This formation allows four large eyeballs to observe in four directions at the same time, taking in all the images up, down, left, front and back.

The pupil tetrahedron hovered at the inner edge of the test area, and the four large eyeballs rotated rapidly, quickly scanning the surrounding shadow energy.

After two or three seconds, they stopped at the same time, changed their formation, and formed a wall with pupils facing forward.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." Several purple-gold rays shot out from the pupils and landed accurately on several shadows not far away. The strange demons fell out of the shadows and began to kill each other crazily after landing.

"You passed the test with excellent results." Yaxut called out the big eyeball and used the space-time container to stop the strange demons who were in chaos.

‘This is too fast, faster than the [Incinerator Body] team. ’ Xia Zuo sighed in his heart.

‘There’s a price to pay, Xia Zuo. ’

Rexor looked calm:

‘When psychic energy is used as an attack method, its conduction direction is bidirectional, which will damage the energy of both the caster and the target of the spell.

‘[True Seeing Eye] casts [Chaos Ray] on strange demons, then they themselves will also suffer some chaos.

'If you want to plunge the strange demons into chaos, the spell power of [Chaos Ray] must be at least 150 points. The caster will bear the spell backlash of about half of the power.

‘So even though those four metal eyeballs haven’t changed much, maybe their controller’s mind is on the verge of collapse. ’

After listening to what Rexor said, Xia Zuo felt a lot more balanced...

[Elemental Star Network] The team sent out three teammates who were shining with elemental light.

The three of them split up and came to three locations outside the dome of the test area.

[Elemental Star Network] In the center of the body is a white crystal suspended vertically in the air.

This crystal, which is as tall as an adult, has thousands of translucent threads extending out to connect it with the cute elements lingering around it.

Under the tug of the silk thread, the clever elements drifted away from the white crystal and spread out close to the periphery of the dome.

In the end, the three [Elemental Star Network] bodies surrounded the dome of the entire testing area with a large number of well-behaved elements they carried.

At this point, the distance between these cute elements is less than one meter.

But when they fall down into the dome together and hover at different heights and levels, the distance between any two cute elements becomes exactly 1 meter. In every space with a volume of 1 cubic meter, there is only one clever element.

The dome is as bright as the stars in the sky.

‘Why can cute elements appear in the test area? ’ Xia Zuo’s eyes widened, as if he had seen something incredible.

Rexor said calmly in his heart:

‘Don’t act like you’ve never seen the world, Xia Zuo.

‘Those well-behaved elements seem to be exposed to the forbidden magic field in the testing area, but in fact they are still inside the body of the [Elemental Star Network].

‘The main body of [Elemental Star Network], that is, the white crystal, is an alchemical creation rather than an entity condensed with elemental energy.

‘The silk threads extending from the white crystal are energy fiber tubes jointly developed by tower scholars and the alchemy school. They are also alchemical creations. Wrapping the clever elements with energy fiber tubes can isolate the interference of the forbidden magic field and the erosion of shadow energy. ’

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