My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 368 Star Network·Control Plants·Growth Blood Mage·Recovery

Rexor pointed to the inside of the dome, 'What you see now is the liberated form of the [Elemental Star Network]. Tower scholars call it [Elemental Network Form] or simply [Magic Network]. Every well-behaved element on the [Magic Network] can be used as a separate spell-casting subject. ’

As soon as Rexor finished speaking, thousands of cute elements hovering in the dome emitted bright blazing rays to a certain corner. Although the countless fiery red light pillars were only as thick as a finger, when they appeared at the same time, the purple-black test area instantly became extremely bright.

The blazing ray flashed uniformly after 1.5 seconds, and quickly completed the operation of terminating and recasting the spell. It successfully circumvented the casting restrictions in the test area and continued to output scorching flame energy at the shadow.

After the light in the dome flashed dozens of times, the [Elemental Star Network] successfully burned the two shadow demons into black coals.

During this period, the strange demons did not sit still and used sharp shadow blades to attack the threads of the [Magic Network], but all attacks were in vain and had no effect.

‘The energy fiber tube can absorb all energy attacks from the outside. ’ Rexall said, ‘The Shadow Demon’s attacks all use shadow energy or psychic energy. Although the Church Assassin has a metal dagger, the shadow energy treats them equally and will treat the Church Assassin's dagger as a target of erosion. Therefore, the weapons currently used by church assassins are also condensed with shadow energy. ’

‘Then the [Elemental Star Network] body is invincible? ’ Xia Zuo touched his head.

'No. ’ Rexor pointed to the white crystal, ‘That’s where the weakness of the [Elemental Star Network] lies. This white crystal is as fragile as other energy hubs. An energy impact of more than 300 power can penetrate the energy absorption limit of the white crystal, but this is obviously not something that the strange demons in the test area can do. At least it must be done by a high-level blood demon himself. ’

Rexor looked at the strange demons in the dome that were about to be wiped out, and said in his heart, 'There are very, very few temple mages with [Elemental Star Network] bodies, there seem to be only about 20 of them. The real purpose of this thing is to defend the forward base. ’

The last alien demon was eliminated.

Yaksut announced the end of this test and allowed the Golden Wattle Alchemy Room team to enter.

Rexor patted Xia Zuo's arm and raised his chin towards the backs of Melindora and several other team members. "If nothing goes wrong, Melindora's team's test results will exceed excellence and get the highest score in the game." evaluate. ’

Can a group of caster bodies woven from grass and trees move freely in the testing area?

If Xia Zuo had not appreciated the previous tests, he would definitely have found it impossible.

But after seeing big fireballs ignite shadow energy, big eyeballs instantly killing strange demons, and magic nets built with clever elements that accurately kill strange demons, Xia Zuo felt from the bottom of his heart that the rules and restrictions of the Forbidden Magic Field were actually no big deal.

As long as there are rules, there must be ways to overcome them. The Temple has many ways to do things in the forbidden magic field of the Strange Demon Church. It is only because these methods are restricted by factors such as raw materials and the number of casters that they have not been widely promoted. That’s all…

[Bodies of Plants and Trees] The team is ready to go.

The plant body controlled by Melindora walked at the front of the team, leading the team members behind it into the testing area.

A scene similar to the first test appeared in the dome:

The testers walked firmly towards the stone house. Even when they were attacked by strange demons and cut by the blade storm, their walking movements did not pause at all.

The difference is that the first test used ultra-high hardness [deformable metal], while the testers in this test were all fragile-looking flowers, plants, and branches.

‘Master..what’s going on? ’ Xia Zuo felt that he had asked more questions today than he had in the previous semester combined.

‘Have you ever studied advanced plane studies? ’ Rexall asked.

'No. ’ Xia Zuo shook his head.

"No wonder you don't know..." Rexor said with a clear look, "Then you have to make up for your lessons and buy the "Complete Interpretation of Advanced Planes" written by this plane scholar. ’

The bald man paused, pointed to the stone house in the testing area, and said in his heart:

‘The natural environment carries the plane order of nature.

‘In an environment with a high concentration of shadow energy, the remaining natural landscape embodies all the natural order in this area, so the remaining natural landscape can survive in the extreme environment. ’

Rexor pointed at the bodies in thatched huts walking towards the stone huts. "The members of Melindora's team carry the natural order extracted from a certain place in the Golden Wattle Utopia, which is equivalent to manually changing the natural order in a large area. compressed onto them. This is why they can resist shadow erosion and strange demon attacks. ’

It can still be done like this... Xia Zuo was slightly stunned, and then asked, 'Then what is the natural order? Does it have a physical form? How does the Golden Wattle Alchemist extract it? ’

Rexor glanced at Xia Zuo, 'I am a demon hunter, not a Golden Wattle Alchemist. How do I know the answer? This is the top secret of the Golden Wattle Alchemy Chamber Association. ’

‘Uh okay. ’ Xia Zuo touched the bridge of his nose.

With the blessing of the order of the natural planes, Melindora and her party quickly arrived near the stone house.

They stretched out their slender branch arms and held hands to form a circle, surrounding the stone house.

The tree roots that make up the legs and feet extend into the ground beneath their feet, and the buds on the head slowly open, revealing the purple-black stamens inside.

The shadow energy in the dome is accumulating underground. Many purple-black air masses were dragged downward by an invisible force, turning into slender purple-black smoke and drilling into the soil.

At the same time, the flowers on the [vegetative body] became more and more colorful. In the center of the flower, several small purple-black fruits are growing vigorously.

'Energy recharging technology...' Xia Zuo muttered to himself, 'I didn't expect that the grass-based energy recharging device invented by the Golden Wattle Alchemist Association can be used to collect shadow energy. ’

‘Have you seen this thing? ’ Rexall asked.

'Yes, Master. ’ Xia Zuo thought about it, ‘Two years ago, the Alchemy School organized a research and development competition for combat puppets. The battle puppets of the Golden Wattle Team are equipped with this kind of alchemy device that recovers elemental energy from the environment. Their battle puppets last more than twice as long as our team. ’

Xia Zuo shook his head slightly and sighed, 'But this is the first time I know that energy recharge technology can be used to collect shadow energy... Now it seems that you are absolutely right, Master. [Bodies of Plants and Trees] The team not only has the blessing of natural order, but also can recycle and clean up the shadow energy. It will definitely not be a problem for them to improve the territory of the Strange Demon Church that has been seriously eroded by the shadow energy. Maybe, it only takes a few days to create a natural environment filled with birds singing and flowers fragrant. ’

Xia Zuo looked at the increasingly thin shadow energy in the test area and sighed silently and said, 'Hey, the [Grass and Tree Body] team is so powerful. Your assessment is right, Master. Their test scores will exceed the mark and become the best in the game... I guess they can seize a piece of territory in the Forbidden Magic Field alone.'

‘There’s no need to be pessimistic, Xia Zuo, we still have a chance. ’ Rexor said, ‘The frontal combat capability of [vegetal body] is very weak. Well, to be precise, they can't waste the natural order in their bodies on fighting, so their ability to fight head-on is their shortcoming. It is a fact that they have powerful ability to transform the environment. But they also need someone to escort them. ’

Rexor patted Xia Zuo on the shoulder, ‘Our real opponents are the [Transforming Metal] team and the [Various Body] team. Only these two caster bodies are qualified to serve as the guards of the [vegetation body]. ’

Yaxut accelerated the flow of time inside the dome and jumped directly to one hour later.

The shadow energy in the dome was completely absorbed by the [vegetation body], and every drop was gathered into the purple-black fruit.

The strange demons hiding in the shadow energy have also revealed themselves.

Shadow Demon is hiding in a corner away from everyone, shrinking into a few black squares.

The Church Assassin used the remaining shadow energy in his body to transform into a translucent gray figure, wandering around the [vegetation body] team.

The only stone house was covered with a layer of dark green vines, standing up with the help of a group of earthy brown roots, and the entrance to the house was blocked with vine curtains and curtains.

Young green grass blades appeared on the land around the stone house. The vegetation bodies standing around the stone house have become loyal tree guards, maintaining a circle around them, using several barbed thorns to drive away the lingering church assassins.

"The [Pure Body] team passed the test." Yaxut looked at Rexor, "The pure-blood mage team is ready to enter."

Rexor stood up, looked around, glanced at the rest of the team, nodded to them and said, "Our team has just been established and is short of manpower. We need two people from the temple army to help. I want to Don’t you all have any opinions?”

The other teams still showed respect to the veteran witcher, and they all bowed slightly to show their approval, and no one made any objections.

Yaxut raised his hand to draw a spatial rift around him.

After he said a few words into the crack, two figures in black cloaks came to the test site through teleportation.

Rexall gathered the blood bodyguards in front of everyone, and then transformed the two cloaked figures into pseudo-blood mages.

This operation caused quite a stir.

Especially at the moment when the Hematin Guard takes shape and disappears from the cloaked man——

The circle pupils of [True Seeing Eyes] suddenly dilated and contracted;

The fire of [Incinerator Body] exploded with a bang;

[Elemental Star Network] The hovering speed of the clever elements is accelerated by several points;

The jelly shell of [Various Body] visibly squirmed a few times;

The surface of [Deformed Metal] has a dense layer of short thorns, as if it is attracted by a strong magnet.

Xia Zuo saw these changes in their eyes, and suddenly found that only the [Bodies of Plants and Trees] team was very calm. After feeling Xia Zuo's gaze, the grassy body controlled by Melindora nodded towards his gaze as a greeting.

Melindora seems to know my blood bodyguard? ...Xia Zuo suppressed the doubts in his heart and nodded in response to the other party's greetings.

Rexall transformed the two mystics into pseudo-blood mages, and spent about ten minutes teaching the two of them how to use [blood attack and defense], [blood mist form] and [trauma management]. Blood magic.

The three of them used their own vitality and more than a dozen bottles of expensive recovery potions to condense complete blood magic protective gear and wear it on their bodies, and then walked into the dome area with the blood magic weapons.

When facing multiple strange demons, Xia Zuo used [Blood Technique Offense and Defense] to condense flying swords to attack the opponent. The prerequisite for this was to have sufficient vitality.

The vitality of the three of Rexor is much lower than that of Xia Zuo... and in their concept, there is no such weapon as a flying sword. If they really want to condense blood magic projectiles, they will also choose flying axes, Flying hammer or trip wire.

In order to maximize their mid- and long-range attack capabilities when their vitality was in short supply, the three of Rexor chose to use blood magic chain swords and chain blades as their weapons.

As soon as they entered the testing area, they were warmly received by the strange demons...

The strange demon, who had been beaten for a long time, had already suppressed his anger.

Facing the powerful True Seeing Eyes and Elemental Star Network, they dare not speak out in anger, and they will only be beaten. Facing the hard deformed metal, the invisible and ever-changing body, and the vegetation body blessed by the natural order, even if they use all their strength, they cannot shake each other.

But now the people entering the dome are a group of weak-looking blood mages. This is the perfect time to vent their anger.

Rexor and the other three were in a very awkward situation in the fast and violent blade storm, being ravaged by the wind and blades like falling leaves.

They endured the erosion of the shadow energy, completely ignoring the purple-black patches left on the skin by the shadow energy, and the bone-piercing pain that penetrated into the bone marrow. They roared and waved slender chain blades and chain swords, using blood magic shields to barely resist the blades. attack and launch an all-out counterattack.

Compared with the previous one-sided situations, this scene of a fierce battle with the enemy on the edge of life and death shocked Xia Zuo even more.

He held his robe tightly, and the words Rexor said echoed in his mind:

[Human nature is the basis for the existence of the temple. 】

If a group of weirdos who are neither humans nor ghosts appear in front of humans, lead humans to defeat strange demons, and capture the land of the forbidden magic field, then humans will inevitably have deep doubts about their own strength.

They will admire freaks, worship freaks, follow freaks, and even make freaks gods! Completely forgetting that humans themselves can do the same thing! Humans can also defeat strange demons and wash away the filth and shadow energy in the forbidden magic field!

It’s just that humans will have to pay more blood and tears than if something like [True Seeing Eyes] does it for them...

Is it worth using countless blood and lives to create a future that belongs to mankind?

The past three chapters have quickly advanced the main line of scientific research without further expansion.

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