My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 375 Interrogation

The outer hall teaching area, the high tower of the Demon Hunting School.

Xia Zuo climbed up the spiral staircase. There were two silver palms beside him, one holding the glass jar, and the other using a glass rod to stir the viscous liquid in the jar to prevent solidification and adhesion.

Xia Zuo stopped at the door of a room on the middle floor of the tower, slowly opened the door and walked in.

This is a comprehensive medical room with inpatient facilities that can treat all kinds of serious combat wounds - the types of wounds are not limited to common injuries such as flesh wounds, fractures, internal bleeding, etc., but also include serious negative effects caused by high concentrations of energy.

Earlier today, Rexall and others were bombarded from a distance by the Shadow Demon Lord at the edge of the Forbidden Magic Field.

The shadow light mass condensed by the Shadow Demon Lord Demon contains the unique shadow patterns woven by it itself.

This kind of shadow pattern is like an extremely complex lock, locking the vitality of the injured, making it impossible for the injured's injuries to recover on their own with the help of blood magic.

Until the tower scholars figure out the texture structure of the shadow pattern and disintegrate it from the inside, the purple-black wounds on the injured body will always exist, and it is as difficult to remove and cure as a gangrene attached to the bone.

A total of 18 pseudo-blood mages were attacked, and 16 of them were melted by the extremely cold shadow energy at the moment of contact with the shadow meteor, and died silently.

Yaksut and Rexor were relatively far away from the 16 pseudo-blood mages, and the shadow meteor flying towards them fell a second or two late.

It was this short one or two seconds that became the critical window period for Xia Zuo to rescue Rexor and the two.

He channeled a lot of life force and used the red vests of the two opponents to weave a blood magic dome. He fought for half his life and finally saved the lives of Baldhead and Yaxut before the shadow meteor completely penetrated the dome. .

The moment the blood magic dome collided with the shadow meteor, countless vicious shadow sparks flew everywhere. Rexor and Axut had the misfortune to get some.

Yaksut's situation is better, his body is dominated by [Rune Body]. In order to release blood magic, he received his share from the cold storage where body tissues and organs were stored and installed it on the rune body.

Although the shadow pattern of the Shadow Demon Lord is difficult to deal with, as long as the injured part is cut off, there will be no trouble.

Yaksut was hit in the calf. He returned to the Mystic Master's territory, had a minor surgery to replace his leg, and then devoted himself to the work of the advancing legion again.

In comparison, Rexor was much worse off.

His right cheek was wiped by the shadow energy, and half of his face melted away, almost damaging his brain.

Now, he is wrapped in a medical bandage developed by the Alchemy School, half lying on the hospital bed to recuperate, quietly waiting for the tower scholars to decipher the shadow pattern.

Xia Zuo walked to the hospital bed and controlled Yinsha's palm to put down the glass jar.

Rexor glanced at him slightly, "You saved my life again."

Xia Zuo knew there was something in the other person's words - anyone who has studied blood magic knows that the dome of blood magic condensed by the red vest far exceeds the upper limit of the power of the red vest itself. This cannot escape the observant bald head. and Yaksut.

Xia Zuo was already mentally prepared to face the questioning.

"I don't have many friends, and Yaxut is one of them. He will keep your secrets." Rexor sat up straight as he spoke, making it easier for Xia Zuo to use Silver Sand Palm to change his bandage.

Xia Zuo looked at the black wound under the bandage, as well as the small purple-black tentacles emerging from the wound from time to time, and sighed helplessly, "Unfortunately, I am not capable enough and can only save you and Yaxut. "

"No one can save everyone, and you have done a good job."

Rexor waited for the other party to apply the medicine to inhibit the deterioration of the wound, then re-tied the bandage and said:

"The road against the Strange Demon Church is full of danger and death. We are ready to sacrifice...but I still have to thank you for saving me and Yaxut."

Xia Zuo shook his hand and changed the subject, "What are you going to do with Nuk'alofa's head?"

The head was also eroded by shadow energy.

The Shadow Demon Lord seems to be intentionally targeting Nuk'alofa. The shadow pattern it injects into the shadow meteor is particularly effective against Nuk'alofa.

Also brushed by the splashing shadow sparks, only half of Rexor's face was injured, while a large part of Nuk'alofa's head was melted away, leaving only about a quarter. brain tissue

"The Shadow Demon Lord obviously wants to kill Nuk'alofa. He is worried that the secrets in his head will be controlled by us. He also wants to gain control of the shriveled blood vessels by eliminating him."

Rexall said:

"Without your help, the shadow demon master would have succeeded. But now, hum, we have to dig out the secrets of Nuk'alofa, and at the same time delay the process of the strange demon hatching as much as possible."

According to reports from spies dispatched by the Pseudo-Blood Mage Legion, the incubation process in the darkroom plane was temporarily interrupted, and all the strange demons that were about to emerge from their cocoons were forced to stop growing.

The remaining quarter of Nuk'alofa's head became the temple's weapon to restrain strange demons.

As for digging into the secrets of Nuk'alofa...Xia Zuo is skeptical about whether this idea can be achieved...the other great alchemists who were ordered to deal with a quarter of the head also think so.

They discussed a possible solution:

Put Nuk'alofa's remaining brain tissue into a glass jar filled with nutrient solution.

A weak electric current is passed into the nutrient solution to stimulate the brain tissue to respond to the outside world.

Using high-sensitivity, high-fidelity energy fiber tubes, the signals generated by brain tissue are collected and converted into spiritual pulses, and then sent to a death row prisoner who has been deprived of his mind. This death row prisoner will serve as the temple to investigate Nuk'alofa. medium.

"With only a quarter of my brain left, can I still use it to search for memories?" Xia Zuo touched his nose, feeling a little guilty...

Rexor leaned on the cushions of the hospital bed and shook his head, "No. The secret medicine of the spiritual medium has no effect on a quarter of the head. Even if we equip Nuk'alofa with an alchemical bionic body, he can't." When you enter deep meditation, you can only awaken the remaining memories in your mind by asking constant questions, and then let the death row prisoner tell them."

"Oh, okay..." Xia Zuo was completely relieved.

In the forbidden magic field, when Nuk'alofa and Rexor were talking, Xia Zuo was observing them through the perspective of blood relatives.

After the spiritual ocean was destroyed, Nuk'alofa's performance was actually different from Xia Zuo's expectation.

First of all, Xia Zuo has no memory of anything about the original owner, and has not inherited any memory, subconscious, or habits.

But Nuk'alofa can act according to his subconscious. He can speak the language of the previous era, can cast hybrid magic and shadow magic, and is very familiar with Rexor.

It gives the impression that after his spiritual ocean was destroyed, a large part of his memory disappeared, but he still retained these memories from a long, long time ago.

Secondly, and most importantly, when Xia Zuo helped Rexor and the two escort the brain, he quietly aimed at the brain tissue in the blood magic container and released the detection technique.

Feedback results show that this almost completely scrapped brain has a negative effect called [mental loss of control].

[Mental loss of control]

For unknown reasons, your connection with the spiritual ocean has been severed. It is predicted that in 22 hours, the correct connection will be re-established.

Xia Zuo clearly remembered that when he woke up in the underground alchemy room, he did not have this negative effect on himself.

Either the negative effects ended before he woke up.

Either that, he did not inherit the memory of the original owner, the abnormality on the wall of the spiritual ocean, etc. was not caused by the attack on the chaos container...

Xia Zuo and Rexall sat in the inpatient ward for a while, waiting for Selina to come.

She came here in the flesh. As soon as she entered the door, she took out a bottle of inverted triangle potion from under her robe and handed it to the big bald man. "Your secret potion is here. Drink it quickly. It can remove the shadow pattern left by the Shadow Demon Lord." .”

Rexall had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

He uncorked the bottle and drank it, then pulled off the bandage on his face.

The wound covered with small purple-black tentacles emitted a burst of smoke, and after a few seconds, the remaining shadow energy disappeared.

The flesh and blood on Rexor's face squirmed, and soon, a complete face appeared in front of him.

"Oh~ you are becoming more and more proficient in using blood magic now." Selena praised, and then said, "The shadow energy on Nuk'alofa's head is almost dissipated. The high-level codebreaker Kadum has been guarding Next to me, I can’t wait to torture Nuk’alofa. Do you want to go over and have a look? Or take a rest for a while?”

Rexor got out of bed, picked up the alchemy bag on the bedside table and hung it on the lining of the leather armor, "Go now. I don't want to waste a second."

The bald head patted Xia Zuo on the shoulder, "You come too. Anyway, there is nothing to do with you in the pseudo-blood mage army. You might as well give me some advice."

Selina left the inpatient ward, walked to the corridor wall, summoned a floating corridor, and took the two people behind her directly from the air to the opposite tower.

This is the territory of the Alchemy School, and alchemists wearing alchemy robes come and go.

Selina walked in front, walking all the way up to the top of the tower and entering an extraordinarily spacious open-air alchemy room.

The ceiling was replaced by several layers of huge glass.

The glass is divided into small squares with metal strips, and the curvature and thickness of the glass in each grid are different.

Sunlight hits these lens-like glasses, is focused and refracted layer by layer, and finally falls from different angles into an optical instrument suspended in the center of the room.

There is a light emitter with a sleeve below the optical instrument, and the lower end of the light emitter is aligned with the culture tank.

The alchemist who controls the optical instrument adjusts the parameters of the beam emitted by the light emitter while slowly moving the beam so that it gently sweeps through Nuk'alofa's brain and dispels the shadow energy above.

There is no other way. Nuk'alofa doesn't even have the mouth to drink the secret medicine... The Alchemy School has no choice but to use this method to lift the shadow pattern shackles of the Shadow Demon Lord.

As soon as Rexor stepped through the door, Kadum came up rubbing his hands together, licked his lower lips with his slender tongue, and said excitedly:

"Leso, Reso, haha, great, we actually caught Nuk'alofa! Even though he only has a quarter of a brain."

"Looking forward to your performance, Kadum."

Rexall walked to the culture tank, stared at the brain tissue inside, and asked Selina, "How long can he survive in this form?"

"If he remains asleep in a culture tank, as long as no one deliberately destroys it, he can continue to live until the brain tissue ages and dies on its own. There is no problem in surviving for hundreds of years."

Selina paused, "If he is to be interrogated, you will only have 30 hours. After that, his brain tissue will collapse because it can withstand psychic pulses."

"Well, time is running out." Rexor turned to Kadum, "Are you ready for torture?"

Kadum took out a heavy book and patted the cover, "Of course. I will make sure he spits out the whereabouts of Sodik Black Flag."

Xia Zuo glanced at Kadum, who was full of expectations, and felt a little uneasy in his heart, but when he thought that he had been judged innocent by the Thorns of Evil, he suppressed the last bit of uneasiness.

Selina looked at the situation in the culture tank, and then used her secret message ring to send a secret message.

Two minutes later, a death row prisoner bound by magic chains was escorted in by a team of temple guards.

The mind of this death row prisoner has been erased by the tower scholars using mind spells, and he is equivalent to a tool that can breathe, digest food, and make sounds.

Temple guards strapped the condemned man to a chair. The alchemist on the side took out the energy fiber tube, inserted it into the alchemy slot on the back of the death row prisoner's neck, and connected it with the death row prisoner's nerve center.

The other end of the energy fiber tube is soaked in the nutrient solution in the culture tank, close to the brain tissue, and collects Nuk'alofa's spiritual energy.

In the following time, what the death row prisoner said and did was the will of Nuk'alofa, not the death row prisoner himself.

The alchemists who had no right to know top-secret matters left the open-air alchemy room. Rexall and others retreated to the wall and sat down, leaving the open space in the room to Kadum.

Kadum took out a lot of things from his alchemy bag and placed them on the death row prisoner in a specific order.

First there were hoods, anklets, handcuffs, chains, then neck hoods with barbs, instruments of torture that picked up fingernails, and so on.

"Everyone, please don't talk for a while. Leave everything to me."

Kadum said:

"Leso said that Nuk'alofa has lost his memory, so I'm going to brainwash him and give him a new identity. This will make it easier for me to get information."

Kadum summoned a curtain of silver sand to block the sunlight above his head, making the light very dim.

He checked the hood one last time to make sure that the death row inmate could not see the surrounding scene at all, and then gave Selina a "go" look.

Selena understood, and she pressed the button on the control panel of the culture tank with her silver sand palm.

A weak electric current flows from the base of the culture tank, stimulating Nuk'alofa's brain to wake up.

Wait quietly for half a minute.

The death row prisoner began to twitch, his body bound by the chains kept twisting, and he let out vague whimpering sounds from his mouth.

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