My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 376 Hint

The amplitude and frequency of the death row prisoners' twists became regular.

Nuk'alofa's consciousness is adapting to the death row prisoner's body, and he is gradually becoming familiar with the death row prisoner's respiratory rate, muscle strength, sense of space and other physical information related to his behavior.

Under normal circumstances, the brain tissue is only a quarter of its original volume, and basically loses all brain functions.

But this is for normal humans.

Nuk'alofa, who has been transformed by the Church of Strange Demons, is not included in this list.

According to the appraisal of the Alchemy School, his remaining brain contains most of the normal functions.

Note that this does not mean that he can control the body of the death row prisoner.

The psychic energy conducted through the energy fiber tube will be converted into nerve signals by the alchemical slot at the death row's backbone. This process can be terminated by cutting off the connection between the fiber tube and the slot.

Kadum circled the condemned man several times.

He deliberately stepped hard and held an iron chain in his hand that jingled against the ground. Every time he stopped, the chain slid, creating a gloomy atmosphere.

Kadum took out a small bottle of medicine.

The khaki-colored odorous gas is evenly distributed around the condemned prisoners. It is a dark and moist odor unique to when the sun has not been seen all day long. It can exist in the air for a long time, completely covering the entire torture process.

Kadum came behind the death row prisoner and weaved a spell to summon a pool of dripping water. The sound of dripping water stimulates fear in the hearts of death row inmates at a specific frequency.

The atmosphere is right.

Kadum came to the death row prisoner.

He stared at the death row prisoner expressionlessly, his neck slightly bulging, borrowing the organ of some kind of monster, and with his mouth closed, he uttered an indifferent voice from his neck like a thick man:

"Tasidov, the Holy See of the Kingdom has given me the divine right to judge.

“In accordance with Article 22 of Article 137 of the Act on the Punishment of Serious Offenders of the Holy See of the Kingdom, I will give you an opportunity to repent before your final sentencing.

"Now, confess your crime and let me see the pain and tears of remorse. I will use my discretion to replace the lengthy punishment of chopping with a knife with the punishment of a quick beheading. Everything depends on your performance."

The death row prisoner twitched, then twisted violently, and shouted hoarsely, "I am not a criminal! I am not a criminal! I am not some Tasidov! I am, I am."

The death row prisoner fell into confusion and muttered to himself, "I am...who am I..."

"Oh, amnesia." Kadum snorted coldly, "What a stupid trick! Your guilt has been determined, and the Kingdom's Holy See Tribunal has read out all your charges on the spot. Robbery, murder, arson, treason, any challenge If you come out, you will be tortured immediately. Thank you for the reform of the Kingdom's Holy See. The great king has given you the right to repent."

"Repent... no... I'm not guilty." The death row prisoner trembled, "Oh oh oh, I know. You want to arrest criminals, right? You arrested the wrong person. I am innocent. Those two criminals One has a bald head, the other has a cloak and a mask covering his face..."

Xia Zuo suppressed his smile and glanced at Rexor, whose mouth twitched.

People who have amnesia or are mentally unstable will look for answers that they think are logical in their limited memory and cognition.

Before Nuk'alofa was beheaded, the last two people he saw were Rexor and Yaxut, the bald and masked men in his mouth.

His current behavior of blaming the crime on Rexall and the two is a typical manifestation of post-amnesia stress.

Kadum already knew what happened and all the details from Rexor.

He was fully prepared.

"Tasidov." Kadum's tone was cold. "The two people you mentioned are the two sharp swords of the Kingdom's Holy See. They are the defenders of order who strictly observe discipline and follow orders. I don't mind being on your latest list. On top of that, add a charge of slandering members of the royal court."

The death row prisoner was stunned for a moment, muttering in a low voice, repeatedly asking who he was.

"Let's not waste time." Kadum opened the book next to him with his silver sand palm, and he was about to get to the point.

He concocts an impeccable backstory for the amnesiac Nuk'alofa.

In this story, Nuk'alofa is a Kingdom rebel spy named Tasidov, who has a partner named Sodik. Before Tasidov could be captured, Sodik escaped in the confusion.

Kadum plans to awaken part of Nuk'alofa's deep memory through insinuations, focusing on tracking down the rebel spy Sodik, and interrogating Sodik Black Flag's whereabouts.

Nuk'alofa would first recall the memories about Sodik Black Flag, but they were very few, so few that he didn't know anything else except that he knew his name.

At this time, Kadum will use the intoxicating potion to make Nuk'alofa fall into a state of half-dream and half-awake. Under the intoxication effect brought by the potion, he will further dig into the memory and reveal information that contains a lot of conjectures but also contains the truth. .

If everything goes well, the exact whereabouts of Sodik Black Flag will be known in the next two days.

Xia Zuo knew that this process would not go smoothly

Because the negative effect of [Mental Loss of Control] lasts only about 21 hours.

Doesn't this mean that after 21 hours, the consciousness in the death row prisoner's body will become Nuk'alofa who has recovered his memory?

If the desired information is not asked before the negative effect ends, and Kadum and others do not notice the change in the consciousness of the death row prisoner, then they may not be led by the cunning Nuk'alofa.

Xia Zuo rubbed his brows and felt that he had to remind the bald head to pay attention to the time.

He activated his blood connection and asked Rexor, 'Master, will Nuk'alofa regain all his memories? ’

‘Are you worried that he has recovered his memory and is now pretending to cooperate with Kadum’s torture to delay time? ’ Rexor asked back.

'right. ’

‘Don’t worry about that. ’ Rexor raised his chin slightly and pointed at Selina, who was sitting in front of the two of them.

An alchemy instrument with a dial is being held in Selina's hand. The pointer on the dial is shaking in the green area, indicating that the energy reading is within the normal range.

‘That’s an alchemical instrument that detects psychic energy. ’ Rexor explained, ‘When Nuk’alofa’s memory awakens, there will inevitably be changes in the spiritual energy, and there will definitely be no way to escape the detection of the instrument. ’

That's good...Xia Zuo nodded slowly, 'I'm relieved about that. ’

Kadum tortured the death row prisoners over and over again. This process did not allow for any mistakes for him, but Xia Zuo soon felt a little bored.

He simply entered a shallow state of meditation and activated his elemental body while listening.

The starry sky junction above the Western Continent.

Xia Zuo's tower is in the form of a floating ecological ball, suspended high in the thin air for a long time.

There are a large number of energy bombs evenly distributed within about three kilometers of the surrounding area. This is the result of nearly a year.

Xia Zuo originally wanted to spread his energy bombs over the entire Western Continent.

It doesn't work now.

The Western Continent and the Eastern Continent are separated by the Everlasting Storm.

If the Church of Strange Demons wants to invade here on a large scale, the best way is to teleport through the dark room plane.

The local energy subdimensional project in the Western Continent has been completed. Every area of ​​the continent is filled with signals from the energy subplane, leaving no room for the darkroom plane and greatly compressing the operation space of the Strange Demon Church.

The temple held several meetings and felt that although the Western Continent was safe enough, there were too many humans, especially ordinary people, in the Western Continent, and another line of defense must be set up to prevent the invasion of the Strange Demon Church.

As a result, Xia Zuo's elemental body has a new neighbor

It was a kind of alchemy satellite with a spherical metal shell. It used a built-in anti-gravity array to float in the sky, and used the energy provided by a group of high-level elemental servants as its power source.

There is an observation cabin on the base of the Alchemy Satellite, equipped with more than a dozen ultra-high-power telephoto lenses to monitor the movements on the ground in the Western Continent in real time. If a strange demon is discovered, the Alchemy Satellite will notify the Temple Army and Starry Night Academy. With the cross-continental teleportation hall, it is relatively simple to summon an army to deal with the invasion of strange demons.

Around Xia Zuo's starry sky stronghold, four or five alchemy satellites were hovering in the sky, and their orbits happened to surround Xia Zuo's starry sky stronghold.

It wasn't that the temple was targeting him.

The locations where these alchemy satellites were placed were exactly where other starry sky strongholds were originally planned. When new eternal mages appear in the future, they will be sent to the Western Continent to guard the starry sky junction in place of the alchemy satellites.

Xia Zuo adjusted his plan to deploy energy bombs and instead increased the density of bombs, increasing the number of bombs within his stronghold to five times.

Now whenever he has free time and can fish, he will control the elemental body to rub bombs.

More than 20 hours were spent rubbing bombs.

Xia Zuo calculated the time when [Mental Loss of Control] would disappear, ended his shallow meditation early, and turned his attention to the death row prisoner.

After experiencing intense torture, the death row prisoner was forced by Kadum to recall some things related to Sodik.

There is important information that the temple has never obtained!

As a fully-formed aberration, Sodik Black Flag contains a large number of creatures in his body, including many bloodline awakeners with rare bloodlines.

The Temple originally planned to use alchemy and magic to separate the creatures in his body after capturing Sodik Black Flag, and then put them to good use.

Now it seems that this plan may not be implemented.

Thordick Blackflag seals the organisms within it into individual cysts - the spores themselves are round dormant bodies formed by organisms as they fight dehydration.

Thordick Blackflag's cysts preserve each creature for a long time, shielding them from lifespan and environmental hazards.

However, if external force is used to forcefully break open the cyst and take out the organisms inside, the cyst's ability to withstand the passage of time will disappear instantly. The organisms in the cyst will age immediately, or even run out of life, and die on the spot, leaving no time for rescue.

Rexall wrote down this information in a small notebook.

Xia Zuo glanced at his notepad and the alchemy instrument in Selina's hand, then looked at the brain tissue in the culture tank, and released the detection technique.

[Mental Loss of Control]: ...the remaining duration is 13 minutes.

Xia Zuo took a deep breath silently, calming down and waiting for the moment when Nuk'alofa's memory revived.

Selina still maintained her sitting position holding the alchemy instrument in her hand.

A weak vibration came from inside the alchemy instrument. She frowned slightly and looked down at the reading on the dial.

The pointer is still in the green area, but is slowly but surely sliding towards the yellow area next to the green area.

"Nuk'alofa's psychic energy has become stronger, and his power has increased from 3 points to 3.5 points. If it exceeds 10 points, then he has basically recovered his memory."

Selina used the evocation spell [Sound Transmission] to ask Rexor, "Do you want Kadum to stop?"

"No, no need." Rexor shook his head slightly, "Kadum and I have already discussed that I will cast a [Psychic Seal] that carries strong psychological implications..."

Rexor and Selina discussed quietly for a while.

Xia Zuo listened to the bald man's plan. He was indeed an experienced demon hunter and had been prepared for it.

Rexor has set up a unique psychological mechanism for the [Psychic Seal] that is about to be cast.

Just imagine, what will Nuk'alofa be thinking the moment his memory recovers? What will be done?

He will first review the last things that happened before he was beheaded from a rational perspective.

From going crazy at the ceremony at the church headquarters, to turning against his fellow demons, to joining forces with Rexor and others to kill the demons, the last scene was when his head left his body and fell into the blood of Rexor. In a magically woven container.

After that, due to the loss of other body tissues, he could no longer obtain any outside information, except what Kadum said when interrogating the death row prisoners.

But this does not affect his ability to determine where he was when his memory was restored.

Apparently, he was captured by the Temple.

This must be Nuk'alofa's first thought after regaining his memory.

Subsequently, Nuk'alofa will try to sense the outside world, trying to obtain time-related information, eager to know the status of the war between the temple and the strange demons.

This is the key to Rexor's big show operation.

[Psychic Sigil] will hint to Nuk'alofa that the war between the Temple and the Strange Demon Church is over.

Both sides suffered losses, and both sides entered the post-war cultivation stage.

And where he is now is a kingdom that became a neutral zone after this war.

This is the first hint.

You, Nuk'alofa, disappeared on the eve of the war, causing the Church of the Strange Demon to fail.

The Church of Strange Demons has been sending assassins and Sodik Black Flag to kill you. You were lucky enough to escape the confinement of the temple, but you were always entangled by church assassins, suffered repeated mental trauma, suffered from severe intermittent amnesia, and completely lost the ability to cast spells. He could only resort to dirty tricks and live in the neutral area under the name Tasidov.

During an operation to capture spies, you were unfortunately caught by the Holy See of the Kingdom, and the judges of the Holy See will execute you.

The sturdy man who is interrogating you at this time should be sent by the temple, otherwise he would not repeatedly ask about the whereabouts of the black flag.

Perhaps, the most correct choice is to completely surrender to the temple and use the power of the temple to help you avoid the death penalty and escape the pursuit of Sodik Black Flag and the church assassins.

This is the second hint.

As long as you hand over the whereabouts of Sodik Black Flag and help the Temple catch him, you can gain the Temple's trust. This is the third hint.

The three hints perfectly form a logical self-consistency.

Unless the remaining quarter of Nuk'alofa's brain can release more than 200 points of psychic energy, or he hides some unknown backhand, there is no way his consciousness can break through Rexor [Soul Seal] arranged by you.

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