My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Su Han and her script

In addition to the interesting stories, the storyboards of “Toddler” are better than normal comics. The use of large and small frames, and some tips for storyboarding, are also used just right.

At the same time, the composition of this comic is also very characteristic. The intentional or unintentional actions of female characters are drawn by Chen Zijiao from a unique perspective. There is an indescribable temptation.

Maybe because he often draws books, he has a different understanding of the character’s skin color. The highlight of the skin under the light allows readers to experience the character’s breakable skin at a glance.

Shen Xin rubbed his forehead, if only Chen Zijiao, his pressure would not be too much.

Story is the soul of comics. If there is no good story, no matter how good Chen Zijiao’s painter is, he will not worry.

But now it’s different. Thanks to Su Han’s joining, the script of the comic is also guaranteed.

The future development of “Toggle” is completely a mystery.

may be a funny style like “The First Riddle in History”, it may be full of “flesh” style like the “Queen of the Pack”, or even a story about heroes saving the world.


Su Han also didn’t say clearly what “tottering” is. What if the world is “tottering”? This is the hero manga.

Moreover, Su Han is a writer who has finished this experience and is very popular. There is no such thing as “breaking” the story. Therefore, the follow-up development of the story should not exceed her control.

“It’s really amazing… It’s not easy to win against him. The only good news is that Su Han has never written a novel about easy-going.” Shen Xin took a bit of coffee.

Yan Fu looked at the lost Shen Xin, opened his mouth, and after some ideological struggle, gritted his teeth again, and continued to ask: “I thought about it, but I still think this should be told to you.”

“What’s the matter?” Shen Xin looked at Yan Fu in surprise.

“Have you read this month’s “Monthly ComicFutura”?” Yan Fu asked.

A general small magazine usually only has one comic magazine, but a giant like “ComicFutura” usually has monthly or brother publications.

“Monthly? No.” Shen Xin shook his head.

Yan Fu took out another magazine from his shoulder bag and placed it in front of Shen Xin, “This issue of “Monthly ComicFutura” is also very exciting. I went to all bookstores and the store manager recommended this magazine. It is said that this magazine is recommended by the store manager. The sales volume of this issue of magazine, in its history, also ranks among the top positions because of the comic on the cover.”

“Comic on the cover?” Shen Xin’s gaze moved to the cover of the magazine.

A teenager dressed as a middle school student, holding a diary tightly. Under the figure, two words are written, “Punishment”.

But Shen Xin’s attention was attracted by the line of words under “Punishment”.

“Original: Su Han”.

“Huh? Su Han? Is this a person?” Shen Xin asked in surprise.

“This is “ComicFutura”. Its weekly magazine is China’s largest-selling magazine. Therefore, there is no doubt about the quality of the story. As a best-selling author with a single sales volume of 1 million copies, Su Han is capable of serving as the original work on “ComicFutura”. Yan Fu explained.

“I know, but can she really take care of both sides?”

and it’s a completely different type.

Shen Xin made a big question mark in his heart.

Yan Fu spread his hands, “I don’t know, who knows what she thinks.”

Shen Xin looked at the cover again, “Painting, Ye Hexu (xu), the name is familiar, Sister Yan, do you know who he is?”

“The 18-year-old genius cartoonist published five short comics in the “Monthly ComicFutura” last year. This year these five comics were published in a collection and sold 500,000 copies in two months.”

“It sounds like it’s amazing.” Shen Xin gave a dry smile, “Can I read this cartoon?”

“Yes, but you don’t want to be spoiled, I haven’t watched it yet!” Yan Fu reminded.

“I got it.” Shen Xin quickly opened the magazine and found “Crime”.

This is a slightly heart-stirring story about a high school student named Yang Chen who is often bullied at school. I went home from self-study one night, opened the drawer to look for refills, but found a blank diary.

He has never seen this diary, but it appears in his drawer. The cover says “Book of Prophecy” (Book of Prophecy), and each page has two boxes on the top and bottom, and the box above has “problem”. The watermark, the box below, is printed with “answer”.

In the first episode, Yang Chen is still bullied by his classmates at school, and those who bully him are even related to people in society. Yang Chen seemed to be unable to get rid of the bad luck of being bullied before graduation, and the function of that notepad was not reflected in the first chapter.

student, diary, reasoning…

These elements gathered together, so that Shen Xin thought of a comic-“DeathNote”.

In “DeathNote”, Ye Shenyue uses “DeathNote” to do justice. But “Crime” is different. According to the prompts in the first chapter, this notebook is more inclined to “foresee”, and Yang Chen’s fate is much more miserable than Ye Shenyue.

The content of “DeathNote” is “what is justice”, while “Punishment” expresses “resistance and self-saving”.

Shen Xin did not expect that someone in this world could even think of using a notebook as a carrier for reasoning. From this point of view, it is similar to “DeathNote”.

And the drawing of “Crimination” is also excellent. This painter named Ye Hexu has a good grasp of the story. The shots are smooth and complete in one go. The composition of each grid is almost the best choice.

This painter is better than Chen Zijiao…No, Chen Zijiao can’t compare with him at all. It’s not a class at all.

Ye Hexu’s painterly, no matter the degree of realism or fineness, UU read www.uukanshu. Com and even the mastery of comic language is no less than that of most famous cartoonists.

The more critical point is that I don’t know if it’s a psychological factor. Shen Xin feels that Su Han is more concerned about Punishment, and the quality of the story of Punishment is also higher than that of Shakedown.

The original author is good at stories, while the painter is good at storytelling and painting.

This combination is so familiar… Isn’t it just a teacher?

shouldn’t be such a coincidence, right?

Shen Xin once again fixed his gaze on the cover.

“How is it?” Yan Fu saw Shen Xin’s face a little strange, and he was a little worried.

“This “Crime” should be the new pillar of “Monthly ComicFutura”, right?” Shen Xin asked.

“I don’t know… However, the combination of Ye Hexu and Su Han does have the potential to become a new platform, but it is a pity…” Yan Fu sighed.

“What a pity?” Shen Xin asked puzzledly.

“If “Crime” is published in the “Monthly ComicFutura”, it means that he will lose his eligibility to run for the “New King”,” Yan Fu said.

“New King?” Shen Xin blinked.

As someone who wants to become a full-time cartoonist, Shen Xin certainly knows that every October, magazines represented by the “three major magazines” will hold a cartoon festival in Hongchuan. At the ceremony, the editors of major magazines will select many comic awards, and there are also expensive bonuses. Newcomer Wang is one of the awards, but Shen Xin does not know the details.

“Which… does the publication in “Monthly ComicFutura” have anything to do with the selection of “New King”?” Shen Xin asked in surprise.

“Of course there is a relationship! And…the relationship is still very big.” Yan Fu said seriously.

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