My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Conditions and pressure

“What’s the relationship?” Shen Xin asked puzzled.

“This is related to the selection conditions of the’Newcomer Award’.” Yan Fu took a sip of coffee. “There are four conditions for the selection of the Newcomer Award, one of which is that the selected works must be published in more than 30 words and a separate book is issued. ”

“30 words? Um, if it’s a monthly magazine, it’s really impossible.” Shen Xin nodded. The monthly magazine can only publish 12 words a year, “What about the next three conditions?”

“The works selected each year must be the works published in June of that year to June of the year. In addition, before this time period, the cartoonist has not published a long-form cartoon, and the age of the cartoonist is under 30.”

“In other words, even if there are collaborators, cartoonists can participate in the selection, right?” Shen Xin asked rhetorically.

“That’s right.”

“Chen Zijiao is also qualified?” Shen Xin said again.

Yan Fu nodded.

Shen Xin frowned. Chen Zijiao’s strength in “Weekly Dreamer” is already very good. If you want to beat him, you also need to choose the comics you can refer to. Now you have added another Ye Hexu… despite the “Punishment” “Because of the number of journals, the selection criteria were not met. But no one dared to pack tickets, Ye Hexu would not release new works in the remaining few months.

Yan Fu saw that Shen Xin had something on his mind, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: “The prize money of the’Newcomer Award’ is not much, but for cartoonists, the newcomer king is a very heavy prize, because most people only have A chance to win. If you can win the’Newcomer Award’, it will be of great benefit to your future development. I think you don’t want to stay in “Weekly NewWorld” all your life, right?”

“Huh? Sister Yan, this is the first time I have seen an editor push my author to another magazine.” Shen Xin smiled.

“Of course I don’t want you to leave, but a cartoonist is an animal looking for dreams. If it is in District 11, this dream is called “Weekly Leap”. In China, dreams are the “three major magazines”. If you can get it from other people To win the’New King’, the’Three Major Magazines’ will definitely throw an olive branch.” Yan Fu’s eyes shone brightly and he was very confident in Shen Xin.

“However, the opponent is very strong, and I can’t guarantee that I can beat Chen Zijiao. If Ye Hexu draws a cartoon before the end of the year, the campaign will be difficult.” Shen Xin sighed.

“By the way, what’s the name you said on the phone before?” Yan Fu asked.

Shen Xin shook his head repeatedly, clutching the shoulder bag next to the seat, “No, the new name can’t be compared with Su Han’s two scripts… it is far behind. When I go back, I will reconsider it? Sorry.”

Originally, Shen Xin had some confidence in his name, but after reading the comics of Ye Hexu and Chen Zijiao, he can be sure that this name has no chance of winning the two works.

“Uh… this way.” Yan Fu was also a little frustrated, but then he thought of another thing, so he took out a thick stack of reader questionnaires from his shoulder bag, “The questionnaire came out, the voting rate of “Formula of Love” is ” In the history of “NewWorld”, one of the few comics with the highest turnout for short comics, which is beyond my imagination.”

“Eh…so high?” Shen Xin blinked, “Is the statistics wrong?”

“My first thought was the same as yours, so I found hundreds of questionnaires, wanting to know the reasons and results, guess what?”

Shen Xin shook his head. He is not Jin Tianyi. How could he know what readers would write on the questionnaire.

“Do you see it for yourself?” Yan Fu handed the reader questionnaire to Shen Xin.

It is impossible for readers to vote for “Equation of Love”, but readers who voted more or less left a few sentences.

“It’s been a long time since I read such a manga, and I feel a few years younger.”

“It seems that I have found the feeling of first love again.”

“Oh yeah, isn’t this something I used to do? How does the author know? (laughs

“I’m going to graduate soon, I feel a little melancholy when I see this comic…”

“Next year, I don’t know if I have a chance to confess to him…”

He took another look at the age composition. Most of them are between 15 and 25 years old. The ratio of men to women is also more coordinated. Boys are only slightly more than girls. This is rare in juvenile manga.

“Hey, Sister Yan…this is…” Shen Xin roughly turned over, his expression a little embarrassed.

“Readers found sympathy…Although it is accidental, there are two types of people who are very interested in your comics. One type is people who have graduated. When they see this comic, they feel the same way. The other group is high school. Of the school students, they are longing for this comic, or melancholy, but no matter how they say, they will have a part of the content in the comic. This comic has a certain sense of reality.” Yan Wei explained.


Shen Xin scratched his head awkwardly, feeling like a blind cat caught a dead mouse.

Before he drew comics, he had never thought about this effect.

“I suggest that, if possible, the style of serialized comics should be similar to it. Maybe you can create a comic that is no less than “Toggle”.” Yan Fu said sternly. UU reading

“Huh? Do you still want to paint this type?” Shen Xin brows twice.

He is incompatible with “love”.

“Yes, you should also want to get the newcomer award, right?” Yan Fu asked.

“That’s right.”

As Yan Fu said, if he really won the newcomer award, he might have a much smoother road to comics.

This time I don’t want to use the comics of the earth.

“By the way, as for the front page coloring page, it is still the conditions we said before. You must hand over the name that can maximize the advantages of Color Man.” Yan Fu said seriously.

“I know.”

Shen Xin sighed in his heart, even if it is a copy of a copy, it seems that it is not so easy.

After bidding farewell to Yan Fu, Shen Xin’s mind was in a mess.

Back home, Xi Muxin hasn’t come back yet, Shen Xin washed his hands, and today he can make the egg fried rice that he has trained for a long time, so that the little girl will have a long experience.

has been busy until eight o’clock, and Shen Xin is done.

Seeing the golden-yellow frangipani mingled in the rice, he felt a little pride in his heart.

Kohei Suzumaki, during the entrance examination of Totsuki Gakuen, did nothing but egg fried rice, right?

Shen Xin picked up the spoon, took a bite, and spit out the rice in the next moment.

“Bah, it’s salty…No, it’s because the salt hasn’t been mixed well. Why did it fail again? It’s obviously delicious.” Shen Xin looked crazy.

Such salted egg fried rice must not be seen by Xi Muxin, otherwise, the image he has established for such a long time will be completely gone.

“Brother Xin, what are you doing?”


Shen Xin quickly turned around, and Xi Muxin was looking at him curiously, holding the white easy-to-pull bag.

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