My Cell Game

Chapter 115

Chapter 115 Perfect infinite loop (make up 3/3)

Players don’t like to do this kind of loss-making business.

In addition, the most terrible thing is that the suburbs of the new map seem to be the territory of the self-destructed, and there is no other blood-to-death virus here!

There are no other wild monsters that can gain experience, this is really fucking!

Those level 16 and 17 players are helpless.

Go back to the old map, they are all weak chickens, you can’t get to level one after killing for a long time;

Let’s open up the land in the new map, and encounter the pit ratio of the self-destruct, not to mention the waste of resurrection money, and can not be upgraded.

If you really want to upgrade, you can only go to the belly of the new map. If you want to go to the belly of the new map, you have to bypass the territory of the batterer.

The self-detonator’s territorial consciousness is very strong. If you want to bypass the self-detonator’s territory, you must at least get rid of them. If you want to kill them, you must have a sufficient level, and you must be able to kill in seconds, and you must not give the self-detonator a chance to detonate.

You have to upgrade if you want to kill the battered person in a second. If you want to upgrade, you have to go to the belly of the new map. Want to go to the belly of the new map…

Ever since, advanced players began to fall into a perfect loop.

In cell online, advanced players are the first driving force to promote the development of the game. Jiang Zuo is also very anxious about this. He has even begun to think about whether to artificially intervene and give this group of players some activities to send experience points, so that they can break this endless loop.

But after forgetting the account, Jiang Zuo hesitated again.

Helping this group of players to upgrade will cost him a lot of money, and it will even shake the foundation of his battle against the blood wave.

Help or not, this is a question!

When Jiang Zuo had a headache, the legions in the game were also very troubled by this, and all parties were working hard to find a way to break the cycle of death.

In the Pioneer Pioneer Camp, please give priority to killing me and more than a dozen legion veterans to discuss at the assembly;

In the Banknote Ability Corps, An Quantao is also discussing solutions with a group of subordinates.

For these legions that focus on pioneering land, the infinite loop has a great impact on them, but it is within a tolerable range. It is nothing more than temporarily unable to expand new maps.

But for the Legion whose main purpose is to make money, this endless loop is no less than a catastrophe.

The Brick-Moving Corps was the earliest established, a profit-making player corps.

At the time when the server was first opened, the price of Sombra was very high, the army was not so large, there were more flesh and fewer people, how many copies you swiped, how much you earned, and the daily life was very moist.

With the development of the game, the price of Sombra continued to drop. Spend the same amount of time on copying, the number of Sombra earned remained the same, but the money earned was less.

In addition, more and more people are admiringly joining the legion to make money, and the expenses of the entire legion have increased.

Originally, these could be tolerated, but the last 2.0 version of the update limited the level and number of times players can enter the “Team Secret Realm” instance, which is a fatal blow to the Brick Moving Army.

The income of the legion has shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye. The legion members who were originally the backbone of the legion have risen to about level 11, and can no longer go to the “Team Secret Realm” to spawn monsters.

However, the area of ​​”Tear Canyon” is too large, and the time to find wild monsters is greatly increased.

In addition to internal blows, this infinite loop left those level 16 and 17 players with nowhere to upgrade, and they all ran back to the Torn Canyon to grab the mobs. This comes and goes. Starting from yesterday, the daily revenue and expenditure of the Brick Moving Army Corps was in deficit for the first time. This is a dangerous signal to the entire Corps.

“What do you think?” asked the head of the moving brick army rear forward.

“Legion commander, my brothers don’t have any other ideas, everyone is bored and bored. Everyone just wants to make money now.”

“Should we try to open up new markets?”

“Where to open a new market?”

“How about real estate speculation?”

“It’s not very reliable. The Legion doesn’t have any reserves of Sombra, and they use them to buy houses. The Legion will be so poor that it will be dissolved tomorrow.”

“Yes, the official meaning of the game is still unclear. At present, it seems that there are a thousand suites and more than 6,000 players. The listing is not a shortage. If the official continues to open more listings in a short time, no one wants to come to us. Buy second-hand ones on.

Maybe after the game develops, the house will be in short supply, but the key is that our army is almost unable to hold it now. We need to make a lot of money in a short period of time to make up for the vacancy, rather than long-term investment. ”

“Is there any way to make money in this game?”

“Except for the black crystal, it seems to be unreliable.”

Those who spoke were all the old people of the Brick Moving Corps. Almost all of them joined the Legion from the first day the Brick Moving Corps was established, and they were very anxious about the development of the Corps.

Lindong City, a graduate student apartment of a university.

The apartments for graduate students are better than those for undergraduates. They are basically two-person rooms, unlike the four-person or six-person rooms of the undergraduate.

In the boy’s apartment, Chen Bei turned the pen in his hand, lying on the swivel chair, looking up in thought. Beside him, there is a cell online game compartment horizontally.

While Jiang Hu was meditating, the door of the dormitory was opened and his roommate came back from the outside.

“Yeah, Old Chen, have you stayed in the dormitory again for a day?” The roommate said as he hung his schoolbag on the wall:

“You didn’t arrive for today’s experiment. The tutor named you. I said that you had a cold and fever to stop you. But the tutor probably doesn’t believe it. You’d better explain it yourself tomorrow.”

“Oh, I see, thank you for inviting you to dinner this weekend.” Chen Bei thanked him, and continued to raise his head to meditate. His eyes fell on the game warehouse next to him from time to time.

“It’s not that I said you, Lao Chen, we’ve been in a dormitory for more than two years, so don’t think about playing games every day. We graduated, or if we do a Ph.D or look for a job, we have to find a way out for ourselves, right? “The roommate opened two cans of drinks and handed him one.

Chen Bei took the drink and said, “I’m not playing games either. I’m treating games as a profession, a career that can make money. You don’t know, when you treat hobbies as a profession, it’s not as good as you think. Beautiful, it’s actually very boring.”

“If you really want to make money, you might as well study hard and get the scholarship. It will not be low every year.” said the roommate.

“Can the scholarship last a lifetime?” Chen Bei shook his head, “Besides, the amount of the scholarship can’t satisfy the life I want.”

“Fuck, Old Chen, you are quite ambitious.” Roommate laughed:

“The trivial scholarship is no longer in the eye?

But my brothers, let me say something to my heart, you want to make money by playing games and selling something, I think it’s not very reliable. No one I know has ever done this. And games have a game cycle. How long do you think a game will be popular again? Is it enough for you to eat for a lifetime? ”

“Other games may not work, but this game can.” Speaking of this, Chen Bei’s eyes flashed with excitement, and he tapped the cell online game compartment with a pen.

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