My Cell Game

Chapter 116

Chapter 116 Chen Bei’s desire

“Cell online? I heard you say it.” The roommate glanced at the new game warehouse next to him, and couldn’t help but shook his head.

He lived with Chen Bei for a long time, and they both regarded each other as iron brothers, so he only said a few more words to remind Chen Bei.

He would be too lazy to talk nonsense if it were others.

“This game is really as amazing as you said?” The roommate asked in doubt: “This kind of game warehouse seems to be quite expensive, it costs more than 10,000.”

“Expensive is expensive, but it’s worth it, I think it’s worth it!” Chen Bei said, with an uncontrollable excitement in his eyes:

“I feel that I don’t lack strength or understanding of the market. What I lack is just an opportunity, a game that allows me to make a lot of money!

I really don’t want to work. I’m not afraid of hardship or tiredness. I’m just afraid of waiting, the long wait. If I go to work, based on my wages, when will I make a lot of money to get me to the next level?

I want to upgrade my class in a short time, using money to upgrade. I know that opening and closing is money, you may think it is vulgar, but the reality is like this. I think this game can help me realize my dream. ”

The roommate said nothing, he knew Chen Bei’s desire for money.

Chen Bei’s desire for money is not the kind of nouveau riche who wants to show off and pretend to be coerced. He desires money simply because of his lack of security.

In Chen Bei’s sophomore year, when the family ran out of savings and his unconscious father could only be pushed out of the ICU, he knew his goal in this life.

Tacky? Misconceptions?

But this is Chen Bei’s truest thought.

Chen Bei just didn’t want any relatives, including himself, to be helpless, helpless, even unable to control his own life.

University and graduate school. Over the years, in addition to dealing with exams, he has not put his mind on reading, but he clearly knows what he wants. He has been looking for various ways to realize his ideals.

Not far from graduating from graduate school, Chen Bei knew that he had to seize the opportunity. When he was a student, he could still make him so self-willed, so full-heartedly looking for a way to make money, when he really graduated, he would have to go to work, perhaps this ideal will never be realized.

“All right, brother, come on.” The roommate drank the drink and got up to take a bath. “By the way, how much did you make for this cell online?”

“Not yet.” Chen Bei shook his head slightly bitterly.

After he entered the brick-moving army, it coincided with the financial deficit of the brick-moving army. Now it is the time when the army is alive and dead. The army has collapsed and Chen Bei’s chances of making money are slim. He opened his arms.

In Chen Bei’s view, if the Legion wants to survive, it must open up new markets.

Before moving to the Brick Legion, the money-making model of using Sombra failed. They must be bold and innovate and create new ways to make money.

However, the disruptive new ideas didn’t come just in the first place. Chen Bei has done a lot of research on cell online, but until now, he hasn’t figured out where to make money.

In the Legion meeting just now, he participated as a representative of the new players.

Halfway through the hearing, he was dizzy by the endless quarrels, and simply quit the game, thinking about new methods alone in the dormitory.

The roommate’s house ran a cement factory. He thought about it, then turned around and said to Chen Bei who was meditating on the chair:

“My dad told me before that in his life in business, he pays attention to the relationship between supply and demand.

In the final analysis, it is just one sentence-to do what you like, to meet market demand, this is the foundation of wanting to make money.

I don’t know if this is useful to you. You know, I’m not interested in doing business. I would rather go to a research institute to do research. Think about it slowly, I’m going to take a shower. ”

After speaking, the roommate took the bath towel and went into the bathroom, leaving Chen Bei alone in his chair to meditate.

“Supply and demand…what others need, what do I sell…”

Chen Bei muttered to himself.

What is the most demanded and most desired player in cell online now?

It is undoubtedly the value of experience.

But the experience value is different from Sombra! There is no official channel for reselling experience points, and there is no option to trade experience points at the exchange!

Simply put, this thing is that who kills the monster, the system automatically determines who it is, and there is no other way to obtain it.

Oh, yes, there are activities that can also earn experience points. But that has nothing to do with him.

Now, players don’t have suitable wild monsters, and those low-level wild monsters below level 10 can’t get much experience points.

Others need experience points, but if they don’t, this deal won’t be done!

“Wait a minute!” Chen Bei’s mind flashed, and he suddenly picked up a pen and drew on the paper.

Experience value, this thing is very abstract, but if the experience value is realized from another angle, what is the experience value?

Experience points are monsters!

The experience value is the blood dead virus!

The desire of advanced players for experience points, to put it bluntly, is actually the desire for blood to death virus, the desire for advanced blood to death virus!

If… if you have a high-level blood-death virus in your hand, and a large number of high-level blood-death viruses can be sold to players for the players to kill and upgrade, then this sale can be done!

Advanced players are definitely willing to spend money to buy, this will be a huge market!

Where does the advanced blood death virus come from?

There is no need to think about the new map to open up the land. The professional pioneers have not broken the defense line of the self-explosive, let alone that they are only at level 6, and their brick-moving army does not have the strength of pioneering.

To put it bluntly, the brick-moving corps is more like a commercial alliance. This corps was born to do business and make money. Can you expect this kind of corps to open up new maps?

The road on the new map is broken, and there is still the road to go on the old map, which is the only way to go.

There is only one way to find advanced blood-to-death viruses from the old map.

An idea that no one has ever put forward–

Breeding blood to kill the virus in captivity!

Chen Bei knows the danger of this method.

In cell online, viruses have AI intelligence, especially advanced viruses, which will really attack players collectively.

The preceding disasters have not passed a few days, causing tens of millions of huge losses to players.

At this time, I proposed artificial breeding of viruses. In order to provide enough experience value, it must be a high-level virus, the kind of high-level virus that can threaten high-level players.

It is not enough to raise one or two, it has to be large-scale breeding.

This is tantamount to raising a tiger at the door of the player’s house! The danger is self-evident.

Chen Bei wrote and painted on paper. After a few minutes of thinking, he made a judgment–

There are risks, but it’s worth trying.

Without further hesitation, Chen Bei opened the game warehouse and entered the game. He wanted to promote this idea!

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