My Cell Game

Chapter 150

Chapter 148 Genocide

Regarding the CDC’s actions, Jiang Zuo naturally did not know, after all, no one told him, and it is impossible for anyone to tell him.

He is now a lone ranger, let alone where to put the dark line, after all, the only one who can help him in reality is the little Lori Shu Ran.

At this moment, Jiang Zuo was staring at the laptop screen, sliding his fingers on the laptop’s touchpad, and from time to time bursts of wretched smiles came from the corners of his mouth.

Don’t think about it, Jiang Zuo is not looking at something unhealthy.

The reason that made Jiang Zuo laugh so wretched is very simple. The group of players in his body are about to make trouble again.

The game was okay before going to bed last night. I didn’t expect it was just one night’s sleep. When Jiang Zuo got up this morning, he saw players on the forum “filled with righteous indignation”, shouting overwhelmingly that they wanted to fight decisively with the self-destructive and destroy the tribe. Fighting, Jiang Zuo was stunned.

After flipping through more than a dozen posts, Jiang Zuo can figure out the ins and outs of the matter.

It turns out that the players’ cars and weapons that use self-detonators as energy sources have made great breakthroughs in technology, and they may soon be fully promoted.

New energy, new power, and new weapons, without exception, make the players excited, but the number of players who blew up is extremely rare, and this is why they are clamoring to fight a big one, capture and raise the blew up.

The few self-detonators on hand by the players are basically not intact living bodies. They are all bombed and incomplete viruses collected when cleaning the battlefield, which is not enough for the overall player’s consumption.

Really counted, the player has never gotten a complete live batter. It’s not that the players don’t catch it, but that these batterers are very stubborn.

It’s okay to cut down the tree. If you don’t push the self-detonator into a hurry, the self-detonator will not choose to self-detonate.

But when it came time to catch them, those who blew up by the players, without exception, as long as they were sane, they would rather die than surrender, and chose to blew themselves on the spot without giving the player a chance to be captured.

Therefore, the self-detonators in the player’s hands are all crippled and defective products that have been beaten, and they cannot be used for careful study.

This group of players who are addicted to feeding is itchy, and they start to use their brains again.

The so-called genocide war is not a real genocide. Players prepare to occupy the self-detonation forest by force, scare the self-detonators, and let the self-detonators become feeders obediently.

With this idea, the players quickly decided to take action.

While the players were intensively arranging, the battered people in the forest still wandered in the forest stupidly. They didn’t know that they had been missed by the greedy and brutal players.

Even their former kings have long become inner ghosts arranged by players.

The big devil said that he would cooperate with the players’ actions as much as possible, and strive to pit his race to death, so that he could get the ultimate reward sooner.

At this point of life, a legion formed by pioneer pioneers began to march toward the forest mightily.

At this stage, the number of players is about 20,000, and one-third of the players have reached levels 16-23. These players are the backbone of the fight against the virus.

The number of self-detonators in the self-detonation forest is between 100,000 and 200,000.

If you want to completely conquer the spontaneous forest and frighten those who explode, at least a few battles involving all players will break out.

That is-the battle of races!

With reference to the process of the last disaster, a race battle would cost at least millions of Empire Coins. This is the last time there were not many people and the level was not high.

Now the player’s level is higher, the cost of buying items in the mall is more, the number of players has also doubled, and the start of a race war is not supported by ten million.

This is just the cost of a war. If you want to completely conquer the self-destruction, you can’t beat it without a three or four games.

Counting the ins and outs, the military expenditure can even reach 50 million.

This is a huge expenditure, even An Quantao does not have the financial strength to spend half a billion in the game.

If you contact some local tyrants, and then launch a recruitment among all players, you may be able to collect enough military expenses.

It’s just that, with so much money, you can’t spend it all in the water. You have to make plans before major projects start, let alone such a big race battle.

Before the war begins, you must fight two partial battles, touch the bottom of the opponent, and see if it is feasible to beat the opponent and let the opponent surrender.

Ever since, the Pioneer Pioneer Corps gathered more than three hundred legion members to prepare to wipe out a self-destructive camp and accumulate experience for the next battle.

Blast the forest.

In the front-line blew up camp, more than 60 blew ups wandered around in the camp, talking about the situation in the defense zone.

Since the arrival of the players, the daily conversation topics of the self-destructors, from how many black crystals they have harvested today, how many foreign viruses they have killed, and how many more subordinates they have, have gradually become how many people have come today. Cells, how many trees were cut down, how many subordinates were killed on my side…

When the detonators were talking, there was a sudden hustle and bustle outside the camp.

The outside of the camp was surrounded by hundreds of source cells at some point, and they were staring at the virus in the camp.

“Master, we…”

“Don’t be afraid, kill them.” The highest level of the camp is a 39-level commander, who is surrounded by players to the door of his house. The commander has no counsel, but it knows that it is estimated that it will not survive this time.

Under the leadership of “please kill me first”, the players approached the detonators in the camp step by step.

“Brothers, try to catch alive as much as possible. I don’t believe that you can’t catch alive.” “Please kill me first,” said to the members of the legion.

Their trip is to try to catch the self-detonator and let the self-detonator surrender.

What’s more, the live batterers in the rear now have a price and no market. If they can catch a dozen of them back, it will not be a problem to sell one hundred thousand black crystals. It can be regarded as earning some extra money for the brothers.

“Received!” The players were so excited, their gazes at the self-destructive turned into groups of moving black crystals.

“Don’t drive them to death, try to give them a chance to surrender.”

“Yes, yes, try not to let them explode. It’s okay to say that they couldn’t sell for money before. Nowadays, people who explode live are being bought for research everywhere. When the exploders explode, I feel distressed. That’s all money.”

With the order of “please kill me first”, the players charged towards the battered ones.

The self-detonators in the encirclement did not shy away.

Seeing the player rushing into the camp, the leader of the 39-level detonator shouted and shouted at the subordinate on the right: “You! Charge me up and kill him!”

“Yes!” The subordinate on the right took the order and shouted at the subordinate on the right: “You! Run up to me and kill him!”

“Yes!” The subordinate on the right took the order and turned towards…

The order is communicated layer by layer, and this is the characteristic of the self-destructive.

In the end, several level 21 batterers without subordinates received the order and rushed towards “please kill me first”.

“Fuck! Go to my hair?” “Please kill me first” was immediately surrounded by a few batterers, and his face suddenly ugly.

“Please kill me first” has reason to suspect, is it because the official is secretly updating it again, and the battered person can understand his nickname on the top of his head?


Huge explosions can be heard everywhere, “Please kill me first” because of taking the lead in the charge, was killed first, becoming the first player in the entire player group to be killed.

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