My Cell Game

Chapter 151

Chapter 149 Those who blew up will never be slaves!

“Please kill me first” was given priority to kill, and the players also fought with the self-destructive.

Fighting against creatures like the self-detonator comes fast and goes fast.

Blasters are not like other viruses, they have all kinds of moves, and they can fight you and me with the players.

Those who blew up have always been straightforward.


Just blow it up!

Fighting around, harp, what kind of virus?

The real virus should explode in place!




With the sound of an explosion, both sides suffered heavy casualties.

Every time a self-detonator blew himself up, two or three players could be killed. The docking place of the two armies was quickly exploded into “no man’s land.”

The players resisted the damage and spent more than a hundred players’ deaths, consuming the lives of thirty self-destructive persons.

After only five minutes of playing, the outcome has already been decided. The remaining more than a dozen self-detonators were blocked by the player in a blind spot, and there was no possibility of escape.

At this point, no matter how stupid the virus is, it can be seen that they have no possibility of a turnaround. If they continue to fight, it will definitely be annihilated.

The players stopped the attack tacitly and surrounded the virus, and they didn’t want to really fight the virus.

The remaining dozen viruses pose little threat to them. In their eyes, these self-destructors are not viruses, but black crystals that can walk.

There is only one idea in the players’ minds—catch it back and sell it!

“Hey! Listen well, give up resistance, you can’t beat us!” said the deputy commander of the legion:

“How tired it is when the virus is running around every day, surrender obediently, follow us, we earn black crystals to support you.”

The deputy commander is telling the truth. After these viruses surrender, players will really earn Sombra to raise them.

After all, they are meant to be used for experiments, and before the experiment is over, they must be raised so that they cannot starve to death.

As for whether they will be killed during the experiment, the deputy commander didn’t say, it must be ninety-nine percent of the time.

The remaining self-destructors yelled and yelled something, floating in the player’s ears, and they all turned into the same sentence——

“A self-detonation will never be a slave!”

After roaring this sentence, the level 39 self-detonator commanded to the few subordinates on the right: “You! Get me on!”



Among the characteristics of the self-detonator, there is another burst of indiscriminate bombing.

In the end, when the level 39 blew into the player’s position and blew himself up, the entire camp was calm.

There were debris of self-detonation and large pieces of source cells floating all over the camp. When there were more than 300 players, only a hundred of them were left.

“Is there no livelihood?” “Please kill me first.” After the resurrection, he drove the armored car back to the camp.

“No, they are all dead, no one surrendered.” The deputy commander said helplessly.

Previous conflicts between players and self-destructors were all about cutting trees. Seeing the self-detonator dare not detonate, the player thinks that the self-detonator is a weak group, it is easy to tame, and it should be easier to tame than the tearer.

Unexpectedly, when it came time to desperately, none of the battered people surrendered.

It seems that the self-detonator is extremely repulsive to surrender instinctively, and when he hears the word surrender, he will die with the player.

“Don’t you surrender? I can’t catch it? It’s a bit troublesome.” “Please kill me first” said distressedly.

The main purpose of this small-scale offensive is to drill ahead of the upcoming extermination war. The result of the exercise will directly determine whether the extermination war will be carried out.

In annihilation war, the player’s purpose is not to extinct the self-detonator, but to destroy the self-detonator, annihilate part of the vital force of the self-detonator, and let the self-detonator bow to the evil forces of the player.

Just like the last disaster, the player wiped out the main power of the Ripper, and the remaining Ripper in the Torn Canyon easily surrendered.

However, based on the results of the demonstration, this idea may be miscalculated.

The tenaciousness of the self-detonator is far beyond the player’s imagination. He would rather fight to the last person than surrender, which is very troublesome.

In case the extermination war hits the end, the battered genocide is defeated, and no battered surrender is available for players to use and study, what is the significance of this extermination war? If you hit it, it’s just a hit!

“Dog planning, what kind of wild monster is designed, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to tame?” “Please kill me first” reluctantly greeted Jiang Zuo.

At the same time, in another part of the self-detonation forest, a 21-level self-detonator was patrolling as usual.

“Did you see it, that’s it.”

“Sure there are no other viruses around?”

“No, I stared at it for a day, this area is just a virus patrol.”

“Okay, everyone, move quickly, don’t give it a chance to react, and run away if you catch it. This time, you have to vote.”

“I contacted the buyer, a living and intact batter, he offered fifty thousand black crystals.”

Not far away, on a “van” made of black wood, several sneaky players were discussing how to surprise and kidnap a live batter.

The patrolling batterer knew nothing about it. It was drifting in the forest along the daily patrol route, looking around to see if there were players cutting trees.

At this moment, the self-detonator suddenly noticed that there was a violent disturbance in the water flow behind him, and it seemed that some high-speed object was coming towards him.

The self-detonator was shocked and looked forward. A “van” suddenly stopped beside it, the door opened, and a small black box flew out of the door, and the self-detonator was suddenly covered.

“Catch it! Boss!”

“Quick! Close the door! Let’s go!”

“Peng!” The door slammed shut, and the van drove in the direction of this life point.

The detonator in the black box was struggling violently, and the players outside were full of excitement:

“Great! I didn’t expect to catch the battered person so easily.”

“Isn’t it that difficult to tame the self-explosive? You have to find a suitable method and catch it unexpectedly from behind.”

“Finally found a way to catch a living person who exploded. I will write a strategy in the forum when I go back.”

Before a few players were happy for a while, the movement in the black box stopped, and the self-detonator stopped struggling.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud bang, and the self-detonator in the box blew himself up on the spot. Several players were not spared, and even the van was blown to pieces.

There is no doubt that this method of catching the battered person has failed.

In the past two days, a large number of players have tried various methods to catch live batterers, but without exception, these players’ attempts ended in failure.

There is no research on living self-detonators, and the development of new self-detonator energy has once again entered a bottleneck, and a major change has also been hindered.

At the birthplace, in the voice channel, more than a dozen army commanders were communicating whether to carry out an extermination war. If no one blew up to the end, the 50 million would be lost.

It now appears that there is a high probability of no self-destructor surrendering.

When the legion commanders were having difficulty making a decision, the Great Demon King entered the voice channel. He said that he had a way to help players subdue the battered ones.

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