My Cell Game

Chapter 152

Chapter 150 Reverse surrender

“What can you do? Bring the battered person to surrender?”

In the voice channel, seeing the great demon coming, the legion commanders asked the great demon. They were not surprised by the arrival of the Great Demon King.

Although the Great Demon King did not form a legion, as a player who ostensibly controls the self-detonation population, he is still the biggest villain boss (pseudo) player. The Great Demon King is still very important among legion commanders, and he is eligible to participate in the discussion of the legion commanders.

An Quantao asked, “How much prestige do you have now? Can you let all the battered surrender?”

During the live broadcast of the Big Devil, An Quantao and the others knew that the leadership of the Big Devil towards the self-destructed was directly linked to his prestige.

Only with enough prestige can they lead the population to make various decisions.

If the prestige is not enough, let alone lead the subordinates to surrender collectively, dare to say such things as surrender, and don’t be killed by the subordinates on the spot, then it is a blessing.

“No.” The Great Devil replied simply:

“But it’s not important. I checked the memory of the former king. In the genes of the battered population, they instinctively repelled and surrendered.

To put it simply, it is almost impossible for a self-destructive person to surrender to us and use it for us like a ball virus. ”

“This is troublesome.” An Quantao sighed.

At the moment, the self-detonator is the best new energy source, and the taste of this kind of energy being unavailable in front of you is really uncomfortable.

“Wait a minute, I haven’t finished. Although the self-detonator won’t surrender to us, we can surrender to them.” The Demon King said.

As soon as this remark came out, the commander of the legion in the voice channel was all dumbfounded:


“what did you say?”

“Surrender to the self-detonator? What do you mean?”

“I don’t understand, why are we surrendering to them?”

The players who listened to the voice through the live broadcast were also confused, and most of the players did not understand the meaning of the big devil. However, a small number of players thought silently.

The Great Demon continued:

“In fact, to put it bluntly, surrender is just a means.

Our ultimate goal is to make self-detonators our new energy source. As long as we can achieve this goal, it doesn’t matter who we surrender or the self-destructed.

I think this way-if the battered person refuses to surrender to us, why can’t we surrender to the battered person?

Under my wise leadership, the self-destructors have completely annoyed the Macrophages, the Mutants, and the Insurgents. It is foreseeable that these three races will soon launch a counterattack against the detonators.

With the strength of the self-detonator population, it can barely cope with one race. Once the three races are together, the self-detonator will only be beaten!

The self-detonator was also very anxious. The Poison King told me several times and asked me how to resist the counterattack of the other three races.

At this stage, the population of self-detonators urgently needs to replenish their strength.

For a group, the best way to replenish its strength is to merge with other groups, such as our players.

With my prestige, I can lead the race to launch a tens of thousands of battles.

What I envisioned is this: I use the excuse of ‘improving racial strength and resisting the tribe’s counterattack’ to propose a plan to swallow the source cell population.

When this plan was put forward, they had no reason to refuse.

At that time, I will attack you with a self-detonator.

You pretend to resist for a few minutes, make sense, and then surrender and let the self-detonator ‘rule’ you.

As a result, my prestige should rise above 80. I pushed the boat along the water and moved the main force of the self-detonators to our player camp.

If two species live together, it’s not too easy to fool around.

I can give an order in an open and honest manner to let the batterers treat the players as cannon fodder, and let you be the main force against the other three races. Those who blew up would certainly not refuse.

In this way, everything is logical. If you want cannon fodder to resist the other three races, you must give cannon fodder weapons.

Provide some low-level self-detonators for the players to do research, make artillery or something, improve the player’s strength, so that the player cannon fodder has the strength to fight the enemy, other high-level self-detonators will certainly not object.

In the eyes of those who explode, they are conquerors, and we are prisoners. As long as the self-detonator is not allowed to surrender, the bottom line of the self-detonator will not be touched, and the self-detonator will not resist desperately.

The lives of those low-level self-detonators are still very cheap. With one order, I can make hundreds or thousands of low-level self-detonators to do your research.

This is my thoughts, commanders, players, what do you think? ”

Under the river of the great devil, he talked eloquently, saying that he was dry.

Having said so much, it can be seen that the big devil is really really helping the player to plan, and really pitting his own race.

It takes so much effort, and the big devil is also very helpless.

How happy to be a king, if it weren’t for the **** ultimate reward to be too generous for him to refuse, he wouldn’t be too lazy to think so much every day, and his hair would be bald.

After the big devil finished speaking, there was a brief silence in the voice channel.

Ruthless, too ruthless! This is a common word in the hearts of all players.

Are you really embarrassed to pit your race so badly?

Sure enough, no matter how cruel the enemy is, insider betrayal is the cruelest, let alone a terrible former king.

Regardless of the players’ screams of the fourth natural disaster every day, they gather in the woods every day to chop down trees.

But when it comes to a critical time, such as when raising and domesticating batterers, the players know very little about the battered ones, are completely clueless, and even prepare to give up the domesticated battered ones.

At the critical juncture, the Great Demon King spared no effort, based on the weakness of the species, analyzed and planned, directly pushed the battered person into the abyss of captivity, and never returned.

The future of self-destructive domestication is already clearly visible.

“Great Devil, how feasible is your plan?” An Quantao asked.

“Ninety-nine! Don’t think I was king for two days. In these two days, I used the convenience of my identity to thoroughly study the habits and personality of the battered population. I made a lot of notes.”

After finishing speaking, there was a sound of paper shaking from the voice of the big devil: “Listen, I remember such a thick book. With me, are you afraid that the mentally handicapped group will not die?”

The players were embarrassed for a while, come on, the research is so thorough, this time the blew up will definitely be finished.

“Okay, I agree with your plan!” An Quantao said immediately.

“I agree!”

“Me too! Isn’t it just surrender!”

Following the decision of the legion leaders in the voice channel, the players in the live room became excited:

“Hahaha, what kind of sorrow is this? Reverse surrender is the deadliest.”

“Blaster: The longest way I have taken is the player’s routine! (Crying

“Blaster: It feels okay. This group of players surrendered to us and are willing to be our cannon fodder. The cannon fodder is a bit of a weapon. We provide low-level batterers for players to study weapons, and let players use weapons to fight on the front line. Be a cannon fodder. The logic makes sense, and the reason is okay, but I always feel weird?”

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