My Cell Game

Chapter 503

Chapter 496 The power of “corrosive water”

After seeing ten judges and the vehicle containing dozens of boxes of “corrosive running water” hidden away.

Du Yuan took a step alone and slowly walked towards the wide square in front of him.

When letting the judges hide, Du Yuan took out a box from the cart, and the box was filled with real “corrosive running water.”

He placed the judge next to him in this box, which was the strongest among the ten judges.

Du Yuan exhorted in advance and asked the judge to pay attention to the situation on Du Yuan’s side. If he heard Du Yuan yelling “corrosive running water”, he rushed out with the box and rushed to Du Yuan’s side.

On a building not far from the square, by a window, stood a 15th-level dead waiter.

Du Yuan guessed right, Deadpool was indeed planning to use this wide square as a place to ambush “corrosive water”.

At this moment, this 15th-level Deadpool was looking through the glass window, staring closely at the situation on the square.

Due to the distance, Du Yuan did not wear the clothes of the twelve generals of the royal family, and he had reduced his breath. The 15th-level Deadpool did not recognize Du Yuan.

The dead waiter was pleased when he saw the judge walk in. From its point of view, this should be the judge who explored the way in front, and the vehicle carrying “corrosive water” in the back was about to arrive.

Although this square is wide, vehicles pass through the square very quickly. We must hurry up and seize this opportunity.

Thinking of this, the dead waiter didn’t hesitate, and immediately ordered his subordinates in the distance to prepare to bomb the square.

At this point, Du Yuan was right again.

Deadpool has cannonballs!

However, Du Yuan’s guess still has a certain deviation. Although Deadpool has shells, these shells are not in the alloy warehouse, but left in the air-raid shelter. They are definitely not comparable to the weapons in the alloy warehouse in terms of firepower.

Deadpool used these shells just to hit the morale of the judge and to cause some damage to the judge first.

Then the dead waiters in ambush all swarmed up, and the main combat power relied on these dead waiters in ambush.

It can be seen that Deadpool still pays much attention to these “corrosive waters”. This is almost the first time that Deadpool used cannonballs to ambush the judge. Of course, the time when Deadpool used air defense missiles to hit Ke Longwei’s helicopter in the air raid shelter, That also counts once.

In order to avoid being discovered by the judges, Deadpool’s artillery positions are far away, and whether Deadpool has undergone formal training. There is a lot of time from receiving the order to launching the shells and then bombing the target square. Interval.

According to the estimation of this 15th-level deadpool, the order should be almost the same now. When the shells arrive, the main judges who transported the “corrosive water” should be in the square.

As a result, under the order of the 15th-level Deadpool, a large group of Deadpool’s artillery positions in the distant place began to rush into confusion.

The IQs of these gathering deadpools are very low, let them fire cannonballs, don’t blow them up, it is already very powerful, if you let them aim at something, it will simply kill them.

At this time, the smarter Deadpool will come in handy.

“Kanwu” was temporarily borrowed by the 15th-level deadpool from the 14th-level deadpool to help it aim the cannonball.

It is a pity that there are too few “smart Deadpools” like “sensing objects”, and there are not many in Nanyang City. Therefore, in the artillery positions of the entire Deadpool, only the “sensing objects” are aimed at. .

The “sensing object” needs to adjust the position of all the artillery according to the order, and then the rest of the deadpool will launch the cannonballs.

There are seven or eight artillery guns here. It takes a lot of time to target each one, so the 15th level Deadpool ordered it in advance.

Knowing that it was bombing the judge, the “sensing object” was of course standing on the judge’s side. It deliberately slowed down, and by the way, made some deviations in the aiming direction of the projectile, trying to make the projectile shift its position.

While adjusting the artillery on the side of “Sensing Objects,” Level 15 Deadpool was still paying close attention to the square.

After a while, the 15th-level Deadpool sensed something was wrong.

Is the walking speed of the judge in front of him a little too slow?

Du Yuan deliberately slowed down and walked slowly on the square in order to attract Deadpool to attack in advance.

No matter how many Deadpools came, Du Yuan felt that he could stop him, and Du Yuan felt that he was fine with shells, as long as he didn’t blow up dozens of boxes of “corrosive water” behind him.

After walking more than ten steps, as a high-level judge of more than twenty ranks, Du Yuan clearly smelled a dangerous aura.

Sure enough, there is a deadpool ambush here!

Du Yuan walked halfway, stopped simply, and stopped in the middle of the square, silently waiting for Deadpool to launch an attack.

He was wasting patience with Deadpool, as long as he stood here long enough, he believed that Deadpool would not be able to bear it and attack him.

What’s more, he is still shielding his breath now. From the perspective of Deadpool, he never thought that standing in the middle of the square would be a senior judge of more than twenty ranks.

In the building not far away, the 15th-level dead waiter noticed the anomaly, and he was now sure that the judge in the center of the square was not right.

But there was something wrong with it, and the 15th-level Deadpool couldn’t say it, because from its perspective, the judge’s behavior was too illogical.

What do you want to do when you stand in the middle of the square and don’t leave?

Deadpool:? ? ?

For a while, the 15th level Deadpool really didn’t understand what he wanted to do. Is this finding that there is an ambush?

But if you find that there is an ambush, shouldn’t you withdraw quickly? What do you want to stop in the middle? Is this judge so afraid of death?

Or did you find an ambush?

What are you doing in the middle? Is it possible to wait for the big team behind?

This confusing operation makes Level 15 Deadpool a little confusing.

But bewildered, the 15th-level Deadpool found out, why hadn’t the artillery shells fired over his artillery position?

According to Deadpool’s script, the judges who are now transporting the “corrosive water” should just walk up to the encirclement, and the artillery shells they arranged should also be fired right into the encirclement on the square, destroying the “corrosive water”.

The judge in charge of the reconnaissance should have gone far, but it didn’t matter, there were dead waiters in ambush everywhere outside the square, enough to kill the judge.

Then a large number of deadpool ambushes began to appear, killing the remaining judges.

If you are lucky, you should be able to win some “corrosive running water”, and hand it over to the boss of Deadpool to study and study how to defend against this weapon.

But now it’s messed up, it’s all messed up!

The script is well written, but none of the actors acted according to the script!

The judges who transported the “corrosive water” have not yet appeared, and the 15th-level Deadpool’s eyes are wide, and they have not seen the shadow of “corrupted water”.

The shells haven’t come yet. After waiting so long, why haven’t the shells fired yet?

The scout judge also stopped, standing in the middle of the square, neither going forward nor back, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Vaguely, the judge in the center of the 15th-level Dead Servant Square seemed to see a touch of provocation.

That seems to say that I have found your ambush, but I just won’t run. Didn’t you ambush ahead of time? I’m standing here! If you think you can beat me, just rush over!

Level 15 Deadpool felt chaotic. On the surface, it seemed that the square was very peaceful, but there was a judge standing quietly, but in reality, the scene was all messed up, it was too chaotic, it was almost messed up.

The key is that until now, the 15th level Deadpool still doesn’t know why it is messed up.

After waiting for another period of time, the artillery position of Deadpool in the distance, the aiming work was almost done.

This is the most time that the “sensing things” can get. If the time is too long, he will be suspected by Deadpool, and maybe he will be exposed as a judge.

“Kanwu” estimated that he had delayed twice as long, and the judges should have been able to go far.

Because “Kanwu” stayed in the camp of Deadpool and didn’t have time to understand the movements of the judges, “Kanwu” didn’t know which judges Deadpool was going to attack this time.

However, “Kanwu” knew that it was definitely not Jiang Zuo’s judge, because when the 14th-level Deadpool sent him over, he was talking about dealing with a group of judges from Tongguxidu. This is definitely not Jiang Zuo’s trial. The person.

Although he is not the judge of his boss’s organization, since everyone is a judge, he can deal with Deadpool in any way. If the “Kanwu” can help, it will still help. As long as you don’t expose yourself, these “feelings” “I will still do it.

If Jiang Zuo knew, Jiang Zuo would also agree with the practice of “sensing things”.

After all, the royal family hasn’t broken their faces yet. At least up to now, on the surface, everyone is dealing with the gathering of dead waiters in Nanyang City, and they belong to the camp of judges.

But if Jiang Zuo’s judges were still that kind of large-scale judgement transfer, then the “sensing things” would try their best to procrastinate for a while, and there would still be differences in the care of themselves and outsiders.

Seeing that the “sensing object” adjusted its direction, the Deadpools immediately took the shells found from the air-raid shelter and prepared to launch the shells to the distant target.

After waiting for almost twice as long, the 15th-level Deadpool finally saw that the cannonballs he had ambush finally hit.

At the same time, Du Yuan in the center of the square also saw the artillery shells flying over.

“Finally can’t wait.” Du Yuan’s mouth suddenly smiled slightly. He and Deadpool were spending their patience, and Deadpool couldn’t help it.

These shells flew towards Du Yuan on the square. At this moment, Du Yuan finally no longer hides his strength. He shouted, and suddenly, the strength of the 27-level judge was exposed!

This is a 27-level high-level judge!

For a while, the dead waiter on the building not far away was filled with surprise.

It always thought that this was just a scouting judge, who should be around level 2 and 3. It never expected that the judge who came to clear the way was so strong!

After Du Yuan showed his strength, these shells bombed the square.

However, due to the deliberately deviated direction of the “sensing objects”, the bombing of these shells seemed to be very powerful, but in fact most of them were missed, and only a few shells fell on the square.

For a powerful judge of level 27, this shell can’t hurt him at all.

After a burst of bombing, looking at Du Yuan who was unscathed in the square, a sense of fear was born in the heart of the 15th-level Deadpool.

If it is discovered by Du Yuan, a 27-level judge wants to kill it, it shouldn’t be too simple!

In fear, Level 15 Deadpool didn’t even care about why so many shells were missed.

Moreover, even if the 15th level Deadpool really noticed it, it would not feel too abnormal. After all, the Deadpool who is in charge of aiming is smart, but there is still a certain gap. Have you experienced real artillery training? The shells are too normal to miss Nevertheless.

The strength of a 27th-level judge, the 15th-level Dead Servant is of course very clear, so this time, it didn’t even dare to issue orders.

In case, in the process of giving the order, his position was revealed, and the 15th level Deadpool couldn’t even run, he would definitely be killed by Du Yuan on the spot.

Without new orders, the Deadpool ambushing around the square all rushed out of the ambush spot after the shell bombing, and rushed towards Du Yuan in the center of the square according to the original plan.

Facing the 27th-level judge, these low-level deadpools are of course afraid. If there is only one low-level deadpool lying in ambush, it is estimated that they would have turned around and ran away long ago.

However, there were many dead waiters in ambush around the square. There were tens of thousands of dead waiters, and there were tens of thousands of dead waiters together. No matter how strong the judge on the other side was, there was only one person. Although these dead waiters were afraid, they all rushed over.

From the perspective of Deadpool, 10,000 Deadpool should be able to deal with a 27th-level judge. After all, in the air-raid shelter, with the advantage of the number of Deadpool, they defeated one of the twelve royal generals. Lu Wu.

Facing tens of thousands of dead servants rushing over, Du Yuan in the center of the square still remained unchanged. Facing the surging dead servant waves, Du Yuan showed the demeanor and courage of one of the twelve royal generals. .

“Lu Wu, I really want to know how you felt at the time. If Dahikawa traversed by your side, you would probably not die. These ant-like dead servants only dared to be rampant in places where Dahikawa did not traverse. ”

Du Yuan whispered to himself, then sighed silently.

Orikawa is the source of power for the senior judges, and without Orikawa by his side, it would be difficult for the senior judges to display their full strength.

If you were in the western capital of Tonggu, standing by the Da Richuan that traversed the western capital, Du Yuan would surely defeat the nearly ten thousand dead servants.

It’s a pity that it’s in Nanyang City. Without Orikawa’s help, Du Yuan, even a 27-level judge, still feels powerless in the face of these dead servants.

“It’s been a long time since I have fought so many Deadpools, it’s time to move my muscles and bones!”

Du Yuan shouted, and then fought with these deadpools.

Deadpool faced Du Yuan without any counterattack at all.

On the building not far away, the 15th-level Deadpool only saw a large swath of Deadpool flying out. These deadpools turned into mist in mid-air, but the mist did not condense anymore and slowly dissipated. In the night of Nanyang City.

As more and more Deadpools were killed, Du Yuan in the center of the square gradually became full of heat and sweat, and his breathing became a little quicker.

At this moment, Du Yuan forcefully swept away dozens of dead servants. After these dozens of dead servants turned into aerosol in mid-air, Du Yuan shouted towards the place where he came:

“Corrosive water!”

Hearing Du Yuan’s shout, the judge who was hiding behind the bunker rushed out, carrying the box Du Yuan handed him, and rushed towards Du Yuan quickly.

After rushing out of the bunker, he saw tens of thousands of dead waiters gathered together. The judge’s face suddenly turned pale, and so many dead waiters brought him tremendous pressure.

Du Yuan also rushed towards the judge and accepted the judge.

Under Du Yuan’s protection, those dead servants who tried to get close to the judge were all shot into the air by Du Yuan.

On the tall building not far away, the 15th-level Deadpool’s eyes widened at this moment and looked up the square because it heard Du Yuan shouting “corrosive running water”.

In this ambush and attack, Deadpool has prepared a great price, using shells and nearly 10,000 deadpool, just to destroy or **** the “corrupting water” this big killer.

The judge can’t resist this, is he ready to use “corrosive water”?

Level 15 Deadpool wanted to see how lethal this “corrosive water” was used as a big killer to deal with Deadpool.

I saw that Du originally knocked out a large area of ​​Deadpool around him, clearing a large area, and then took the box, flattened the box with one hand, and opened the box with the other.

The box was densely packed with dozens of things that looked like glass bottles.

It’s a glass bottle, but it doesn’t look like glass when you look closely.

Each bottle is about one finger long and **** thin. In the center of the bottle, a finger-thick green liquid is poured, which glows green at night.

In other parts of the bottle, there are various holes and small pipes, which look very delicate.

At the two ends of the bottle, there are two red buttons. These two buttons are made of part of the bottle material and form a whole with the bottle.

Said it is a button, it is actually more like a small raised bubble.

Du Yuan took out a bottle from the box, pressed the two buttons on both sides of the broken bottle, and then hurled the bottle into the air in front of him.

Under Du Yuan’s throw, the bottle flew far, and flew on top of a piece of Deadpool’s head.

Then, the bottle that flew into the air suddenly exploded, and the green fluorescent mist suddenly spread towards the surroundings.

The green fluorescent mist diffused from this small bottle enveloped a small square. No one would have imagined that a little bit of “corrosive water” in a small bottle could spread into such a wide range of mist.

When the mist enveloped these dead servants, all of the nearly a thousand dead servants who were enveloped by the mist suddenly uttered terrifying screams, and slowly turned into masses of mist.

These aerosols are mixed into the green fluorescent fog to disperse a lot of the green fluorescent fog.

Those dead servants who had just come into contact with the mist screamed as if they had encountered something terrifying, and hurriedly ran away to avoid them.

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