My Cell Game

Chapter 504

Chapter 497 The weakness of “corrosive water”

Just a “corrosive running water” eliminated thousands of deadpools, and at the same time made hundreds of deadpools lose their combat effectiveness.

As long as the Deadpool came into contact with these green fluorescent mists, they all suffered varying degrees of damage, and basically lost the ability to fight in a short period of time.

As for whether the subsequent Deadpool can recover, it also depends on the degree of injury.

The injury was really too heavy, and Deadpool might lose its combat effectiveness permanently.

This effect can be said to be very powerful, even much stronger than the judge.

The recovery ability of Deadpool cannot be underestimated. In many cases, the judge will severely wound Deadpool. As long as Deadpool escapes, it will recover as usual in a few days.

It can be said that it is absolutely difficult for the judge to easily wound Deadpool permanently.

But this green fluorescent fog can easily kill Deadpool.

Basically, the low-level will be injured when touched, and there is a high probability that they will lose their combat effectiveness permanently.

If it is completely wrapped, it can basically be judged as dead, and it will turn into a black mist and dissipate in the green fluorescent mist.

Sure enough, it is a big killer against Deadpool!

Not only that, the weaponized “corrosive running water” and the diffused green fluorescent mist can last a long time.

According to the data obtained by Tonggu Xidu’s laboratory, under ideal conditions of “corrosive flowing water” such as no wind, no rain, normal air humidity, and cloudy weather, a mist produced by “corrosive flowing water” can last for one hour. about.

Moreover, according to the calculations of the Tonggu Xidu Laboratory, under the same ideal conditions, the size of this safe area is about 500 square meters, which is almost the size of a basketball court.

This mist is harmless to the human body. It is equivalent to saying that under ideal conditions, it can create a safe zone about the size of a basketball court, isolated from Deadpool, lasting one hour.

Of course, the “corrosive running water” that Du Yuan throws out has a bonus to Du Yuan’s strength when it is thrown out, so the spreading range should be larger, and correspondingly, the duration will be shorter than ten minutes. .

However, for the high-level Deadpool’s role, Tongguxidu’s laboratory is not yet clear. After all, the high-level Deadpool is not as common as the low-level Deadpool, and it is basically impossible to use it for experimentation.

Du Yuan had seen the research report of Tonggu Xidu Laboratory, but in actual use, Du Yuan was still shocked by the powerful effect of “corrosive flowing water”.

A small “corrosive running water” actually killed nearly a thousand dead servants in the blink of an eye, and created a safe zone in front of Du Yuan!

Too strong!

Not only Du Yuan, but the ten judges were all stunned.

They did not read the report in advance like Du Yuan did, nor did they have a preliminary understanding of this weapon. They only knew that it was a big killer against Deadpool.

When they saw it with their own eyes, the impact was so huge that the judge next to Du Yuan was directly stunned in place, forgetting the threat of the surrounding deadpool, and opened his mouth to look at the green fluorescence in front of him. Mist.

“Corrosive water” is more than a big killer!

This is simply a weapon that can change the rules of the battlefield!

After these judges saw “Corrosive Flowing Water” with their own eyes, they couldn’t help but began to imagine that “Corrosive Flowing Water” was mass-produced and the royal family used “Corrosive Flowing Water” to eliminate the deadpool of the entire empire.

In fact, if the output were not too low, the deadpool of the entire empire would really be wiped out by the royal family.

It’s a pity that the output of this thing is too low. Tongguxi tried every means to produce almost overdrawn resources. Up to now, only more than 20 boxes have been produced. The subsequent production will be even slower because the resources have been used. It was overdrawn early.

However, the production of “corrosive water” is a big secret of the royal family, and only a few people know it, even some of the twelve generals in the royal family don’t know it.

The 15th-level Deadpool on the building not far away was deeply shocked after seeing this scene.

In shock, it also felt intense fear.

It had gathered for such a long time before it gathered nearly 10,000 dead servants, but Du Yuan only used a bottle of “corrosive running water”, such a small bottle, and wiped out one tenth of the dead servants, and he was scared back. The remaining Deadpool.

This kind of terrifying damage made it even more terrifying than a 27-level judge.

Although Du Yuan was surprised by the strength of “Corrosive Flowing Water”, he did not stop. There were a total of 20 “Corrosive Flowing Water” in the box. He took another one from it and threw it to his upper left.


The bottle exploded in the sky, and the green fluorescent mist suddenly shrouded.

More than 400 dead servants were immediately enveloped in mist, and the enveloped Deadpool turned into black mist in the screaming roar, mixed with the green fluorescent mist.

There were not as many Deadpools killed this time, which is normal.

After seeing the power of the first “corrosive water”, the remaining Deadpools all rushed to escape. They were not as crowded as they were when they started the attack. Deadpools standing on a unit area are more sparse, and deadpools with the same area are naturally killing. The number is less.

And now when Deadpool saw the “corrosive water” thrown over, it was like seeing the most horrible thing, and quickly fled, and many Deadpool ran out of the killing range.

In this way, Du Yuan did the same, and threw a piece of “corrosive water” to the right and the back. The green fluorescent fog spread across the square, directly driving away the Deadpool on the entire square, creating the square. A safe zone that Deadpool cannot approach temporarily.

However, this green fluorescent mist seems to be neutralized by Deadpool after death.

Deadpool killed by the green fluorescent fog will turn into black aerosol, mixed with the green fluorescent fog.

Every time a bit of black mist is mixed, the green fluorescent mist fades by one point.

The green fluorescent mist that killed thousands of dead servants before, now looks very light, and seems to dissipate in a few minutes.

Du Yuan remembered this. In the report of the Tonggu Xidu Laboratory, this point was mentioned-the weakness of “corrosive water”.

The green fluorescent mist created by the “corrosive flowing water” is a safety barrier, but this safety barrier can be destroyed at times.

In the absence of strong wind and other natural influences, Deadpool can use a large amount of deadpool’s aerosol to break this barrier in a short time. This is a major weakness of “corrosive water”.

However, this weakness is not difficult to accept under the powerful power of “Corrosive Flowing Water”. It takes at least 1,500 deadpool aerosols to break this barrier.

This is also an unbearable price for Deadpool, so in general, in theory, Deadpool will not forcefully break through the barrier.

Under Du Yuan’s signal, the remaining nine judges pushed a small car containing dozens of boxes of “corrosive running water” into the green fluorescent mist.

The Level 15 Deadpool by the window of the building not far away hadn’t left yet. When it saw dozens of boxes that were the same as Du Yuan’s hands, the Deadpool was stunned.

It originally thought that this box of “corrosive water” was already too difficult to deal with, but it didn’t expect that he was still too naive. People just pushed a small cart, it was dozens of boxes.

What else to do!

I can’t deal with it at all!

With just four “corrosive flowing water”, the entire square was easily emptied, killing at least two thousand dead waiters, and creating a safe area for the judges.

This kind of efficiency of killing deadpool is something that the judge does not have, even Du Yuan, a 27-level judge, can’t do it without relying on Orikawa!

Again, if it weren’t for too little output, the royal family would have swept the deadpool of the empire.

The Deadpool’s attack was so easily resolved. Du Yuan took ten judges, intact, a group of people pushing a trolley with dozens of boxes, just so defenseless, even a bit frantically walking on the square.

Outside the square, thousands of dead waiters stared at them, watching the judge swaying by in front of them, because there was a green fluorescent fog blocking them, but they did not dare to step forward to block them.

After leaving the square, Du Yuan was on guard again, and took out another “corrosive running water” from the box, always beware of dead waiters rushing over.

However, those dead servants were all stunned, looking at the “corrosive water” in Du Yuan’s hand with fear, and did not look like they rushed towards Du Yuan.

Level 15 Deadpool felt that his concept was about to be subverted, and the concept of fighting the judge was completely subverted by “corrosive water” in its mind.

If the judges are equipped with this kind of weapon, no, it seems that there is no restriction on the use of this kind of weapon, and the ordinary army of the royal family can be equipped, then how will Deadpool attack them when that time comes?

Looking at the 10,000 deadpools that I finally gathered, only four vials had destroyed one-fifth without a palm-sized weapon. The 15th-level Deadpool felt distressed. How long will this be? , To gather two thousand dead servants again!

It has been a few days since the end of the blood tide. Not only did he not grab the “corrosive water” this time, but also lost so many subordinates. The 15th-level Deadpool gritted his teeth and waited to rush to kill Du Yuan and them all.

But it is just thinking about it. If it really wants to do it, it is estimated that it and its subordinates will be wiped out.

“You have to report to the boss quickly and tell it what level of the royal family’s’corrosive water’ is.” The 15th-level Deadpool decided immediately, withdrew the remaining thousands of deadpools, and returned to the hidden location to the death of Nanyang City. The waiter reports the situation.

This should be regarded as the first real combat appearance of “Corrosive Flowing Water”. The last time Lu Wu dropped a bottle of “Corrosive Flowing Water” from the helicopter, it gave Deadpool such a shock.

This time, the mature weaponized “corrosive water” appeared, which completely brought about earth-shaking changes to Deadpool. This green fluorescent weapon created a barrier that Deadpool could not cross.

All parties present, including the ones that used them, and those that were used, brought great shock. In addition, the judges of one party were also quite surprised.

“Sensing things” also saw the power of “corrosive water”!

After adjusting the aiming artillery, the “sensing object” left from the deadpool’s artillery position, and the description of the deadpool was to return to the 14th level of the deadpool.

There is no problem at all, and it will not arouse the suspicion of the 15th level deadpool, because the 14th level deadpool’s command to “sensing things” is to let him adjust the aim of the artillery, and go back quickly.

Near the end of the blood wave, not only was Jiang Zuo’s time tight, but Deadpool also couldn’t get much easier. Deadpool also had a lot of work to do.

The 14th-level Deadpool finally found the clever subordinate “Shanwu”, and of course there are many things for him to do.

However, the “sensing object” did not go back directly. He found it by relying on the information of the artillery aiming coordinates, and wanted to see which force entered the arena again.

When the “sensible things” rushed over, I happened to see Du Yuan fighting tens of thousands of Deadpools, and then Du Yuan shouted “Corrosive Flowing Water”, and then it was the scene where Du Yuan used Corrosive Flowing Water.

After seeing this scene with my own eyes, the “sensation” was also deeply shocked.

This incident must be reported to Jiang Zuo, so that the boss knows the power of “corrupting flowing water”!

He knew the shock of seeing this scene with his own eyes. The “Sensing Object” had a small camera with him. He chose the most shocking scene and took it. He planned to go to the hospital stronghold first, and then go to the 14th-level dead waiter.

On the other side, after Du Yuan and his entourage defeated the ambushing Deadpool, there were not so many deadpool ambushes on the way back.

But occasionally there will be some scattered Wandering Deadpools. These Wandering Deadpools don’t know how “corrosive water” is, and they want to attack these judges.

Du Yuan didn’t hide his breath anymore at this time, but showed his 27th-level judge’s strength. This method is very easy to use, and it scared away many dead waiters who thought of attacking without taking a shot.

Some Deadpool were scared off, and some Deadpool were not scared off. Some Deadpool didn’t know if they hadn’t seen the judge for a long time, or if they were too inflated with their strength, they really thought they could be on the eyelids of the 27 judge. Attack from the bottom of the child, and then retreat completely.

Du Yuan killed more than a dozen Deadpools who tried to attack, and finally, at around ten o’clock in the evening, he led the team to the gate of the hospital stronghold.

At the gate, An Quantao and Ke Longwei are all here waiting for Du Yuan’s arrival.

When Deadpool bombed with artillery just now, An Quantao also saw the artillery bombing from a distance.

It was actually the first time An Quantao had been bombarded with artillery by Deadpool. From this, An Quantao smelled a different feeling.

Deadpool seems to pay too much attention to “corrosion and flowing water”, and the level of attention is so high that it actually used cannonballs.

In fact, Jiang Zuo and An Quantao have no specific concept of “corrosive flowing water”.

In the eyes of the two, the biggest advantage of “corrupting flowing water” is that it allows the royal family’s non-judicial army to join the battle against Deadpool.

The two only felt that this would be a relatively powerful weapon. Neither of them knew how powerful it was.

Therefore, the two of them did not pay enough attention to “Corrosive Flowing Water”, and even Du Yuan personally delivered “Corrosive Flowing Water” to the door. Jiang Zuo only said to provide Du Yuan and the others with a place at the time, and didn’t even bother to **** it.

After seeing Deadpool bombing with shells, An Quantao silently raised the importance of “corrosive water” to a small level in his heart.

An Quantao questioned whether Du Yuan could rush to the hospital stronghold alive. After all, the blood tide was too dangerous. Lu Wu, one of the twelve generals of the royal family, died in the air-raid shelter. Now Deadpool uses it again. After the artillery, the possibility of Du Yuan and his party rushing to the hospital base seemed very small.

However, An Quantao did not choose to leave. If he left on the spot as soon as he saw the artillery bombing, it would have been too obvious and would not be able to save face.

What’s more, Ke Longwei was beside him, and An Quantao took a group of judges, and waited patiently with Ke Longwei. It was Du Yuan’s business whether to come or not, and An Quantao’s business to wait.

Regardless of whether Du Yuan is coming or not, An Quantao has been waiting here. Even if Du Yuan did not come in the end, An Quantao waited all night. If he talks to the imperial family, he will be able to live well, and he still has to do it before he tears his face. It’s pretty.

When the agreed time was reached, Du was attacked by Deadpool on the road. Du was delayed for a while, and An Quantao did not leave yet. He was still waiting with Ke Longwei.

Finally, almost an hour after the agreed time, Du Yuan and his party finally arrived.

An Quantao greeted him enthusiastically, and Du Yuan shook hands with An Quantao enthusiastically.

On one side is the leader of the organization of more than 1,000 judges, and on the other side is one of the twelve generals who can represent the royal family. This is the first time that Jiang Zuo’s organization and the royal family have met. Although it is not so formal, it is also It was a very substantial meeting.

An Quantao said that if it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t get the manpower, the manpower in the blood wave was too tense, and he really couldn’t get him alone. An Quantao even wanted to go over and meet General Du Yuan.

However, after thinking about it, An Quantao was not enough to go by himself, and it didn’t help much. It was better to guard the hospital stronghold and guard a good stronghold for General Du Yuan.

With a smile on his face, Du Yuan silently glanced at the dozens of judges behind An Quantao who were in charge of welcoming Du Yuan and had no other tasks. He said that you really can’t get any manpower.

On the surface, Du Yuan still said that Chief An Quantao did the right thing, and the most important thing is to guard the hospital stronghold.

Du Yuan also said that I did not bring dozens of boxes of “corrosive water” here, specifically in order to reinforce leader An Quantao, and sent it to leader An Quantao to guard the hospital stronghold, expressing the royal family’s heart.

There is a bit of hypocrisy on both sides, but the scene is still very beautiful.

After some exchanges, An Quantao invited Du Yuan into the hospital base and arranged a room for Du Yuan.

Du Yuan commanded his ten judges to move boxes of “corrosive running water” into the room without any sign of giving An Quantao.

An Quantao had never thought that the royal family would give it to him, and he had no idea about the power of “corrupting flowing water”, and of course he seemed indifferent.

Du Yuan originally thought that An Quantao would covet “corrosive water”, but he did not expect An Quantao to be so calm, but Du Yuan was a little surprised.

At the same time, at the corner of the hospital wall, the “sensing objects” hurriedly returned.

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