My Cell Game

Chapter 505

Chapter 498 The situation is messed up (seeking a mo


Nanyang City Hospital base.

The rooms allocated to Du Yuan and others were all on the lower floors of the hospital.

Once An Quantao learned of Du Yuan’s strength, he was still a little jealous.

A 27-level judge really wants to tear his face and start his hands. The entire hospital stronghold can’t be killed by him?

It’s better to stay away.

Jiang Zuo’s room is on the 17th floor, and Du Yuan is arranged on the lower floor, so that if something unexpected happens, it will leave Jiang Zuo and An Quantao with enough time to react.

In the second case, it was actually to cut off the connection between Du Yuan and Ke Longwei.

It can’t be said to be cut off, it should be said that it hinders communication.

The rooms of both parties should be together. It is very convenient for the two to communicate. Who knows what they will conspire.

Separate the rooms of the two people far apart. In this way, if the two want to communicate, Du Yuan has to go up to a dozen floors, or Ke Longwei down to a dozen floors. It is easy to be spotted by the judges patrolling the floors. Report to An Quantao, and An Quantao can also grasp the movements of the two in time.

Of course, if Du Yuan and Ke Longwei really want to conspire, they can still bypass An Quantao’s surveillance by their efforts. After all, is there a 27-level judge there.

An Quantao’s arrangement is just casual, a small arrangement that is casual, of course it works well, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work.

The accommodation arranged for Du Yuan would definitely not be too bad. An Quantao chose the best room among the vacant rooms on this floor.

However, Du Yuan’s reaction was a bit strange. Du Yuan smiled and said that he was not used to sleeping in the good room, and he declined An Quantao’s arrangement.

When An Quantao asked him where he slept, Du Yuan pointed to the room where dozens of boxes were stored, and said with a smile: “Let’s sleep here, I’m used to sleeping in the warehouse.”

Needless to say, An Quantao knows that this is Du Yuan’s excuse. Du Yuan used this kind of excuse that can be seen through at a glance to express his determination to sleep with these “corrosive waters”.

Seeing this, An Quantao didn’t say much. An Quantao glanced at the dozens of boxes piled in the room, thinking whether “corrosive water” could be so important. This 27-level judge would rather sleep in This messy room should be guarded every step of the way?

When An Quantao arranged a room for Du Yuan, in Jiang Zuo’s room, two judges hurriedly walked in with feelings.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Zuo put down his work, moved a bench to the sensed object, and signaled the sensed object to sit down.

“In a hurry?” Jiang Zuo asked.

According to the agreement with Kanwu, Jiang Zuo and him agreed to meet at a time, and Tangwu would come back regularly to report to Jiang Zuo. This time is not the agreed time.

Jiang Zuo knew the character of Kanwu, if it weren’t for something important, she wouldn’t rush back at this time.

Regarding Jiang Zuo’s move to a bench for himself, the sense of things seemed very useful. This kind of casual little thing made the sense of things feel valued and made him feel that his efforts were worthwhile.

Senwu sat down, took out a camera, handed it to Jiang Zuo, and said, “Boss, look at the photos inside.”

“What photo?” Jiang Zuo took the camera with some doubts and turned on the camera to look at the photos inside.

At the moment when he saw the photo in the camera, Jiang Zuo was shocked. He couldn’t help sitting up straight, frowning and staring at the photo in the camera.

I have to say that the photos of the objects were taken very well, and Jiang Zuo was extremely shocked at a glance.

In the photo, Du Yuan is standing in the center of the square, and there is a green fluorescent mist around him. Outside the square, there are thousands of dead servants crowded there.

Thousands of dead servants’ eyes were staring at Du Yuan in the square, but no dead servant dared to step forward and touch the green fluorescent mist floating in the square.

“This is…?” Jiang Zuo pointed to this photo and asked Kanwu in surprise.

“Boss, are you talking about these green fluorescent fog? This is’corrosive water’, a big killer that can change the rules of the battlefield against Deadpool!” Senwu said word by word.

Hearing that this is “corrosive running water”, Jiang Zuo began to pay attention to this weapon. He carefully looked at the green fluorescent fog in the photo. Obviously, this fog can stop Deadpool, and Deadpool is afraid of this. Mist!

“Boss, do you think these mists can only stop Deadpool? No, the mist can kill Deadpool. I can guarantee that the ability to kill Deadpool is far beyond your imagination.” Senwu said.

“How strong is it?”

“Seriously injured when touched, surrounded by fog, the low-level deadpool will undoubtedly die!”

Hearing this, Jiang Zuo couldn’t help taking a deep breath.


too strong!

It’s really far beyond Jiang Zuo’s imagination.

The feeling did not stop, and continued: “Boss, let me tell you this, Du Yuan used these mists to kill two thousand dead servants!”

“How much?” Jiang Zuo couldn’t help raising his volume.

Two thousand deadpool? What is this concept!

Jiang Zuo has more than a thousand judges, and a hundred of the most elite judges, should be able to deal with two thousand dead servants.

But Senwu said that Du Yuan killed two thousand dead servants just by relying on the mist.

What surprised Jiang Zuo was still behind.

Seeing Jiang Zuo’s astonishment, the sensed object simply didn’t stop, and directly explained what he saw from front to back.

Jiang Zuo’s eyes widened when he heard that the mist was only four “corrosive flowing water”, and when he heard that there were dozens of “corrosive flowing water” in a box, Jiang Zuo took another deep breath.

In an instant, the thought of “robbing all the boxes Du Yuan brought” came to Jiang Zuo’s mind.

How many boxes did Du Yuan bring?

tens of!

There are dozens of “corrosive running water” in each box!

Each “corrosive water” can create a damage range about the size of a basketball court.

If so much “corrosive running water” were given to Jiang Zuo, why would he be afraid of gathering Deadpool!

So what if there are hundreds of thousands of Deadpools gathered, as long as you dare to rush over and throw a few “corrosive running water” directly over, a large area of ​​Deadpool will die at once, and the barrier created by Deadpool will not dare to break.

Big killer!

It’s definitely a big killer!

And it seems that these “corrosive waters” are also extremely important to the royal family. Maybe it is most of the royal family’s inventory. Otherwise, Du Yuan, a 27-level judge, will not be escorted.

After calming down, the idea of ​​”robbing Du Yuan” was still suppressed by Jiang Zuoke.

Jiang Zuo still knew the strength of a 27-level judge.

If you really grab the opponent, isn’t that forcing the opponent to turn his face directly.

If that were the case, it is estimated that Jiang Zuo and An Quantao, as well as the high-level members of the judge organization, would have to be killed by this 27-level judge.

Not cost-effective!

But this thought was restrained, but it didn’t mean that Jiang Zuo didn’t want to.

If you can grab it, you still have to grab it.

Waiting for the time, not now.

When the right time is right, we must get all these dozens of boxes of “corrosive water”.

Even if the opponent is a 27-level judge, even if the opponent is behind the royal family, it doesn’t matter.

If you turn your face, turn your face! “Corrosive Flowing Water” was too tempting for Jiang Zuo, and he would not hesitate to tear his face with the royal family.

In fact, Jiang Zuo and the imperial family were on the verge of tearing their faces apart. The main reason why the two sides were able to maintain such politeness on the surface was mainly because their interests were not large enough.

The royal family is waiting for the ominous crystal, the ominous crystal is too great for the royal family, so big that it can tear up Jiang Zuo’s face;

Now Jiang Zuo is also waiting. He is waiting for a suitable time to grab dozens of boxes of “corrosive running water”.

However, before that, he still can’t act rashly. Jiang Zuo has to wait for the opportunity and at the same time beware of whether this is a trap for the royal family.

Would the royal family want to clean up themselves a long time ago, but they have been doing it all the time without leaking, so that the royal family can’t get hold of it.

That’s why the royal family deliberately sent so much “corrosive water” over, waiting for Jiang Zuo to grab it.

In other words, the royal family is acting, these “corrosive running water” are all fake, only the box is real, and then deliberately tempted Jiang Zuo to grab it.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Zuo seemed to make sense.

Otherwise, why would the royal family send “corrosive water” to the door?

Why did the royal family send Du Yuan to follow? Will it be waiting for Jiang Zuo to grab it? Once Jiang Zuo came to grab it, Du Yuan immediately killed Jiang Zuo and solved the threat of Jiang Zuo for the royal family.

Doing so will not only solve Jiang Zuo’s threat, but the royal family can still maintain its reputation. After all, Jiang Zuo did it first. Did Jiang Zuo tear his face first? It’s normal for the royal family to counterattack.

“Fuck, wouldn’t it be true?” Jiang Zuo thought back and forth, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized it was possible.

“Is the royal family so sinister?” Jiang Zuo shook his head, and suddenly felt the imperial family’s sinister intentions.

At the same time, on the Deadpool side, the boss of Deadpool also received information about “corrupting flowing water”.

“‘Corrosive water’ is really that strong?” The boss of Deadpool almost didn’t get up from his chair.

The 15th-level Deadpool who came to report, repeated what happened at that time, and the boss of Deadpool wanted to sweat.

“I don’t care about Tongguxidu. Is Lao Tzu sick of the royal family? Just gave such a powerful weapon to An Quantao? Then what ominous crystal did I grab? Who can beat An Quantao before? Huh?” The Deadpool boss was almost frustrated.

“The royal family is definitely sick. Give An Quantao the’corrosive water’ to deal with us. Okay, our Deadpool has been wiped out. The royal family really thinks they can get the ominous crystals? Did the royal family look at it? They gave the password to the alloy warehouse. With An Quantao, are you not afraid that An Quantao will use the weapons in the alloy warehouse to deal with them?

What does the royal family want to do? Sell ​​us first, and then sell them themselves? ”

On the side of Jiang Zuo and Deadpool, one side was talking about the insidiousness of the royal family, and the other side was cursing the stupidity of the royal family.

The situation of the entire Nanyang City is still easy to distinguish. It is the three forces, Jiang Zuo, the royal family, and the gathering of dead servants.

According to the most clear point, it should be Jiang Zuo and Deadpool confrontation, and then the royal family enters the arena after the blood tide is over, the royal family and Deadpool kick Jiang Zuo out together, and then the remaining two sides compete for the Ominous Crystal.

But no one of the three parties can be idle, each has its own operation.

The operation of the tripartite forces, coupled with their respective deviating speculations, directly stirred up the originally clear situation in Nanyang City, and caused a mess.

Now, no one of the three parties can understand the operation of the other party, or they are calling the other party a fool, or they are confused about the other party’s operation, or they are calling the other party’s insidiousness.

The situation in Nanyang City as a whole has been disrupted by the combination of these three forces, and the situation has begun to become chaotic.

In the hospital base, after a period of time, An Quantao finally arranged for Du Yuan and his party.

After making the necessary arrangements for Du Yuan and his party’s residence, An Quantao came to Jiang Zuo’s floor, entered Jiang Zuo’s room, and reported to Jiang Zuo about Du Yuan and his party.

Jiang Zuo also told An Quantao of the intelligence brought by the sensed objects.

After learning of the powerful power of “Corrosive Water”, An Quantao slapped his thigh and said suddenly:

“I’ll just say, why Du Yuan can’t live in a good room, so he wants to sleep with those boxes.

Now I understand it, it turns out that “corrosive water” is so powerful!

If all these “corrosive waters” were mine, I would definitely not leave! ”

After the sigh and surprise, An Quantao lowered his voice and asked Jiang Zuo: “Boss, should we **** those boxes?”

Jiang Zuo also lowered his voice, shook his head and said: “Don’t worry, wait for the opportunity, find a suitable time, the 27th level judge is not so easy to deal with.”

At the same time, Du Yuan was also discussing with Ke Longwei in the room filled with dozens of boxes.

“General Du Yuan, do you think our separation plan will succeed?” Ke Longwei asked with some worry.

Du Yuan looked confident, nodded and said, “Of course, when I brought the’corrosive running water’ today, the effect was very good, enough to frighten those dead servants.

At that time, I found out that there was a building not far away from me. Behind a window on the seventh floor of that building, there was a level 15 Deadpool, and that Deadpool should be the Deadpool who was responsible for directing the attack.

I found it, but didn’t kill it. I just kept it back to inform the boss of Deadpool.

I’m pretty sure that Deadpool has witnessed the power of’corrosive running water’, and also saw dozens of boxes of’corrosive running water’ on the car.

Those Deadpool must believe it, this is our reinforcement of the hospital stronghold.

Taking a step back, even if they have not completely doubted An Quantao, do you think they can cooperate with An Quantao so trustingly? ”

“Why not?” Ke Longwei asked.

“Of course not, think about it, Deadpool and the Judge are originally two opposites.

The strength of the two parties is similar, or when Deadpool has the upper hand, Deadpool can trust An Quantao and cooperate with An Quantao.

Because even if An Quantao betrayed suddenly, Deadpool could afford the consequences of An Quantao’s betrayal.

But on the other hand, if An Quantao’s strength prevailed, think about dozens of boxes of “corrosive flowing water”, it would have the absolute upper hand.

Does Deadpool dare to cooperate with An Quantao?

If An Quantao betrayed him and turned to deal with Deadpool, when dozens of boxes of “corrosive running water” came out, there would be nothing left for Deadpool.

It’s like two people who are already on opposite sides. They didn’t have weapons at first, and they could work well together. Now suddenly one of them has an extra gun. The two of them are opposed again, so they suspected each other, but now they don’t have guns. The other side is not afraid of death, how can it be trusted to cooperate with the other side? ”

After Du Yuan’s analysis, Ke Longwei nodded in favor.

Indeed, as long as Deadpool knows that dozens of boxes of “corrosive water” have been sent to An Quantao, then the first part of the separation plan will be completed.

Du Yuan continued: “You told me before that there was a Deadpool entering the hospital stronghold to contact An Quantao. I will pay more attention.

I am a 27-level judge, if a dead waiter comes in from the hospital stronghold, I can still detect it. ”

On this point, Du Yuan said that he was very confident. According to his 27th-level judge, it would be almost impossible for a Deadpool to sneak into the hospital stronghold secretly.

If there was a Deadpool approaching An Quantao, Du Yuan would definitely be aware of it for the first time.

But Du Yuan didn’t expect that the Deadpool in that photo was not a real Deadpool, and it was a fake.

In this case, the one who sneaked into the hospital and met An Quantao was a judge. It would be strange if Du Yuan could detect Deadpool.

“By the way, General Du Yuan, when can the second part of our separation plan begin?” Ke Longwei thought of this and asked.

Du Yuan thought for a while and replied: “It should be a day or two. You know, the Empire lacks the most sophisticated reconnaissance equipment and intelligence analysts. It will take another day or two to reach Nanyang City. .”

Afterwards, Du Yuan and Ke Longwei talked for a while, and the two exchanged their respective intelligence and opinions.

After the talk, half an hour had passed, and Ke Longwei was about to return to his room upstairs.

When Ke Longwei asked Du Yuan if he wanted to live in another room, Du Yuan pointed to some of the boxes, which contained really “corrosive running water.”

Ke Longwei knew what Du Yuan meant, and Du Yuan was afraid that An Quantao would get the “corrosive water”.

Ke Longwei felt that it was not suitable for Du Yuan, one of the twelve generals of the royal family, to sleep in this messy room, so he proposed to replace Du Yuan and let Du Yuan go to Ke Longwei’s room to sleep, Ke Longwei slept here and looked at the box. .

However, this proposal was rejected by Du Yuan. Du Yuan knew the power of “corrosive running water”, so he was naturally uneasy to let others take care of it.

In desperation, Ke Longwei left Du Yuan’s room and returned to his room to sleep.

The night in Nanyang City is already late, and late night is the time for Deadpool to kill, and the entire Nanyang City is even more depressing under the dark night.

I don’t know if it’s because the Ominous Crystal is about to appear. In these days, the breath of death in Nanyang City has become more and more intense, making people more and more breathless.

In the room, Jiang Zuo looked at the black and red sky of Nanyang City, calculating in his heart how long the blood tide would end.

After a busy day, Jiang Zuo didn’t fall asleep right away at night. He retracted his gaze from the window and began to turn to the cell online.

Nearly a daytime, he didn’t pay attention to the cell online. When he looked at the cell online again, Jiang Zuo’s eyes were filled with surprises, and the players brought Jiang Zuo a lot of surprises.

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