My Cell Game

Chapter 507

Chapter 500 solution

Suddenly, hundreds of players all looked in the same direction, wanting to see which player was so bold and even dared to attack an allied army.

In the next second, the Enterococcus mutans that was still trying to escape, only a little blood bar was cut off mercilessly, and it was killed on the spot.

Until then, the players did not find each other’s figure.

This is not a single player, but a group of players, a legion of players.

These players all appeared not far away, standing in a row, all the players’ IDs were suffixed with the words “Pioneer Assassin”, which seemed to be a member of the Pioneer Assassin Corps.

Seeing the players of the Pioneer Assassin Corps suddenly appeared and disappeared, many players realized that this is not a space assassin career!

All members of the Pioneer Assassin Legion have the profession of Space Assassin. This Legion is not good at frontal offense, nor is it good at frontal defense. What they are best at is unexpected assassination and sneak attacks!

Assassin, the player who was killed hasn’t quit yet, shouting angrily in the voice channel: “Hey! What do you pioneer assassins want to do? This mutant Enterococcus is obviously mine! Why are you stealing me? Kill me! You are attacking friendly forces!”

In the voice channel, the commander of the Pioneer Assassin Corps, the player with “Pioneer Assassin 1” on his head directly said:

“Excuse me, who has stipulated that this mutant Enterococcus is yours? There are more capable ones, who has the ability, and who owns this wild monster.”

“Then what do you say to kill teammates? Cell online is forbidden to kill teammates!” The player still said angrily.

Pioneer Assassin 1 smiled and said, “I’m sorry, I am a killer of Mo’s feelings. I only have interests in my eyes, not feelings.”

“Gan!” The player was furious.

At this moment, the deputy captain of the Vanguard Assassin Corps “Pioneer Assassin 2” said: “Okay, brother, we will be punished if we kill our teammates, so let’s compensate you with 10,000 Black Crystals. Do you want it?”

Want it or not?

I definitely want it!

The wild monsters have been robbed, is it possible to let people spit out all the rewards?

If you take it, you can still get 10,000 black crystals to compensate, if you don’t, you will have nothing, and you will be busy for nothing.

Although a little depressed, this player still chose to have a million black crystals, but he was still not happy, after all, he was just the last step. As a result, he was robbed of food from his mouth. Who could be happy.

Pioneer Assassin 2 moved very quickly, without any muddle, and transferred 10,000 Sombra to the opponent on the spot.

After the 10,000 black crystals were transferred, Pioneer Assassin 2 asked Pioneer Assassin 1: “Captain, how is it? Have you received the reward for the’final moment’?”

Unexpectedly, the Pioneer Assassin 1 did not answer for a long time. After a long time, the Pioneer Assassin 1 said in a daze:

“No brother, I checked my backpack and mailbox, but I didn’t find a rewarded shadow?”

At this moment, Pioneer Assassin 2 and other members of the Legion were a little confused, and began to discuss one by one in the voice channel:

“No, Captain? Didn’t you kill the last monster? You didn’t receive the reward?”

“It shouldn’t be. Cells will send rewards online very quickly. It should be here now.”

“Hey? Have you noticed that there was a pop-up reminder of the’final moment’ just now?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“A pop-up reminder! Didn’t you find it? During the previous ‘raging time’, the cell online was prompted by a pop-up reminding us to enter the ‘raging time’.

According to the urinary properties of the cell online, this time the “final moment” should also have a pop-up window to remind us to enter the “final moment”. ”

“Fuck, brother, I just realized what you said, was there this pop-up window just now?”

“I don’t know, I’m looking for it. I was anxious to grab the blame just now, and I didn’t pay attention to it.”

Since the Pioneer Assassin Corps does not use the voice channel in the Corps, the surrounding players can hear their conversations.

When the Vanguard Corps said this, these players also reacted, and started to check the pop-up prompts one by one, wanting to see if they received any prompts just now.

So many players have searched for a while, but still haven’t found this hint.

Many players are at a loss.

“What’s the matter? I only have a reminder of’Furious Time’ here, do you have a reminder of’Final Moment’?”

“Neither do I here.”

“No, no, no more bugs in the cell online, right? A bug broke out every three days, and I vomited up.”

“What’s the bug again? Last time, did you guys read the posts in the cell online forum? The gods have analyzed it, it is not a bug, it is the hidden power of the third party of the cell online.”

“Okay, what are you arguing about again.”

At this moment, a player suddenly said:

“Hey! Brothers, did you find out? Why am I reminding you that it’s still in’Furious Time’?”

After such a player’s reminder, the rest of the players have noticed that in the cell online prompt, it is still “raging time”.

Is it possible that Enterococcus mutans has not been found?

Suddenly, the entire battlefield became restless again, and all the players began a carpet-like search, all wanting to find if there was any Enterococcus mutated in the dark.

Jiang Zuo is not in a hurry here, let the players look for it first, so that there may be a fish slipping through the net.

More than 800,000 players were looking for it together, and the carpet search was still very reliable. Jiang Zuo said that there was no black crystal and no experience points, so these players helped him search for a wave of wild monsters for free.

While many players were busy searching, there were also many players, and many legions, and began to quietly exit the battlefield.

The Hundred Fires began to retreat slowly. Why didn’t the “final moment” appear? Of course, Hundred Fires knew that in the main camp of the Hundred Fires, there were now three mutant Enterococcus bacteria hidden.

However, some players and player corps who only hid one Enterococcus mutans began to wonder.

It stands to reason that if only the Enterococcus mutans they hide is left, it should have entered the “final moment”, but it is still in “rage time”, which means that there must be other players hiding too. Enterococcus mutans!

These players sighed with emotion, “I don’t follow the rules, I have to break the rules, what kind of mutant enterococci are hidden, it’s really going down the world”, while quietly leaving the battlefield and returning to their camp to see their mutations. Enterococcus is still there.

After a hard search by the player, it can be determined that there are no other Enterococcus mutans in the entire cell online now except for the Enterococcus mutans that the player hides.

Regarding this result, Jiang Zuo is quite satisfied. As long as the mutant Enterococcus is still in the hands of the player, it is equivalent to saying that it is in Jiang Zuo’s control, and it is better than the mutant Enterococcus running around. I don’t know where it is. It is much better.

It’s time to tell the player the truth!

Jiang Zuo thought, he notified the professional NPC that he could send out the announcement.

On the cell online forum at this time, some players have begun to find out whether someone has hidden Enterococcus mutans privately.

After a player picked it up, there were more posts of this kind on the cell online forum.

Those players who did not hide Enterococcus mutated bacteria suddenly felt deceived and received unfair treatment.

I was working hard to kill Enterococcus mutans, and the smasher wanted to grab the last Enterococcus mutans. Unexpectedly, someone would simply take a shortcut and directly drill the loopholes in the rules to hide Enterococcus mutans first.

How to play this?

To these players, it’s unfair!

Those players who only hid one Enterococcus mutans suddenly felt that the world was getting worse.

How can this be done? How can you secretly hide Enterococcus mutans?

If you don’t hide, I’m the only one who hides, won’t the rewards of the “last moment” belong to me? How can it be so troublesome as it is now!

Even these players took the risk and hid secretly, because they took the risk and expected greater rewards. As a result, they did not get anything now. The risk was borne by themselves, and the rewards were nothing of their own. These players were even more angry. In the forums This phenomenon is even more violently criticized.

For a time, the cell online forum was full of the voices of players who criticized the stealing of Enterococcus mutated bacteria, and for a time this matter was brought to the forefront.

It didn’t take long for the cell online official to make an announcement in the cell online:

[Explanation on why the “last moment” is not turned on, and specific solutions:

Dear cell online players, for the introduction of the “final moment” in version 4.3, please refer to the version 4.3 update announcement.

At present, on the cell online battlefield, Enterococcus mutans has been completely eliminated, but the “final moment” has not started, and the cell online official has received a lot of questions from players.

Here, we give the following explanation:

In the cell online, many players found loopholes in the 4.3 version of the rules, and secreted Enterococcus mutans in advance.

At present, a total of 973 mutant Enterococcus bacteria have been concealed by players in the cell online, so the “final moment” has not started, and it is still in the “rage time”.

After killing 972 Enterococcus mutated bacteria, the “Last Hour” will officially begin. The player who kills the last Enterococcus mutated bacteria will receive the “Last Hour” reward.

Of course, we also know that the rewards for the “last moment” are very generous, and every player wants to get this reward.

But according to the rules of cell online, there is only one reward.

This will lead to a situation where each player does not want to kill the Enterococcus mutated in his hand, but wants to wait for the Enterococcus mutated in his hand to become the last one.

And those players who do not have a private possession of Enterococcus mutans will not have the chance to get the “last moment” reward.

In order to ensure the fairness of cell online games, every player should have a chance to be rewarded.

Therefore, the cell online official here gives a solution:

Within one hour after the announcement, the cell online enters the preparation time.

During the preparation time, players are not allowed to attack each other, and players who hurt friendly forces will be punished accordingly.

At the same time, during the preparation time, the player can kill his own mutant Enterococcus, and at this time, the corresponding reward is still given according to the “rage time”.

After the preparation time is over, the cell online enters a five-hour free battle time.

During the free battle period, the cell online will lift the restrictions and players can attack each other.

The ultimate goal is to kill Enterococcus mutans!

Follow the following rules during free combat time:

Players and player corps can attack and defend each other, and after killing each other’s Enterococcus mutans, they will get twice the reward of “rage time”.

At the same time, if you kill your own Enterococcus mutated bacteria, you will not get any rewards.

The player who kills the last mutated Enterococcus will receive the “final moment” reward!

In order to encourage players to kill Enterococcus mutans, first join the accumulated points system. Killing other people’s Enterococcus mutans will get twice the reward; kill two, get three times the reward; kill three, get four times the reward. And so on…

Note 1: Considering that some players do not want to be disturbed, this free battle time is not mandatory. Players need to click the registration pop-up window to register during the preparation time before they can participate in this free battle.

If a player does not register, it will be deemed to have automatically refused to participate. During free combat, it is not allowed to attack players who refuse to participate, otherwise they will be punished by cell online.

Players who have not signed up are not allowed to attack other people’s Enterococcus mutans, and are not allowed to attack other players, otherwise they will be punished by cell online.

Note 2: All players or legions of players who have privately stored Enterococcus mutated bacteria will be deemed to automatically participate in free combat if they have not killed the privately held Enterococcus mutated bacteria within the preparation time.

Note 3: The cumulative points system is only a reward system. It is set to reward players who have not privately stored Enterococcus mutated bacteria. It is only valid for players who privately stored Enterococcus mutated bacteria.

This is the end of this announcement. The above is the official explanation and solution given by the cell online. If you have any meaning to the explanation and solution, please let us know. 】

This announcement was posted not only in the cell online game, but also the cell online account on the forum.

When I saw this post, the cell online forum exploded again.

“Fuck! There really are players hiding Enterococcus mutans in private?”

“Isn’t it? More than nine hundred? This is almost beyond my imagination.”

“Co-authors are all exploiting loopholes, so they bully honest people like me (unhappy).”

“Don’t worry upstairs. The notice is also compensated. As long as we kill other people’s Enterococcus mutans, we can get accumulated points and reward more.”

“Those who exploit the loopholes in the rules, please let everyone take a look.”

“Fuck, is the brother upstairs so cruel? Is this starting to scold?”

“Brother, don’t get excited, don’t swear, we still have a chance.”

After a while, the cell online entered the preparation time, and the cell online official issued another announcement.

In this announcement, the players who privately hid Enterococcus mutans, as well as the player’s legion, and how many hid them, are clearly listed.

This is done for the free time of the follow-up battle, so that the players know which legions should be attacked, how to defend and arrange tactics.

This announcement was posted by the player to the cell online forum, and for a while, the forum exploded again.

Many familiar player legions have appeared on this list.

2 Soul Cavalry Teams, 3 Hundred Fire Legions,…,

Even Huping’s “Blackwood Automobile Power Group” has been blended in, and one has also been privately hidden.

The highest is a player legion, which directly hides twenty in one go.

The total number of players in this army of twenty mutated enterococci is only about one hundred people. I really don’t know how they managed to prevent these mutated enterococci from escaping or being counter-killed by mutated enterococci.

Players flipped through the list while replies quickly below. Every time the opportunity was refreshed, hundreds of more posts would be created.

“The Soul Cavalry Legion also hides Enterococcus mutans, hey, I’m a little disappointed.”

“The player who hid twenty mutant Enterococci, this player army is too cruel!”

“The Hundred Fires have hidden 3? I am a member of the Hundred Fires. Why don’t I know?”

“Brother upstairs, I am also from the Hundred Fires. I said how could the Hundred Fires be. They transferred so many members back to the main camp to guard. It turns out that it is the Enterococcus mutant.

“This kind of thing is very concealed. The middle level of my army is the captain of dozens of members. I have never heard of it.”

“Good guy, it’s going to be another big fight in a moment.”

“Brothers, do you remember the brother upstairs who said “Sigema”? The 217th person on the list looks like that brother.”

“Gan! It’s really him!”

“Awesome! Brothers remember, this is a ruthless man, he even scolds himself when he is ruthless, and can’t afford to offend him.

“Speaking of which, are you ready to sign up?”

“Sign up! You must sign up, why not sign up? The’Last Hour’ hasn’t started yet. If I grab the’Last Hour’ reward, I will be able to create an army of players in the cell online.”

“No, brother upstairs, so many people are going to grab it, you don’t really think you can grab it, do you?”

“What if, what if? People still have to dream a little.”

After the players complained for a while, they all began to focus on the upcoming free battle.

Jiang Zuo can see in the background that the players’ enthusiasm for free combat time is still quite high.

The top 100 player corps on the cell online rankings have basically signed up, and many players have also signed up temporarily, or by themselves.

In less than an hour, more than 600,000 players have signed up to participate in free combat.

This is more than Jiang Zuo expected, but Jiang Zuo naturally hopes that the more players participating, the better. The more players participating, the easier it will be for Jiang Zuo to see which players or player groups are stronger in the current cell online. Strong.

Of course, these analyses must not be Jiang Zuo alone. If Jiang Zuo were alone, he would have seen so much.

There are also thousands of professional NPCs who will pay attention to the situation in the cell online throughout the process.

Five hours of free combat time should be enough.

After the free battle is over, Jiang Zuo should have a bottom line about the player’s strength in the cell online and the ranking of the player’s strength.

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