My Cell Game

Chapter 508

Chapter 501 Cloud Piercing Fort 2.0 version

During this hour of preparation time, all players who participated in the battle began to prepare quickly.

To win in free combat, it is very important to choose a good opponent while preserving your strength.

Jiang Zuo’s change of rules is no longer a simple battle for rewards for the “final moment”.

The reason why large groups like the Soul Cavalry Legion and the Hundred Fire Legion are competing for the “final moment” reward, one of the most important points is that they want to win that title.

The title “Enterococcus mutans Terminator” is the only title in the cell online, and it is also very symbolic.

Once obtained this title, it is a good publicity for the legion itself.

The history in the follow-up cell online will definitely record the process of the source cell fighting Enterococcus mutans.

When a new player is considering joining a team, there are two teams to choose from, one of which has the title of “Enterococcus mutated Terminator”, and the other does not. In terms of momentum, the latter loses to the former.

To talk about other black crystals, experience points, props, etc., in fact, these legions are so large that they are really not so eager. It is estimated that they are just a few days of expenditures by the legions.

What these corps want is popularity, and what they want is to prove themselves in the cell online!

After Jiang Zuo joined the free battle time, for these player corps, it was not just a simple battle.

Once you win the battle, the popularity of the player’s army is a very high increase.

So many legions participated, and in the end this legion won and received the “final moment” reward. Doesn’t this indicate the strength of the legion.

One more thing, this is also a good opportunity for many legions to challenge other legions!

Although the official cell online has a ranking of the legion, the legion itself still does not give in to each other.

In particular, the two legions on the ranking list are very close in strength. Everyone said that they were stronger and refused to give up to each other. No one would accept defeat.

This time, the cell online gave five hours, and it happened that this kind of legion could learn from each other.

The leaderboard is to earn points by doing tasks, free combat is a real strength competition, which can be directly clear at a glance.

This is an opportunity as well as a challenge for some big army groups.

If you don’t prepare well, for example, if a large legion is not assembled, the members of the legion will be scattered and be destroyed by a small legion.

So for the big army, it is simply a shame.

Once it is really defeated by a smaller army, then the strength of this big army in the cell online will definitely be questioned.

Players don’t have so much time and interest to care about how they lose. They care more about the result. If you lose, you lose, and if you win, you win.

Therefore, now the cell online is full of enthusiasm.

As long as the players or player corps who signed up to participate in the battle, they are all making serious preparations, and no one dares to take it lightly.

Even for some players, this is more important than the siege of Enterococcus mutans just now.

This time the player really wants to take out the unique skills at the bottom of the box. First, they strive to have a good performance, and second, they are not going to capsize in the gutter and be laughed at by others.

Because of the free fighting time, the main purpose is to compete for Enterococcus mutans, and Enterococcus mutans are all in the gastrointestinal map.

Therefore, the main battlefield of this battle is on the gastrointestinal map. There will be few players going to the gastrointestinal map. The most important thing is the intestinal map.

Those players who were unwilling to participate in the battle basically did not sign up, and they all packed up, temporarily hiding in the liver map.

Although it is stipulated in the announcement of Cell Online, it is not allowed to attack players who have not signed up.

But when it comes time to really fight, so many players melee, who can be so clear.

If there are more weapons of mass destruction, accidental injuries are very common.

Jiang Zuo is watching the players’ respective preparations. His main concern is the Soul Cavalry Army, the Hundred Fire Army, and the “Blackwood Automobile Power Group” that are recognized as strong online in cells.

Of course, Jiang Zuo will also pay attention to some rising stars.

Like the pioneer assassin who killed the “last” mutant Enterococcus, so that all players are legions of space assassins, Jiang Zuo seems to have seen it for the first time, and the fighting ability should be quite strong.

In addition, Jiang Zuo also found a corps that looked pretty awesome during his round-trip inspections.

The name of this corps is “Too Rampant”. A name like this too rampant can always attract Jiang Zuo’s attention.

This made Jiang Zuo think of “I am the inner ghost” who was rushing to be the ghost in the source cell not long ago.

The reason why Jiang Zuo noticed this legion was because in the previous statistics, Jiang Zuo discovered that a legion with only one hundred people actually hid 20 mutant enterococci in private.

With so many people in the Hundred Fires Legion, they only dared to hide three. The Soul Cavalry only hid two.

This corps has only more than 100 players, so it dares to hide 20 mutant enterococci?

It’s too rampant!

Sure enough, it matched the name very well and attracted Jiang Zuo’s attention.

At that time, Jiang Zuo paid attention to this player group first, and wanted to see what the player group thought about it, so many mutant enterococci must be stored.

After a while, during the one-hour preparation period, Jiang Zuo looked at some of the regiments that he focused on, and then turned his attention to the regiments that he was paying more attention to.

There are more than twenty player legions that Jiang Zuo has listed as extra attention, all of which are quite distinctive.

Either it is a potential stock, or it is unique in tactics, like a “pioneer assassin”,

Either it is very mad and courageous, just like more than a hundred members dare to hide more than 20 mutated Enterococcus, and they are not afraid of being “too rampant” by the mutated Enterococcus.

When he saw “Too Rampant”, Jiang Zuo stopped suddenly. He didn’t just look at it and change to the next player legion like before. Instead, he kept his eyes on the “Too Rampant” player legion. Keep watching.

What are they trying to do?

In Jiang Zuo’s vision, at this moment, the more than one hundred members of the “Too Rampant” Legion are all busy in full swing.

They moved out from the cave in the camp, one by one, like accessories, and then assembled them on the open space in front.

Jiang Zuo was very interested in these parts, he narrowed his vision, and wanted to take a closer look at what was made.

If it’s on the liver map, Jiang Zuo is not surprising at all, because in the liver map, there is a useful material like black wood, and players have made a lot of things, such as the vehicles of the “Water Flow Series”, and the clouds through. Such weapons as forts and so on.

But in the gastrointestinal map, do players have materials like black wood, and how can they make these parts one by one?

After getting closer, Jiang Zuo discovered that these parts were actually made of cellulose.

Parts made of cellulose are not as strong as those made of black wood, but they are more flexible.

At this time, Jiang Zuo was aroused interest.

In the gastrointestinal map, players did use cellulose to make things, but they made things like cellulose nets and cellulose shields. As for the “too rampant” legion to do this, Jiang Zuo saw it for the first time.

There are a lot of these parts. When Jiang Zuo noticed it, half of them had been assembled, and it looked like a big thing.

Jiang Zuo looked familiar, as if he had seen something similar somewhere.

While they were assembling, Jiang Zuo checked the recent situation of the player’s army.

It stands to reason that with so many cellulose parts, this player army has only more than 100 people. It is still relatively difficult to make these with cellulose. It will take a long time, and this army has not been established for long. It should have been done so quickly, and it looks like the finished product has been produced.

Jiang Zuo found out after checking that it turned out that this was processed by another player’s army.

The “Too Rampant” Legion mainly proposes ideas and specific design processes, and then manufactures this aspect, which is handed over to the current cell online’s best player corps-“Blackwood Automobile Power Group”.

“Blackwood Automotive Power Group” not only does its own products, but when they have extra time, they will also take on the work of many other players, help other players design or manufacture things that players need, and collect processing fees from them.

Helping others to make things is also a way for the “Blackwood Automotive Power Group” to earn black crystals.

These parts are made by the “Blackwood Automotive Power Group” and then delivered.

After paying the cost of manufacturing and processing, the “too rampant” legion first stored these parts in the cavern of the legion, and then moved them out for assembly when they were needed now.

Jiang Zuo watched them assembling for a while, and suddenly reacted, it seemed to have the smell of a cloud-piercing fort.

Cloud-piercing fort, this is a big killer made by players on the liver map.

This kind of cloud-piercing fort, which uses black wood as the material, self-detonation as the power source, and black wood as the shells, has been used by players to fight blood-to-death viruses on the liver map, and has achieved a lot of success.

Until now, if Jiang Zuo were to list the powerful weapons made by players, the Cloud Piercing Turret would definitely be ranked.

It is a pity that as the blood-dead virus on the liver map is almost eliminated, due to the portal, the cloud penetrating fort cannot be transported to the new gastrointestinal map.

In the gastrointestinal map, the problem of the material and power of the penetrating fort has not been solved.

The player did not find a suitable material as strong as black wood in the stomach and intestines map, nor did he find a source of power that could replace the self-destructive.

Even the shells, the players did not find the right ones. For shells with strong lethality like Kuroki, it is difficult to find a substitute in the gastrointestinal map.

Gradually, the piercing fort has faded out of the cell online battlefield, and to this day, the piercing fort is no longer brilliant.

When seeing the “cloud-piercing fort” assembled by more than one hundred players, Jiang Zuo’s eyes gradually became surprised.

It can be seen that these players do not seem to play casually.

Otherwise, it would not cost such a big price to let the “Blackwood Automotive Power Group” make such a big guy.

For these costs, although the cellulose is not valuable in the cell online, the labor costs are very expensive, and it is estimated that it will take hundreds of thousands of black crystals to make it!

However, in this way, Jiang Zuo was a little confused again.

From the appearance point of view, this thing should be an improved version of the cloud penetrating fort, or a version of the cloud penetrating fort suitable for gastrointestinal maps, such as the 2.0 version of the cloud penetrating fort.

Jiang Zuo didn’t know the name of this weapon yet, so he called it “Cloud Piercing Cannon 2.0” for the time being.

Jiang Zuozhen really didn’t understand the principle behind the “Cloud Piercing Fort 2.0” produced by these players.

The first is the problem of power.

What about motivation?

What does the player use as the driving force for the “cloud penetrating turret”?

Without power, no matter how strong the cloud penetrating turret is, the shells can’t be fired. What use can it be.

Jiang Zuo still doesn’t know where the power is and what to use as the power to fire the cannonball.

The second word is cannonballs. What do you use as cannonballs?

Is cellulose a cannonball?

It is estimated that compared to black wood shells, using cellulose as shells will have a far different lethality.

Then there is the material.

Cellulose material is not as strong as black wood material, although it is more flexible, but without explanation, can it withstand several launches?

With these questions in mind, Jiang Zuo has been watching the players assemble the “Cloud Piercing Fort”.

When the players have assembled, an hour of preparation time has almost passed.

In the cell online, free battle time is up!

Jiang Zuo couldn’t understand it for a while. He simply asked a professional NPC to help him stare, and when the “Cloud Piercing Cannon 2.0” was used, he called Jiang Zuo to see what was going on.

During the preparation time, a total of 15 players and player corps killed their own Enterococcus mutans, and a total of 15 Enterococcus mutans were killed.

In addition, other players and player corps have hidden the Enterococcus mutans they have privately hidden, and they have also done deeper protection to prevent them from being attacked by other players.

Near the start of the free battle, the gastrointestinal map of Cell Online was already filled with a strong atmosphere of war.

Some legions even drove their legions out of their opponent’s camp, and they blocked the door before the free battle started.

At the beginning of the free combat time, some small player corps began to attack each other.

The purpose of these player corps is very clear. Killing Enterococcus mutans or something is not what they really want. They know that their strength is not as strong as those of the big player corps. They really want to grab some “last moment”, the possibility It is too low and ignored by them.

Anyway, it happens to have this opportunity. Everyone usually argues about who is strong, or what contradictions are there. Just taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone directly fights and fights in actual combat, so that the opponent who fights will be convinced.

The free battle set by Jiang Zuo can not only help Jiang Zuo to sort out the strength rankings, but also help some players and player corps to release pressure, fight each other, and release all the accumulated contradictions. To a certain extent, It is also conducive to the subsequent development of cell online.

Unlike those players and player legions that directly fight in order to release contradictions, such as some large legions, it is more important to increase their influence and not to capsize.

Therefore, groups such as the Soul Cavalry Corps, the Hundred Fire Corps, and the “Blackwood Automobile Power Group” all showed considerable restraint at the beginning.

The two legions of Soul Cavalry and Hundred Fire gathered all their members in the main camp to defend the main camp.

At the same time, the Soul Cavalry Team and several teams of the Hundred Fire Legion were also ready.

The tactics that the two legions are going to use seem to be the same.

Most of the members are responsible for defending the main camp and preventing theft from being stolen. First, watch the changes and pay attention to the data updated by the official cell online at any time.

Which players and player corps, how many Enterococcus mutans in their hands, these data cells are officially released at any time online, in order to help players understand the battlefield situation and formulate corresponding tactics.

It is still unclear at the beginning of the battle. Everyone does not know who may be the final winner. Participating in it prematurely will consume one’s own strength.

When the follow-up battle situation becomes clear, the Soul Cavalry Team and the Hundred Fire Corps team will probably only be dispatched at that time to attack other legions and kill their mutated Enterococcus.

Compared with the Soul Cavalry and Hundred Fire Legions, their two legions are still preparing to attack, while the “Blackwood Automobile Power Group” is completely shrinking, bringing all the members back together, focusing only on defense, and never thought about it. attack.

Even during the free fight, the “Blackwood Auto Power Group” has not forgotten to sell.

The camps where the “Blackwood Automobile Power Group” will produce cellulose shields have been moved back to the line of defense, producing cellulose shields while selling cellulose shields.

Among them is a corps that also manufactures various products, but it has always been inferior to the “Blackwood Automotive Power Group.”

Taking advantage of this free battle, the army directly gathered more than a thousand members, blocked the door of the “Blackwood Automobile Power Group”, and launched a fierce attack on the “Blackwood Automobile Power Group”.

Halfway through the fight, the corps realized that the fiber shield on its side was not enough.

At this time, the “Blackwood Automotive Power Group” directly stated that brothers are not in a hurry, come, the cellulose shield is not enough, I will sell it to you!

Then, the corps entered the “Blackwood Automotive Power Group”, bought hundreds of cellulose shields, shipped them out, and distributed them on the spot, first armed them, and then attacked the “Blackwood Automotive Power Group.”

In this situation, the “Blackwood Automobile Power Group” is not afraid at all, and will attack when it comes to attack. Anyway, it can’t beat itself.

The “Blackwood Automotive Power Group” is getting more and more free. As more and more players are attacking the “Blackwood Automotive Power Group”, they directly sell cellulose shields to those corps. Get one free.

Some player corps rushed a long way to fight the “Blackwood Automotive Power Group”, but before the offensive began, the members of the “Blackwood Automotive Power Group” who engaged in promotions first came to visit and tried their best to others. sell.

People don’t want it. The members of the promotion also directly introduced the benefits of the cellulose shield, saying that it is better to fight your own army with a cellulose shield.

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