My Cell Game

Chapter 530

Chapter 523 victory

The war situation is developing as Jiang Zuo expected.

Under the pressure of the player’s array, the mutant Helicobacter pylori began to show signs of collapse.

Moreover, after the first round of all moves and was easily blocked by the player, the morale of mutant Helicobacter pylori suffered a great blow.

They have always been regarded as absolute killers, but they have lost their effect on the source cells. The vast majority of mutant Helicobacter pylori cannot accept this result.

The big move is the hole card of mutated Helicobacter pylori, and the number and array are the hole cards of the source cell camp.

The situation encountered by mutated Helicobacter pylori is like when Jiang Zuo was in a war when he suddenly discovered that the number of players was reduced like an avalanche, and the array suddenly collapsed. The morale blow was self-evident.

Therefore, after this wave of blows, coupled with the fierce attacks of the players, the mutant Helicobacter pylori was never organized again, like the first large-scale all-encompassing move.

This also gives the player a great opportunity to gradually break through. If the mutated Helicobacter pylori is organized again, as before, it will cool down, let go, cool down, let go again and again, and so on, the player will not destroy the shield. It’s hard to say whether the wall can be guarded.

It can be said that H. pylori mutated after giving up the all-encompassing strategy, cut off its biggest and most likely chance to come back.

The current mutant Helicobacter pylori can only become the experience and black crystal harvested by the player array.

However, the centipede is dead but not stiff. After all, the mutated Helicobacter pylori is huge in number. Although it collapses from the overall occupation, it will not collapse in an instant. Even in some places, the mutated Helicobacter pylori still has signs of counterattack.

Jiang Zuo didn’t pay too much attention to those partial battles. He just needed to make sure that the overall situation tends to victory. When the overall situation rushes to victory like a tide, partial failure will eventually be like a man’s arm, and will be completely washed away by the trend. .

In those places where H. pylori mutated locally counterattacked, most of them were commanded by the leadership of H. pylori mutated, which also gave players a good opportunity for reconnaissance.

Before the mutated Helicobacter pylori were mixed together, players looked around and didn’t know which mutated Helicobacter pylori was the boss. Now that mutated Helicobacter pylori has collapsed as a whole, there must be the boss of mutated Helicobacter pylori in those areas where they resist.

Use this strategy to find one almost exactly.

Soon, the reconnaissance player determined the location of several wild monster leaders and passed the location to the source cell paratroopers.

The source cell paratroopers have had large-scale actual combat experience. The last time they defeated mutant cancer cells, they accumulated a lot of combat experience, and they are already eager to try.

As soon as the news was received, the source cell paratroopers swiftly dispatched, and several cloud-piercing turrets also quickly moved to the designated location to drop the source cell paratroopers by air.

Soon, the source cell paratroopers descended from the sky and directly killed several leaders of mutant Helicobacter pylori.

This kind of surprise action is very effective. When the leader of these mutant Helicobacter pylori was just killed, the mutant Helicobacter pylori in the counterattack in the corresponding area quickly fell apart.

There are many areas on the battlefield where Helicobacter mutans has the upper hand, and one of them is the largest, with nearly 10,000 Helicobacter pylori mutated, resisting or even counterattacking players.

The reconnaissance player quickly made a judgment based on the accumulated experience in the battle against the blood-dead virus, and believed that the core leader of mutated Helicobacter pylori was in this area.

Subsequently, hundreds of players ventured to scout here.

They observe every variant Helicobacter pylori and screen for possible variant Helicobacter pylori chiefs.

After more than twenty minutes of reconnaissance, the player identified ten possible mutated Helicobacter pylori core leaders, but did not know which one was the real leader.

Faced with this situation, the source cell paratroopers decided to kill them all!

Although I don’t know which one is the real leader, the ten possible targets are all killed and it’s over.

After making this decision, the source cell paratroopers all assembled, and nearly ten cloud-piercing forts were all transferred back, ready to cooperate with the assassination.

The mutated Helicobacter pylori was plagued by the attacks of the source cell paratroopers. Now the source cell paratroopers have all been withdrawn, and those mutated Helicobacter pylori unknowingly have less pressure, and they are secretly grateful.

But before they were lucky, they discovered a more terrifying fact, the source cell paratroopers actually found their boss, and they are preparing to assassinate their boss!

But even after discovering this situation, the mutant Helicobacter pylori is now overwhelmed and unable to respond in time.

Moreover, relying on the skills of the cloud penetrating turret and the space assassin, the surprise attack of the source cell paratroopers is simply impossible to prevent.

Even the Soul Cavalry Legion at that time, with so many members, and a Soul Cavalry team that was one of the best in the cell online, did not block the sudden attack of the source cell paratroopers. In the follow-up, in order to prevent them, they also racked their brains. These mutant pyloric spirals Bacillus is even more unable to deal with it effectively now.

After a surprise attack by the source cell paratroopers, after half an hour, ten possible targets were eliminated.

Judging from the follow-up situation, the intelligence brought back by the reconnaissance players is indeed correct, and the core leader of mutant Helicobacter pylori is among these ten targets.

After these ten targets were eliminated, less than ten minutes passed before the nearly 10,000 mutant Helicobacter pylori fell apart.

Variant Helicobacter pylori was originally due to the failure of the ultimate move, the source cell was much stronger than expected, and so on. Morale was extremely low. Now the core leader and some important leaders have been killed one by one. For them, there is nothing to do. It is different from worse.

One hour later, the battle has advanced to a quarter. About a quarter of the mutant Helicobacter pylori was killed by the player, and new players join from time to time on the player’s side, which further strengthens the player’s overall strength.

As time passed, the battle situation was better than Jiang Zuo expected. As more and more mutant Helicobacter pylori were killed, the morale of the players increased, and the speed of the killings became faster and faster. . In less than two hours, the mutant Helicobacter pylori had been killed by three quarters.

In Jiang Zuo’s patient waiting, nearly three hours, Jiang Zuo got up from the seat, his face showed a satisfied smile.

From the eruption of the blood wave to the present, the pressure on Jiang Zuo has been increasing. First, Deadpool and Du Yuan. Jiang Zuo has not received enough good news for a long time.

The elimination of mutated Enterococcus and mutated cancer cells in the past can only be regarded as a victory in a local battle, and it is not enough to defeat all the blood-dead viruses in the gastrointestinal map, and it has not obtained enough helium and titanium.

Now, after waiting so long and spending so much energy, the mutant Helicobacter pylori was finally defeated.

There were very few mutated Helicobacter pylori in the entire gastrointestinal map, and no more than 500 had escaped, and they were still being chased by players.

Jiang Zuo finally ushered in a huge victory in the cell online. The blood-dead virus in the gastrointestinal map has completely collapsed. The blood-dead virus that was killed also gave Jiang Zuo enough helium bowl and titanium!

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