My Cell Game

Chapter 531

Chapter 524 The confusing situation

With all helium bowls, titanium, and titanium in place, Jiang Zuo, regardless of celebration and rest, began to get busy non-stop.

It was late at night, and the end of the blood wave was imminent.

Calculated according to the time of the blood wave, in another day, the blood wave will end, when Jiang Zuo will come to the most important fork in his life, life or death, let’s fight!

Jiang Zuo was still thinking about what was about to happen while extracting the helium bowl and titanium.

The battle for the Ominous Crystal must be the first priority. It is of great importance. Jiang Zuo’s two most powerful officers, An Quantao and Kanwu, Jiang Zuo decided to let Kanwu do it.

According to the pre-planned plan, the judges of the elite assassins are all assigned to the commander of the sense objects, and the sense objects will try their best to tell the position of the senior deadpool, tell the assassins, let the judge assassins clear the deadpool.

If it were a few days ago, the probability of success of this plan would probably be more than 50%. It is worth Jiang Zuo to give it a go, and Jiang Zuo would not be so anxious.

But with Du Yuan joining the battle a few days ago, everything is different.

From the moment he knew Ominous Crystal, Jiang Zuo laid out for Ominous Crystal.

In Jiang Zuo’s layout, the elite judge assassins exist to deal with the deadpool, and the remaining nearly a thousand judges deal with the gathered deadpools who have not been assassinated.

The layout seems to be fine, but Jiang Zuo never expected that the royal family would suddenly send Du Yuan over.

After Du Yuan joined the battle, it completely disrupted Jiang Zuo’s plan. Jiang Zuo had never laid out against Du Yuan at all, and he had no hole cards to deal with Du Yuan!

As a powerful judge of more than twenty levels, Du Yuan has high mobility alone. No matter how many people in Jiang Zuo’s hands are, it is useless. Du Yuan ran away with the ominous crystals, and it was not a problem to kill them directly.

However, according to the intelligence of the senses, there seems to be a trump card waiting for Du Yuan on the Deadpool side. Jiang Zuo can only hope that Deadpool can hold Du Yuan, and it is best to fight both sides and let Jiang Zuo fisherman benefit.

The overall situation is now set, and Jiang Zuo’s layout is now at its final stage. Large-scale changes are definitely impossible. You can only follow the plan, and at the same time, it depends on Jiang Zuo’s courage.

The most important ominous crystal was given to Kanwu and a group of the most elite judges to compete. At the same time, Jiang Zuo allocated two hundred judges to respond to the 1,000 judges.

This is already the most card Jiang Zuo can play. He still has the alloy warehouse to win and the hospital stronghold to defend.

These judges are all citizens of Nanyang City, and the hospital bases are also citizens of Nanyang City. If the hospital base is abandoned, the judge’s military spirit will collapse, and the possibility of rallying to deal with Deadpool will be lost.

The hospital base is to Jiang Zuo’s organization of judges, just as the capital is of the same importance to the country.

In addition to the most important Ominous Crystal, the alloy warehouse is also to be taken down. This is also Jiang Zuo’s advance layout, which is to choose a back path for himself.

Taking a step back, in case the Ominous Crystal is not captured, the royal family will deal with Jiang Zuo in the future, and Jiang Zuo will not have no weapons to fight against.

Although Jiang Zuo would not be able to contend with the royal family even if he got the weapons of the alloy warehouse, he could retreat to one side at any rate, but he must have lost the opportunity to enter the center of the world. This is definitely not good news for Jiang Zuo.

Even so, the weapons in the alloy warehouse were a retreat that Jiang Zuo left for him, and they had to be taken seriously to save their lives.

For this reason, in accordance with Jiang Zuo’s layout, An Quantao took the initiative and led three hundred judges and four elite judges assassins to the air-raid shelter in the evening before the end of the blood wave.

In this way, when the air-raid shelter was almost the time when the Ominous Crystal appeared, both Deadpool and Du Yuan went to fight for the Ominous Crystal. The pressure on the air-raid shelter would be much less and the probability of success would be much higher.

In addition to the ominous crystals and alloy warehouses, there are dozens of boxes of corrosive water in the hospital.

Corrosive water is not that important to Jiang Zuo. At best, it can be regarded as the icing on the cake. It is really impossible to rely on those dozens of corrosive water to fight the royal family.

And if he really grabbed the corrosive water, it would be tantamount to tearing his face with Du Yuan. How to deal with Du Yuan’s subsequent anger was also a headache.

Compared with the anger of a senior judge, dozens of boxes of corrosive water are not so cost-effective, unless there is a way to get the corrosive water and avoid Du Yuan’s revenge, but so far, Jiang Zuo has not expected Is there any way to do it.

Therefore, Jiang Zuo adopted a flexible response. He himself took 600 judges to the hospital stronghold, of which 200 judges can be moved by the objects at any time, and the remaining 400 judges are used to defend the hospital stronghold.

At that time, Jiang Zuo should find the right opportunity to see if he can get the Corrosive Water, the best he can get, and it will not hurt his bones if he can’t get it.

These are the layouts Jiang Zuo has responded to. Although the end of the blood wave is a day apart, there is still a lot of fog in front of him.

Facing the ominous crystal that is about to appear, there is too much uncertainty.

Even Jiang Zuo himself, dozens of elite judge assassins, Deadpool and Du Yuan didn’t know that this was Jiang Zuo’s trump card.

What trump card does Deadpool hold? What is the trump card that Kanwu said against Du Yuan?

There is also Du Yuan, as a senior judge, he himself is a powerful hole card. His arrival has made the situation even more confusing. Will he also hide any hole cards?

Too much uncertainty is mixed together, making the situation impossible to see through.

Moreover, the cards held by the three forces of Jiang Zuo, Du Yuan, and Deadpool are not displayed in sequence. They will only be displayed when the Ominous Crystal appears. At that time, several forces will be displayed at the same time. With the cards, the situation will change even more unpredictably.

Unable to predict the situation, this made Jiang Zuo feel very bad, and the joy of just achieving a major victory could not dispel his anxiety.

However, Jiang Zuo also knew that he was not the only one who was anxious, and Du Yuan and Deadpool should be equally anxious.

Jiang Zuo couldn’t see through their hole cards, and they couldn’t see through other people’s cards either. Only when the Ominous Crystal appeared, it would be harder than whose hole cards were at that time, who could grasp the opportunity better, and who dared to make a desperate bet.

Once he failed, Jiang Zuo fell into desperation.

Even if An Quantao gets the alloy warehouse, Jiang Zuo will fall into the endless pursuit of the royal family in his next life, until the accumulation of the alloy warehouse is exhausted and Jiang Zuo is killed by the royal family.

Jiang Zuo has no retreat. He cannot fail. He is ready to make a desperate move. In order to win a day later, Jiang Zuo is willing to crush everything.

Having enough courage to make a desperate bet is the biggest retreat left for Jiang Zuo himself.

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