My Collection of One-Shots and Short Stories

Orken and Elnia

A carriage travels in a road where two rough men are at the front, pulling the horse. A handsome man was currently smiling as he stared at the cage where there was a woman currently being binded by chains.

Blue hair with violet eyes, a beautiful face that matches with her figure, she was an elf because of her two pointy ears.

"Kuku, selling this elf would make us rich. Also, its a waste that we can't defile her or she'll lose her value."

"Don't worry boss. There's a brothel near the slavemaster's place. I heard that there's a beautiful girl thats worth your time."

One of the men out front talked to the handsome guy as began to drool at the money that they'll earn after selling the elf. They began to look at the road as an orc that held a giant hammer on its back was right in front of the carriage.


The driver quickly pulled the rope as he stopped the horses from approaching the orc. The handsome man was knock down since he was at the back and didn't notice the problem.

"Assholes! What the f*ck are you doing?!"

"Boss! Its-"

But before the man could speak, a huge metal had fallen on top of his head and is smashed to the ground. The handsome man was painted with red as his companion quickly pulled his axe and swing at the orc.



The orc parried the strike by using the handle of the hammer as he used his free hand to grab hold of the man's head.

"Aaaaahhhhh......nooooo.......i still...."


The orc chrush the man's head as it painted the forest with flesh and blood. It lifted its hammer as the corpse that was chrush became paste as it puts it on his shoulder.


The handsome man who witness his companions died, decided to flee as he began to chant magic to his palms.


Then, white smoke appeared out of thin air as it began to thicken and making the area hard to see.

"Such a sh*tty day to encounter a monster today. I hope that i'll kill you once we met again beast!"

He shouted those words as the mist began to thin out and it finally disappeared with thr handsome man. The orc didn't plan to chase out the man as he began to raid the carriage. It then saw the chained elf as it began to approach it.


The elf tried to scream but she was too weak and pass out. The orc breaks off the cage and breaks the chains that binded the elf. It had put her on its back as it carried her off the carriage.



The elf woke from her slumber as she had slept on a warm and comfy bed that was made of leather as she lift herself as she survey the area.

She was currently on a wooden room only filled with a table, a giant sword hanged on the wall and an orc that was currently staring at her.

She was filled with fear as she was captured by an orc and was ahout to be defiled by it. She knew what was about to happen to her as she tried to find a way to escape.


But she didn't realize that the orc held a soup and present it to her gently. The size of the howl was huge that with her figure, she couldn't finish it at all. But she didn't take it since maybe its filled with poison or something but the orc just put it on the table beside her as it walk outside the room.


Due to not have eaten for a week, she didn't hesitate to take the soup and began to take a sip with a spoon.


The intense flavor of the soup, the vegetables that combines with the sweet flavor of the fruits that was put inside. It was a dish that was so delicious that she didn't know that she emptied the large bowl. It seems that it was so good that she was still hungry after that.

Depressed about the soup, she forgot that she was still captured by the orcs that she snaps out from that food and decided to find an escape from this room.

But she wondered about something...

'Even though he could have defiled me after i was chained up, why didn't he do that? Instead he brought me here and was fed with the most delicious food that i couldn't imagine and just gave me an opportunity to escape.'

She decided to hold off her escape as she sneak into the door and glance outside. The orc was currently eating the soup with a disgusted expression on its face as it push the soup away and cross his arms.


Seeing the the soup that made her drool, she snapped out of that illusion as she saw the door outside and decided to escape through the door.



Just a single step, the floor creaked as the orc stared at the elf which made her froze on the spot. Paled to the white, she realizes that running was the only option as she began to dash through the door.

When she reach the door and grab hold on the knob, she open the door and looked behind her. The orc continue to sit on the chair as it had let her escape. She didn't hestitate to run when...


*Snorking noises*

The orc snorking which it look like it was laughing from the elf's stomach noises as the elf girl turned red from shyness.



Then, the orc spoke some broken words which made the elf confused.

Monsters are only able to speak or understand words if they are higher rank beings which makes the orc an high orc. So, she realize that this orc can be reasoned and may be help her go back to her home.

"Um...can you help me?"

"Stay.Late.Return when sun rise."

It said those words as it pointed outside. The sun's setting as its almost nighttime and it decided to leave when its morning. The elf girl decided to agree to its words as she continues to stare at soup in front of the orc.

"Take. Me full."

"Thanks um..."


"Oh, I'm Elnia."

Thus, the meeting of an elf and an orc.


Morning had begun as Elnia walks out the room to see that Orken wasn't there. She then walks towards the mirror as she saw him chopping wood.

By being granted to sleep in his bed and even eating the delicious food that he made, she decided to try cooking for him as she heads into the kitchen.

An hour later, Orken had finished chopping wood for today when...


An explosion occured as he realize that it came from his house. He decided to drop the axe as he ran to his house. When he went inside, he saw Elnia coughing out smoke from her mouth as a dark matter was inside the pot which tickled his nose.


He decided to walk to the pot as Elnia tried to stop him.

"Wait! It isn't edible to-"

Before she could even finish her words, Orken grab a spoon and take a sip from it. He was frozen in place as Elnia became frighten since maybe she killed him with her food but Orken snapped out as he look at Elnia.

It look like she was gonna be strangled by him when he grab both of her shoulders and intensly stare at her.

"Elnia. Recipie.Give."

Orken had discover that Elnia's Toxic waste was a delicacy for him. He decided to ask her, no, threaten her to give her the recipie.

On that morning, Orken tried to remake her dish but failed to do so. Instead, Elnia ate the food with relish.


On the road heading to Elnia's village, both of them talk to each other and learned that Elnia was misunderstood the orcs.

First was that orcs don't really eat meat instead rarely eat since they give the meat to their neighbors, goblins and the wolves. They just need their skin for furniture and clothing. Next was raping girls. This was a shocking news to Elnia since she really believe that rumour.

He said that girls especially elfs were ugly(Elnia took an stab though that) and decided to return them to their homes. But when the guards saw an orc bring a girl to their towns, they decided to kill the orc, rape and kill the girl and told lies that it was the orc that did it. Believing that rumour, they passed it on to the children as it becomes a superstition that a girl will be raped and killed by an orc if they encounter one.

She was shocked that they have misunderstood the orcs and believe that they are evil creatures but after encountering one and even given a gentle and honest attitude by Orken, she now believe that it was just rumours.

After reaching the village, the village people saw that Elnia was alive and felt relief. But when they saw Orken, they began to readied their weapons as Elnia stopped them.

"Wait, don't hurt him."

Even dropping the weapon and raising his hand in surrender, the village people were shocked that Orken didn't come here for a fight, instead, only returned Elnia to her place.

Then, a man approached both of them as he raised one of his hands to stand down the weapons. It seems that he's the village chief.

"Elnia, i'm glad that you are safe but can you tell me why is that orc here?"

Glaring at the orc, he ask Elnia for an exlplaination of why was an orc in their village. She decided to explain her situation from the day she was captured to the day she met Orken.

She was currently hunting when she saw three men and tried to warn the others but she was shot by an paralysing arrow and was captured by them. Dragging her to their carriage, they travel undetected for a week until they reach the human village but they encountered Orken and was rescued by him.

Seeing as to she wasn't injured or anything, he and the villagers believe her words as they even saw Orken dropping his weapon and raising his hands.

Suddenly, Orken reach out to Elnia as an arrow had hit his harms and laughter could be heard from afar.

"Kukuku, we meet again orc and this time, i've brought enough men to kill you and capture all of the villagers."

Behind him was 50 men, armed with swords, axes, spears and arrows as they have a grinned on their faces. It was the handsome man whom escape from Orken as he ordered his companions to raid the village.

Elnia and the villagers couldn't compete due to the fact that the younger elves were out hunting and only some able men and women are holding on to their weapons.

Orken pulled the arrow from his hand as he glance at Elnia.

"Elnia. Make.Dish.Again."


Confused at his words, he started to walked to the enemy as he held his hammer. Then, steam suddenly came out of Orken as the village chief cried out in surprise.


Even in his long life, its his first time that he had seen an orc making steam from his body. But whats shocking is that his size becoming smaller until it was the size of a human male, his skin turn to light brown, his hair that was usually only a tied ponytail behind, now has hair all over his head with a ponytail still there. But his pig-like face had now turn more human-like face that far outclasses elves with rumoured to be beautiful.

Orken became a super hunk with only a vest to cover his hard ab body. Even though the danger of the bandits, the girls scream as they saw Orken in his human form while Elnia was frozen in place.

Weilding the hammer like it was nothing, he pushed himself forward like he became a human bullet towards the bandits.

Seeing the human-shaped Orken, they began to attack him as he smash his hammer to the ground. Causing a crater that pulls the bandits to the hole, he then jumps again as he swung his hammer to the gathered bandits.

Imagine an orange put into a sqeezer. Thats what happened to the bandits inside the crater. Blood flowed into the crater as 30 bandits had died inside. The remaining 20 decided to fight Orken but with a single swing of his hammer, only their lower body were left. Only a few remained as they ran away from fear of being hit with Orken's hammer. The handsome guy? He was inside the crater.

"Ugh. I'm gonna be sick..."


The people were digusted at Orken's way of eliminating his foes as he was now covered in blood. He reverts back to his Pig-like appearance as the villagers felt fear from him.

Easily swing his hammer while on his human form, causing such strength on each attack, the elves can only look up to him in fear as the only one whom he stared at was Elnia.



Only asking for her dish, Elnia's heart skipped a beat as she remember Orken's human form. The only person who like her Toxic dish and the one whom saved her village, how can't she possibly hate him?!

"Orken! I love you!"


She couldn't hold out her hidden feelings as she said in front of him and in public.

The villagers were already shocked that someone like her cooking. Her parents were the first people to taste her cooking and they were sent to the healers as they used a high ranked magic just to undo the poison.

Now, with the sudden confession, its like she's giving the people of a heart attack just from the double shock.

But Orken immediately response to her feelings.

"I'm sorry but i can't date ugly people."



Its now Orken whom gave the biggest shock to the villagers. The only one who knew the orc's misunderstandings was Elnia so she knew why Orken call her ugly.

"If i can't win you by beauty, i'll seduce you by cooking."

"Oh, good luck then."



A story of an elf meeting with an orc...

Also, she knew that Orken like his own race. A pig-like women. The End.

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