My Collection of One-Shots and Short Stories

Travels in the Other World(18+)

The first thing i noticed was waking up in a plain fields. I wasn't aware how i got here but it was kinda shocking as to why i am here. I look around as i observe that i'm in the middle of nowhere as i stood and started heading who knows where.

I didn't question as to how i got here and stay composed while continuing to survey the area, looking for civilization or any living organisms around here. Humans mostly adapt to this kind of situation, depending on their mentality. I might be different as i'm kinda calm in this kind of situation i am now.

Looking around, its not like i'm isolated or anything. Sometimes, i can spot some trees or flowers laying around which is kinda ensuring that i wasn't stuck in the same place.

Then, i reach inside the dense forest as i continue to look for people. My mind's been kinda calm even though i've been looking for people to talk. Personally, it wasn't bad to be alone yet people have this strange urge to have someone to talk about with, even animals would be fine. Human's psyche tend to break down in this kind of isolated place.


A sound of some kind of animal was heard as in front of me was a humanoid being with the size of a human infant. With rags to cover its lower side and having a stick for a weapon, i didn't have enough time to think as it lunge towards me.

Yet, instead, it suddenly stopped and began to shake as if it saw something that threatens its life as it ran full speed away from me. Without even looking in front, it was skewered by a blade and a grown man who was the same age or older than me, appeared and was spooked of the humanoid creature that he had stabbed.

"Woah, what is this goblin committing suicide for? Must be comming from the-Woah!"

When he saw me, he also had the same reaction as the goblin as he tossed the corpse on his sword and made a stand towards me, vigilant of what i'll do.


I couldn't make any careless moves as a man in front had stabbed this so called 'goblin' and prepared his weapon against me. I didn't know where i am but its kinda weird since there's a man who was wearing leather and pointing his sword as he was looking at a suspicious man.

I look down on myself and realised why the goblin and the man are weary of me...

My whole body was stained red as there was blood all oved me and holes on my shirt. Any person would become suspicious unless its holloween or something. Well, lets clear this misunderstanding since i might get killed at this rate.

"Hi. I'm kinda lost and i don't know where i am. I just suddenly popped out in the field over there and trying to know why i got here... "

At first, the man was even more suspicious of me so he tied me up but i didn't resist since he might swung his sword toward me. I continue to remain calm and explain the situation to the man in front of me. After a long discussion about my appearance here, he finally believed me as he undid the ropes on me. He seem pretty gullible to easily released me but he kinda believes in my words.

"Your not the only one who had the situation you currently have since there are others like you here as well."

As he said that, he told me that there are others like me who was sent here from who knows where and have the same confused look as i had. Apparently, the people who got sent here are probally people who died in their world and was reincarnated with their original bodies in tact as my description of bloodied clothing make sense.

"I probally died while protecting someone in my world and this look explains how i got here."

"Hahahaha. You must be some kind of heroic person to do that or just an idiot."

It also said that the people like me have lost some of their memories and some are currently looking for answers as a way to survive in this world. So, i might either had regrets in my current world and maybe got sent here to fulfill this desire.

Also, lets talk about this world.

I've been reincarnated in this medieval continent as swords and magic are common and is sometimes mixed by the influences of the reincarnators like me. Mostly, this continent was separated into groups like humans, demi-humans(half-humans as what i've been told) and demons. Yet, it was all changed because of people like me(i think that we are kinda rewriting this world...) made peace with each of the races. I couldn't care less of these reincarnators but its thanks to them that this man in front of me, believes in my story.


Its been a week since i got here and i kinda feel indebted to the man who guide me to this town and help me settle in. Its kinda taxing doing farm work and other hard labor stuff. Yet, its mostly thanks to this that i could pay for my stay at the inn and earn money to buy food and stuff.

But lately, i had this weird ache in my chest and also have this weird dream of mine. It was mostly the place i was before i came here. I had dreamed of a woman and her child as they were screaming as blood splattered everywhere as i quickly woke up and try to forget itmeAnother bad dream in which there were screams and blood everywhere.

"Hey Ted! The crops aren't going to be harvesting themselves you know."

"Ah, sorry about that Miela."

The door suddenly opened and Miela stormed in as she whack my head with a broom. She's always been crude since i got here but she's usually sweet and kinda cute. If only i was a few years younger but i didn't want to date my savior's daughter since i kinda feel bad about it.

Also, my name is Ted and since i died in my world, i shouldn't use my old name anymore and want to start a new life here.

"So, your heading to the guild to become an adenturer right?"

At the dining table, i met with Meila's mother and Mark's wife(name of my savior), Shiela.

She gave me a warm smile as she handed a bowl of vegetable soup towards me. I gladly recieve it as i responded to her question.

"Yeah, it seems that being an adventurer earns a lot more than being a farmer and i kinda wanted to repay you guys for letting me stay for a while now."

"Oh, in that case, we can't stop you."

She knew that being an adventurer was a risky job yet she accept my decision since she knows that i'm not going to stay here forever. Her daughter felt the same and yet the a same time sad since i'll be gone. I quickly eat the dish as i left the house while thanking them for taking care of me for this whole week.


I'm currently setting out on my first quest at the adventurer's guild. The task was to collect some herbs which i read in the book and give them to the alchemist. It wasn't tiring since i did some farm work this whole week after being in this world.


Suddenly, a goblin appeared before me as i readied my dagger that i bought and faced off against the goblin. I quickly dash towards him as i aimed my blade at its belly. The goblin tried to retaliate yet when it saw my look, it frozed in fear as i easily cut him.


"Kukuhahaha... "


After that, a surge of emotions i couldn't feel after being in this world for a whole week, rushes towards me as i feel delighted to finally remembered this feeling i so long for.

I look back at the goblin who had its belly cut open with fear in its eyes while yellow liquid came from its lower part as i slowly approached it with a creepy smile you won't sleep for a long time. I raised my knife in the air as i re-practice my 'art'...


In my former world, i was known as a serial killer who was known for removing my victim's skins while they were alive. I became the world's most wanted after displaying my victim's skin on the internet while quoting it as my 'masterpieces' live.

Many cops tried to look for me and after 5 years of search, they finally found me as i was skinning a family with a knife that i've been using since my first victim. I was gunned down by many bullets as even though i was slowly dying, i still gave a smile which made the people who saw me have nightmares even if i died.


It was sunset after finishing my collection of my art as i looked at the monsters who had their skins peeled as i looked at the skies and felt...

'Ahh.... I'm so glad i got reincarnated again... '

I left the skinless animals as i hanged their skins into a makeshift hanger, displaying my masterpieces to the world. I suddenly left with the bag of herbs as i head back to town and smiled...

'I wanna travel the world and gather as many 'masterpieces' as i can before i die... '

This was the story of how i became a person or just a plain devil, feared even by the demon king....


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