My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 128 - Hope everything is fine

On Roer’s side, he rode the donkey down the mountain and found the long-distance station in the town. He carried the donkey to the roof of the car and squatted, and then drove the car in the direction of Duoduo Town for a long time. Arrived after dark.

He went straight to find the doctor, he just got off work, and the two casually ate a meal provided by the church, and went to the doctor’s original bishop’s office, drinking coffee and talking.

Mr. Tank was a little regretful because he was absent from this party because he was going to make up classes at night school.

Rohr probably talked about his experience during this period. First he went to Newlin to chop the rice cake people, then went to the Plenty Valley to chop strawberry ice cream, and also helped the local resistance organization.

The doctor was stunned when he heard it, and couldn’t help but sigh, your life is really wonderful…

Fortunately, because the previous case No. 12 is still in a state of confidentiality, and the doctor is immersed in research and does not understand the matter, otherwise his emotions may have to be changed to another way.

“I’m not as moisturized as you. I just work and research step by step every day…”

“Is the medicine you mentioned earlier very powerful?”

Rohr asked curiously.

“Of course! This is the masterpiece of my life!”

The doctor said with great pride, and then opened the chat box again, and talked about the specific effects of the medicine, the pharmacological ingredients, the research process and so on to Roer endlessly.

There are so many technical terms and knowledge that Rohr can’t understand…

He actually cares about whether the medicine is still so unpleasant.

The doctor did not understand this, and asked:

“How can medicine taste good?”

“But I have tried my best to adjust the taste, adding some sweet herbs and special flavors, the taste should be good?”

With that said, he took out a test tube from the pocket of his white lab coat, handed it over, and asked:

“Would you like to try it?”

Rolle took it politely, unplugged it, and sniffed.


The smell is fragrant, with a hint of fruity sweetness, I really want to take a sip.

Of course, it’s impossible to drink. What kind of medicine should you drink if you are not sick?

He returned the test tube to the doctor and continued to ask:

“Can this thing be immune to mental pollution?”

The doctor shook his head and explained patiently:

“Theoretically, it is not immune. It just treats problems such as confusion, mental trauma, severe head pain, and memory loss after suffering from mental pollution. If you take a course of treatment, it will be much faster than natural healing.”

Rohr smiled and said sincerely:

“I hope everything goes well in your subsequent clinical trials, so that this medicine can be put into production as soon as possible.”

At the same time, he also muttered in his heart:

If I accidentally run into evil gods in the future, can’t escape and suffer mental pollution, there is still a way to save it, so as not to suffer from Alzheimer’s in advance…

“Speaking of this, I have always had something before and I want to ask you carefully.”

The doctor suddenly changed the subject, and then asked in detail about the whole process that Roer was warmly welcomed by the local residents after he came to Duoduo Town last time, and then got acquainted with Mr. Tank.

Roll thought it was a little strange, but didn’t ask much, and said it out.

The doctor just listened silently, did not interrupt, and did not explain the purpose of inquiring about this matter.

As if playing a dumb riddle.

After that, the two chatted a few more casually, and it was too early, Rohr went to rest, and the doctor returned to the office where he usually worked, writing a research record on the table.

The object of his research was Mr. Tank, who had played a key role in helping Roll find a sword when he fought against the descendants of the evil god.

Mr. Tank was just an ordinary person, but he was able to move freely in the mental pollution of the evil god’s heirs, and his mental state was even better than that of his sixth-order bishop.

There must be something strange in this.

The doctors had forgotten about this because they were busy with the aftermath. It was only when they went back to study new drugs that they suddenly remembered it, so they started researching Mr. Tank.

Of course, it is not the kind of research that takes captive slices to make specimens. Mr. Tank still lives and works normally, but he has to cooperate with the doctor to conduct various physical examinations from time to time, and it does not affect him.

But the three of them can be regarded as a life-and-death life and death together, studying this kind of thing is somewhat inauthentic, so before drawing specific conclusions, the doctor intends to keep secret for the time being, not to disclose anything, and did not explain to Rolle.

But his inspection did not get any results, so he could only switch directions and ask Mr. Tank what he had experienced before.

Generally speaking, he is a calm and ordinary porter. The only thing worth mentioning is that he was originally planning to attack Rohr, but he was stopped by his daughter, and then he relied on his own will and his father’s love for his daughter. Forcibly broke free of control.

After that, he seems to have acquired a physique immune to mental pollution?

Here is a question sentence, because the doctor is not sure whether this is a physical change or some other reason.

Moreover, this is just an individual case, and it is not representative. After all, it is difficult to draw effective conclusions.

“Oh, it’s really a shame. If we can really find a way to avoid mental pollution, human beings will no longer be so passive against evil spirits…”

The doctor said dejectedly.

As a medical worker, in fact, like other engineers, alchemists, magic scholars and other people in scientific research fields in the empire, he firmly believes that with the development of science and technology and the continuous progress of the extraordinary field, he can finally fight against the gods. .

After all, a long time ago, just the appearance of the descendants of the Heretic God could cause humans to make painful sacrifices. The situation now is much better. High-ranking powers can fight against the descendants of the Heretic God, and can even catch and capture them alive.

Then, to go one step further, dealing with the evil god, it seems that it is not unthinkable?

However, just looking at the moment, human beings cannot even pass the level of spiritual pollution. The spiritual pollution caused by the evil **** is much more powerful than the offspring, and once the brain is affected, no matter how powerful human beings are, they will never be able to exert themselves. Inferior position.

If you want to fight against Cthulhu, you must first solve the problem of mental pollution.

“I hope everything goes well with my medicine, so that at least it is a small step.”

As the doctor said, he involuntarily opened the drawer with his hand, revealing a picture frame inside.

Inside is a group photo of a family of three, all of whom have happy smiles on their faces.

But now, only the young man is still in the photo…

Women and children were permanently separated from him in the catastrophe that swept across the entire Kodo province 18 years ago.

“I will succeed, I will definitely succeed…”

The doctor murmured, his fingers stroked the frame lightly, lost in thought.

By the morning of the next day, the doctor took two students and a few entourages, called Rohr, and boarded the special airship of the Good Life Sect.

Compared with the airship of the Scholars Association, the airship of the sect is a lot shabby, but the comfort and speed are always much better than that of the public airship, and Rohr naturally has no complaints about this.

After the airship lifted off, the doctor suddenly remembered something and asked Rohr:

“Ah, by the way, I almost forgot one thing. Have you used the magic manual that I sent you last time?”

Rohr nodded repeatedly, and took out the small manual from his arms.

This manual has shrunk by half as compared to when it first started.

In addition to using magic arts on his daughter, he used it a few times when he was on Jeanna’s side to heal the wounded resistance soldiers, so the number of times that he could use was really not much.

Don’t look at what this thing records are some simple magic arts, but it is quite practical, and fortunately it was not swallowed by his greedy left hand.

“It seems that although your days are wonderful, they are also dangerous.”

The doctor said jokingly, taking the manual from Roer, chanting a word, and the smiling face in the robe on his chest suddenly lit up.

After a while, the manual became as thick as the new one again.

“Thank you my friend!”

Roll was very happy to take it.

“Well, in this way, there should be nothing to forget. Okay, my friend, I have to go back to my room to prepare the content of the meeting. When the airship is off, I have to go to the meeting and let me miss it for a while.”

The doctor said, leaving his briefcase in advance.

Of course Rohr couldn’t bother, so he could only take a look around on the airship by himself, then went to the cargo hold to look at the donkey, and fed him a carrot.

But when he was about to leave, he was bitten by the sleeve of the donkey, his big eyes were watery, looking at him eagerly.

“What’s wrong? Are you afraid of being bored and lonely?”

Rohr smiled, took the little milk cat from his shirt pocket and placed it on top of the donkey’s head.

“Let Xiao Mi play with you.”

After all, he ignored Little Donkey’s retention and went back to his room to read the newspaper by himself.

“Meow meow?”

The little milk cat screamed twice, seeming to be asking something.

The donkey shook his head for a while, his long ears swayed from side to side, and replied with body language.

“Meow meow!”

The fluff on the little milk cat suddenly exploded, as if encountering some terrible danger.

And Rohr is reading today’s headlines:

“There are many ways for humans to fight against mental pollution. Divine Art only ranks third among them, and the top two are actually…”

This report is actually introducing the doctor and his new drug, and is preparing to enter the clinical trial stage.

The research of new drugs is not a confidential matter. It has been published several times in the newspapers. The main report is the research and development process. It is good news, it is the title…

Every time he saw various headlines in the newspaper, Rohr always had an inexplicable impulse in his heart. If murder was not illegal, he would like to clean these newspapers again.

But after reading the newspaper for a while, Rohr suddenly remembered that he had forgotten an important thing…

When in Duoduo Town, he forgot to go to the mayor to receive the reward!

It was the reward that the mayor promised in the newspaper after the monster was solved last time.

Although the doctor helped him receive the bonus and sent it to him, he missed a chance to make a headline in the newspaper.

But on second thought, these newspapers are all such low-explosive headlines. It does not seem to be a glorious thing to publish in the newspaper. Calculate air-conditioning.

“Oh…Forget it, it’s okay to be low-key, anyway, a man like me is like a firefly in the night sky everywhere…”

He comforted himself, intending to read the entertainment lace news in the newspaper.

But at this moment, I heard a series of stern alarm bells coming from outside.

Rohr was taken aback, rushed out of the room, grabbed a crew member, and asked:

“What’s the matter? What’s the matter? Did the airship malfunction?”

“No, no, don’t be nervous.”

The crew member waved his hands again and again, and explained with a smile:

“This is to remind us that there is a flock of birds that need to be dispelled in front of the surface. Let us fire a shot to disperse, and remind you to pay attention to the gunshots and cannons that may appear for a while. Don’t panic.”

There are many birds in this world, among them there are large flocks of birds of prey, and even pigeons are braver and stronger than those on earth. It is very common for airships to be harassed.

In the early years, airships crashed after being attacked, but now humans have been very experienced in dealing with these things. The airships are not only equipped with various weapons, but also many magical equipment to disperse birds. It almost never happened again.

“This is also a situation that you often encounter when riding an airship. Have you not seen it before?”

Rohr let go of his hand a little awkwardly, smiled, and replied:

“No, I have always been lucky.”

As he said, he looked around again, and found that the other priests in the same group had a calm expression, and asked casually, the doctor was even more stable, and he didn’t even get out of the cabin.

It turned out that he was nervous alone, like a dumpling…

He went back to the room and waited for a while. As expected, a series of gunshots and the screams of birds were heard outside, but it soon became quiet again.

Sure enough, nothing happened.

But after waiting for another two hours, there was another alarm bell outside, and the airship encountered another group of birds of prey.

Then there was another gunshot and bird calls, and the surrounding area became quiet again.

But wait until the afternoon, when the alarm bell rang for the third time…

Although it was quickly dispelled, this time it was not just Rohr, even the crew felt that something was wrong.

This kind of thing is not common. I have encountered it three times in a row at uukā, and it feels very abnormal.

For this reason, the captain had to turn on the big horn on the ship and said to everyone:

“Don’t panic, everyone. Autumn is approaching. It’s the season of bird migration. It’s normal to encounter this kind of thing.”

“I have also observed carefully. These birds are migrating normally, and there are no signs of tracking and human control. Please rest assured!”

“Furthermore, our airship is equipped with advanced equipment, enough to cope with any situation.”

“We have also adjusted the route a bit, and will arrive at the next airport at around 9pm, and carry out ammunition replenishment and related inspections…”

After listening, Rohr let out a sigh of relief and muttered in a low voice:

“I hope everything is fine.”


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