My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 129 - Danger

Then, until it got dark, the airship arrived at the next airport without incident, where it was briefly supplied and maintained, and then continued overnight.

The captain also confirmed with the locals about the recent bird migration status. It is indeed a season for a large number of birds to migrate recently. Passing airships are often harassed, but they are all safe and sound.

In this way, the crew and passengers can be considered relieved, and Rohr also retracted safely in the cabin and read a book, and then fell asleep early.

Although I went to bed early, I had strange dreams.

In his dream, he met a pair of long ears on his head, very cute and cute, with big red eyes, watery, and long light pink hair, with a pair of hair pinned to the ends. Hairpin in the shape of cartoon carrot.

I have a brown dress on my body and a pair of white silk stockings with excellent texture and faint gloss on my legs. There are no shoes on my feet…

The beautiful girl was pulling his arm and shaking it, but his face was full of anxiety and worry, as if he was begging or warning.

However, she only saw her mouth open and closed, but no sound was heard.

Roel was also very playful, reached out and grabbed the long ears on top of her head, and asked:

“Are you a donkey or a rabbit?”

As a result, before the other party could answer, he heard a series of stern alarms in his ears.

Unlike the alarm bell that met the birds before, this time it was the real alarm from the tweeter.

Rohr shook his spirits and quickly woke up from his dream, ran out of the room, and saw several crew members running around anxiously, holding a fire extinguisher in his hand, shouting anxiously.

And farther away, you can see a fierce fire, as well as a heat wave and burnt smell coming from the surface.

The airship caught fire?

Rohr quickly picked up the fire axe in the corridor and ran to help put out the fire.

As a result, I happened to meet the chief mate on the road and stopped him.

“This guest, don’t be nervous. It is common for airships to catch fire. We have sufficient experience in dealing with it. Please don’t…”

Before he finished his words, there was a loud explosion not far away, and several crew members screamed and were blown away.

At this moment, the original composure on the first officer’s face disappeared instantly.

And the captain’s voice followed from the tweeter:

“Attention everyone! A group of snake-necked flying dragons of unknown origin were observed ahead of the airship, and everyone is ready for battle!”

“Passengers please be aware that due to emergencies, the airship may be forced to land, please wear emergency parachutes…”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a circle of things like a protective shield light up on the periphery of the airship, which was still shining colorfully, like a neon sign.

This is the way to deal with some nocturnal birds. This irregular flashing will make them feel extremely uncomfortable, so they take the initiative to make a detour and avoid the airship.

But this method does not seem to have any effect on the plesi-necked flying dragon that rushes aggressively…

The plesi-necked dragon is a monster with a dangerous degree of about 4-5. It is not particularly powerful. Human firearms can effectively kill it. It can be dealt with by ordinary soldiers led by experienced transcendents.

Moreover, the number is also small, and the habitat is also squeezed by human activities, far away from the scope of human activities.

At the same time, it has a certain amount of wisdom and is a tameable monster. Some transcendents like to use this thing as a mount.

Therefore, they generally do not take the initiative to attack human beings to death.

But this situation is obviously different now.

The speed of the snake-necked flying dragon is much faster than the airship.

Because the airship had to allocate manpower to extinguish the damage pipes, it could only fire a few shots in an attempt to drive them away.

Obviously this would not be effective, but it further angered them, and they started to hit the protective barrier around the airship with their claws and python-like heads.

When something like this happened, the doctor also walked out of the cabin and asked the priest accompanying him to help put out the fire. He chanted divine arts to further strengthen the airship’s defenses, and it would not fall for a short time.

But if they can’t be driven away, the airship is still very dangerous…

And the fire inside didn’t know what was going on, maybe the airship would crash without using the plesiosaur.

“Mr. Roll?”

The doctor hurried to find Rohr, hoping that he could use coercion to drive away these flying dragons first.

But Rohr’s cabin was empty.

And the cabinet where the parachutes were originally placed has also been opened, and the two parachutes inside are gone…

It looked like he had abandoned everyone and escaped by abandoning the boat.

But Rohr is obviously not such a person, he is actually very anxious about this, he is in the cargo hold, tying a parachute to the back of the donkey.

“Remember, if you fall out for a while, bite this rope hard!”

Rohr snatched the carrot from the little donkey’s mouth and passed the parachute drawstring into its mouth.

The little donkey chewed on the rough rope, spit it out with a look of disgust, and wanted to stretch his head to grab the carrot in Luoer’s hand.

“Why are you so disobedient?”

Rohr threw away the carrot and put the drawstring into his mouth.

The donkey can only look at him pitifully, feeling extremely wronged.

“Okay, let yourself be smart, I’ll go to put out the fire first!”

Rohr said, stuffing the little milk cat in his pocket, and hurried out of the cabin.

As a result, as soon as he left, the donkey still stubbornly spit out the drawstring, then lowered his head to bite the carrot dropped by Rohr, and continued to chew.

For it, eat this carrot as soon as possible to better protect itself and everyone.

This is much more important than parachutes!

It’s a pity that my stupid master doesn’t understand anything!

Rohr took care of the little donkey, and ran to the cabin that caught fire.

With the help of several priests using divine arts, the open flame was temporarily extinguished, but it had caused enough damage. The airship’s height began to drop gradually, and the outer barrier was also crumbling under the attack of the plesiosaur. It was the doctor’s support. Strive to support.

“Stop! Hold on! Don’t fall!”

Roel yelled, and quickly turned around to deal with the uninvited guests outside.

He found an empty shooting window, picked up the matchlock and gunpowder plug next to him, and prepared to fill the gun with bullets.

However, after stabbing the gunpowder twice, he realized that there was something wrong, and quickly threw the matchlock gun away and took out the saber from his left hand.

He originally wanted to use sword energy, but the position of the shooting window was not very good, and the figure of the snake-necked flying dragon could not be seen.

This is where there is no perception of the drawbacks.

Rohr had to change the shooting window that was facing upwards, just in time he could see a snake-necked flying dragon leaping toward him, and he seemed to have been spotted, and he was sticking out the big mouth like a snake’s kiss and biting it.

As a result, he bit on the barrier of the airship and added a few more cracks to the precarious barrier.

Rohr also seized this opportunity, slashing out two sword auras, and pointed directly at the head of the snake-necked flying dragon.

As a result, the sword energy was also cut on the barrier…

Then, the barrier shattered…

The crew also shouted desperately:

“The barrier is broken! We’re done!”

“This is a trap!”

“Abandon the ship to escape!”

The doctor on the other end spurted blood and staggered, almost fainting because of the magical backlash.

He didn’t understand that the attack power of these beasts was not very strong, and he could support it for a while, but why did he suddenly suffer a heavy hit?

Could it be that there are still some powerful monsters hidden in this group of monsters?

Roel looked at the fragments in front of him and was turning into a little barrier, which was also a bit daunting.

Why can this thing block sword energy, but not bullets and cannonballs?

Fortunately, the doctor is also a gritty bishop. He took out a few bottles of colorful reagents from his arms, stuffed them into his mouth, and then once again propped up the barrier.

Roer couldn’t help but didn’t dare to attack with sword aura anymore, so he had to try to change his mind.

Fortunately, the weapon in his hand has been upgraded and has long-range firepower!

So he quickly touched the fishbone emblem on the hilt, and then turned the end of the hilt counterclockwise to activate the heavy crossbow form of the saber.

The hilt of the sword suddenly opened like a stretched bread, turning into that very long, very cool shape, without the weird shape of a crossbow and bowstring.

“I remember, it seems to be winding first…”

He murmured and pulled the crossbow bolt next to him.

There was a crackling sound from the inside of the heavy crossbow.

Then he used the crosshair on the crossbow arm to aim at a plesiosaur that was about to pounce on the top air bag, and squeezed the trigger.

The long and narrow crossbow suddenly lit up with a light blue light, and a secret magic array appeared at the top.

Then, three rounds of ammunition without arrow shafts and tail feathers, which looked like hidden weapons of darts, were launched through the secret magic circle in front.

After the three arrows were shot out, they suddenly turned into three light **** with a light blue trail, drew three beautiful arcs in the air, and hit the three plesiosaurs respectively.

The snake-necked flying dragon hit by the light ball suddenly exploded violently, turning into three scattered blood mists, and was killed in an instant.

Rol suddenly felt a little dazed, and looked down at the strange weapon in his hand.

He just learned about the usage method before, and has not tested the power and specific performance. Anyway, everything is solved by swordsmanship, so he has no hope for this thing, and he has the right to be a toy.

However, this power and performance is simply shocking.

Explosive warheads, three rounds at a time, automatic search for the enemy, headshots…

Lu Benwei is nothing but that, right?

“Is it so powerful?”

He couldn’t help but mutter.

He remembered that when he was still working in the military, people who heard them mentioned that the new rifle was undergoing intensive final testing. By then, it could be loaded directly from the rear, which was much more convenient than loading from the muzzle.

It also seems to be equipped with a magazine. It can be loaded with a single shot and pull the bolt. It is convenient and fast. The firepower density can be several times stronger than before. If the whole army is installed, the military’s combat effectiveness can be improved.

People in the military very much hope that this new rifle will be able to complete the experiment as soon as possible and install the troops.

However, even this most advanced new rifle, compared to the crossbow in Rohr’s hand, is almost like an old antique and a toy.

It doesn’t feel like a weapon of the same era.

But it was obviously not the time to consider these, Rohr hurriedly pulled the crossbow bolt and loaded it again.

As a result, the crisp noise did not come.

“Ah! What is going on?”

“Oh, by the way, I remember, the ammunition is equipped with three rounds, I have to load the ammunition first…”

He pulled a trigger attached to the side of the crossbow body, and a magazine-like box fell out from under the crossbow, and there was a rocker beside it, which looked a bit like a hand-cranked pencil sharpener.

He opened the box, grabbed a handful of bullets from the nearby ammunition rack, stuffed it into the box, then held the rocker and turned it vigorously.

The action looks like a crazy pencil sharpening.

After shaking for a while, he stopped and put the magazine back into the heavy crossbow after hearing a crackling sound from the magazine.

In this process, the plesier-necked flying dragon did not hang up and waited for him to reload. Instead, he launched several fierce attacks and used their innate acid spitting skills.

According to the research of biologists, the acid in the stomach of plesiosaurs is a very important resource for their survival. If they spit out and attack the enemy, they will be unable to eat and digest for a long time, and they may be starved to death.

So this can be regarded as a killer for their lives, a method only used when they are extremely angry.

But generally speaking, in this situation, they should give priority to escape.

This time, there were all kinds of things wrong…

But after all, it is the opponent’s killer. The power is much more powerful than ordinary attacks. Under a series of acid spitting attacks, the barrier that was just erected was once again covered with cracks. The doctor also spurted blood again, and quickly took it out of his pocket. Several bottles of medicine suffocated into his mouth.

If he doesn’t deal with this group of beasts quickly, his medicine will almost run out.

Fortunately, at this time, Rohr fired again.

This time, a total of seven arrows were shot out from the heavy crossbow, which turned into seven blue streamers, and they hit the seven-headed pliers-necked flying dragon respectively.

There is no one else…

There were not many pliers-necked flying dragons that had besieged the airship, only about 20 years old, and Rohr managed to solve a half with two attacks.

The crew also noticed his victory and cheered.

It’s a pity that Rohr didn’t have time to enjoy this He quickly removed the magazine and started to sharpen the pencil again…

The function of this hook is still not comprehensive enough, there is no infinite bullets and one-second reload.

But at this moment, a long and deep roar suddenly came out in the air…


This roar was powerful and powerful, as if a giant beast was roaring.

The pitch is okay, but the sound is a little weird, it sounds like a donkey is barking, a little weird.

But after hearing this strange roar, the snake-necked flying dragon, who was originally immortal with the airship, turned around immediately, like frightened sparrows, and fled in all directions.


Alas, no one gave a reward, and the list can’t be drawn…


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