My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 130 - Crisis lifted

Although the plesier-necked dragon was driven away by the weird roar, the airship couldn’t hold on anymore at this time.

Although the crew was working hard to repair it, in the end the airship could only be forced to land in a desolate forest. The huge airbag deflated, hung up a large piece of tree branch, and finally landed next to a river beach.

Under the protection of divine art, the people on the ship were all safe and sound, at most only slightly injured, and the remaining fuel of the airship was also properly handled, eliminating the risk of a second explosion, and it was temporarily safe.

The little donkey was of course safe and sound, and the parachute on his back was useless.

It’s a pity. Originally, Rohr wanted to see what little donkey skydiving is like. He should be cute, right?

As a result, the most injured was the doctor…

Fortunately, his medical skills and magic skills are very good, and he has a lot of medicine.

“Ahem…What kind of attack did I get when I maintained the enchantment? Did any of you notice?”

“That must be a rough, evil, and fierce guy. Thinking about it makes people feel terrified. Fortunately, he retreats, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!”

The doctor said with lingering fears.

Rohr lowered his head beside him, did not dare to speak…

It was obviously impossible to want to leave at the moment. Although the distress signal was sent, there was no response, and it seemed that he was disturbed.

Even the compass and other measuring instruments on the ship were out of order, and the pointers squirmed like cramps, and it was impossible to determine the current position.

“I can only guess roughly based on the route, we should be in this area now…”

The captain pointed his finger at a small area on the map and said.

This place is close to the border of Kodo Province, and if you fly further north, you can enter Vier Province where the imperial capital is located. Also, from the map, the nearest city seems to be less than 100 kilometers away. If it doesn’t work, You can walk there on foot.

At present, materials and supplies have been snatched from the airship. They are very sufficient. Even if they stand still and wait for assistance, they can last for many days, so everyone is not too worried.

Everyone will set up a temporary camp on the river beach with the things on the airship.

“After dawn tomorrow, let’s explore the surroundings before making a decision. The forest at night is too dangerous to act rashly.”

“I can’t relax our vigilance tonight. The chief mate is ready to watch the night. Everyone should be smart.”

The captain exhorted a few more words at last.

The surrounding crew nodded, and it seemed that the first battle was still very scary.

“The monster that roared last was the terrible monster that hurt the Bishop? Did any of you see it?”

“No, the light is too dim, and it’s chaotic. Everything I see is like a monster.”

“The strange thing is, why did the monster turn its head and ran away after the roar? Could it be that it saw something terrible, just two deterrent roars?”

The crew were talking again there, and Roll hesitated several times, but he still didn’t say anything too embarrassed.

He didn’t want to admit that he was the “monster” that hurt the doctor.

However, he didn’t shout or scream, what did the group of flying dragons scare away?

Is that thing still left? Hiding in the surrounding darkness, ready to ambush us at any time?

Roel pondered in his heart, the more he thought about it, the more he was afraid, he stood up abruptly, and said to everyone:

“No, I really can’t rest assured, I’m going to patrol around.”

The captain and others instinctively wanted to dissuade them, but they were stopped by the doctor, and they said:

“I will go with you.”

“Farewell, goodbye, you should take a good rest.”

Luo Er repeatedly waved his hands.

“Didn’t you say that I am fine? Are you a doctor or am I a doctor?”

The doctor asked angrily.

Rohr had to change his narrative:

“No, I won’t go too far, just turn around and come back in ten minutes, there is no need to follow.”

After the doctor listened, he sat back again.

Several brave priests and crew members wanted to go with him, but he declined.

“Don’t look at me like this, I’m actually an expert in field survival, so don’t worry.”

“You can take care of my little donkey and little milk cat.”

After speaking, Rohr put the little milk cat on the head of the donkey again, and disappeared by himself in the woods on the opposite bank of the river beach.

He didn’t dare to bring the little donkey, fearing that he would really meet a big monster, and swallowing his only mount in one bite.

So everyone waited for ten minutes.

Roll did not return as promised.

Then waited another hour.

Roll still didn’t come back.

Two more hours passed.

Still did not see Rohr’s figure.

Everyone was a little anxious, planning to search and rescue.

But now the sky is very dark and dark. Except for the camp, there is still a little light. The surrounding forest is pitch black, like a huge mouth that can swallow everything, and I really don’t dare to approach it.

The key is that you can’t use the compass or anything. Going out to find someone is likely to cause more people to disappear.

However, the doctor insisted that people be searched and rescued, but the captain refused his request for the safety of more people, and the two even broke out in a quarrel.

Fortunately, when the two quarreled for another hour, Rohr finally came back.

“Ahem, the forest at night, the road is not easy to walk.”

He coughed twice and his face was slightly embarrassed.

In fact, he really planned to make a circle around the area and return after confirming the surrounding conditions.

As a result, around, the big camp disappeared miraculously!

He quickly reached into his shirt pocket, trying to take out the little milk cat.

Then I found out that I was blindly confident before and left the little milk cat in the camp.

Now, it’s a bit embarrassing…

There was no way for him, and he didn’t dare to sleep alone in the woods of this unknown condition, so he had to bite the bullet and continue wandering around.

Fortunately, he was lucky, and it didn’t take long to see a little fire.

So he ran quickly, got out of the bushes, and said in his mouth:

“Sorry, sorry, I’m going…”

Before he could finish his words, he realized that something was wrong.

There is indeed a camp in front of him, but it is not his own camp.

About a dozen weird people wearing black robes and embroidered mosquito coils on their chests were surrounded by a campfire, uttering a series of babbles.

Under their feet, there is a huge secret magic circle, which is slowly rotating, and it exudes that dark green evil color.

“Uh… I went wrong?”

Rohr smiled and scratched his head.

The other party was also taken aback by the guy who suddenly emerged from the bushes.

But they quickly reacted and took out daggers, daggers, pistols and other weapons from their arms and pointed them at Roll.

“No, can’t you guys have something to say?”

Rohr took two steps back quickly and reached out to touch the saber around his waist.

“kill him!”

The group of people in black robes shouted and rushed towards Luo Er.

“Why are you so unreasonable?”

“Then I can only convince people with reason!”

Rohr said, greeted him.

The mosquito-repellent coil on the chest of the black-robed man whirled, and when Rollon felt a slight change in the surrounding air.

It seems to be heavier?

But his actions were not affected, the saber lit up with a snow-colored flash in his hand, successfully persuading the person in front of him.

The remaining black-robed people couldn’t help but stunned. Although their faces were covered by hoods, their expressions must be full of surprise at this time.

“Why? Will it be invalid?”

“He has not been mentally contaminated, and his actions have not become rigid and chaotic?”

“No, get the idea, get out!”

The black-robed people stepped back a few steps, and they were about to flee.

As soon as Rohr heard the word mental pollution, he was sure that the other party was definitely not a good thing, so he responded in a low voice:

“Want to go?”

“Am I allowed?”

As he said, his right hand flicked the hilt of the sword lightly, and a few silver sword lights flashed again in the darkness.

In the blink of an eye, the people in black robes were persuaded by him that they would never join the cult in their lives.

It’s a pity that the donkey is not there, otherwise you can invite them to stay in a villa on the outskirts of nature.

It was a serious mistake not to bring two small animals out.

Rohr bent down and searched for them for a while. In addition to some money, he also found two blood-stained letters.

But this letter is like it wasn’t written in Imperial language. Although Rohr knew every character, he didn’t even understand the meaning at all.

He had to search for a while in the tents next to the camp, and finally found a radio station, some weird materials, and a codebook.

“It’s all here.”

While talking to the doctor and the others, he took out the seized items from his left hand.

The captain, the doctor and others spent some time working together with the codebook to successfully decipher the two secret letters.

There is not much specific content there, only a few sentences.

“The prey is on the road, ready to do it.”

“Master Apostle will give you strength!”

“Lurking, trailing, killing!”

Although it is only a one-sided secret letter, I don’t know what kind of exchanges the two sides have conducted, and the translation is very uncomfortable.

But you can also tell a rough idea.

“They are here for me.”

The doctor’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

“The development of new drugs is not kept secret, and many people come to the door halfway through to try to invest and cooperate.”

“But I rejected them all. I did not study this medicine to make money, and the headquarters fully supported my research, and there was no shortage of money.”

“Some people expressed regret and left, but some people left unwillingly.”

After listening to the doctor’s explanation, Rohr couldn’t help but say something to him:

“You all know that your medicine is a good thing in the future, why are you not at all prepared?”

The doctor shook his head with a wry smile, and said to himself:

“After staying in the laboratory for a long time, the idea will inevitably become naive and underestimate the greed and ugliness of human beings.”

Rohr sighed, and was not good enough to say anything more, so he could only change his words and suggest:

“When you go to the imperial capital, you must pay attention to your safety. If it doesn’t work, I’ll stay with you.”

The doctor was stunned, his expression looked a little moved, but he shook his head and said:

“It doesn’t have to be like this. As long as I can reach the imperial capital, I will be safe. There is very strict security over there.”

“Oh…Anyway, let’s leave this ghost place first.”

Roll sighed.

At this moment, the captured radio station suddenly made a sound.

The correspondent on the ship hurried over, recorded the content of the message, and then translated it with a cipher book. There was only one simple question:

“how is the progress?”

The captain and the doctor looked at each other for a while, a little at a loss, and then turned their heads to look at Rohr.

Rohr smiled coldly and said to the correspondent:

“You reply to him:’The murderer was an enthusiastic crowd who didn’t want to be named. Don’t hit my friend again, or I will kill you all within three days! The ashes will be given to you!’”

The correspondent couldn’t help being embarrassed, and he didn’t dare to send this telegram.

But Rohr squeezed his shoulders and stared at him with indisputable eyes.

The correspondent had to bite the bullet and sent the telegram.

The radio then fell into silence, and after a long time there was no response. It seemed that the other party obviously didn’t want to have a boring fight with Rohr.

“Ah, by the way, since their radio is available, then our distress signal should also be sent out, right?”

The captain suddenly realized something, and quickly asked the telegraph operator to try to contact the nearby airport.

Soon, I received a response here.

The other party was also very anxious, because they did not observe them on the scheduled route and thought they had been crashed. They had already dispatched a search and rescue team in advance, and they needed to provide specific directions here.

The radio station worked, and the compass and various observing instruments returned to normal. The captain took the first officer toss and figured out the exact location of the camp, and sent it in a text message.

The other party said that the airship of the search and rescue team was already on the way and could be there by tomorrow morning at the latest.

Everyone couldn’t help but cheered. This time the crisis was finally overwhelmingly unpredictable.

Although the doctor was equally happy, he was thinking about another question in his mind.

Although Rohr’s description was very understatement, he just happened to meet a cult camp when he was walking around at random.

It sounds calm, but as a bishop-level figure, the doctor clearly knows how cruel and dangerous the cultists are.

These guys are much more powerful than the priests and bishops of the Orthodox Church. They can obtain the ability of spiritual pollution from the evil gods they believe in, and cooperate with all kinds of weird sorceries, and they can even threaten the powerful of the eighth order~www.mtlnovel .com~ But in front of Roer, it seems that they are just a group of ants that are much lazier to mention?

Although he knew that Rolle was strong before, he was also confused at that time and did not have a clear understanding of Rolle’s performance.

Until today, I have a clearer feeling.

My friend, where are you holy?

The doctor could not help but asked silently in his heart.


So happy to be able to make the list again!

Thanks: It’s so difficult to name it, it’s always occupied, Yueyu Xingying, warmaa, Moon and Wood, Wanlikong 2, Muyi Ink Shadow, Eternity, A Pig Who Loves to Read, Methyl Silicon Wan, Yanqing, Miao Jiang Miao Generous rewards from friends such as Jiang Miao Jiang and Daburndan!


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